Sailor Moon 25
I'm a bit disappointed at how
However, the addition of a new character, Makoto, more then makes up for it.
To start with, the Dark Lord Sauron is very close to being revived - he just needs theOne Ring Silver Crystal to fully respawn. But there's a catch -
is on the hunt. The target is your everyday crane-game master,
However, the main focus of this episode is on Usagi's new love, Makoto.
And with good, reason, she's quite good looking, and tall to boot!
After falling for the resident crane-gamer, she follows him around until Zoisite shows up to wreck the party.
Why the hell anyone would make Usagi in charge of anything, I cannot fathom.
With her new friend in tow, Usagi pays a visit to her beloved Motoki, only to discover to her horror that somehow, Makoto thinks he also looks exactly like her previous crush. Usagi, quite understandably, is flabbergasted by the way Makoto's mind works.

I'm a bit disappointed at how
not a single mention of Naru was given in this episode.
However, the addition of a new character, Makoto, more then makes up for it.
I wonder what that glowing green symbol on her forehead could mean?
Tomboys are the best!
To start with, the Dark Lord Sauron is very close to being revived - he just needs the
The crystal has been split into 7 pieces, each one containing a sealed Youma, which has been reborn as a relatively normal human.
the new villain now that Nephrite's bit the dust,
who holds on of the seven Youma, which grants him slight psychic powers that allow him to manipulate crane games. Surely he could think of a better way to use them than that?
However, the main focus of this episode is on Usagi's new love, Makoto.
After 11 episodes of Utena, I will always associate Ikuhara and roses![]()
And with good, reason, she's quite good looking, and tall to boot!
Too bad her beloved didn't appreciate it. 
the crane-gamer reveals himself to be a cheating bastard, breaking poor Makoto's heart.
and then he turns into a Youma.
The sailor plushies are so cute
Makoto's head begins to glow! Could this be?! It is! the fourth Sailor has appeared, Sailor Jupiter! And she has the power of lightning and thunder! However, they are unwilling to defeat the youma the traditional way, since it's possessing a normal human. But fear not, for the new magicky wand has chosen Usagi to be the leader of the Sailors, and gives her the power to cleanse him of the youma without damaging his ugly mug.
Why the hell anyone would make Usagi in charge of anything, I cannot fathom.
Makoto is so tall compared to the rest. And judging from Ami's and Rei's blushes, this is turning into a yuri harem with Makoto as the lead! I approve of this development.
With her new friend in tow, Usagi pays a visit to her beloved Motoki, only to discover to her horror that somehow, Makoto thinks he also looks exactly like her previous crush. Usagi, quite understandably, is flabbergasted by the way Makoto's mind works.