Lighting that is digital and "automatic", not drawn in by the animators or colored in by the colorists. Example:What are you referring to by "digital lighting"?

Lighting that is digital and "automatic", not drawn in by the animators or colored in by the colorists. Example:What are you referring to by "digital lighting"?
Medaka Box 01
Shiranui is the best.
I liked it. I liked the over the top explanation of things, the wholesome dream that will never occur, the wackiness of the characters, just about everything. I get that it pretty much shifts gears into a battle anime in a few episodes so I am looking forward to how it changes.
I watched the first ep of Medaka Box and I liked it. Then I became sad because I know it turns into battleshit and cosmicblizzard's wet dreams later.
Medaka Box 1
Alright, so this was much better than I expected. I actually really hated Medaka Box pre-genre shift, but seeing it animated really made most scenes tolerable and others actually good. I think this particular habit of Medaka's translates well to the medium.
Medaka Box 1
Apart from some visual inconsistencies here and there, this was a really nice first episode, fun and with some action. I love Medaka, both as what's been presented of her in this episode as well as her look.
Medaka Box 1
In the face of overwhelming negativity, I enjoyed this episode. Pretty straight adaptation of the first chapter.
Medaka Box - 01
Dear lord those melons... and they have that stupid boob physic sound effect to boot, random fanservice in a way that makes it feel like they're trying too hard, and they keep pushing the childhood friends bit, well if it were typical shoujo it would have been doomed from the start. I guess a plus side is that we have a strong female who is unrivalled at the top, the cynic in me wonders how long that would last.
I'm such a sucker for antenna hair. :<
Medaka Tits 01
Y'know it might be because you guys here have lowered my expectations of the show but... I actually kind of enjoyed this.
For now it just seems like one of those anime where I'll watch every now and then to see how the characters fareAnd it also feels like one of those shows where I can find myself dropping it pretty easily.and a part of me is curious to see how/if they handle the romance between the two main characters. It's pretty obvious she's got the hots for the guy judging by the first episode
With that said, I'll keep watching it until I get bored of it.
Medaka Box 1
Medaka Box 01:
What is this I don't even
Okay, fine. I might watch this for a few more episodes.
Medaka box
Haven't read manga. Don't like her character design much... so this is pretty much skeet dan staring a Queen's Blade character?
Medaka Box 1
Given some of what I saw in here I expected the worst going in. I found the show wonderfully average though and it seems like a good time waster.
Medaka Box 1
Boob physics and patsu shots.
That was ok.The punch in the face was badass.
Medaka Box
That boob physics....oh gainax and they actually got Katsuyuki Konishi to voice a Kamina lookalike delinquent, a poor homage.
I pity those anime watchers only if they haven't read the manga.
Medaka Box 01 - WTF is this shit? I made it to 6 minutes and turned it off. A load of absolute wank.
Medaka Box 1
First taste of the new season:
Medaka Box 1
Dunno. Bad, but still somewhat intriguing. I guess I should rewatch the first episode, maybe I wasn't in the right mindset. Might need alcohol. Anyway, the first few episodes are supposedly not really reflective of the actual show, so I guess I'll continue either way.
Medaka Box - 1
Maybe I should finish Sket Dance first.
Medaka Box 01:
I thought I was a Nisioisin true believer, but this was animu as fuck. Actively painful to watch.
Medaka Box 1
Utterly insipid and boring. The only thing done well was the background art.
Medaka Box 1
This was incredibly boring. Perfect girl that everyone loves forces people to do things. I'll guess I'll stick around for the supposed genre shift but changing to a boring high school comedy to a boring battle shounen doesn't seem like much of an upgrade. Also why must you desecrate the memory of Kamina!
Medaka Box 1:
Gainax is a soulless husk and it shows.
Medaka Box 01
Whatever happened to you, GAINAX?Stop breaking my heart. Just stop.
Stop desecrating Kamina's memory.
Stop forgetting about the real GAINAX bounce.
Medaka Box
Personally speaking I thought this was beyond boring, but I was prejudiced against it before I started watching it so I don't think that should put off anyone who's actually interested in watching it. The direction and animation are shounen by numbers; if this wasn't animated by what's-left-of-Gainax I wouldn't have given it a second glance, as I dislike Nisioisin's writing anyway[...]
Medaka Box 1
It's an introduction episode, but this did not impress. It's not visually appealing, the premise is not particularly interesting, and Medaka is annoying in a Haruhi sort of way.
Well, one dismisses the skill required to actually put a television series together.
What is the big deal here, did I miss something?
So, as there's quite a split forming on this issue I thought I'd compile these posts up. Let it be known that there is no 'hivemind' here, we have a pretty diverse set of tastes in this thread.
If I've categorised your comments incorrectly please let me know and I'll move you. For some of these comments it wasn't entirely clear what you thought about the episode.
Okay, I thought people were calling each other out and making ban bets or something.I was just curious, that's all.
, the Cartoon 01![]()
Maybe Korra would still have a chance for anime of the season if it had more T&A.
You're saying it's good, but still not as important as what you would privilege. I mean, you could levy the same comment toward Gintama if you're willing to look at it that way.Not at all. I said that saying Ano Natsu's structure/layering of dialogues to be good would be perfectly apt, but still feel that, as good as that is, layering lazy dialogues in briskly structured, but wholly unimaginative scenarios don't make for a complete package I can consider 'good.' Why I consider those aspects the way I do, I broke down in a post a while back--EP 6, iirc, but I separate the whole so I can acknowledge the merit I think should be.
Medaka Box 01:
What is this I don't even
Okay, fine. I might watch this for a few more episodes.
Hansode is great.
Since you're a fan of ahoges, you'll probably enjoy this. They spend more time animating the antennae than they do animating the rest of the frame!
Get your own schtick.Mai Ritoru Poni: Yuujou wa Mahou S1 01-02
So I wasn’t entirely sure what I was getting myself into here. I didn’t really know a whole about the actual show itself, other than the rabid devoted fanbase it’s got which creeps me out at times. But I decided to give one a whirl and I’m glad I did. It was thoroughly entertaining, a blast to watch and so adorably charming.
The first two episodes totally feels like Pilot, which is both a good thing and a bad thing. I hope that is the case here and not actually reflective of the show itself. The entire focus is on Twilight Sparkle who is absolutely fantastic but everypony else feels completely rudimentary in nature, static sketches of characters with no real personality. Which is fine for an introduction but I’m hoping that characters especially like Pinkie Pie do get a fair bit more development other than being well, a one trick pony, as was the case in the first two episodes of the show.
Things I liked, the prologue and introduction to the world itself was well done. There is certainly a lot of room for exploration and depth at least into the world of Equestria itself, if not so much the characters. The name itself is absolutely awesome, thewas totally sweet.reveal at the end of how Friendship is actually the sixth element Magic
The show is so vibrant, both in the sheer amount of color itself and the tone the show takes, I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun watching a show quite the way I enjoyed the start to MLP.
Anyway most importantly, after two episodes:
Twilight Sparkle > Rainbow Dash > Fluttershy > Rarity > Applejack > Pinkie Pie
God help me, I’m a goner ;_;
Nopony can blame me for not trying!Darkside, if you're going to post about shit that isn't anime you should at least have the common courtesy to translate the title poorly into japanese and use a lot of annoying weeaboo words in your summary of the episode.
I thought the joke was obvious
I don't know if people were calling it lewd, which implies some kind of judgement, so much as saying "tits!!!!!". Fujiko is naked, or semi naked, for a huge chunk of the episode and when her breasts are exposed they are uncensored, so people are just reacting to that, because it's fairly unusual.
Bebop being considered old-school now makes me worry about new anime fans.I just finished the first episode of the new Lupin, I thought it was really good. They took a mature approach to it and it reminded me of old school anime like Beebop and of course... Lupin III
So, as there's quite a split forming on this issue I thought I'd compile these posts up. Let it be known that there is no 'hivemind' here, we have a pretty diverse set of tastes in this thread.
If I've categorised your comments incorrectly please let me know and I'll move you. For some of these comments it wasn't entirely clear what you thought about the episode.
Hosoda did this to him. And considering I liked Polar Bear Café... I may be a goner soon.Ookami-kun what have you done with hosanna?
You're saying it's good, but still not as important as what you would privilege. I mean, you could levy the same comment toward Gintama if you're willing to look at it that way.
Gonna get my Furvatar ready.Hosoda did this to him. And considering I liked Polar Bear Café... I may be a goner soon.
TitsI dunno, at least Saint Seiya Omega has actual action sequences. Medaka just has Nisio's shit writing and one of Gainax's cheapest, least interesting productions to date.
Hell, Queen's Blade Rebellion had better action sequences Medaka.
I didn't really hate Medaka Box for its writing flaws as much as I hated it for being a showcase that GAINAX is truly dead. I could have kept on ignoring reality were it not for it.Oh man, people are seriously down on Medaka Box aren't they? I'm pretty much with Dresden on all of this, the beginning of the manga was kinda blah with NisiO trying to establish Medaka as the Mary Sue-est Mary Sue and the slowish pacing before collecting the band of bros/broettes.
It really isn't until the Flask Plan stuff starts and all the metacommentary kicks in that Medaka elevates itself into really entertaining tier. Of course, that's if you don't think Shiranui is the best troll character in the series and are entertained by her shenanigans.![]()
Ookami-kun what have you done with hosanna?
He's a lazy manbaby still smooching off his mother. Kinda like the average anime could a mum treat something as cute as that so terribly ;_;
We're through the looking glass here, people.
yeah but the fur.He's a lazy manbaby still smooching off his mother. Kinda like the average anime fan.
"We really should have used birth control."
Oh man, people are seriously down on Medaka Box aren't they? I'm pretty much with Dresden on all of this, the beginning of the manga was kinda blah with NisiO trying to establish Medaka as the Mary Sue-est Mary Sue and the slowish pacing before collecting the band of bros/broettes.
It really isn't until the Flask Plan stuff starts and all the metacommentary kicks in that Medaka elevates itself into really entertaining tier. Of course, that's if you don't think Shiranui is the best troll character in the series and are entertained by her shenanigans.![]()
Sankarea 1
April 5th, 2012- The day that DEEN surpassed Gainax lolololol
That looks like Ararararararagi.
We don't really like anime. In fact, we hate most of it. We majorly watch it for the irony.I'm pretty surprised of how active this thread is; didn't know Gaf liked anime this much.
Get a
shit is fucking win
fuck yeah
i'm cumming
Sankarea 1
This... wasn't bad. In fact, it was pretty good. BluWacky wasn't lying.
I don't want to overstate how good this is - it is a slightly ecchi zombie romantic comedy, after all.
Well, I would consider them equally successful in what they try to do, so... yes?I can, in ways, and have in this very thread. I love Gintama, but have a myriad of issues with Sorachi's writing--if were to speak of the 'serious' narrative underneath the gag veil--but the fact that it is a comedy, first and foremost, with that heavy 'gag veil' changes things, or at least; that's the conclusion I've come to so far; the obvious intents having to be taken into account. Would you really judge Gintama with the same laws that you judge Ano Natsu?
I like the way you write as if the 'echhi-zombie-romantic comedy' is a worn out premise that's already been done fifty times.
"After all, it's just another one of those shows!"
shit is fucking win
fuck yeah
i'm cumming