Its time to do some spring cleaning of this outrageous backlog. I started these shows months ago but they stand at the midpoint between decent and boring. Now Im abiding by the 3-episode rule or giving them one more chance to see if any of them are worth investing time into.
Asatte no Houkou 2-3
As soon as I saw the hair sheen, I could tell this was a JC Staff anime. Dem
Aoi Hana vibes at work. These few episodes are much better than episode one. If I had to drop all the shows collecting dust in the backlog and keep only one, Asatte no Houkou would be that one. The drama is getting kind of heavy but its handling the characterization very well.
Mawaru Penguindrum 3
I can safely say I dont care. I dont care about the two male leads. I dont care about their sister. I dont care about the penguins. I sort of care about the stalker chick. And if I have to listen to that Rock N Roll Night song one more time Im going to punch a fucking hole in my wall.
Sketchbook ~full color'S~ 2-3
This show is probably best to watch after a long day. Its the type show you watch to help you fall asleep and I dont mean that in a negative way. Its not particularly boring but Im not enthralled by it either. Gotta drop it.
Planetes 4
I can understand the love for this show, but man does Hachimaki have the biggest stick up his ass. Even when he does something worth rooting for, he still does it in the most obnoxious way possible so that your opinion of him doesnt change by the end of an episode. I will give it one more episode.
Fate/Zero 3
*first half*
Yup, gonna drop this.
*Saber shows up*
Well, Ill give it one more episode.
*thinks about it*
Nah, Im just going to drop it for now and if anything, put it on hold, watch the Fate/stay night dub and then maybe return to F/Z when the show itself gets dubbed because the Japanese VAs are doing nothing for me. I feel like Im still getting thrown some bloat in the writing department. Saber is seriously the only character I enjoy watching. Everyone just seems uninteresting right now. Most of all that Waver kid is a clown and comes off more as some Harry Potter side-villain reject from the house of Slytherin than a character that truly belongs on this show.
Stratos 4 2-3
lol. So thats what it sounds when Japanese voice actors try to do American accents. Had to replay that part a few times to make sure I heard right. Uh, Im sure that was convincing enough for everyone who is not American. I remember picking this up from a GAF recommendation on shows that were somewhat similar to Planetes. It did come with the disclaimer that it was moe. There's also some classy (read: fanservice) shots like
this one and
this one.
I gotta drop it.
Ro-Kyu-Bu! 4
I only watched this show for a similar reason why someone would engage in those restaurant-specific eating challenges: to be able to say I endured something stupid that many others couldnt do. After 5 episodes of this show, I am able to that I cant eat this entire 12 foot burrito. Though Im sure theres a competent underdog story in this show, I just cannot endure it anymore. I hate the character designs. I hate everyone. Dropped.