Danball Senki 28
In this episode we got an tiny toy stopping a super fast train and GIGA DRILL BREAKER.
Train sequence is so good as there's this palpable sense of helplessness.
Danball Senki 28
In this episode we got an tiny toy stopping a super fast train and GIGA DRILL BREAKER.
The anime 91 Days that's airing in Summer seems really interesting.
Here's the synopsis
The staff seems pretty good as well. I guess I'm on board.
So, I'm looking at this I guess you could call them rankings from 20 days ago and I want to ask y'all, which one should I start on, Joker Game or Bungo Stray Dogs?
So has anyone watched Planetes here? Was kinda wondering what to watch next and it at least has an interesting concept.
Steins Gate 1
Is their a reason for Okabe's chunni mode?
Steins Gate 1
Is their a reason for Okabe's chunni mode?
I was hooked from like episode 1. Same people who did Ping Pong. How could you?I ended up dropping The Tatami Galaxy in case anyone was wondering, didn't like it at all, so much so that what was supposed to get me back into watching anime again ended up putting me off further which is why I'm gonna pick carefully this time. I might revisit The Tatami Galaxy later down the road, but that's back on the back-burner for now.
I was hooked from like episode 1. Same people who did Ping Pong. How could you?
How far did you get.
I think I pointed this out once, but I disliked the first half a lot and then I loved the second half.
Episode 3 was the last I watched, I was actually positive on the episode but the thought of watching more mentally exhausted me.
Ping Pong is a lot better than Tatami Galaxy to be fair.
I'd rate them roughly equal. Tatami Galaxy has the disadvantage of having a repetitive structure, while Ping Pong has the disadvantage of having way worse animation due to its compressed production schedule. But they're both great shows with strong storytelling.
Tatami Galaxy is a show that would have been much better as a 6 episode OVA series or a film while Ping Pong never drags the same way or feels as sledgehammersque with its messaging.I'd rate them roughly equal. Tatami Galaxy has the disadvantage of having a repetitive structure, while Ping Pong has the disadvantage of having way worse animation due to its compressed production schedule. But they're both great shows with strong storytelling.
So, I'm looking at this I guess you could call them rankings from 20 days ago and I want to ask y'all, which one should I start on, Joker Game or Bungo Stray Dogs?
The anime 91 Days that's airing in Summer seems really interesting.
Here's the synopsis
The staff seems pretty good as well. I guess I'm on board.
Tatami Galaxy is a show that would have been much better as a 6 episode OVA series or a film while Ping Pong never drags the same way or feels as sledgehammersque with its messaging.
Black Butler: Book of Circus 07
This... is fucked up. I definitely was not ready forI didn't really think that Black Butler got this dark, to be honest. Personally I hope the tone lightens up a bit, but I'm still enjoying it regardless.that circus performance by the kids.
I kind of whince whenever a random word in another language gets thrown about just to make things sound exotic, and the plot does sound pretty generic even though that could be attributed to what appears to be the work of google translate. A guy with a grudge against the mafia who joins them for revenge isn't anything new, but then again execution's everything so it could end up being good despite the generic premise (which, on the other hand, isn't nearly as generic as battle academy harems).
Your hope is in vain.
Well, looks like I chose the wrong title to be my 'popcorn' anime watch! I might need a palette cleanser after this one.
Maybe I'll just bump Mellowlink up and watch that. That seems like fun.
I've heard Joker Game has finally gotten somewhat interesting, but five episodes in it was really meh due to how there was no continuity that tied all the spy stories together except that they were all Japanese spies who were all trained in the same agency.
Bungo felt like a way worse Blood Blockade four episodes in, so I ended up dropping it as well.
The new shows I'm actually liking this season are Re:Zero and Kiznaiver, and maybe Flying Witch if you're into SoL-style shows. Now that I've dropped Hundred, Anny-Happy, Bungo and Twin Star Exorcists I'll probably be picking Kuromukuro up and go back to Barakamon and maybe some other show that manages to catch my attention.
Have you seen Flying Witch?
It's a show for ultimate relaxing and cleansing.
My ping pong senses went off. Ping pong was way more enjoyable to watch for me. Wenge was such a good character.Ping Pong is a lot better than Tatami Galaxy to be fair.
this reaction is pure schaudenfreude
Steins Gate 1
Is their a reason for Okabe's chunni mode?
The mafia being the Vampiro family, you know. I'm not too fond of random gairaigo, and feel like it sticks out like a sore thumb rather than making things sound cooler most of the time. That family name doesn't sound like a legit Italian last name, unless they're going for the Vampiro family actually being vampires because of how Japan's pretty big about names being meaningful and all that.
The MC also better conceal his identity really good by the way, because if anyone in the mafia catches on to his real identity (last name, most likely) that will lower his life expectancy to a couple episodes at most unless he gets his hands on some power-up or bodyguard of some kind.
I wasn't familiar with the chuunibyou trope when I first watched Steins;Gate, and for a while I genuinely thought the show was trying to portray someone with paranoid schizophrenia.
...... I really can't tell if you're intentionally trolling or not.
No, not intentionally. There's nothing more to it than that I honestly don't like Vampiro as the name for whatever. Mafia families tend to use their boss' last name, so it came off to me as being very random and weird choice of a last name.
I need to watch Ping Pong soon...Ping Pong is a lot better than Tatami Galaxy to be fair.
The irony of using an obscure loan word to complain about the use of loan words seems too on-the-nose to be unintentional, but if you say so!
I kind of whince whenever a random word in another language gets thrown about just to make things sound exotic, and the plot does sound pretty generic even though that could be attributed to what appears to be the work of google translate. A guy with a grudge against the mafia who joins them for revenge isn't anything new, but then again execution's everything so it could end up being good despite the generic premise (which, on the other hand, isn't nearly as generic as battle academy harems).
The mafia being the Vampiro family, you know. I'm not too fond of random gairaigo, and feel like it sticks out like a sore thumb rather than making things sound cooler most of the time. That family name doesn't sound like a legit Italian last name, unless they're going for the Vampiro family actually being vampires because of how Japan's pretty big about names being meaningful and all that.
The MC also better conceal his identity really good by the way, because if anyone in the mafia catches on to his real identity (last name, most likely) that will lower his life expectancy to a couple episodes at most unless he gets his hands on some power-up or bodyguard of some kind.
No, not intentionally. There's nothing more to it than that I honestly don't like Vampiro as the name for whatever. Mafia families tend to use their boss' last name, so it came off to me as being very random and weird choice of a last name.
It's just I can't read it without my Spanish-sense kicking in (since vampiro's written the same way in both Italian and Spanish). It does sound better than the Vampire family or the 吸血鬼 family yeah, but Spanish being my mother tongue means it's little more than a generic noun to me and that greatly diminishes both its appeal and novelty factor.
This is a hilarious overreaction to a mistranslation (or troll translation?). Lol. The mafia family in 91 Days is the Vanetti Family.![]()
The popularity of this show is unbelievable to me. Sorry for co-opting your first time watch, hope you enjoy it!Steins Gate 1
The day before summer vacation starts, Daichi who is a high school boy, sees a rainbow on TV in an island. Ive seen this rainbow before He is suddenly urged to visit this island to find about this rainbow, bits of forgotten memories from the past and his fathers mysterious death. At the island, he encounters a gigantic unknown robot called Earth Engine. He is asked by a crew member, Are you the Captain? From then on, Daichi is sucked into the space battle against robots from Uranus, Kiltgung. When the stars shines brightly in the sky, the battles begin.
"Shian", a high school girl who wants to join a band, suddenly sucked into a mobile app game, Show By Rock!!. In the game world, she joins a girls band Plazmagica and battle against dark monsters using interments. The band is still an indie band and in order to become more major, they need to keep on winning band battles against other rival bands or fighting dark monsters. In this special world, when the band becomes battle mode, the characters become Super Deluxe (SD) form in this animation.