Seikon no Qwaser ep.1
I thought you guys said this was good? This first episode was umm, quite the experience, lol. I wasn't expecting it to be that edgy at all. I actually think that made Strike the Blood look like a children's cartoon almost, lol. So, the MC is 13 with a bunch of 16 year old girls and he just gets to go around doing those lewd things to them as a power up? WTF, lol.

I thought you guys said this was good? This first episode was umm, quite the experience, lol. I wasn't expecting it to be that edgy at all. I actually think that made Strike the Blood look like a children's cartoon almost, lol. So, the MC is 13 with a bunch of 16 year old girls and he just gets to go around doing those lewd things to them as a power up? WTF, lol.