Only Sunrise can outdo Sunrise[...]
When Gorō Taniguchi and Tomino co-direct a show the world will be shaken to it's core.
Only Sunrise can outdo Sunrise[...]
We're totally going to slow down, any time now. Community has killed us.
Then you can make a family to have even more fun with a whole 'nother family!
I watched two episodes of Code Geass a while back. Nothing really compelled me to watch more of it. :-/
Ew, one should never sacrifice frames for file size.
BGBW, that avatar alteration is amazing! ψ(`∇´)ψ
Some excerpts from his talk yesterday:
"He stopped working for Studio Ghibli after Spirited Away (2001) because of Miyazaki's ungrateful attitude. He was so angry that he refused his bonus from Ghibli (Spirited Away was the most successful film in Japanese history)."
Strawberry Panic 01:
SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Please tell me that the ratio of yuri:boring shit improves in future episodes. Stuffy, excruciatingly-polite 1% private academies where girls greet each other with gokigenyou and sip tea in their dormitories are my least-favorite school environment, and my dislike was compounded by the episode being an absolutely crawling tour of every boring digital background in the building.
I can't believe that this is a 26-episode series, but I'll keep watching with the hope that things will improve.
Blood-C was so much better than Code Geass. There's Code Geass' brand of stupid and then their is Blood-C's. Blood-C also has the superior CLAMP character designs.There will never be an anime that lives up to Code Geass. A few have tried but none will succeed.
God damn.......Eh, I got over it.
Not you too. -_-Of course, Code Geass is also an essential masterpiece.
Blood-C was so much better than Code Geass. There's Code Geass' brand of stupid and then their is Blood-C's. Blood-C also has the superior CLAMP character designs.
And the second Highlander movie.
Do you live on an island with RurouniZel?Because you've both missed the fucking boat completely.
God damn. Fucking Envelope slowly corrupting GAF. lol
I initially dropped Blood-C as well, but caught up because of various YouTube videos that piqued my interest.
Also, Code Geass is much longer than Blood-C, so there's a barrier of reentry.
No I have not. Code Geass R1 was entertaining, but R2 was such a bore.Do you live on an island with RurouniZel?Because you've both missed the fucking boat completely.
Blood-C was so much better than Code Geass. There's Code Geass' brand of stupid and then their is Blood-C's. Blood-C also has the superior CLAMP character designs.
Where is that quote where Oshii talks about the difference between working for Miyazaki and working for him?
Blood-C was so much better than Code Geass. There's Code Geass' brand of stupid and then their is Blood-C's. Blood-C also has the superior CLAMP character designs.
Is that hair sex?
No place called Strawberry Hall could ever be witness to anything approximating an uproar.
So I just started watchin' Fractale and I desperately want all the characters to sound Irish. I'm so hung up on it. Dat ED, man. Dat ED.
Strawberry Panic 02:
Everything about this show is suffocating. The rigid social structure, the drama, the unbelievable delicacy and purity of the girls, the pesky cockblock clocks. I don't know how much more I can take. I'm drowning in frills and light piano music and old-world architecture. Need yuri NOW.
Hayate no Gotoku 32
They seriously spent half the episode on a character from Excel Saga who was already a cameo of the director? That's... amazing.
Ah, well that explains it, :lol
I'm in a yuri mood from so much Yami and the crazy hat.
there has to be more than Simoun and Strawberry Panic.
I can't think of any at the moment.
Yami to Boushi - 07
Let me just measure this with my Yuri scouter.
My god, it's at 4000 Yuris
6000 Yuris!
8000 Yuris!!
Wait, wait what is she planning to do with that hand!? Oh my god the scouter exploded atBED-KUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!
Blood-C was so much better than Code Geass. There's Code Geass' brand of stupid and then their is Blood-C's. Blood-C also has the superior CLAMP character designs.
God damn.
Not you too. -_-
oh lawd. So glad my boss isn't in today
maybe i should stop browsing this thread at work
You're browsing GAF at work?
You're browsing AnimeGAF at work?
At least disable images!
Blood C is amazing, but Code Geass is AMAZINNNNNGGGGGGG.
See the difference?
Can't help but think this "Geass" entity is being overhyped.
I guess I had to be there when it aired.
Saki and Saki Achiga-hen are FULL of yuri subtext... very blatant subtext. There isn't actually kissing, but there's a lot of blushing and such, and more... and also, the series has a lot of potential yuri couples for yuri fans to subtext (some, as I said, very obvious -- Saki/Nodoka, Yumi/Momo, etc -- others potentially invented) -- it's not just a few characters.
Could it really end any other way?Mirai Nikki FIN
Well that was stupid.
Could it really end any other way?
Come back and say that after you have watched R2. Then again, you will probably just say it's even more amazing. >_>BLood C is amazing, but Code Geass is AMAZINNNNNGGGGGGG.
See the difference?
Come back and say that after you have watched R2. Then again, you will probably just say it's even more amazing. >_>
Dusk Maiden of Amnesia 01
Wow. Repeating the first 8 minutes a second time over with minor changes to the scene has to be one of the absolute worst ways to get people interested in your show.
I don't know about that...
Can't help but think this "Geass" entity is being overhyped.
I guess I had to be there when it aired.
Nyaruko - 02
The Yuri, I can't escape it!
I don't believe it's possible overhype anime's saviour.
Probably because 'overhype' isn't a real world.
Actually, I am not enjoying R2 as much. I put it on hiatus 8 episodes in. Still like it but unlike season one, I don't LOVE IT enough to marathon it.
Is the show an actual serious relationship drama or is it slapstick?
I like lighthearted yuri like Yuru yuri a lot.