The greatest tragedy in HeartCatch is that Ban-kun didn't become the first male precure.
E7 AO2
Everything apart from the animation was bleh.
What episode of Yami are you on?
The greatest tragedy in HeartCatch is that Ban-kun didn't become the first male precure.
E7 AO2
Everything apart from the animation was bleh.
The greatest tragedy in HeartCatch is that Ban-kun didn't become the first male precure.
It's laid out pretty clearly early on in the episode that she thinks both guys are crushing on the lady they saved at the beach.I don't believe she had that interpretation at the start of the performance personally, so that bored/unmoved look on her face stuck with me and basically diminished the power of the piece played, as it made it seem as if that piece/performance wasn't all that great.
tbh i wouldnt be surprised if the boyish looking girl turns out to be a boy
I mean we already have the church/christian element, who says it wont pull a Guilty Gear
It turns out the cure is a heaping helping ofRick's bread.
What episode of Yami are you on?
I just checked Pixiv and, as expected, there's a lot of art of Ban-kun in Cure Fire's costume.
some of it's actually kind of good.
Phoenix down!
Still haven't watched past 10.Since madpierrot wasn't answering my summons on IRC earlier, we were unable to coordinate further watching.
Ban-kun also has the best looking girl in the show as his mother. Ban-kun is one lucky guy.
Is that the zombie girl? she's cute!
Wasn't there a ghost girl this season too? Which is more [redacted]?
It's laid out pretty clearly early on in the episode that she thinks both guys are crushing on the lady they saved at the beach.
awwThe greatest tragedy in HeartCatch is that Ban-kun didn't become the first male precure.
jacknicholsonnod.gifYou haven't seen anything until you've seen this version of it.
The sheer manliness of :55 to 1:00. made hair erupt on my upper lip.This is better.
zombie girl. moe and sexy. ghost girl is just sexy.
zombie girl. moe and sexy. ghost girl is just sexy.
please... "just"
She is the better girl and the Dusk Maiden is the better show and manga.
Was it confirmed that E7AO was a direct sequel? I always understood it as it taking in the same universe - as in it takes place in the same type of world with the same physics etc. I never believed it to be a direct sequel.
Sankarea 4
So apart from the opening scene, this is a pretty severe drop in quality. The visual interest is mostly gone, the editing is lazy, and the zombie scenario goes in some icky directions that are awkwardly handled. It didn't really do a great job of selling the chemistry between the central couple, unlike the earlier scenes in the abandoned building. In the end, it's kind of dull. Probably won't keep following this. If Shinichi Omata directs another show, hopefully it's not with DEEN. Better source material would be nice too.
Kids on a Slope - 03
That whole tsundere jazz scene was pure lol. And I'm surprised at how things were moving along, since when did shows start moving romance plots along in so few episodes, I'm so confused right now.
It didn't help that the fanservice was suddenly ramped up in particularly obtrusive ways.
Also, that episode had extremely obnoxious music design for some reason.
Kids on a Slope - 03
That whole tsundere jazz scene was pure lol. And I'm surprised at how things were moving along, since when did shows start moving romance plots along in so few episodes, I'm so confused right now.
Finally?It's a shame that Gainax has finally sold out.
dem yuri goggles they do nothingHere's the KyoAni commercial that aired during Hyouka. It's animated in a style very much unlike what one typically associates with the studio.
If she were a dude that would be grounds for prison.#doublestandardsDoes a girl need a reason to carry a knife?
I don't think it was very moé aside from the catgirl. Just... cute.In a world where everything has become moe...
Some might say not reading Lovecraft is the only way to remain sane in this forsaken land we called Earth.Reading Lovecraft is not necessary. You only really need to know the basics.
I think there are laws against growing your own supply of roundcats.Poyopoyo 16
So that's how you get your own roundcat. Gotta get myself a farm now.
Scratch that, there should be laws against this.
It was better keion animu than K-ON!.Heartcatch Precure 35-36
Well that was a crappy school festival arc. Nothing interesting happened.
Final Fantasy IV did it almost two decades before Persona 4.Heartcatch Precure 37
Naked truth lies only if you realize, appearing in nobody's eyes till they sterilize, Stop the guerrilla warfare to keep it fair, Bro change your rage to a smarter greater cause, You know the stake is high stardom is near, Those who sympathized you die killers pass you by, Do not waste your time in hating flirting guys, Use your might to AIs do justice to them all
Now I face out I hold out, I reach out to the truth of my life, Seeking to seize on the whole moment to now break away
Oh God let me out, Can you let me out, Can you set me free from this dark inner world, Save me now, Last beat in the soul
At least you got Fluttershy on top.[/sighs]Mai Ritoru Poni: Yuujou wa Mahou 1-26 (COMPLETE) - This show reminds me of those 90s cartoons I grew up watching, it's the kind of children's show that doesn't feel to childish to watch despite it's subject manner, and it's charming and a lot of fun to watch because of that. You get nice children-friendly messages about friendship and whatnot and don't feel gaga over how they are executed!
Not a big fan of the art or the flash animation, but I was actually pretty impressed by the animation on a technical level, there's a lot of excellently animated expressions and gags, I think the variety of pony avatars you see on GAF and the internet taken straight from the show, is a testament to that in a way.:lol
Not so sure if it's worthy of the hype it receives on the internet, but it was definitely watch-able, and will probably get around to Season 2 sooner then later!
Also pony rankings - Fluttershy > Rainbow Dash > Twilight sparkle > Apple jack > Pinkie pie > Rarity.
I wanna see how many lists they come up with for each issue.- Madoka Magica is a big enough franchise now to get its own bimonthly magazine.
Maybe it's just my Outpost Gallifrey background speaking, but these percentages are meaningless to me without any concrete audience numbers. Then again, do I really want to know how niche Japanese cartoons are?
Saint Seiya Precure is beating (oYo)'s arse though!Decent numbers for Space Bros and Lupin. I'm glad.
The word deconstruction needs to be deconstructed.A compelling deconstruction of the Lovecraft mythos for a postmodern era in creative fiction.
Is necrophilia the one fetish the otaku are not too hot on?Sankarea is pulling completely standard ratings for the late-night Thursday slot on TBS it airs in, similar to previous shows in that slot like The Idolmaster. There is no reason to expect it to perform better in the ratings - it's not going to have the mainstream appeal that NTV can sometimes tap into with shows like Kaiji.
Ramen BudgetRandom question.
What is the term when animators can't keep consistent faces (aka much derp faces)? Or is there one?
The truly mainstream animus don't live from home video sales, however.Ratings are utterly irrelevant to sales.
Superdeformed has nothing to do with technical errors. It's just an art style.It still is, but in that case its intentional.
Usually they call that superdeformed though.
I hate having to bite into the apple. The peel always gets inserted between my front teeth.Mirai Nikki 3
... I mean, who the hell peels apples?
I'm sure GuroGAF would attest against that! (Do we even have a GuroGAF? I don't wanna know.)If I took everything at face valuewould have probably been a lot sexier for me.Saya no Uta
My uncle married his girlfriend from secondary school (they dated for eighteen years before marriage). I don't know what this means for my family.They deserve it anyway, ending up with your childhood friend is like marrying your sister!
uuuuh I'm pretty sure loli H-Manga no longer disclaims itself with such additions. Hell, nobody does! They just don't bother themselves with specifically stating the characters' ages.Are you guys the type who find no issues with loli H-manga because they say they're 18?
I love your new tag, but let it be known that I did it first.I thought we were nakama![]()
Speaking of stuff I've been saying for years!I really have to agree on point three. Eureka 7 is poorly paced and poorly structured series.
Has Totoro come out in Blu-ray yet or are the mainstream Japanese just not Blu-Ray acclimated yet?
Erika here. Erika there. Erika everywhere.HeartCatch PreCure! 12
Hmmmmm, yeah....
I probably shouldn't read too much into this.
Hey man, what you got against Level 5? They gave us cool stuff too.What makes me even happier is that it's not just the anime BD/DVDs which are super bomba. The entire franchise is a fucking disaster for Level-5 and Bandai in general. The model kits aren't selling, there aren't any good insert songs or OP/EDs, the manga spin-offs and side stories totally tanked, etc. Nothing, I repeat, NOTHING about Gundam AGE is anything close to even a decent success.
Hey Hino-san, karma's a bitch eh?![]()
The worst part about that cover is not the anatomy, but the boring-arse font. It's too classy for such a piece of shit animu.How could you not touch this when walking past it.
Motherfucking shit YES.
you should watch heartcatch dude. it owns!
Did Utena teach you fuckers nothing?I imagine it's like America. Boys aren't allowed to wear pink or watch shows meant for girls.
I got shit for watching Rugrats when I was like ten. Show for babbiez and all.I always got shit for watching Tenchi Muyo. Oddly enough my mother was the one who was okay with it; my old man on the other hand was convinced that stuff like Tenchi and Ranma 1/2 were porn.
The moment I realised almost all my tastes in video games did not reflect those of the mainstream market I became a happier GAFfer. Surely the same can apply for you and your animus, people!...and yes, I am very bitter at how well this show performed because of Chihaya's bomba.
Fuck you Otaku's. Fuck uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
But would that truly sell? Considering they'll be into boys and all that crap.Hyouka bomb = Kyoani emergency plan C (K-On college years or Haruhi S3 next spring!)
Maybe the show wouldn't be so irritating if it had Tapioca as the cute sidekick instead of Haru.but ducks are tasty and cute since Tsuritama.
The 4th-wall breaking narrator was the highlight of the show. Also Kugiloli that's not a midget.Okami-san and Her Seven Companions 1-12 (FINAL)
She's just into the excitement of saliva-swapping. Like I've said before, she is not good waifu material. She's a slut!MGX 3
So what would've happened if?the other dude reacted somehow? Would she have dumped Tsubaki's ass then and there
I'm starting to get the slight feeling there's not enough give and take in this relationship.
There really is no point in banning a certain word if you are just gonna use an euphemism for it.See? SHES FUCKING ADORABLE
She wouldn't even need to murder me. I'd just look at her and hnng to death.
It would be fucking glorious.
Shoot?I wonder if, at some point in the future, someone will shoot an anime at 60fps, and it will cause everyone to go totally insane like with The Hobbit.
Is the ClariS album actually good?Oh yeah, more data from the weekly sales, not including the aforementioned Idolmaster CDs:
I swear there was a Do-re-mi episode with this exact same plot line.HeartCatch PreCure! 14
Nami-nami ;_;
Said it. Sait it many times. People need to be preached on.HeartCatch PreCure! 15
I take back what I said about Smile being cuter. Yayoi ain't got shit on Itsuki!
cosmic is getting a cutie mark!cosmic is going through character development right now.
The best we can do is support him and suggest to train harder!
It probably stems from the same idea girls have about "fixing" bad boys. You just want to be the light in the darkness of your waifu/husbando.I never understood the love for insane people in general. By people I of course mean 'girls', because we are talking about anime.
Dude, I've been gone for three days and these motherfuckers added like forty pages worth of posts in my absence (50 ppp superior master race).Holy fuck, you guys already got to page 38 of Spring Thread II before I even noticed there was a new thread.
100 PPP > 50 PPP
We've been through this before. 50 PPP is the best way for mobile browsing, especially when you arseholes keep quoting the same multi-MB gifs without breaking the image code.Get a better Internets/browser/computer/etc.
Oh, cool, I got a plot outline and everything.Is it time to write the AnimeGAf visual novel of our generation?
Times like these make me glad I never got into Gundam. I actually don't see the appeal of Star Wars either...But but but ghostlighting. And that other guy!
I can't really think of any other pro-Age fans.
Everyone is into NTR, either as an NTRee or NTRer.You watch NTR, don't you? >:|
Bread is penis, rose is vagina.Bread is just a phallic symbol of our sexist society
I think this is when the shading-choices of the show truly shine. I didn't realise it was CGI until I inspected it more closely!I didn't notice this before, but in some shots Kids on the Slope uses CG hands.
RIP 2D animation.
Every post you make is a love lettre to me. <3HeartCatch PreCure! 17
Erika's easily the genkiest genki-girl who ever genkied. I'm feelin' pretty sorry for Yuri.![]()
Ultimate waifu. She takes care of her husbando. True love.
Capitalism ahoy!This is so fucked up. Google shouldn't have this much power.
Careful man. The sexual implications on that girl are surely not Google-approved!
Erika makes everything better, even in her genderbender form.Saint Seiya Omega 4
Honestly, Jr. wasn't as bad as I was expecting. I like him more than Lion guy, at least.
Just think what will happen to AnimeGAF when they realis-Google owns everyone now and is making the world a safer, fluffier place. Just wait till they save anime.
You'd think some journalists would be kind enough to write some articles how about google is changing the whole intent. Or, perhaps they already have and I've just missed it.
Yeah, but, Summer Wars was dull.
The idolm@ster at least had cute designs. Then again, I've never got into the pop-idol culture.Just 3 more days before these shoujo-tachi invade your hearts!
This is the true Lovecraftian cartoon of the season.AKB0048 is one of the rare amazing cases where the show actually looks really close to the artwork:
Toradora! love is always appreciated. Animu of 2008 motherfuckers.NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooo
You should have stuck with it, it is one of the few series that becomes better and better as you go along.
It's a great show for unwinding yourself. I assumed you were already watching it.SWAG PENGUIN. Oh shit. gotta watch this now.
I winced when I saw him doing that.
It takes me back to my GameFAQs days (ewww). Also I can never tell who you are quoting."This isn't the first time I've called people out on it. It's one of my pet peeves and I chide people when I see it."
How do you feel about quoting using quotation marks?
Will someone please think of the children
GOOGLE ALERT GOOGLE ALERTBuy 1 loaf, get one free!
This show had only one near conflict the entire time, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. It was nonstop fuwafuwa time.
Back when I had a herniated disc in my back, my orthopedist gave me enough Vicodin to put me in a stupor for weeks. I could have popped that stuff round the clock, but I knew the consequences of doing so. Since I am a very responsible human being, I was able to manage my use to minimal doses when needed. This show is an anime narcotic. There will be times when you really need a show like this, but definitely not all time. Otherwise, you'll end up tripping balls while comparing loli ahoge.
I enjoyed this and will watch S2 next. I would like to thank moéking zeroshiki for the suggestion to watch and 'pain is power' hitokage for the confidence to watch a voyeuristic view of high school girls socializing.
I thought it looked just as fine if slightly lower-budget. The comedy portions are still very dissonant, but mayhaps I can blame the source material.Speaking of Sankarea, both the director and storyboarder of this week's episode are normal DEEN people, so lower your expectations.
Has cuilan got an account here yet?
But is it as boring as Tsuritama?Watch the final arc of Ayakashi first...Well you should actually watch the entirety of Ayakashi, but the last arc is part of Mononoke.
They'll solve the mystery of why boobs expand on hot water.Heads up, it seems ep7 of Hyouka is going to be a hot springs episode:
Hiroko Utsumi is the episode director and storyboarder, and Miku Kadowaki is the animation director. Sounds like K-On!!! to me!
I thought it was a sponge for using soap? That scene made no sense. That girl is retarded.So after watching Sankarea 4
Can someone explain wtf this thing was? (nsfw)
Looks like a mini version of those noodles you see at pools.
This is the episode where the Saint Seiya Precure jokes originated from.HeartCatch PreCure! 18
Legendary Boss Ban-kun owns and he better make more appearances in the series.
What is this? The Pokérap?
Preemptive Pocket Full of Rainbows-style denial?I'm pretty sure in the narrative sense that it's not a direct sequel. I feel like this is just supposed to use similar concepts and ideas from the previous series and make it a new series. I don't think they're going to waste episodes trying to explain what happened after E7 and AO. Rather, I feel like it's better to make AO have its own space and turf for a better narrative experience. Idk... Maybe I'm wrong about this. As much as I love E7 and AO I want them to stand independently rather than being tied in some way. If AO happens after an alternate universe with Eureka then I'm fine with that though.
What have you done to yourself. Turn back before it's too late! The machinegun sword will get you!Before there was Rick's Bread, there was...
Shining Tears X Wind 01:
Shit like this is what happens when I'm really tired but can't go to sleep.
What can possibly go wrong in a Sega x DEEN collaboration? Hopefully everything. Unfortunately, this didn't have any unintentionally comedic material beyond QUALITY art and the usual awkward contrivances present in JRPG adaptations, but it was stupid enough for me to continue watching.
Where do I begin with just how weird this was? For one thing, it begins in the real world. There have been some mysterious disappearances occurring in Generic Ward, Generic Prefecture, Generijapan, and the student council at St. Snobberton's Academy is worried because someone from school disappeared instead of the usual dirty poors. After this, a strange jumble of shit happens that involves a sudden love confession from main character guy to one of the council girls, a conversation about a dream prophecy from an elf about an alternate reality, and a really suspicious-looking faculty dude thumbing through some kind of tome on said alternate reality.
Enter a catgirl named Mao, who pursues some kind of raging wolf beast in tight pants to the Academy, where he proceeds to trash the landscaping and blow out some windows. Mao subdues the monster with the help of the student council, but the monster breaks free, shatters some kind of dimensional mirror that Mao is storing in her tits, and main character guy gets transported to the alternate world along with the girl he just confessed to.
DEEN, all too happy to reuse footage from, gives us this shot of the world between dimensions:Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai
Angel guy is there and gives protagonist guy some speech about defending the world, and then they get plopped into the middle of barren JRPG world. They literally have a random encounter with an enemy, which Protag capoeiras to death:
This only causes a huge mob of monsters to appear, leading to this absolutely thrilling chase scene across the not-Serengeti:
Which culminates in a battle with a cyclops in which several unlikely things occur. Protag somehow blocks a swing from a sword the size of his body with his bare hands, but cyclops retaliates by suddenly sprouting a third arm out of his chest and strangling Protag. Useless Girl suddenly decides to sacrifice herself for Protag even though she just turned down his confession earlier in the show, and takes the killing blow from the cyclops in Protag's place. But does she die? Ahahahahaha, nope.
Her wound sprouts a sword, Protag kicks monster asses, episode ends. ED was a sideshow of Taka Tony art. Preview indicates that this show is going to have lots of furries, but it also looks pretty bizarre compared to this episode so there's still hope that this can be amusingly bad and not just a borefest with occasional bad art. Not a tenth of the entertainment value of the first episode of Shining Hearts, sadly.
Shit was awesome
That's what I meant by "icky directions".
The soundtrack itself is decent (from the MPD composer), but this episode didn't use it in an appropriate manner. The shower scene in particular had a perplexing choice of music.
Erika is the best precure.
That is undeniable fact.
She doesn't get the best transformation, sadly.
There's no reason to go to that place of scum and villainy now!Do you not browse off-topic? You're ruining my jokes! I was just referring to:
Angry derp face is best face.Undoubtedly
the derp face that yuki makes is almost GTO level
It's definitely worth a shot, as I'm pretty sure they are mononoke fans here who aren't feeling TsuritamaBut is it as boring as Tsuritama?
You present a powerful argument. but I need to see more pics of ghost and zombie girl just to be sure.
Shame they didn't bother animating the other half.
I'm pretty sure they read the manga and was like 'what?'
A non-exciting women's prison? This is surely a failure of the highest tier for a dumb fanservice show!
^What show is that?
Dusk Maiden of Amnesia. Skip the first episode if you check it out.^What show is that?
The music was just weird in this episode in how it faded in and out over the scene, often distracting from the dialogue that was occurring. You don't really noticed music design until it's done really badly, I guess.
Or if it's done really well, like Hyouka. Hmmmm.
That title sounds... amazingDusk Maiden of Amnesia. Skip the first episode if you check it out.
That title sounds... amazing
The first episode was fine! I bet you skipped Natsu no Arashi's first episode too.Dusk Maiden of Amnesia. Skip the first episode if you check it out.
Ghost >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zombiesee my avatar (reason enough) and
Holy sweet goddamn Regulus. That post was like a zit that exploded.