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Spring Anime 2015 |OT2| Euriphonium

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Blood Blockade Battlefront 09


...Is that Abe Sapien from Hellboy?

I keep forgetting Leo's sister is supposed to be a plot point


FSN UBW isn't an example of bad writing, it's an example of a bad director and composer not knowing what the fuck they're doing. The storyboarder and episode director for UBW ep 20, Takashi Suhara, also unsurprisingly did some of the stronger episodes for Fate/Zero such as Lancer's 'exit' and the first episode of Kiri's flashback. The storyboarder for episode 21 of UBW was Takahiro Miura himself. The difference is apparent.

I'm no longer watching this show, but I'm glad to hear that Suhara is still pulling his weight. I've been a fan since his Fate/Zero episodes. Most promising emerging director in Ufotable imo!


Parasyte 16-19
I just remembered I had to finish this show.

These groups of episodes are definitely much better than the previous 10 that came before.
16 starts with a fun fight against the guy with 5 Parasytes, horrible music aside. Parasyte's action scenes always had these strategic elements that had Shinichi and Migi cover each other that make me like it more than your average action anime. 17 and 18 are Reiko centered. She must be the only well developed female character in the entire series. Her arc that had her turn more human was great. Too bad everytime screen time was given to Murano you can physically feel the show getting worse. Also I like how the show flashes back to Kano like I am supposed to give a damn about her. Thankfully those high school drama stuff is kept minimal. 19 then starts with a serious government response to the Parasyte threat. They hire Shinichi as an asset because of his experience in meetin Parasytes and a serial killer because he can recognize Parasytes, with the killer being a monster like human contrast to Reiko's human like monster. It sort of sends Shinichi's head for a spin because like most things, individuals are complicated. Good job show, my interest has been revived.


If you want to know,
That won't be resolved until HF. Sakura is gone from UBW.
Gilga's role here will be resolved, though.
Expected but still meh.,

Parasyte 16-19
I just remembered I had to finish this show.

Good job show, my interest has been revived.[/SPOILER]
Too bad it goes right back to being poor after this short stretch!
They're not prominent in any route that isn't specifically Sakura's route.

The mystery deepens...


Parasyte 20
This time the focus is purely on the government's actions trying to eliminate the parasites and the parasites' reaction to it. It was a tense action episode with the usual roles between human and parasites reversed, this time the parasites being hunted.

Those soldiers at the end were pretty stupid though. They didn't shoot the parasite immediately and I predicted the parasite would shoot the bullets from his body back at the soldiers, they instead just stood there like idiots. That narrator guy in the middle was very unnecessary though, breaking the principle of show/don't tell.
Michiko and Hatchin is a show I haven't thought about it a long time, cool

Akame ga Kill though, lol. Fits the audience I guess.

Whens HxH and JoJo
Parasyte 20
This time the focus is purely on the government's actions trying to eliminate the parasites and the parasites' reaction to it. It was a tense action episode with the usual roles between human and parasites reversed, this time the parasites being hunted.

Those soldiers at the end were pretty stupid though. They didn't shoot the parasite immediately and I predicted the parasite would shoot the bullets from his body back at the soldiers, they instead just stood there like idiots. That narrator guy in the middle was very unnecessary though, breaking the principle of show/don't tell.

Incompetence from supposedly professional forces is such a major turn off for me. It's not even that I think pros never fuck up, far from, however it's simply unsatisfying to see people fail because they messed up badly instead of being outplayed/outsmarted by the opposition. After all, at that point it doesn't even matter that it's a professional force, it could've been anything and anyone and the result would've been the same.

The system the task force set up to filter out the parasites was so darn ineffective it seriously hampers my suspension of disbelief. It being so obviously broken also meant the outcome was predictable and little exciting.

Would've been much nicer if I had gotten the impression that the police was well prepared and thought out one hell of a clever plan and have it go wrong due to lack of intel about all the parasites abilities or because those manage to one-up them in return somehow. While that does happen to some degree it's overshadowed by their dumb setup from the beginning.
Kekkai Sensen Episode 9


He sounds just like Lancer from Fate Zero.

Zed O'Brien is finally introduced and he's the most noble of all Fishmen. His voice actor truly fits the noble and prideful type of character. It was fun seeing all of Libra working together to stop the Bloodbreed. The action segments were nicely done as well with the plane crashing and being caught by Hummer. To then seeing both Zed and Zapp work together to slow down the Bloodbreed and for Klaus to land the final blow.


That red flash seems like bad business.

Despair-kun seems to be planning something by creating that red flash. I feel it's somehow connected to the other dimension that seems to be underground with all those yellow strings weaved around. Also it seems White is somehow connected to it because she suddenly falls when the red flash occurs hmmm. His plan is definitely to create another great collapse but the question is how? Which will probably be answered in the last 2 episodes. I also love how cryptic Despair-kun is in the way his speech is presented. He keeps on mentioning things which are hints but he isn't trying to reveal it so early. Which is why he brought Femt and Aligura along.


White (Mary) is truly gonna suffer isn't she.

So we finally find out what Despair-kun wants with White. It seems he wants her to get Leo eyes using that device from Aligura. He's using her brother in order to gain some leverage over her. White has to choose between her good friend Leo or saving her brother. Damn she's definitely in a tough spot and doesn't look like it's gonna be any easier for her from now on.


White (Mary) definitely resembles Koto from Kyousougiga.

I really loved White's (Mary) conversation with her father it felt genuine. Her father talking about how Mary and her brother are like the color White and Black in that they are polar opposites but get along quite well and are compatible to each other. Their relationship truly parallel that of Leo's and his sister's relationship. It's really amazing how it's similar in that both are compatible to their sibling but they are different in one aspect that Leo the older brother was saved by his sister while Black (William) the older brother saved his sister. It seems that White ties-in to Leo while Black (William) ties-in to Leo's sister. Man is this anime original content really good. Also I have to point out the music that played during this scene was absolutely phenomenal, it elevated the scene and created a soft and peaceful atmosphere. Holy shit the OST is God tier.

Okay this is a bit creepy. He's laughing but crying at the same time and his tears are blue. It probably means that Despair-kun is laughing while the possessed Black (William) is crying. This doesn't look good at all.


New dank pit to post in eh? Well, guess that's a good time to post impressions so far.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders as of 45
We've finally arrived at Dio's World and it's been quite an adventure. We've fought a killer stag beetle, a sentient cargo ships controlled by an Orangutan, the Sun, magnetism, a pedophile, a 90's rapper and many more insane foes. Many people found the fights in the first half less interesting and yes, they were much more simple. But due to this we've seen the entire concept of Stands mature before our very eyes, just as it did when Araki wrote the manga 25 years ago. That's part of the beauty of such a faithful adaptation. You could argue that if some of the less interesting fights were cut, animation quality may be improved in more important episodes but we've already seen such a bump in quality from the pre-Stand days, it's impressive that they've been able to keep this level of consistency for nearly 50 episodes. As a fan of the series I don't think I could be happier with what David Production has done with this show.

Punch Line as of 8
What to expect from media written by Uchikoshi:
  • Mystery
  • Pseudo-science
  • The big twist reveal
  • Time travel
  • A slow start
  • Scenes that gain relevance once you've learned more information
  • A pervert protagonist
  • Visible swimsuits, underwear or lack thereof on at least one character
  • A red-eyed gasmask
Everything aside from the big reveal is present, which will likely appear in the last few episodes. Uchikoshi writes mystery with a focus on excitement & fun and it has certainly delivered on that so far. I do wonder if he can still surprise me in the end but that isn't as important here as it was in Zero Escape due to the strength and involvement of the characters. Even with scenes that apparently had little to do with the plot, the girls created an exciting dynamic with their relationships and Yuta is the most likeable protagonist I've seen from any of Uchikoshi's work, definitely more so than Sigma. I wonder what viewers unfamiliar with his formula will think when the dust has settled in the end.

Ore Monogatari!! as of 8
This is the first time a shoujo romance has hooked me since Say "I Love You" nearly three years ago. Takeo and Rinko's romance is such a simple thing but their excitement with its development is infectious. You can't help but smile when Takeo does something that makes Rinko explode in red as he does the same, it's an adorable relationship.

Gintama° as of 8
With an inconsistent start, Gintama finally hit its stride with the last few episodes. There isn't much to say about it other than "it's more Gintama". Whenever it's not offensively homophobic or transphobic it's hilarious, so of course the next episode will probably be the former going by the preview...

Baby Steps 2 as of 8
It pleases me that the CG abominations have returned with this recent game. Probably the better of the two sports shows I'm still watching.

Ace of Diamond 2 as of 8
Good when the pacing isn't terrible. I've watched so many episodes already so obviously there's no way I'm stopping.

Ninja Slayer as of 6
While I haven't watched the most recent episode, it seems clear that Trigger can't keep 15 minute episodes entertaining. I barely remember what happened in the last episode. Clearly this was a false messiah.


Incompetence from supposedly professional forces is such a major turn off for me. It's not even that I think pros never fuck up, far from, however it's simply unsatisfying to see people fail because they messed up badly instead of being outplayed/outsmarted by the opposition. After all, at that point it doesn't even matter that it's a professional force, it could've been anything and anyone and the result would've been the same.

The system the task force set up to filter out the parasites was so darn ineffective it seriously hampers my suspension of disbelief. It being so obviously broken also meant the outcome was predictable and little exciting.

Would've been much nicer if I had gotten the impression that the police was well prepared and thought out one hell of a clever plan and have it go wrong due to lack of intel about all the parasites abilities or because those manage to one-up them in return somehow. While that does happen to some degree it's overshadowed by their dumb setup from the beginning.

Heh, that is a nice lead up to

Parasyte 21
They pretty much let this guy just make his environmental spiel, which came way out of nowhere, knowing full well he was an extremely dangerous individual. Instead of shooting him immediately, they first went closer to him, already a bad idea, and just stood there while he made the speech. Lucky he was just a human, which would have been more interesting if they had developed him or something. Instead it's just a throwaway twist.

Gotou eventually manages to massacre everyone, and only then does that guy realize maybe flamethrowers against seemingly invincible enemies was a good idea. *facepalm*

Gotou promises he would kill Shinichi later, which scares him shitless. The power of the sexy time makes it all better though.


Man, that Hiki/Yuki convo. It's the first time like that. She's gonna win. Yui is trying so damn hard to get his attention, but she's out of the running officially. It's Iroha or Yuki. Sensei is brilliant as always getting them together, Hiki's right, someone needs to hurry up and marry her.

Nisekoi S2 8
Well, the magic girl section was kinda lame, but the Haru section was great. Raku officially added a new harem member and she's a spitting image of Onodera. Their mother is right, future arguments would be hilarious.


Parasyte 22
Once again, I must compliment the way the fights in this show are well strategized by the protagonists before going all in. Unfortunately it doesn't work and Migi sacrifices himself in a touching moment. Turns out in the end they actually came to like each other's company. Of course, just as soon as Migi is taken away, I soon find out some of Migi's cells remain, which of course means he will be revived. The rest of the episode is spent with Shinichi hanging out with an old woman who took him in while injured. Which is okay I guess as the calm before the finale.


Go! Princess Precure 18

The fight in the Stained Glass Dimension was pretty fun. Twilight's the first person who can really present a threat to the team, and if it wasn't for Haruka getting the power of girl' love, it wouldn't have been possible for a slight cosmetic change and a major boost in power to their team attack. Also, the author of The Flower Princess is
the headmistress of their school
. Interesting. We all know what's going to happen, it's just a matter of waiting for it to happen so we can have Cure Miyukichi. GoPri is pretty fun so far.
Fate stay night UBW - 21
was so satisfying . i can look at it and enjoy it like it's the first time.

Well done


Parasyte 23
Last stand by Shinichi, followed by Migi's revival, which was as expected. That part was fine, but what was up with that environmental message? Like where the hell did it come from all of a sudden? I don't mind environmental messages but that was so poorly delivered and without any setup. Seriously, it feels like it doesn't have to do with anything.


Space Pirate Mito 04-06

Aoi's just like his father. Falling in love with an alien girl whose identity he's confused about and both of them are taking a while to realize it. The goofy robots of the week brings to mind Doronbo, right down to the Nenga siblings not actually being villainous. The guy they're working for is certainly sketchy, but Mutsuki is even a potential love interest. While turning this into a romance comedy wasn't the angle I thought it'd take, it's working out fine enough. It's kinda reminiscent of World of Narue, though that was produced long after Mito. Having Mutsuki be from an alien race that's nitrogen-based and randomly sprouts mushrooms is also kinda amusing.
So my ranking for Spring Season so far.

AOTS Contenders
Kekkai Sensen
Arslan Senki

Euphonium (though I dropped it considering I lost interest. I might go back to it later on.)


Seraph of the end - 09

Did the show went into filler mode for a bit ? i don't remember a subway moment in the manga

This was obviously Tomato juice ! please need to remember to drink tomato juice more, it'll make them stronger !


Etotama 01-04

Well I finally got around to watching this and I'm actually pretty impressed. The humor has been really good, the characters are fun and the CG has been amazing. Nya-tan can be slightly annoying sometimes but I like how she and the others play off each other. Uri-tan though... I wasn't expecting that at all.
Anime of the season tier:
Sound! Euphonium

Baby Steps tier:
Baby Steps

Comfort Food tier:
My Love Story

Behind on tier:

Not watching very much this season.


Etotama 01-04

Well I finally got around to watching this and I'm actually pretty impressed. The humor has been really good, the characters are fun and the CG has been amazing. Nya-tan can be slightly annoying sometimes but I like how she and the others play off each other. Uri-tan though... I wasn't expecting that at all.

The show is just all around fun to watch and it doesn't skip a beat! Quickly watch the neXT episode, lol
Soma 09

Love seeing rival 'battles' that are actually interesting because the rivals actually compare to one another rather than the MC having the overwhelming advantage simply by being the MC. Hearing the whole ending theme along with the scenes that came along with it was great.


Parasyte End
Well, that was stupid.
The stuff after Migi's legit heartwarming goodbye didn't need to happen at all. Like seriously? Murano being in danger again this freaking late in the show had to happen? It feels so irrelevant and out of place. At this point no one is going to give a damn about that serial killer either. And my god I felt like I was taking a lecture on life lessons and all. This must be the most heavy handed show of 2014. The anvil this show dropped is so heavy it could sink this whole planet.


OreGaru Zoku
Hibike! Euphonium
(Not too sure which of these two I like more)

Good stuff:
UBW s2
Ore Monogatari!!

Arslan Senki
Kekkai Sensen
Ninja Slayer
Owari no Seraph

GitS Arise
Plastic Memories
Show by Rock
Plastic Memories - 9


Roll N' Rocker: Plastic Memories

So in this episode
Michiru decides to support Tsukasa and Tsukasa's partnership with Isla is now going to be dissolved.

Those were the only two significant things that happened in this episode. I've been lenient with this show's way of development in the hopes something really interesting would happen for a while, but now this is really starting to get on my nerves!

I can't believe how much of a disappointment Plastic Memories is turning out to be. It's done nothing interesting with its premise. You could categorize all the androids in this show as "people who have a very specific disease" and nothing would change.

There are four episodes left, and all the show is doing is focusing on the romance between the two leads, where we all pretty much know how it's going to go down in the end given what's been established since the start of this show!

Where are the rouge android organizations? Where are the plot twists? Where are the supercomputers? WHERE ARE ALL THE INTERESTING THINGS YOU COULD BE DOING PLASTIC MEMORIES?!?




So far this is how I'd rate what I'm currently watching out of what's airing:

1. Ore Monogatari
2. Jojo's
3. Shokugeki no Soma
4. Danmachi (haven't watched beyond episode 3 yet, wasn't really feeling it though)

Gintama and Kuroko would probably be 4 and 5 but I haven't watched those respective seasons yet, since I'm waiting to watch Kuroko S3 after I catch up on Gintama... and I still have Gintama to catch up on, so I can't throw in the new season yet. :p
Good: SNAFU2, Hibike! Euphonium, Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo, Grisaia no Rakuen
Alright: Dungeon, Kekkai Sensen, Mikagura Gakuen Kumikyoku, Re-Kan!, Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works 2nd and Plastic Memories (It's boring but it's alright)
Trash: Triage X, Nisekoi S2
Shows I dropped: Show by Rock, Food Porn, Nagato Yuki, Owari no Seraph, Gunslinger Stratos and Punchline.
Enjoying: Yamada-kun, Etotama, DanMachi, Hello!! Kiniro Mosaic, Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Vivid, Sidonia, Soma. Hibike! Euphonium

Not special but entertaining enough: Punchline, Mikagura Gakuen Kumikyoku, Kyokai no Rinne, UBW, Nagato Yuki-chan no ShoushitsuYahari , Gunslinger Stratos

Guilty Pleasure: Owari no Seraph, Triage X, Nisekoi, Go Princess Precure

Killing my soul softly: Ninja Slayer

Ass out dropped: Show by Rock, Houkago no Pleiades, Plastic Memories
Enjoying:Yamada-kun,Etotamam, DanMachi, Hello!! Kiniro Mosaic, Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Vivid, Sidonia, Soma. Hibike! Euphonium

Not special but entertaining enough:Punchline, Mikagura Gakuen Kumikyoku, Kyokai no Rinne, UBW, Nagato Yuki-chan no ShoushitsuYahari , Gunslinger Stratos

Guilty Pleasure:Owari no Seraph, Triage X, Nisekoi, Go Princess Precure

Killing my soul softly:
Ninja Slayer

Ass out dropped:Show by Rock, Houkago no Pleiades, Plastic Memories

You don't even have Kekkai Sensen or Arslan Senki in your list.😑
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