Jexhius just hates any of that old 90's hair that's not Oniisama e.
But that's 70's hair!
Jexhius just hates any of that old 90's hair that's not Oniisama e.
But that's 70's hair!
Oh, well, I had no interest in watching those shows, so I am not familiar with their work. Was there such a problem with those shows that it would lead to Silver Link getting a bad reputation?
Jexhius just hates any of that old 90's hair that's not Oniisama e.
It's just that their resume so far isn't particularly impressive. Some people think Baka to Test has a bit of a SHAFT feel but I don't see it. I wouldn't say that they have a particularly bad reputation, more like they just have low expectations.
Any pics for comparison?
It doesn't really look like '90s hair though.
I mean, I guess the shape could be consider more '80s than anything. But the coloring is really only possible with digital paint, so it sort of becomes its own unique thing.
I would like to meet those people and give them a good falcon punch.It's just that their resume so far isn't particularly impressive. Some people think Baka to Test has a bit of a SHAFT feel but I don't see it.
It's just that their resume so far isn't particularly impressive. Some people think Baka to Test has a bit of a SHAFT feel but I don't see it. I wouldn't say that they have a particularly bad reputation, more like they just have low expectations.
It's just that their resume so far isn't particularly impressive. Some people think Baka to Test has a bit of a SHAFT feel but I don't see it. I wouldn't say that they have a particularly bad reputation, more like they just have low expectations.
Any pics for comparison?
I would like to meet those people and give them a good falcon punch.
Look up artwork from Galaxy Express 999 or anything by Leiji Matsumoto from that era for example. Also early Urusei Yatsura. Dat delicious green Lum hair.
Hair partially covering a girls eyes is soooo cute. Dunno why.
I would like to meet those people and give them a good falcon punch.
Isn't that just firehawk?
So is Baka Test good or what
I watched an episode and liked what I saw, but let's hear AnimeGAF's opinion
So is Baka Test good or what
I watched an episode and liked what I saw, but let's hear AnimeGAF's opinion
damn, those op's are pretty cuteThe OP's for both shows are pretty cute as you would expect.
So is Baka Test good or what
I watched an episode and liked what I saw, but let's hear AnimeGAF's opinion
Funny the first time, absolutely ruins the jokes by recycling them en masse.
Still like it though.
Hideyoshi's the best
sounds like a better version of recorder and ranselAverage and constantly running the same jokes over and over.
sounds like a better version of recorder and ransel
Damn, I'm on pace for thirteen shows this season, not counting Hyouka since it starts way later. Need to get rid of a few soon...
I got Hideyoshi on the waifu generator.
It's funny how I think Working!! is great although they do same thing also.
Damn, I'm on pace for thirteen shows this season, not counting Hyouka since it starts way later. Need to get rid of a few soon...
that's probably because working had interesting characters backed up with good writing, the same of which can't be said of a certain short series that i have complete and utter contempt forIt's funny how I think Working!! is great although they do same thing also.
Damn, I'm on pace for thirteen shows this season, not counting Hyouka since it starts way later. Need to get rid of a few soon...
It's funny how I think Working!! is great although they do same thing also.
I've got the same problem
Geez, why does this season have so many semi-promising shows?
I'm inevitably going to ditch more than half of them and I'm going to be guiltily looking at my MAL list with much shame and self disgust. I'm already ashamed of my On Hold list which is just another dropped list although with shows more promising.
I can't bear the look of them lying around abandoned in the On Hold/Dropped zone. They're like crying out for salvation and I'm so cold hearted for leaving them to die...
Watching anime is sufferingsometimes.
Working!! has far superior characters.
Like Yamada~
Ugh, I've got 5 episodes of K-On!! left and I just can't bring myself to watch them. It's CCS all over again.![]()
Ugh, I've got 5 episodes of K-On!! left and I just can't bring myself to watch them. It's CCS all over again.![]()
Ugh, I've got 5 episodes of K-On!! left and I just can't bring myself to watch them. It's CCS all over again.![]()
Oh manDo it for Azunyan.
Or whichever your preferred K-on is.
I finished it ages ago but it took me a while to actually watch the last few episodes.Don't tell me you put CCS on hold
Finish it! Sakura wants you to finish it.
How can you say no to this face?
Alright then, I'll finish of K-On!! first thing tomorrow!after an episode or two of Kanon
Oh Yamada. I even bought a figurine to celebrate her existence.
there's plenty of words i'd use to describe kanon but cute sure as hell isn't one of themyou and your kanon.It's so cute with their disproportionate faces right?
I've picked up and dropped Noir so many times it's not funny. Noir's so slow, the yuri undertones aren't strong enough and Bee Train really likes reusing footage. Only saving grace is the Kajiura music.
there's plenty of words i'd use to describe kanon but cute sure as hell isn't one of them
Don't tell me you put CCS on hold
Finish it! Sakura wants you to finish it.
How can you say no to this face?
Wtf has Cyber Team to do with bad hair cuts?The 80s were glorious.
I blame Cyber Team in Akihabara for all the bad hair cuts in the 90s and 00s.
Hideyoshi FTW
careful, its a trap