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Star Citizen Pre-Alpha: Hangar Module

Made a few more but I am stuck at one part.
I don't think there is a light above or near the table I can use to light it up. Correct me if I am wrong though.

The other stuff



Watching it now. If I'm understanding it right, he says that they won't have a friends list, you would need to create an organization if you wanted to keep track of people you want to talk to etc.... not sure that I like the sound of that.

I'm not liking that concept either, it seems like it would just be very complicated to maintain and bloated both within the orgs and in the org system as a whole.

I'd rather just see a contact list of some sort on the mobiglass system where you can just add anyone (with mutual acceptance required + public online status toggles), without the obligation of being in a group as a whole or setting up/belonging to many groups.


epmode, did you preorder the DK2 yet?


First look at the asteroid hangar + hangar room system tomorrow on WH. Should be interesting.


Watching it now. If I'm understanding it right, he says that they won't have a friends list, you would need to create an organization if you wanted to keep track of people you want to talk to etc.... not sure that I like the sound of that.

That's just bad. Nothing speaks against a friendslist at all.


That's just bad. Nothing speaks against a friendslist at all.
I am pretty sure that's one of the things that are going to change in development. No friendslist is just plain stupid. In real life I don't have to found an organization to add someone to the contacts on my phone.

Dead Man

Watching it now. If I'm understanding it right, he says that they won't have a friends list, you would need to create an organization if you wanted to keep track of people you want to talk to etc.... not sure that I like the sound of that.

That would be bad, surely that has to change before final release.
That would be bad, surely that has to change before final release.

Definitely. I can't see 'no friends list' being something that makes it through alpha and beta either. It doesn't make sense on a gameplay or a lore / sim level.

What did you guys think of the room expansion stuff in this weeks WMH? The concept is great and the asteroid hanger implementation looks solid, but progress was not as far along with it as I would have hoped.


What did you guys think of the room expansion stuff in this weeks WMH? The concept is great and the asteroid hanger implementation looks solid, but progress was not as far along with it as I would have hoped.

The room expansion system is a great idea. Looks like they know their stuff. I don't really care when everything will be finished & ready. DFM is almost here, the first chunk of Squadron 42 isn't that far away either. Plus we get to see and hear about tons of cool stuff they're working on every week. As far as I'm concerned, they can take their sweet time building this thing. In the meantime, there's always Elite ...


DFM release won't be a blanket release. They want to release it staggered so they don't crash the servers and have them crashed for 2 months. They are working out how they'll do the release. It may be subscribers first, then people who back early, and so on. They know this will piss fans off but the reality is, they'd rather have the servers up and running and testing than having it down all the time. It won't be a long stagger so don't sweat it too much.

This may lead to a lot of angry people even if it's for the best, enforcing castes like that isn't a good idea at all though, it should be a random lottery if anything. Hopefully SP vs AI and Free flight is available immediately in any case.
tons of great info on that writeup, never watched the hangover after shows but I'm not too worried about that staggered release since they say it's not going to be a long wait between releases. Hopefully us early backers get in the first batch though


Hopefully us early backers get in the first batch though

You see, that's the problem with lots of Kickstarters and other 'preorders'. Just because you're first shouldn't entitle you to anything. The problem lies within the fact that not everyone can be aware of everything at all time, so you may not have heard of a project early enough. And there's nothing you can do about to 'back earlier', giving you an unfair disadvantage while you may still be a just as legit backer as all the others.

I know, companies often throw early backers a bone so they will fund earlier and therefore increasing the speed of funding hopefully leading in a bandwagon/snowball effect. But it does really detriment all the new backers you can get (see the craze for LTI ships and the cooldown after that).

So therefore I think it's best they treat all backers evenly, going with a random dice roll to decide entrants for the DFM. Maybe using weighted dices to give earlier backers a greater chance to be selected, if they really want to please those veterans.


You see, that's the problem with lots of Kickstarters and other 'preorders'. Just because you're first shouldn't entitle you to anything. The problem lies within the fact that not everyone can be aware of everything at all time, so you may not have heard of a project early enough. And there's nothing you can do about to 'back earlier', giving you an unfair disadvantage while you may still be a just as legit backer as all the others.
Why should this necessarily be the case though?

It seems to me that you could apply this logic to most anything where there is an enforced limitation. Just because you ordered a or a ticket product first...should it entitle you to get it first? Not everyone can be aware of everything at all times, so you might not have heard about it early enough.


Why should this necessarily be the case though?

It seems to me that you could apply this logic to most anything where there is an enforced limitation. Just because you ordered a or a ticket product first...should it entitle you to get it first? Not everyone can be aware of everything at all times, so you might not have heard about it early enough.

Actually yes ;-). There just isn't an easy fair system to replace the first come first serve mentality, so that's why we as society stick with it. :)
So therefore I think it's best they treat all backers evenly, going with a random dice roll to decide entrants for the DFM. Maybe using weighted dices to give earlier backers a greater chance to be selected, if they really want to please those veterans.

I'm okay with that solution as it probably won't piss off their backers nearly enough, we've all waited this long for the dfm to come out, I'm sure most can wait just a little longer if their not first, me included.
Not sure why people were expecting to see the DFM in the special anyway. The reveal is PAX, not now. This is a behind the scenes look and seeing the devs... Well, they're behind the scenes.

As for the Idris Frigate... If only I had had $1000 before. Still, there's some people in the Brown Coats (my current org) who will be letting people crew theirs. Anyone in GAF have one that could need help too?


Ah well. I actually have no reason to complain as it is all for the better. But I might get worried that the game will get stuck in development hell if they won't start accepting their ships as they are now.

Right. But it's not like they could've just accepted what they had, since a lot of basic design elements were missing. As stuff like docking ports size, cargo mechanics, etc. gets nailed down in design, there'll be less and less need for constant tweaking.
The Reddit trading post is the only real place I know, but I remember hearing of Scythes and Idris on eBay and Amazon before. Dunno what those are going for, but you can do a search limited just to the subreddit to find out.

Been considering either selling my Freelancer or trading it for a Cutlass as I'm really starting to doubt I need a Freelancer when I already have a Constellation. Just trying to hold out for the commercial and variants to see how it turns out first.


So if I pay for the basic ship with game content do I get just a hanger to walk round or the full alpha that was available?

Price is around $40 and I'm tempted to see this run.
The hangar is the "full alpha." Or rather, it's the only part of the "alpha" that has been made available thus far. The alpha access will include access to the Dogfighting Module when it's released as well.


So for now it's walk round the hanger and check the graphics out.
worth $40?

Is walking around the hangar worth $40? Probably not. However, 40$ also gets you the full game + access to alfa (dogfighting module, planetside module, etc.) and beta. So if you're interested in the game, yeah, it's goddamn worth it.
A good series of shows on Youtube that focuses on rounding up all the known facts on Star Citizen and presenting them in a concise and informative mannger - The Hull Truth.


The host, Wes, has talked about possibly interview Chris Roberts at PAX East, as Hull Truth has gotten a fair amount of attention from the Star Citizen team. Well worth a follow/sub.


So if I pay for the basic ship with game content do I get just a hanger to walk round or the full alpha that was available?

Price is around $40 and I'm tempted to see this run.

In addition to Teknopathetic's response, check out the op for a list of releases leading up to the full game.

The game is being split up into a bunch of different parts that are being developed concurrently, and each module is an alpha milestone of a particular aspect, as each one is released the game as a whole gets closer to an alpha state.


Speaking of the dog fighting module, is SC going to have slower paced patrol like combat that we have seen demoed in Elite: Dangerous?

I haven't really played any of Chris Robert's other games so I don't quite know what to expect. Seems there is a lot of world role play with jobs. I really like the whole heat-signature, stealth encounters that E:D has.
Speaking of the dog fighting module, is SC going to have slower paced patrol like combat that we have seen demoed in Elite: Dangerous?

I haven't really played any of Chris Robert's other games so I don't quite know what to expect. Seems there is a lot of world role play with jobs. I really like the whole heat-signature, stealth encounters that E:D has.

A lot of it will of course depend on the ship that you're in. Each ship has a somewhat unique play style. For example, the Super Hornet is all about that fast paced combat, while the Hornet Ghost is all about stealth (has lower heat and EM signatures, etc).

We only have the footage from the DFM in December to go by, and even then it's not completely accurate as they radically increased the damage of the weapons for the demo so that it wasn't completely boring.

It certainly won't be too arcade-like though. They're modeling g-forces for the pilot and every thruster on the ship is physically simulated. From what I've seen and read, it will likely have comparable pacing to E:D, but with more depth to the mechanics.


Speaking of the dog fighting module, is SC going to have slower paced patrol like combat that we have seen demoed in Elite: Dangerous?

Pretty much, imo. Heat/radar signatures (as well as shield/energy management and, well, physics) will play a significant role in the end product. Dunno about the DFM, which should be much more basic, being the V1 of the alfa and all.

We'll just have to wait and see, I guess.


Batteries the CRISIS!
The $41 million letter from the chairman was posted and quickly taken down for some reason. A poster on the RSI forums pasted it, and for posterity, I'll paste that below:

Greetings Citizens,

We’ve hit another record-setting crowd funding level: $41 million!

I’m incredibly happy to hit this goal as it green-lights a very important research project aimed at improving Star Citizen’s long term future. With this funding, we’ll be looking into procedural generation to help build the universe out in a greater detail and scope in ways we didn’t think possible when we started developing the game! We will have some exciting announcements to make down the line involving some of the talent we’ve been talking to about helping us with procedural system and planet building.

Procedural Generation R&D Team – This stretch goal will allocate funding for Cloud Imperium to develop procedural generation technology for future iterations of Star Citizen. Advanced procedural generation will be necessary for creating entire planets worth of exploration and development content. A special strike team of procedural generation-oriented developers will be assembled to make this technology a reality.

Oculus & Facebook

Like many of you, I was genuinely surprised to hear the news that Oculus had been acquired by Facebook. There has been a lot written this past week about the acquisition and some notable people have come out for and against. I know a lot of backers and gamers feel like they’ve been betrayed by Oculus “selling out.”

I’m not one of them.


From the start I was very aware that the Kickstarter for Oculus was just to prove there was a demand. In order to play in the consumer hardware business you need A LOT of money. And while we prove every day that crowd funding can generate more dollars to back a dream than anyone imagined was possible it is still not enough in the game Oculus hopes to play. Even with the $91M they raised from Venture Capital it was not enough.

To illustrate what I’m talking about let’s just take the Star Citizen community. When we ran a survey at the end of 2012 approximately 30% of the respondents said they planned to purchase the Rift to play Star Citizen. We currently have more than 400,000 accounts, and I would guess by the time the Rift consumer version launches it could be close to 600,000 to 800,000. So at our high end (assuming the percentages stay consistent as we grow, which I acknowledge is a big “if” as I suspect the Star Citizen early adopters are predisposed to invest money in the best possible gaming experience) that would be 240,00 Rift headsets at the high end. The price goal of the Rift was $300 retail. Let’s say the Rift costs $200 to manufacture and ship – not unreasonable if you compare it to the component cost of some smartphones, which have some of the same parts (display, accelerometers), don’t have some other parts (optics, headset, input / output) but have some others that the Rift doesn’t (memory, CPU). And of course Oculus is not going to have the same volumes Samsung or Apple have so it will probably have to pay more for similar components.

As you can’t really build hardware on demand you need to make sure you manufacture enough to meet initial demand. So just to meet the demand from Star Citizen early adopters, they would need to invest $48M in inventory. Let’s say their goal would be to sell one million headsets in the first year (not unreasonable if Star Citizen will help sell 200,000+). One million headsets would be $200M in manufacturing costs – and that isn’t even counting marketing costs. As another example Microsoft invested more than $1 billion dollars in Xbox One inventory for this past holiday (each Xbox One costs $471 and they sold more than 3M units in the holiday season).

Consumer hardware is a big boy’s game and this is the reason why Oculus agreed to be bought by Facebook. Otherwise, their fear would be that they prove there is a demand for VR but don’t have the resources to scale and capitalize on it while a much deeper pocketed company (like Samsung or Sony) sweeps in with the financial muscle and says “Hey, thanks for all the hard work, now let us reap the rewards!” As headline grabbing as the acquisition cost was in terms of wealth generation for such a young company without any significant sales, the real reason why Palmer, Brendan, et al. went with the deal was to be able to deliver VR at the scale that will make it mainstream.

At this point I don’t see Facebook being anything other than a very rich sugar daddy – the core Facebook strategy is about user acquisition through easy accessibility from multiple ubiquitous platforms. The Rift is neither ubiquitous nor easy to access right now! I can only guess that Mark Zuckerberg made this move as a bet on a potentially exciting future platform enthused by his tech geek’s excitement over what VR could bring. Both the key Oculus team members public comments and Facebook’s positioning stress that the deal was really about giving Oculus the resources to achieve the vision on a global scale, and not about another platform to see your friends data stream on.

I want to see Oculus and VR succeed.

From the moment I first saw the Rift, I knew it was something special. I can tell you firsthand that the team behind the headset has a true passion for making VR tomorrow’s standard. My hope is that the Facebook acquisition will mean more funding for a better finished product and not a loss of the incredible soul and vision that convinced me to back the project. I haven’t heard or seen anything to the contrary so until I do we are fully committed to supporting the Rift.

Now to answer the myriad forum threads that popped up worrying about the possibility of Cloud Imperium selling out to a much bigger company – don’t worry! We have no plans nor interest in “selling out!”

Thanks to the amazing support from the community we don’t need to go to anyone with deep pockets to make OUR dream a reality. As we deliver a digital product we have no huge inventory costs, just the costs of development and running servers which at the moment are covered by the community’s contributions.

And last but not least I’m having way to much fun building the universe of my dreams for everyone to adventure in! I’ve been down the big company acquisition route twice before and there’s a reason I am making Star Citizen totally independently!
Chris Roberts PEW PEWChris Roberts PEW PEW
Poll Results

Last time, we asked you to vote for the next stretch goal’s player reward… and the resounding winner was UEE Marine combat armor! You can read more about the armor, which will be unlocked at $43 million, now:

Omni Role Combat Armor (ORC) mk9
Manufacturer: CDS (Clark Defense Systems)

The ‘standard’ Marine armor for almost twenty years, ORC armor is prohibitively more expensive than standardized infantry body armor used by Army Ground Forces, but the Marines boast far fewer numbers and tend to make compelling arguments to get what they ask for. Clark Defense Systems’ ORC armor is created of composite mesh of fibers reinforced with ablative plates, offering a modest protection against both energy and kinetic weapons. While it doesn’t offer the same protection of the Marines’ proprietary Nail-armor or their SpecOps variants, ORCmk9 armor is a baseline solution for any number of situations the average Marine will encounter on any given day. Besides, in the words of Lt. Col Armin Trask, “you wanna know the best armor? Not getting shot.”

We’ve eliminated the least popular reward (bonus UEC) and started a second poll; be sure to vote for what you’d like as the $44 million goal below!


A lot of it will of course depend on the ship that you're in. Each ship has a somewhat unique play style. For example, the Super Hornet is all about that fast paced combat, while the Hornet Ghost is all about stealth (has lower heat and EM signatures, etc).

We only have the footage from the DFM in December to go by, and even then it's not completely accurate as they radically increased the damage of the weapons for the demo so that it wasn't completely boring.

It certainly won't be too arcade-like though. They're modeling g-forces for the pilot and every thruster on the ship is physically simulated. From what I've seen and read, it will likely have comparable pacing to E:D, but with more depth to the mechanics.

Pretty much, imo. Heat/radar signatures (as well as shield/energy management and, well, physics) will play a significant role in the end product. Dunno about the DFM, which should be much more basic, being the V1 of the alfa and all.

We'll just have to wait and see, I guess.

Awesome. I just absolutely love the idea of managing subsystems and redirect power etc.
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