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Spring Anime 2016 |OT| Get a Season So Complicated

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I love the TV show and the movie. I think they are perfect compliments to each other and that the movie took the franchise to the next level.

It's literally the opposite of what is happening with the Rebuild of Evangelion movies, where you know that last movie will be utter shit.

I can't understand how anyone who loved the TV series can possibly enjoy Rebellion.

It didn't push the series to the next level, it regressed it. What was once a genuinely well-written show about girls being caught up in a terrible system and how one girl stood up against
it at the cost of her own existence
is now a complete mess of a movie where the only real important event happens in the last 10 minutes.

Whatever ideas Rebellion tried to do aren't nearly fleshed out enough in the film. The entire film is nothing more than one big tease that completely undermines everything the TV show set out to do.


Every time I hear that argument I only hear the voices of the people who never truly understood what Madoka Magica was. It's freaking infuriating. Madoka Rebellion undermines the villain of the original to undermine another character to undermine and demean the message of the original.

And stuff like this is supposed to be considered good. Just...ugh.


Joker Game 04
Still one of the top contendenders for my AOTS vote. This show also probably has the best OST so far, god. It's so damn good.


I feel the need to clarify something I brought up a few days ago because I didn’t do a great job clarifying my position. The topic of discussion was: recommending shows that you like but which feature questionable content.

For those of you who don’t read every single page of this thread every single day, this was in reference to Qurupeke recommending the series “Kuma Miko” to fans of “Flying Witch”.

Here’s the relevant post:
People who watch Flying Witch should check out the superior countryside based SoL of the season, Kuma Miko[...The only downside are some indecent jokes but it still remains great.
To which duckroll responded:
What about people who don't want casual bestiality and pedophila in their entertainment diet?
At which point Qurupeke clarified:
Yeah, this sucks, though the show remains good. I guess I can still hope that they'll tone down such jokes. Though, I'm doubtful about that.
I interjected as follows:
You know how bad that sounds, right? Just imagine trying to explain that to a non-anime viewing friend, or your parents.
"Yeah I like the show, it's pretty good. Apart from the paedophilia and bestiality stuff. Not a fan of that, but I like it anyway!"
Now a number of people including, cosmicblizzard, pointed out that this is just the reality of being an anime fan. Qurupek illustrated this as follows:
Yes, I know it doesn't sound very nice, but this is exactly the show I wouldn't recommend to someone like that. Considering it had references to AKB48 and an obscure music video, I'm sure they're not its target audience. On the other hand, I'm talking to people who watched a lot of different animes and I expect higher toleration. Also, there are shows with much more questionable content, so I'm not sure why this one has already gotten such a bad reputation. It seems people have the impression that the show is full of disturbing shit, but actually it's just 2-3 certain scenes that stand out. If you can successfully ignore those, you get an enjoyable show.

Now, there are a lot of ideas potentially worth unpacking here but I don’t really feel like tackling them all at once. Instead, I am just going to raise a handful of issues which I think are particularly pressing.

1. As people who contribute towards the discussion of anime, we are essentially acting as ambassadors for the medium. This might not be something we often (or ever) stop to consider, but it is the reality of the situation. The way we write about anime shapes people’s perception of not only anime, but anime fandom.

2. Compared to discussion that takes place in other fandoms (say, videogames), individual posters have a disproportionally large influence in shaping the tone and nature of discussions. This is because, as a niche medium, there's proportionately less people talking about it.

3. As a result of 1 + 2, I’d argue that anime fans have a certain duty in terms of how they write about, explain and recommend, anime. The exact nature and limits of this duty is certainly something that’s up for debate.

4. Unrelated to the above, but also undeniable, is the reality that anime is a somewhat maligned medium. Anime doesn’t always deserve the bad reputation it’s gotten, but it does contain much which is unsavoury and objectionable.

5. Anime fans, likewise, have earned a certain reputation. This reputation is not entirely unearned.

6. To avoid perpetuating these negative stereotypes, I think it’s important for anime fans to clearly and consistently call shows/movies/whatever on their bullshit. Every. Single. Time.

7. Neglecting to mention objectionable content, or essentially trying to sweep it under the carpet, gives the impression that anime fans are tacitly accepting a certain level of completely unacceptable content/tone/messages/stereotypes/whatever in the anime they consume. This shouldn’t be the case and more importantly, it shouldn’t appear to be the case to people who just happen to swing by this thread, or check a show out on a whim.

8. I don’t think there’s inherently a problem in saying a work contains material that you find offensive or wrong, but that you otherwise appreciate for its other qualities. However I think you have to do a really thorough job in explaining what that objectionable content is in a way that doesn’t sanitize or downplay it. Bring it out into the light of day. Say “Yes, No Game No Life features a pantyshot (with cameltoe) of an 11 year old girl in the first episode. But I still like it because of X, Y, Z”. At least, in doing that, you make it quite clear what the objectionable content really is and it gives you space to either explain it away or accept it or whatever you wish to do. But at least you’re actually tackling it, rather than trying to ignore it.

9. As I’ve mentioned above, understand that the audience for what you write isn’t just this thread. Don’t make the assumption that it’s just a certain subset of very hardcore anime fans. All kinds of people pass through this thread and read what you write.

10. Heck, even if you're explicitly writing for an audience of dedicated anime fans you should still carefully consider how you wish to discuss this kind of material. There are plenty of people who watch anime regularly but would nevertheless find the content of a Kuma Miko to be so off-putting that they couldn't ignore it.

11. Therefore, in the spirit of being a good ambassador, you should do a good job of clearly highlighting and addressing this kind of questionable content. This means, for example, that people won't get accidentally caught out by something which appears, on the surface, to be innocuous.

12. I think this is particularly relevant in the case of Qurupeke recommending Kuma Miko to SOL fans because on its surface that really looks like a show that should have total universal appeal and be completely safe for any audience. The fact that it isn’t is something that’s really worth discussing and detailing when you recommend it.
^ also known as the "Monogatari is one of the most popular anime series of all time that will never ever take off in the West because of Shinobu" effect

But I agree. Trying to sweep under the rug and ignore stuff like that isn't productive.
The fact of the matter is that there's a lot of anime out there, and while there's a lot of it that's accessible and appropriate for a broad range of audiences there's also a lot that isn't. A lot of the reason anime first captured Western attention was because of ultra-violence and explicit sexual content in OVAs of the 1980s and 1990s, and the image of anime as "tentacle porn" has lasted in the cultural imagination to this day, now entangled with the whole troubled issue of "moe". Some anime fans wear this as a counter-cultural badge of pride, but that is the sort of thing that leads people to dismiss the whole medium and all of its fans as aberrant and worthless. There's a certain self-loathing segment of anime fandom that encourages this as well.

Personally I don't much care for most of the "ecchi" side of anime, but I still have had to work to justify my interest in the medium, making careful selections of anime to show to others to demonstrate what the breadth of what the medium is capable of. I don't expect people posting in AnimeGAF, let alone the broader range of anime fans, to ever be able to present a united front on this issue, so I doubt there'll ever be a time when people highlight the potentially objectionable sexual content of an anime in their posts about it. But it's enough if I can convince people that anime and anime fans are not a monolithic entity and hopefully steer them towards quality works that would be of interest to them.
I love anime and video games and tend to entirely ignore questionable elements(racism, sexism, etc) in them because I generally don't care and nor do I accept the mantel of ambassador/defender of either pastime except in the most extreme of cases. I'm also not all that prone to giving recommendations except once every blue moon and only to those deep into anime.


Madoka Rebellion needs a sequel.

As things stand, it feels like a secret pilot for another TV series that doesn't exist yet.
Madoka Rebellion needs a sequel.

it will get one that just undoes everything in a probably lame way. You can't really make a sequel that doesn't just undo it all. I don't really think there needs to be a sequel, the ending is pretty much a false bad end with the promise that eventually it is going to crumble apart anyway.

Joe Molotov

I don't recommend any anime to anyone that doesn't already watch anime, and I assume that anyone that watches anime is as deviant as I am.


Rebellion sequel will consist of Mami bodying Homura.

And will ascend to being the best anime movie series ever.


Maturity, bitches.
Pandora in the Crimson Shell annoyed me rather because of that one element in the show that really drags it down. The rest of the show is just a silly fun romp but they just had to make the method used for transformations involve lifting up a skirt to reveal super skimpy panties. Why?

Madoka will end with the crazy teacher killing everyone


I never really thought of anime as something that's commenly unaccepted, a bunch of people I know watch(ed) DBZ and the rest just doesn't care. I feel like Cartoons and Anime are basically the same thing to a lot of people.

Seems like people really speaking out against it are a vocal minority that I only see on the internet, but then again it might just depend on where I live.


Maturity, bitches.
Question: This has nothing to do with the most recent anime recommendation thread that popped up in OT right?
I never really thought of anime as something that's commenly unaccepted, a bunch of people I know watch(ed) DBZ and the rest just doesn't care. I feel like Cartoons and Anime are basically the same thing to a lot of people.

Seems like people really speaking out against it are a vocal minority that I only see on the internet, but then again it might just depend on where I live.

It's definitely not an Internet-exclusive phenomenon. My mother's coworker told her, when she happened to mention that I was an anime fan, that based on the evidence of a college roommate he once had anime was all violent rape porn.


Amagami SS 9-10

They actually hired Jouji Nakata to provide this disgustingly overbearing narration for this arc. lol
Samurai Champloo 3-4

I can't say I find the main trio particularly likable as of yet. Mugen is particular is rather distasteful in the way he lives solely to fight. That said, the situation they were put in with this story was rather interesting, and the contrasting approaches to the intersection of violence and humanity portrayed by them and the other characters involved in the gang war were fascinating to watch. He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword. Both the yakuza bosses seen here could be said to fall under that saying, but what a contrast in the circumstances under which they met their demise.

The storyboarding in episode 3 was really quite good, with several good uses of fish-eye lens. Episode 4 was not as well executed visually - I'm not a fan of shaky-cam action scenes - but it delivered well enough to make the important moments emotionally impactful.
It's definitely not an Internet-exclusive phenomenon. My mother's coworker told her, when she happened to mention that I was an anime fan, that based on the evidence of a college roommate he once had anime was all violent rape porn.

I guess I'm just lucky then, to be honest I'd be surprised if I came across someone in his 40's here who would even be aware of anime, let alone have an strong opinion on it.

I guess it's because the whole 1980/90 OVA's never really took off here in the Netherlands? Not that I'm an big expert on the subject though, I wasn't really around at that time after all. I'll try to see tomorrow if they even exist here :p.

The only story I can really add to the discussion is that a bunch of parents wouldn't let their children watch Crayon shin-chan when it aired over here, but that was mostly because of the show itself and not because of a bias towards Japanese animation between adults.
6. To avoid perpetuating these negative stereotypes, I think it’s important for anime fans to clearly and consistently call shows/movies/whatever on their bullshit. Every. Single. Time.

I think the fact a lot of us don't care about the perpetuation of negative stereotypes or feeling the need to justify their hobby would make this difficult.

8. I don’t think there’s inherently a problem in saying a work contains material that you find offensive or wrong, but that you otherwise appreciate for its other qualities. However I think you have to do a really thorough job in explaining what that objectionable content is in a way that doesn’t sanitize or downplay it. Bring it out into the light of day. Say “Yes, No Game No Life features a pantyshot (with cameltoe) of an 11 year old girl in the first episode. But I still like it because of X, Y, Z”. At least, in doing that, you make it quite clear what the objectionable content really is and it gives you space to either explain it away or accept it or whatever you wish to do. But at least you’re actually tackling it, rather than trying to ignore it.

Similarly, you can't exactly decide where on the "offended by x content" gauge you fall on. Whether through desensitization, never taking much issue with it in the first place, or being some deviant that straight up accepts/enjoys it, how much you actually care to call out something is going to vary greatly. In that case, the only point of giving the argument more weight than we care to give it comes from being accommodating to those on the outside. Which is of course fine as it's nice to have more people sharing your hobby, but feeling obligated to do it won't change much and just detracts from people wanting to enjoy their hobby in peace.

I think it would be nicer if us in the English-speaking world could actually affect the production side of things rather than feeling the need to reassure people why No Game No Life is a solid series despite the problematic aspects.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I don't know what's happening in here other than these kind of discussions end with greynames.

So, uh, I checked out Flying Witch and I appreciated its low-key approach to magic and humor.


Just to add a few things as well.

When I made the post, I didn't really think that it could "affect" many people. And I don't really agree with this mentality. I don't feel that me or anyone else have the responsibility to "warn" the more casual anime fans, or anyone that might read this thread, about anything concerning shows. This may sound very selfish, but I believe it's up to the individual to decide whether they can completely trust what they read and they ought to do their research if they don't want to be "shocked" by the anime's content. If anything, I'm just posting personal impressions and opinions, that they'll entirely from my viewpoint. Sometimes I may put more effort in them, sometimes I'll just touch one aspect of a show that I want to point out. In any case, most people will just read a post made by someone, they don't know me. But as long as I'm not downright deceptive, I think it's fine, and then it's up to the reader.

On Kuma Miko for example, they'll read my post and they'll just be aware that someone liked the show. Maybe I didn't make it very clear that raunchy elements existed in the show, but I mentioned them, and then it's up to the reader to ask me or find on their own the show's contents. I didn't want to focus on that as I didn't review the series, I wanted to let people know that imo the show had a lot of things going for it, as I had seen a lot of people watching Flying Witch but not this one, for a plethora of reasons.
Natsuyuki Rendezvous 1

Definitely off to a slow start but but it's got me pretty interested already, although as usual with this sort of show I do worry about how heavy the drama will end up being.


I haven't been checking in too often this season, so I guess I'll give a little rundown of what I'm following, loosely ranked.


Tonkatsu DJ Agetarou

It's hard for me to define why I'm enjoying this as much as I am. The absurdity of the premise is nice, and its eye-catching, crude art makes it stand out from everything else airing, but what's really hooked me is the music. It's got a great soundtrack, and I love how they've used it to capture the protagonist's own sonic epiphanies. Its success there kind of proves that the people making the show care about the subculture they're portraying, and that all comes across in a really sincere way.

Space Patrol Luluco

Imaishi can be a dangerous thing to mess with, but I'm really digging what he's doing here, finally drawing upon Inferno Cop's potential in a way that Ninja Slayer failed to achieve (at least in its early episodes). I think trying to capture a normal girl's love story in an absurd world managed to ground him enough that the show has so far avoided the crudeness that drags down the works of his I don't like. It's fun every week.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable

It seems like each arc of this series looks better than the last, and the stylish directing here has elevated some already-strong material. Josuke's a more exciting protagonist to watch than Jotaro, and the Stand powers are already pretty wacky. I'm absolutely following this one to the end.

Concrete Revolutio

I'm behind on this one because Daisuki is slow, but the first two episodes were both some of the strongest in the series so far. The show's already been discussed at length, so I won't go into it too much. In its intimate relationship with relatively contemporary history, there's nothing quite like it.


The Lost Village

It's so crazy. The cast is so crazy. I have no idea what's going on. That's pretty much exactly what I want. I'm sure this will lead somewhere fulfilling.

Tanaka-kun is Always Listless

It's got a good mix of comfy mood, solid comedy, and fantastic intertitles. The new characters play off the existing cast pretty well, which is good because Tanaka himself can get a little one-note. I admire the craft here, and I like how the show gives things space to breathe, but I might wind up leaving it to the side anyways. Anime comedies need to be really good to hook me.

Chopping Block

Joker Game

I want this to be great given its choice of setting and world-spanning ambition, but episode 3 was a real dud, and it has this annoying habit of over-explaining things that will really bother me if it keeps up. If episode 4 doesn't impress I'll probably leave it aside.


Flying Witch

It's not bad, but Tanaka-kun is better, and even that might not last.


It's bad.

Bungou Stray Dogs

After the tone switch, I don't want any more of what this is selling. Waste of a perfectly fun premise.

On Deck

Turn A Gundam - 18

It's easy to forget while watching this show (especially if you put it on hold like I did) is that these two characters have swapped places and taken on the role of the other. It really says a lot about the trust the two have when Dianna explicitly says that Kihel did a better job at expressing her feelings that she could have done.

Turn A Gundam - 19



Turn A Gundam - 20

This was another good episode. I really like how, with Dianna posing as Kihel, she's able to hear everything the people from Earth have to say about the Moonrace up close and personal, seeing how this entire war that they started is affecting them.


I learned tonight that the new elipticle machines at Planet Fitness have a perfectly placed shelf to stream anime on and work out at the same time.. good stuff, but going back to the gym after so long is painful, lol.


Date a Live ep.6
That was a weird but fun episode. The AST captain is a nut job of a woman, lol. All that trouble for a hot spring visit.


For all the people who like Madoka Rebellion because it has
an ending that's a big "fuck you" to the fans
and that's something that's worth laughing at and saying is good, I'm just going to wait for FLCL seasons 2 and 3 to come out.

Then we'll see who's laughing.

We already know they'll be bad whereas Rebellion is a proven good quantity.
I wanted to test out Amazon Prime Video on my PS3 (lol) and put on the first episode of The Legend of Korra

there's something about the composition here that just doesn't fit right. something about the camera. If anything this makes me more impressed with the camera tricks we have going on in superior nihon animation (although everything is animated in Korea anyway)


I have thought about it long and hard and I think I am dropping flying witch. For the last two episodes only half of each of the episodes have been interesting. I am struggling to have patience for half the episode basically. Furthermore this level of mildness is not something that appeals to me.
Joker Game 04

Was boring. I struggled getting through this episode. Kept getting distracted by my phone or something on the internet. Ugh, hopefully next week it's better, or in the dropped bin it goes.


I don't recommend any anime to anyone that doesn't already watch anime, and I assume that anyone that watches anime is as deviant as I am.

Whilst I happily reccomend all sorts of stuff to friends and family of all sorts of ages, some who already watch the occassional anime and some who rarely do. I treat it no differently than a do film, tv, comics or other media.

And really I don't run into any of the negativity that people talk about. I mostly only see it here (I mean gaming side).


I think the fact a lot of us don't care about the perpetuation of negative stereotypes or feeling the need to justify their hobby would make this difficult.

Certainly it just reminds me of how I also don't call out (or defend) the violent nature of a large segment of videogame games and how that refelcts on video game players and their culture. Even if that nature turns me off to some degree...of course thankfully theres plenty of other games I can enjoy that aren't about shooting people in the face and yelling into microphones.
Joker Game 04

I feel comfortable saying this is a bad show now. The way the story is being presented is just not enjoyable.

This episode might have the dumbest over the top villain I've seen in quite a while.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Been babysitting a bunch these past few weeks and during nap time when I don't have work to catch up on I've been cleaning my sister's house while watching....Aldnoah.Zero.

What a piece of crap this show is. The only good thing I can say is that the dub is really nice. The animation is poor, the art is bland, the story is a rehashed Gundam plot that even they would be embarrassed to make. Everyone is an idiot besides the lifeless main character who is a super genius. Turn A Gundam is a show where I often say just about everyone in it is a total moron but this show takes it to a new level.
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