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Spring Anime 2012 | Welcome Home, Space Cowboy

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Ah My Goddess TV 22
Lord of Terror!
That was enjoyable. I am surprised that this is the same show that was going on about will they, will they not a few episodes ago, turned into a fight with the goddesses against the Lord of Terror. This probably won't last long, but I'll enjoy it for how ever long it lasts. I do gotta say I did like the background music when Belldandy was being all determined at the end.


Everything is tsundere to me
On reflection, the fact that I am arguing against this position makes me sound like some kind of monster.
That's because you are. Why do you have to look at it so sexually when it could be so simply about guns shooting guns and have a good time!

I have a pure heart! I watch Upotte!! for the guns...

Upotte is like the Bad News Bears, or Police Academy. The main characters are supposed to be terrible and incompetent.
Hey, just because Elle was the victim of design by committee, doesn't mean you get to bring down everyone else with her!

Acchi Kocchi 02
This show is just barely saved by Mayoi and Sakaki. Mimiwa is cute, but damn if it doesn't bore me how she obsesses over that aloof prick Io. I mean, nothing's happening, and it's not even like they're TEASING that they'll get together. It's just sooooooooooo dumb. Not even the ultra-:cajun can save this show...


That's because you are. Why do you have to look at it so sexually when it could be so simply about guns shooting guns and have a good time!

Exactly! Now let me tell you guys why Manyuu Hikenchou is just about ninjas.

Not everyone can appreciate a good ol' glasses fetish.

For instance, I can't. Why are y'all so interested in girls with poor eyesight?

You do realize that a lot of the people here enjoyed Katawa Shoujo, right? So disabilites are a plus, not a minus.


It sure took you long enough. Could you not get through the whole thing in one sitting?

After the ridiculous scene where Saji threw a chair at the fake Ribbons who ...just fell over in a comical fashion,
I said fuck it and went to bed last night.


After the ridiculous scene where Saji threw a chair at the fake Ribbons who ...just fell over in a comical fashion,
I said fuck it and went to bed last night.

Well, you nearly made the right choice - which would be to never watch the whole movie in the first place.


sealed with a kiss
Yami and the motherfucking Hat and Quile 5

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Envelope. I'm not sure, but I think her name is Quile.


Yami and Lilith travel to a different bookworld, where cavemen who only speak in primitive grunts live. Suddenly, they hear the pure japanese language once again, from Quile! How does she know japanese? Is she perhaps a remnant from an old tribe, or a time traveller, or knew someone who knew japa-


Let me introduce myself again, my name is Envelope.
Suddenly, Human sacrifice and cannibalism time! Poor Quile needs to be sacrificed to the heathen gods, and it's up to Hazuki to save her through the power of yuri! Observe the demonic spawn of hell she must fight:


Even Lovecraft couldn't have come up with this
I like how the monster kept changing sizes during every scene it was on screen.
You warned us, Jexhius, but I was still unprepared. :(

Let me introduce myself...
The ending was just a nonsensical stream of things, like Quile suddenly losing her ability to speak pure Nipponese, this dude who Hazuki somehow recognized appearing, and then Lilith realizes they got "played again".

I haven't the faintest idea of what the ending was supposed to mean, really.


The Light of El Cantare
Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito 05:


It's not much less disturbing in context.

Tits, cavegirl spongebaths, short-term memory loss, ritualistic yuri vore, glowing unmentionables, and what in multiple fucks was that monster?

This show is a thing of beauty. I mean, I'm absolutely in awe of some of the shit it pulls. Case in point: Quile, the cavegirl, is the only person in her tribe that can speak perfect Japanese. Everyone else speaks in primitive grunts. I laugh it off and put it out of mind, but then the show ACTUALLY ADDRESSES IT:

But then:



World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
You'll need to find an onee-sama soon!

Ha! Just finished the first ep!

Maria-sama ga Miteru 01


Straight up classy. Though the girls in the student council look like they can be vicious when they want to! I really hope this isn't light on the GL, as I wanna see some confessions and conflict. Loving the music for the OP&ED.

Watch out Yumi, Sachiko will make you hers!


Living in the shadow of Amaz
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody

Yup, this is still good old Haruhi.

So that alien message was what turned Haruhi into an omnipotent being, huh?

That was a pretty cool episode. Kyon and Mikuru were sleeping for three years in Nagato's house... Mind blowing.

And now here it comes.


Yami too confusing for words to describe it and frogs 04

I don't understand. I really don't have any idea what the fuck is going on in this show. At all. It is beyond reason. It is beyond comprehension. There might be yuri in it, but its too confusing to be able to even say that for sure.
It appears to be a continuation of characters from the previous episode, grown up and there is a flashback, but its all so disjointed and badly edited that you really can't tell. I did see a dominatrix of some sort and what appears to be a vampire.
And then Lillith shows up holding a frog. why? FUCKING BECAUSE THATS WHY.


Yami too confusing for words to describe it and frogs 04

I don't understand. I really don't have any idea what the fuck is going on in this show. At all. It is beyond reason. It is beyond comprehension. There might be yuri in it, but its too confusing to be able to even say that for sure.
It appears to be a continuation of characters from the previous episode, grown up and there is a flashback, but its all so disjointed and badly edited that you really can't tell. I did see a dominatrix of some sort and what appears to be a vampire.
And then Lillith shows up holding a frog. why? FUCKING BECAUSE THATS WHY.

It's all about the memorable experience, right?


I will never forget this. So much memorable imagery.

Actually, I will forget everything except THAT HAT.

You can't forget that magnificent thing. It will haunt your nightmares.

That hat is awesome. Plus <3 Carnelian character designs.

If that hat, the Pope's Mitre, the Queen of England's Crown and the Sorting Hat from Harry Potter got into a fight, that hat would win hands down. Or should that be brims down?


The Light of El Cantare
Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito 06:


cool story Hazuki.

I'm sitting here thinking of something to write, and it's not coming to me. The implications of this episode are extremely fucking disturbing when you consider that Yami is an adaptation of an eroge.
An immortal loli who still acts like a loli, is sad about her flat chest and wants a husband

There was also some kind of message about womanhood, big tits, marriage, and lesbianism, but my attempts to comprehend anything ceased when.......fuck it, I can't describe it, just look at this picture. I'm going to have an aneurysm.


sealed with a kiss
Yami and the Hat 6
Words have escaped me.

Yes, someone finally remembered that boobs are an easy way to distinguish between men and women, but it hastens to remind us of this important fact:



Please DEEN, just give us a hint at what this is all supposed to mean, just one hint.


Moses stuffs happened.
and then there was a whirlpool.

There was lots of shitty cg water too.


The Dark Myth (Anoku Shinwa)

How much mythology can you fit into an hour and a half? More than you'd think!

ANN said:
Long ago there were fierce gods of legends who shook the earth to its foundation with their power. There are now prehistoric rivals from the primitive times in Japan, that fought to protect their secrets in the present day. The God of Darkness Susanoah-oh is now sleeping in the shadows of the underworld waiting for his rebirth. However his coming hasn't gone unoticed. There are agents from the Kikuchi Clan (descendants of Japans first inhabitants) who have seen the warning signs of the spreading of darkness's bringing. These investigators are armed with ancient knowledge and artifacts who are willingly prepared to face the God of Darkness. Now they must fight the assembled spirits of hell to find the one young boy who is chosen by fate to grasp the chaotic might of the deadly Gods.

I was going to post about this last night, but I think I needed some time to digest what I watched. I had heard this was "bad anime" in the vein of Garzey's Wing or Black Lion, and while that's certainly the case, it has its own unique approach to being terrible. Much like the other two Dark Myth's execution of the premise is rather fascinating. A lot of Garzey's charm comes from the impossible to follow plot, much of it is unexplained with very little connecting threads. Dark Myth on the other hand takes to lengthy diatribes to explain what is happening. In fact the plot is so well explained that I found myself drowning in the religious and historical version of "techobabble" within mere seconds. Amusingly the show will stop for long periods of time to rattle off multiple different ancient myths complete with names of gods and people that are impossible to remember. It increases in frequency in the 2nd OVA, where I think the narrator had more dialouge than anyone else. In general much of the happenings of the story are pretty nonsensical anyway, there's very little ryhme or reason to anything going on. I'm quite certain that in the second half the staff just said fuck it because it really gets downright silly.

The characters themselves are left paper thin. I never quite figured out the motivations for what anyone was doing. Between the hilarious dub, wild pacing, unnecessary gore, it was rather difficult to get a read on any of them. The narrator of Dark Myth had more going for him than anyone else. Also there is this mysterious creepy old guy with the same VA as the doctor from Angel Cop following the main character around. I think he was a pedo. Actually it turns out he is an immortal named Takeyushi Nosukuna, or at least I thats his name, the VA made it hard to tell! And really all the names sounded the same anyway. Another great part about the dub is that no one seems to know how to act surprised, particularly the main character's VA who seems to think inhaling into the microphone is the way to do it.

On the subject of gore, I was originally thinking that it wasn't that bloody at all...but then the 2nd half started and I got to see some hilarious Baoh/Black Lion levels of gore. They dont seem to make limbs like they used to because people's bodyparts were flying all over the place at one point.

Some highlights:

-During a scene that is clearly supposed to be a "shocking revelation" the show abruptly cuts to a completely unrelated and long winded narration about some myth...Actually this happens a lot now that I think about it.
-The car suddenly transporting into space, and then subsequently crashing into a wall.
-For some reason there are people living inside stone eggs.
-"Hungry Ghosts" tearing people apart.
-The dub

In short, why watch bad anime like Yami when you can watch terrible anime like this?


Just watched the second episode of fate/zero....fucking amazing. Great use of cg(best I've seen yet in an anime) and the part where
the caster kills the kid really took me back. I actually thought he would let the dude go...
This show has balls and I love it. I used to be part of the colelctive that though anime was dead, but with this Kids on the Slope and Lupin III, it definitely is far from it.
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