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Behold SDBurton's shame.
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Behold SDBurton's shame.
These two are all you need really.Went and added a crap ton of new shows to my queue on Crunchyroll, tell me if any of these are good:
5 Centimeters per Second - Hear this a lot on GAF, and since the director just put out a new film I've been interested in his work.
Air Master - I kinda get some Teppuu vibes from this.
Speaking of Crunchyroll, why is Toradora for subscribers only? It's like the only series that's like that.
I always got a thing for girls waving big axes <3
You're watching Zettai Boei Leviatan, right?
high school dxd 14
better dancing than gargantia
Man I miss this glorious ED.
hmmm i watched like 4 eps. kinda got bored. Kinda wish they had an adventure or something
Speaking of Thucydides, does anyone know of any good anime set in ancient Greece? Specifically Greece, not Rome.
7thBurtonScrew bottom page!
Those two girls doing some dumb comedy shtick and talking about marriage in the midst of Armin freaking out. It felt incredibly awkward and out of place.
There's the Hashire Melos stuff iirc although I can't personally attest to quality.
I can. It's pretty good. The '92 version, at least.
So fucking good, but the race to
How lewd. Oh, Chibi-Moon!
Fresh Precure 03-04:
If I hadn't promised a friend I would watch this, I'd have dropped by now. This show simply has nothing going for it. It's go no heart at all.
Does it ever get better, Kirby?
AO is...well its special.
But at least you don't have to put up with Renton.
It does actually get better. A lot of it is more with character interactions and whatnot.
You should watch Goldfish Warning!.I think I need to watch Sailor Moon again.
Eureka's children, though, are the absolute worst children ever and I wish they would die so, so, so, so, so much. Presently a toss up between which I hate worse: Eureka's children or Nina.
Shinji is Shinji on purpose though. Renton got saddled with the douchiest bunch of douches this side of the Jersey Shore. lolRenton was the reason I almost didn't finish E7. He was terrible at the start. He made Shinji look decisive.
How long until you'd say it improves?
Fresh Precure 03-04:
If I hadn't promised a friend I would watch this, I'd have dropped by now. This show simply has nothing going for it. It's go no heart at all.
Does it ever get better, Kirby?
MALgraph achievemebts changed everything for me!!
I think I need to watch Sailor Moon again.
Presently a toss up between which I hate worse: Eureka's children or Nina.
You should watch Goldfish Warning!.
Maybe this has been talked about more in the gaming section of NeoGaf and I haven't seen the related topics or posts but I heard Microsoft filed some kind of patent, which they might ultimately never use, that would supposedly integrate more of an achievement system into other things you might use your Xbox system for, such as TV, movies and music.
Shinji is Shinji on purpose though. Renton got saddled with the douchiest bunch of douches this side of the Jersey Shore. lol
You should watch Goldfish Warning!.
I support this thought!![]()
Renton was the reason I almost didn't finish E7. He was terrible at the start. He made Shinji look decisive.
Yeah, I often find it difficult to decide who is worse between some regular kids and a genocidal table rapist. Tough call.
Renton was the reason I almost didn't finish E7. He was terrible at the start. He made Shinji look decisive.
Date A Live Episode 1-2
This is possibly one of the dumbest anime I've ever seen.
Ride the waves brah, ride the waves. #YOLOThe skateboards were a dead giveaway :lol
Air Master - I kinda get some Teppuu vibes from this.
Renton behaves like a 15 year old. Shinji behaves like a sock. I'm not saying that Shinji doesn't have his reasons, but Renton at the beginning of E7 was just fine to me.
Beyond some stuff like the shadow whales nothing in Angel's Egg really stood out visually for me.
The whole show is about various fetishes, keep on watching ^__^Crime Edge - 02
Oho. Ohohoho. Ohohohohohohoo delicioooooouuuuuuus!!!! @o@
Look at that tongue, lapping that girl's arm like it was a bowl of milk! And that face, that right there is an expression of pure ecstasy. I want more, please tell me there's more.
Crime Edge - 02
Oho. Ohohoho. Ohohohohohohoo delicioooooouuuuuuus!!!! @o@
Look at that tongue, lapping that girl's arm like it was a bowl of milk! And that face, that right there is an expression of pure ecstasy. I want more, please tell me there's more.
The whole show is about various fetishes, keep on watching ^__^
Can somebody tell me if I have to wade through mostly shit for mere seconds of this per episode or is it consistently delivering the goods?