Subete no aware
That's Saki!Better than Chihayafuru amirite?
I said I was going to pretend this was Japanese Treme and I'll probably keep doing that since Treme got delayed.I hope I don't have to use this but I'm sure its going to come up at some point with firehawk around.
That's fine, and I'm sure some jazz person can show how the episode is paced like a jazz album and whatnot. But after last season, I'm not willing to just "trust" the noitaminA "brand" on blind faith any more. I mean, Mai Mai Miracle starts off almost the same way - with exactly the same situationLike Wandering Son?
I think screwing the whole show down to those tropes is fairly reductionist. Those things certainly inform, I don't know, the first part of the episode, but the focus shifts around onto the relationship between the characters, which is what's interesting to watch.
Moreover, the main character actually changes over the course of a single episode - his reaction to his situation and the people around him evolved over the course of the episode due to his interaction.
Even ignoring the characters, the way the show is put together makes it stand out from the majority of anime titles set in a highschool.
(country folk hate the fancy city boy, boy is alienated at school and isolated at home, etc)
Of course, that leads to Tsuritama:

Boy moe is best moe. Pachi!

I just like how this show works. Funny enough, it does the same thing as Slope as a way to introduce its main characters to the audience, but I think I got swindled by Haru being wacky and the colourful art.
I'm going to start an arbitrary debate for shiggles: Tsuritama > Apollon.