Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage 4 (Ep.16)
Summer episode! Yet, no Revy and Eda in bikinis on the beach. Unfortunate.
Anyways, female contracted counterfeiter runs away to church where Eda and Revy are, her gangster pursuers chase after her and make the mistake of shooting at the church.
I like how more than one guy warns the shooter that he shouldn't shoot like crazy in the city, even a church can be deadly. They are correct in these regards.
A mistaken top-down shot happens soon after this where the granny's piece is colored the ordinary grey. Booo. But we know it is gold in canon.
Anyhow, girl saved, but forced to explain herself. She is boring in her nerdtalk so Revy and Eda get impatient. I love it when they work together, even in toe tapping. Things happen, she gets a bounty on her head yadda yadda.
Anyhow, seems like Eda and Revy are going to be hand-in-hand with this arc. This gon' be good.
In other news, American cowboys get no respect