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Star Citizen Pre-Alpha: 'Arena Commander' Dogfighting

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good vid, anybody want to guess the context behind the mocap shoot? My bet is the intro levels of SQ42 after you design your initial character judging from that hospital scene.

Yeah, seems like a safe bet.

Stuff is happening, the next couple of months should be great for us "it's all about the journey" people. :p



It'll be interesting to see whether they can succeed in making mining any fun. I'm not sure there's ever been a game where it has been. I mean, the description is all well and good, but the proof will be in the implementation and seeing if it all pans out as planned. I just have a gut feeling that VR will make or break the career as far as actually wanting to do it. Putting the scale of the ship and asteroids into a real life perspective would add to the sense of working on a huge rig surrounded by large (potentially explosive) space rocks.

That said, even well done mining wouldn't be of much interest to me. Wallet is safe.
On a tangentially related note, I didn't know CIG had a Vimeo page.

Neither did I. Good news everyone!

I was hoping that the mining post deep-dive would go into the voxel tech behind the asteroids. Similar to how the shield deep-dive post went into how the shields are being rendered.


Meh, stupid laws making ships 21% more expensive. I'm not against high VAT, and I totally don't mind paying for it when I buy things in my country, but it's a bit silly I get a 'disadvantage' compared to other users when the product in question is just some bits and bytes delivered the same way through fibre cables.

I've not been following this game, but this popped up on my feed today. $16,000 for a ship, can someone explain to me wtf this is.


It's essentially a harpoon for big white whales.

There's not much to explain: Certain packages contain pretty much everything or very rare ships and are exorbitantly expensive.



I've not been following this game, but this popped up on my feed today. $16,000 for a ship, can someone explain to me wtf this is.

1. It's not only not ship but all of them.
2. This package is for people like Notch who have the disposable income and want to support the development.
3. You don't need that because everything you need is the Starter package for 35$.
4. And the starter package is sufficient because EVERYTHING (every ship and item) can be earned ingame though gameplay. There are no "premium" ships and no "gold ammo" whatsoever.


1. It's not only not ship but all of them.
2. This package is for people like Notch who have the disposable income and want to support the development.
3. You don't need that because everything you need is the Starter package for 35$.
4. And the starter package is sufficient because EVERYTHING (every ship and item) can be earned ingame though gameplay. There are now "premium" ships and no "gold ammo" whatsoever.

Everything can be earned in the game, but if its anything like Elite: Dangerous, you will most likely want to just do some trading because fucking hell, trying to get by as a bounty hunter or anything else is hard. I got a Viper and kept playing for a quite few more hours more but barely scratched off the needed amount to get the next ship.

That's most likely the part that worries me. I'm combat oriented, but I would love to someday have a Constellation or something to fly with friends and I fear it will take forever of constant risks to earn enough for one compared to just boringly fly from point A to point B following a third party program and buying/selling stuff.
"Everything can be earned in the game, but if its anything like Elite: Dangerous, you will most likely want to just do some trading because fucking hell, trying to get by as a bounty hunter or anything else is hard. I got a Viper and kept playing for a quite few more hours more but barely scratched off the needed amount to get the next ship. "

Well, ideally they won't design their mission system as poorly as Frontier did.


Okay, Teknopathetic, it's been bugging me for what feels like years. I gotta ask. Why are you quoting people like that instead of using the quote function/tag? Nothing wrong with it, of course, but what's the reason for it? Please tell me, I need to know.


Okay, Teknopathetic, it's been bugging me for what feels like years. I gotta ask. Why are you quoting people like that instead of using the quote function/tag? Nothing wrong with it, of course, but what's the reason for it? Please tell me, I need to know.

This is a mystery that has occupied the minds of countless GAFers, and none have come close to finding an answer.


Okay, Teknopathetic, it's been bugging me for what feels like years. I gotta ask. Why are you quoting people like that instead of using the quote function/tag? Nothing wrong with it, of course, but what's the reason for it? Please tell me, I need to know.
This is a mystery that has occupied the minds of countless GAFers, and none have come close to finding an answer.


--- damn, i think i'm tired, because i was certain that this was Teknopathetic's post and he quoted normally just to troll ...


Okay, Teknopathetic, it's been bugging me for what feels like years. I gotta ask. Why are you quoting people like that instead of using the quote function/tag? Nothing wrong with it, of course, but what's the reason for it? Please tell me, I need to know.

I wonder if it has something to do with Neogaf not including nested quotation automatically (if there's actually an option to turn on nested quotation, sorry for the ignorance).


I just remembered I bought this "game" for $80 but completely forgot about it... is there anything to play yet?
Plenty. Just download the client off the webpage and go fly around in your ship. Right now it's the Arena Commander and hangar modules. The latter allows you to touch, lick, and hump your virtual spacecraft. The former is for entering a dogfighting arena and shooting at other ships or fly races.

You can check the status of the releases here.

This is what the FAQ says:
FAQ said:
What Game Modes can I play?

The Single Player modes include:

  • Vanduul Swarm
  • Free Flight
  • Murray Cup Racing

The Multiplayer Modes include:

  • Battle Royale
  • Squadron Battle
  • Capture the Core
  • Vanduul Swarm Coop
  • Murray Cup Racing


Batteries the CRISIS!
I just remembered I bought this "game" for $80 but completely forgot about it... is there anything to play yet?

sounds like you've got a lovely 300i waiting for you to fly

make sure when you log into the website to go to your account and then your hangar settings, then drag and drop your ship into a section of your hangar before booting up the game.

Okay, Teknopathetic, it's been bugging me for what feels like years. I gotta ask. Why are you quoting people like that instead of using the quote function/tag? Nothing wrong with it, of course, but what's the reason for it? Please tell me, I need to know.

I think he's just old school from back in the day when quote functions on message boards didn't exist yet.


I think he's just old school from back in the day when quote functions on message boards didn't exist yet.
The thing is, the vBulletin quote function is useful because it includes that link back to the original post. You miss that when you just put quotes around stuff.
Well, ideally they won't design their mission system as poorly as Frontier did.

To be fair, Frontier did state they were going to completely revamp the mission system in an upcoming patch. The current one is probably just placeholder.

I really wish they had delayed the official release another 4-5 months.


"Okay, Teknopathetic, it's been bugging me for what feels like years. I gotta ask. Why are you quoting people like that instead of using the quote function/tag? Nothing wrong with it, of course, but what's the reason for it? Please tell me, I need to know."

It's actually a special form of quoting only available to GAF Gold members. If you have Gold you see additional details like calculated intellect, reason, fanboyism and most talked about games of the quoted person in question. If you don't have Gold it appears as simple quotation marks however.


"It's actually a special form of quoting only available to GAF Gold members. If you have Gold you see additional details like calculated intellect, reason, fanboyism and most talked about games of the quoted person in question. If you don't have Gold it appears as simple quotation marks however."

You're not supposed to tell people that. Though I suppose with the calculated intellect displayed, it makes sense you posted.
"Okay, Teknopathetic, it's been bugging me for what feels like years. I gotta ask. Why are you quoting people like that instead of using the quote function/tag? Nothing wrong with it, of course, but what's the reason for it? Please tell me, I need to know."

It's actually a special form of quoting only available to GAF Gold members. If you have Gold you see additional details like calculated intellect, reason, fanboyism and most talked about games of the quoted person in question. If you don't have Gold it appears as simple quotation marks however.

The Feds can't track his posts without quotes.

Hello agent 4715


"Okay, Teknopathetic, it's been bugging me for what feels like years. I gotta ask. Why are you quoting people like that instead of using the quote function/tag? Nothing wrong with it, of course, but what's the reason for it? Please tell me, I need to know."

It's actually a special form of quoting only available to GAF Gold members. If you have Gold you see additional details like calculated intellect, reason, fanboyism and most talked about games of the quoted person in question. If you don't have Gold it appears as simple quotation marks however.

"It's actually a special form of quoting only available to GAF Gold members. If you have Gold you see additional details like calculated intellect, reason, fanboyism and most talked about games of the quoted person in question. If you don't have Gold it appears as simple quotation marks however."

You're not supposed to tell people that. Though I suppose with the calculated intellect displayed, it makes sense you posted.

Absolutely sensational.


Found this quote on reddit from Rob Reininger, Senior Technical Designer.


If this is an indication of the mindset of CIG employees, this gives me an enormous amount of confidence. They really want this game to be revolutionary.


If this is an indication of the mindset of CIG employees, this gives me an enormous amount of confidence. They really want this game to be revolutionary.
The ambition is simultaneously the game's biggest boon, and its biggest liability. I have serious doubts that they can realize a lot of what they want, but take solace in that if they even manage half of what they want, it'll still be the biggest shakeup the industry has seen in some time.


The ambition is simultaneously the game's biggest boon, and its biggest liability. I have serious doubts that they can realize a lot of what they want, but take solace in that if they even manage half of what they want, it'll still be the biggest shakeup the industry as seen in some time.
I think this sums up a rational excitement for the game. I feel exactly the same way.
The ambition is simultaneously the game's biggest boon, and its biggest liability. I have serious doubts that they can realize a lot of what they want, but take solace in that if they even manage half of what they want, it'll still be the biggest shakeup the industry has seen in some time.

Normally for games the limit is money and time. Seeing as how the support for this project has been overwhelming in terms of money for how the project started, it is entirely believable that they can achieve what they set out to do given enough time. The sheer fact that the designed the title to be built in a modular fashion means there are parts that are up and running and people can try play so they can make their own choice on how much they want to contribute. Now this game isn't on the level of GTA5 in terms of development cost and marketing, but since they are only focusing on high end PC's and really are letting the word of mouth do its thing, the goals they have set all seem to be a bar that they can believably hit.


Normally for games the limit is money and time. Seeing as how the support for this project has been overwhelming in terms of money for how the project started, it is entirely believable that they can achieve what they set out to do given enough time. The sheer fact that the designed the title to be built in a modular fashion means there are parts that are up and running and people can try play so they can make their own choice on how much they want to contribute. Now this game isn't on the level of GTA5 in terms of development cost and marketing, but since they are only focusing on high end PC's and really are letting the word of mouth do its thing, the goals they have set all seem to be a bar that they can believably hit.

Helps that it is Chris' dream game, so he will do everything he can to achieve his vision.


Now this game isn't on the level of GTA5 in terms of development cost and marketing, but since they are only focusing on high end PC's and really are letting the word of mouth do its thing, the goals they have set all seem to be a bar that they can believably hit.
Time will tell, but if they manage to accomplish everything they set out to do, it'll probably be the first time in history of video games that a big budget development cycle hasn't had to scrap things for one reason or another. Ultimately they're still constrained by time and money. They're just a bit more flexible compared to traditionally funded games in that respect.

One could also make the argument that for a game that's shooting for the stars, if they don't end up having to scale back, then they didn't aim high enough in the first place.


Now this game isn't on the level of GTA5 in terms of development cost and marketing,

While it's not quite there, SC's dev cost is close to GTA5. CIG is building the game around an estimated $100M by the time the game launches and nearly all of that is going into development. The marketing budget is practically nonexsistent.


Realistically, what goals have CIG set for themselves that have the possibility of not being achieved?

They've already shown demos of the FPS, Social, and Multi-crew demos, so we know they will be completed in some playable form. After that it's the Persistent Universe and Squadron 42, which we admittedly know little about, but considering those 2 are literally the games we paid for I'd say there is a pretty good chance that we will see some version of them soon.

So that means all of the major modules should be in the game in some form. What's left is the fluff, the stuff that would make the game a lot of fun and very immersive, but doesn't necessarily need to be in the final game at launch and could be saved for a future patch or (hopefully) free DLC.

A few examples, the multi-crew systems sounds great, but probably won't be in when multi-crew ships are launched. Making looking at a scanner, or managing shields fun and challenging requires a bit of work and ingenuity that may cause a delay.

Same with mining and salvaging, they keep saying that those 2 career paths will be fun and challenging, but it sounds like a lot of work.

And then there are the stretch goals like pets, Alien languages, and ship modularity. While I have faith in CIG, that's a lot of work for a 2016 release date and I wouldn't blame CIG if they wanted to save some of those for some future patches/DLC (free for backers, paid for people who bought the game after release?).
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