Same. Is that the same character? What the hell. Did they do a timeskip?
They pulled a medaka before medaka.
And it became pretty awesome. Think magic spells and stuff at DBZ pace.
Same. Is that the same character? What the hell. Did they do a timeskip?
They pulled a medaka before medaka.
And it became pretty awesome. Think magic spells and stuff at DBZ pace.
Same. Is that the same character? What the hell. Did they do a timeskip?
I've heard it had a disappoint ending, though, didn't it?
Guess I'll come back and read it eventually, then.
I knew you were joking.I didn't actually mean that, it was a dig at people who actually think spoilery previews and long episode recaps are a good thing, heh.
I have one. Though I haven't updated it in a while, since I'm trying to be a more accepting person.I don't believe you guys actually keep a list of people from the internet.
I don't believe you guys actually keep a list of people from the internet.
I've heard it had a disappoint ending, though, didn't it?
Guess I'll come back and read it eventually, then.
the only OP intro that I liked was kaze wo sagashite
ahahaha, really? That tends to be the most hated OP for a lot of people, partially because of how tone-deaf it is in reflecting the really dark events going on in the show at that time and partially because the guy that composed it is actually an avowed anime-hater who composed it without even knowing anything about One Piece.
Wait, when did this OP happen? I don't remember it at all.
I don't really have a favourite One Piece OP (the one before the terrible New World OP is the only one still fresh in my mind), but ED 3 is by and far my favourite ED. Edit: Not that it has much competition any more, what with One Piece no longer having EDs.
Anyway, my favorite one is definitely Kokoro no Chizu because it's when the art get all digital era-ish. I also ended up watching it when I was still in the 20s, so that kept me motivated to keep watching while also unintentionally spoiling myself >_> (though the OP does that anyway).
Wait, when did this OP happen? I don't remember it at all.
I don't really have a favourite One Piece OP (the one before the terrible New World OP is the only one still fresh in my mind), but ED 3 is by and far my favourite ED. Edit: Not that it has much competition any more, what with One Piece no longer having EDs.
the only OP intro that I liked was kaze wo sagashite
Wait, when did this OP happen? I don't remember it at all.
I don't really have a favourite One Piece OP (the one before the terrible New World OP is the only one still fresh in my mind), but ED 3 is by and far my favourite ED. Edit: Not that it has much competition any more, what with One Piece no longer having EDs.
Oh right... yea... I kinda skipped through most of Impel Down.
Tsuritama 03
Those five seconds of animation (you know which ones I'm talking about) looked like something out of Imaishi's hands. Too bad about the rest. At least it's not Hyouka?
I haven't watched Mononoke, but that cartoon's premise doesn't sound stupidly boring. I think I'm gonna check that out instead.
Oh right... yea... I kinda skipped through most of Impel Down. Even skipped the second Robin episodeKeep meaning to go back to it.
aww.. it was easily like the best animated arc =P
Always room for a little comedy even in serious episodes! said:
Michiru and Ami isolated before bonding in their natural element. said:
But...Impel Down is one of the best arcs in the series.
Yea but the one after it is the best. How was I supposed to know it was going to be handled so piss poorly... I guess that's some kind of karma.
Yea but the one after it is the best. How was I supposed to know it was going to be handled so piss poorly... I guess that's some kind of karma.
Toei giveth, and Toei taketh away. But mostly Toei spoileth.
If we don't get a theatrical version of Marineford eventually I'll be PISSED.
Yea but the one after it is the best. How was I supposed to know it was going to be handled so piss poorly... I guess that's some kind of karma.
What, you didn't love three minutes per episode of Buggy filler and random Hancock daydreams breaking everything up?
War is like... a slideshow.
That would be ideal (with Tate as the animation director).
People talking about One Piece? What the hell is this the manga thread?
Speaking of love triangles, the misunderstandings are getting fucking stupid on Kids on the Slope.
dat zombie moe
Honestly at this point I'd rather pay higher prices for US releases if it means more quality releases with extras. I'm sick of the barebones shit. Give me better quality, US companies, even if it comes at higher prices.
Eureka Seven AO ep 3
Pretty nice episode and informative. I think I have enough of the pieces in place to not have any questions I had about the series from not seeing Eureka Seven to understand the current plot. The OP is really nice and catchy "ESCAPE kono kaze ni namida wo nose kareru made supiido agete, tobikoete yukeru..."
Nice G-monster design and other elements to it, reminded me of senhime zesshou symphogear for some reason, color scheme and method or projectiles
This post involves you dropping a lot of shows I like in a brutal fashionMawaru Penguindrum 3
I can safely say I dont care. I dont care about the two male leads. I dont care about their sister. I dont care about the penguins. I sort of care about the stalker chick. And if I have to listen to that Rock N Roll Night song one more time Im going to punch a fucking hole in my wall.
Sketchbook ~full color'S~ 2-3
This show is probably best to watch after a long day. Its the type show you watch to help you fall asleep and I dont mean that in a negative way. Its not particularly boring but Im not enthralled by it either. Gotta drop it.
Planetes 4
I can understand the love for this show, but man does Hachimaki have the biggest stick up his ass. Even when he does something worth rooting for, he still does it in the most obnoxious way possible so that your opinion of him doesnt change by the end of an episode. I will give it one more episode.
Fate/Zero 3
*first half*
Yup, gonna drop this.
*Saber shows up*
Well, Ill give it one more episode.
*thinks about it*
Nah, Im just going to drop it for now and if anything, put it on hold, watch the Fate/stay night dub and then maybe return to F/Z when the show itself gets dubbed because the Japanese VAs are doing nothing for me. I feel like Im still getting thrown some bloat in the writing department. Saber is seriously the only character I enjoy watching. Everyone just seems uninteresting right now. Most of all that Waver kid is a clown and comes off more as some Harry Potter side-villain reject from the house of Slytherin than a character that truly belongs on this show.
I really don't recommend watching any show, even Penguin Drum, in quite such a piecemeal fashion. Skipping to the end without watching what leads up to it is hugely pointless as well, especially for 'some closure'.Wise choice. If you feel like it, you should watch episodes 20 (for the goodness) and 24 (for some closure).
seriously? oh wow. that's pretty messed up given how much that whole thing cost.Don't encourage them! I find it extremely hilarious that they didn't translate those mini-episodes for the Fate/Zero mega release. That's disgusting.
It was good at some point?Ergo Proxy is not good at first though.
I honestly didn't thinkIt surprised me a little.Ritsuko was actually interested in Sentarou.
She's not which makes the whole situation even dumber.
nah. it's pretty much just focusing on the animals but there are humans they interact with. it's a pretty damn good show!
Maybe they are saving it for DLC.Don't encourage them! I find it extremely hilarious that they didn't translate those mini-episodes for the Fate/Zero mega release. That's disgusting.
Hainbane Renmei, Bamboo Blade and then a bunch of currently airing shows. Mawaru Penguindrum and Planetes are getting second chances though. Planetes is kind of weird actually, I couldn't be more happy with its first episode but then it just started to teeter a bit but I feel it should be picking up from where I left, so now I'm thinking I was too hasty on impressions of it thus far.This post involves you dropping a lot of shows I like in a brutal fashion
Are you watching anything that you do enjoy?
In before someone's all like "why bother? the maggots add more to the sensation".
So why shouldn't I watch Ergo Proxy?