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Spring Anime 2012 | Welcome Home, Space Cowboy

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Subete no aware
It's kind of impress that, in the year of our lord two-thousand and twelve this trope still manages to apply with shocking regularity. How would one even explain how or why that exists to a non-anime viewer?

"Well, you see, in these kinds of shows the women has no agency or outside existence, so it only makes sense for her to (through some contrived plotting) move in with the relevant male whose world she revolves around like a minor satellite."
It's ironic, because the girl is usually more powerful than the guy in some way, but is still subservient to him because she's in love with him or fated to protect him!



Looks shockingly good, actually. And more serious than I expected, though judging tone from a trailer can be extremely misleading.

It does look good, er, artistically. I imagine it will still be fairly stupid in practice, but that's probably just my innate bias against this kind of story. I find the concept inherently dumb.


It's ironic, because the girl is usually more powerful than the guy in some way, but is still subservient to him because she's in love with him or fated to protect him!


It's funny that you mention this as soon as I finish an ep of Sket Dance, which does abuse this without remorse.
The funny thing about the P4 anime and an english dub, if it ever happens and they stick to the game's casting, is that you'll literally be hearing Bosch back to back. He plays both Yu and Adachi. It worked in the game since Yu said but grunts and the persona's names, but would be pretty funky in the anime.
That's where the irony comes in. :p It'll be especially weird since Bosch uses his deeper voice for the kid and his higher pitched voice for the adult. I can't think of any good alternatives, though.


Setec Astronomer
It's ironic, because the girl is usually more powerful than the guy in some way, but is still subservient to him because she's in love with him or fated to protect him!

Can't have a magical girlfriend without the magic, but even magic loses to plot weapon or plot armor.


Subete no aware
It's funny that you mention this as soon as I finish an ep of Sket Dance, which does abuse this without remorse.
There's a magical girlfriend in Sket Dance?

Can't have a magical girlfriend without the magic, but even magic loses to plot weapon or plot armor.
Her magic is usually inferior to whatever the man has anyway. Even if he's just a normal peasant, he has access to something that makes him better. Sora no Otoshimono comes to mind, where dude can save girls by just being nice to them.


Lol. Maybe this is one of those things like "teacher has sex with underage student" threads on gaffu, where the moral perception of the act is flipped based on gender.

Guy stalking girl: creepy lecher

Girl stalking guy: free girlfriend, why doesn't he tap that?

I don't think there's any 'maybe' about it. It surely appeals to the otaku who, god knows, wouldn't be able to go up to and talk to a female themselves. Luckily, stalker-chan takes away that nasty first step.


It does look good, er, artistically. I imagine it will still be fairly stupid in practice, but that's probably just my innate bias against this kind of story. I find the concept inherently dumb.

There's nothing inherently wrong with the trapped-in-a-fake-dimension genre, it's just usually done poorly.


Setec Astronomer
Her magic is usually inferior to whatever the man has anyway. Even if he's just a normal peasant, he has access to something that makes him better. Sora no Otoshimono comes to mind, where dude can save girls by just being nice to them.
That's when the wish fulfillment is the most blatant and insipid. All girls are wallowing in lonely misery so any spineless guy with no personality can build a harem by just not slapping them.


Her magic is usually inferior to whatever the man has anyway. Even if he's just a normal peasant, he has access to something that makes him better. Sora no Otoshimono comes to mind, where dude can save girls by just being nice to them.

One of the nice things about Spice and Wolf is that the series does subvert expectations to some degree by providing each side of the relationship with opportunities to help the other. And it helps that Lawrence is an actual character. Of course the series does still play the magical girl trope straight in certain ways.
My brother wanted to see Summer Wars, so I rewatched parts of it.

It was my first time watching it dubbed and I like how they dubbed it. The dubbed voices were good, no one sounded squeaky or terrible. Probably one of the few anime where I would be ok with it dubbed or subbed.

Still thought it looked just as pretty as the first time of course.


There's nothing inherently wrong with the trapped-in-a-fake-dimension genre, it's just usually done poorly.

I don't know if that premise would stretch over a whole series though. Also, is it just going to be a fantasy show with that particular premise, or will it be more about the world of videogames in general like in eXistenz?

Clearly, it remains to be seen.


Subete no aware
That's when the wish fulfillment is the most blatant and insipid. All girls are wallowing in lonely misery so any spinless guy with no personality can build a hraem by just not slapping them.
And it's worse when they're tsundere, because then the women give off the illusion of having a backbone while wallowing in self-pity.

Something less repetitive, I hope.
I dunno man, I don't think there was enough karuta in Chihayafuru.

Different mask, same face.


Highschool DxD 5

Nice way to finish the rescue and fight. I especially liked the final part, because
Issei didn't fall for the trick, though it did hurt him.
Fate Zero is such a pretty looking show.
The first fight between
Saber and Lancer
looked fantastic.

You ain't seen shit yet. You might as well grab some snacks and get ready to marathon it at this point.

Fate/Zero 12:

This episode contained 100% people talking about things, and yet it had more going on than most shows I've seen the past few seasons.

Gilgamesh and Kirei have the most interesting conversations. Gilgamesh actually does a pretty good job of wholly repudiating the greatest philsophical flaws of the devoutly religious during his chat with Kirei, much to Kirei's discomfort. And then shit's about to get real since
it's pretty obvious that Gilgamesh is tired of being Tohsaka Tokiami's Servant and would like a change of scenery.


That's when the wish fulfillment is the most blatant and insipid. All girls are wallowing in lonely misery so any spinless guy with no personality can build a hraem by just not slapping them.

I think the real problem is how it exposes the thinking of its audience, which is based on these two faulty premises:

1. I'm a nice guy
2. But girls don't notice it for some irrational reason. If they did, they would fall in love with me.


That is a problem I also have with this British TV show called Midsomer Murders.

I mean, come the fuck on, dozens of people die in this tiny English hamlet and not one citizen thinks of moving away?! The rest of England must be a fucking bloodbath if that's the case.

Well, if you tie it with British soap-operas, the crime rate is pretty high regardless of whether you're in an urban or rural environment.


Setec Astronomer
I think the real problem is how it exposes the thinking of its audience, which is based on these two faulty premises:

1. I'm a nice guy
2. But girls don't notice it for some irrational reason. If they did, they would fall in love with me.
3. But why leave my room to talk to people when I can play a videogame where meeting new people gives me stats and abilities


You ain't seen shit yet. You might as well grab some snacks and get ready to marathon it at this point.

Fate/Zero 12:

This episode contained 100% people talking about things, and yet it had more going on than most shows I've seen the past few seasons.

Gilgamesh and Kirei have the most interesting conversations. Gilgamesh actually does a pretty good job of wholly repudiating the greatest philsophical flaws of the devoutly religious during his chat with Kirei, much to Kirei's discomfort. And then shit's about to get real since
it's pretty obvious that Gilgamesh is tired of being Tohsaka Tokiami's Servant and would like a change of scenery.
I kind of half watched the show the first time around so its like im seein for the first time lol.
I forgot how much i liked Rider.
Dude is so fucking boss.


Persona 4 Anime ep 25 - end

Overall the anime felt like a 7/10. The anime started off with such good potential, like the character cast and the intrigue behind the fog. The OP was delightful and the battle graphics, battle choreography, environmental modeling, texture, and particle effects were stunning. Gorgeous. However where the anime dropped the ball consistently was most things outside. Several filler episode plagued it and ruined the pacing. As one who didnt play the game, these episode felt like they had no significance other than to boost the episode count. Even worst one even had the infamous double Chie scene. If you are going to do this, at least have good visuals to keep me attentive. Worst, nothing from the episode were retained. If we remove them, then I feel, the anime wouldnt have lost anything of value. The benefit of the out of the tv scenes was at least excellent development, of Yosuke, Kanji, Naoto, and even Adachi. I think these characters were consistently memorable and pretty cool in the anime. But the greatest offense the anime committed beyond making battles an afterthought, was that ending episode. How in the world do you have such great battle choreography and graphics,
an excellent and stunning revelation that I didnt see coming in the previous episode
, and then drop the ball and deliver a final episode that lacks every bit of intense epic action, intense heartwrenching emotion, and firy hot action. As I sat watching I couldnt help but shake my head in despair. I can only imagine it is the fault of flaws in the source material. If only whoever worked on the persona 3 portable ending could have penned the ending to this.

Favorite characters: Yusuke, Adachi, Naoto, Kanji, Teddie

Whoa, don't blame the game for something it doesn't even try to do. P4 is a different type of story than P3, and the game is much better than the anime. Saying that, the anime didn't turn out that bad, I really don't know what they could have done to make it better. It's different enough from the game, so it's not boring for the people who've played the game already, they played around with some stuff and it turned out pretty well.
But seriously, the game is a masterpiece, much better than P3.
Oh, and you do realize that the story is not over? The true ending is coming in an OVA, and it'll be much more up your alley, I think.

I dont even know if I could embrace the dub, is Ichigo Kurosaki/Zero/Lelouch/Sasori really voicing Adachi?! How even...

I'm not sure if this is something I should say in AnimeGAF, but the dub for P4 was amazing, I prefer the English voices, especially Teddie's.
More than 10 dollars. I think.

At least 20 dollars judging from the amount of animation work in the show. In 13 episodes this show had more animation than all the other shows of the Fall season combined.

Fate/Zero 13:

Yeah, I'm kinda glad I only need to wait a week for the next episode to air. I would have been pissed if I had to wait months after that cliffhanger ending. Come on ufotable, did you really think people needed a cliffhanger like that to want to watch the second season of this show? Do you have so little faith in your audience that you couldn't just trust they would come back for more of something like this show?

Both Caster and Ryunosuke, and Rider and Waver, had some pretty awesome conversations this episode. Amazingly enough, Ryunosuke had probably the best and most rational explanation for the eternal question of why a loving and omnipotent God would allow his creations to suffer the way they do. For a serial-killing psychopath, he certainly understands the nature of existence more than most people ever could imagine.

I'm guessing this is intentional irony since the psychotic Ryunosuke's and the Church-indoctrinated Kirei's philosophies could not be more in opposition, and Ryunosuke's actually the more lucid of the two. The Europeans and the Japanese are strangely united in the sense that culturally there is intense distrust of their religious institutions, borne out of the long history of Catholicism's abuses in medieval Europe, and the ruthless use of Shintoism in Japan to drive the people to war in the 20th century. The contrasting of Kirei's and Ryunosuke's philosophies with what kind of people they are is a pretty blatant condemnation of the institutions of religion on Urobuchi's part.

And now I'm going to self-flagellate a little by going from ufotable's F/Z to check out a few episodes of DEEN's Fate/Stay Night. I'm expecting animation quality is going to decline just a bit. :|


Fate/Zero 5

Did Berserker really need to be some awful CG thing?

One of the subtexts I like in this is the sense of camaraderie between some of the servants that their selfish, cowardly, and petty masters can't understand.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
What we need... is a magical boyfriend show.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Rurouni Kenshin: Shin Kyoto Hen Part 1
  • It's more Kenshin.
  • Misao is fucking moé, man.
  • The choreography is awesome.
  • They used music from the original show.
  • This material has been covered before.
  • You cannot just expect to cram who knows how many volumes of the manga in forty-five minutes and expect it to work.
  • Where's my fucking Jinchuu arc?
The funniez:
  • People complaining about the cloth designs in Saint Seiya Omega should look at all the popped-collar trenchcoats in Kenshin; Nobuhiro Watsuki's fashion sense was very anachronistic. The nineties?
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