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Star Fox Delayed Into 2005 (IGNCube)


trippingmartian said:
They should shitcan it to Revolution. It's not going to do a thing for the GC's lineup.
Ugh, NO.

I don't give a crap about Revolution, I want it for GAMECUBE.

Anyway, I thought this game had been almost complete for a while? Why the delay, did they decide they wanted to add more to it?


Running off of Custom Firmware
Disappointing, but I'd rather a great game later on than a decent game for an already overloaded holiday 2k4.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Isn't the Ace Combat team doing Starfox? This is good news for me because I want Ace Combat 05 more than Starfox :p


Space based missions looked great, but the ground missions definitely look like they need to be reworked. Didn't have high hopes for Starfox shipping this year, hopefully it'll fill in around March of next year.

2005 year of the GAMECUBE... I'm sure of it this time.
No, I think GameCube only owners will really appreciate Star Fox. It's the sort of faced paced action that they need. Hopefully, Namco takes the extra time to polish the game's gameplay up a bit. I'm fine with the graphics. I have a feeling it'll sell well too.


border said:
RE4 and Starfox moved....so Christmas is going to be riding on Metroid Prime, pretty much?

And Paper Mario 2 and Pikmin 2. Maybe Donkey Konga, but I'm guessing SA2B, SSBM, and TWW will have price drops (SSBM being the only maybe).

But yeah, most of Nintendo's marketing efforts will prolly be focused behind MP2E (with the bundle and whatnot).
It's going to be a blue Christmas on the Cube. :~(


RE4 would have been nice...

Deku Tree

Ronin said:
Not on the Gamecube.

September = Pikmin 2
October = Paper Mario 2
November = Metroid Prime 2: Echoes & Baten Kaitos
December = I play one of Novembers games.

+ xbox & PS2 & (maybe) DS


Oh, this news is GOOD. I am grateful. I'd rather pay for a better version of the game when I have money.
I'm guessing the game has been sent back to drawing board or at least the request for it to have more polish has come down from Nintendo. The game is probably the one Nintendo franchise that I'm NOT excited about - I blame rare though. Starfox 64 was briilliant.


border said:
RE4 and Starfox moved....so Christmas is going to be riding on Metroid Prime, pretty much?

there's still quite afew games. Baten Kaitos, Paper Mario, Pikmin 2, Donkey Konga etc. TWW and many other games may also go Players choice in the US like Europe.


This reminds me of last year, when MGSTTS, FFCC, AWL, and I think PC were moved into 2004, when it looked like with those games + MKDD, VJ, and Star Wars, the GC would have a great Christmas.

Well, I think it'll be more of a repeat of 2002 than 2003 this year, saleswise. Just found some similarities.

Star Fox, like Baten Kaitos, would have been crushed by being sandwiched between PM2:TTYD and MP2:E, and Nintendo looks like it's building a healthy early 2005 (RE4, Mario Tennis, Star Fox, Advance Wars: Under Fire, DK:JB) too.

AND not to mention the DS coming out this year. The Nintendo fanbase will obviously buy the system, so that diverts money away from the bigger franchises. Guess Nintendo thought Pikmin 2 had been delayed long enough, and Star Fox was smaller than Mario and Metroid.


Deg said:
Baten Kaitos, Paper Mario, Pikmin 2, Donkey Konga
So Christmas is going to be riding on Metroid Prime, pretty much? ;)
Star Fox, like Baten Kaitos, would have been crushed by being sandwiched between PM2:TTYD and MP2:E
I would hardly put Starfox in the same category as some card-RPG with zero name recognition. That aside, is the Cube userbase not active enough to support more than 1 or 2 simultaneous blockbusters, you think?


SantaCruZer said:
atleast 2005 is stacked for gamecube.

Heh heh, Year of the Gamecube ;)

Every year it seems like each year is stacked for the system, but every year games get delayed into the next.

Wonder if Fire Emblem will be one of those games scheduled for Fall 2005, and released early 2006.


border said:
So Christmas is going to be riding on Metroid Prime, pretty much? ;)I would hardly put Starfox in the same category as some card-RPG with zero name recognition. That aside, is the Cube userbase not active enough to support more than 1 or 2 simultaneous blockbusters, you think?

It's not that, it's more that Nintendo fans in general will be spending their money on a lot more. About 2-4 GC games (most will prolly be PM2 and MP2- I know MP6 will prolly sell a lot as well), some GBA games (Kingdom Hearts and Zelda XI are this year, right?), plus the DS and maybe one of its launch games.

And I wouldn't put Star Fox in the same league as Metroid or Mario, but it would have been like Resident Evil Zero, where it would be ignored in favor for a larger franchise.
border said:
So Christmas is going to be riding on Metroid Prime, pretty much?

well fuck yeah. I would want MPE to sell sell sell. The commercial bombing (not really but it wasn't the big hit it should have been) of MP when it launched was a disgrace to gaming in general. Hopefully, with the bigger installed base brought about by cheap cubes, MPE will do the sales/ momentum it deserves.


So basically, Nintendo just about killed their Fall/Winter sales with RE and Star Fox gone now. One big game close to christmas isn't going to go against the Xbox and PS2.


I'm glad it got delayed in a way. I LOVED Starfox 64, but I really wasn't feeling the same vibe from Starfox 2 at E3. The game needs some work, maybe Nintendo will take over a little more of the project from Namco.

And for God's sake, use the extra tim e to fix the controls.


Culex said:
So basically, Nintendo just about killed their Fall/Winter sales with RE and Star Fox gone now. One big game close to christmas isn't going to go against the Xbox and PS2.

Remember Xbox last year? It had no big game (Ninja Gaiden was delayed into this year, Fable was also delayed, and rumors of Halo 2 being released that year never came true), yet still sold 1.5 million consoles.


This is why NIntendo sucks. they're always banking on one or too games that may or may not appeal to everyone.

Umm Namco make starfox now. I don't think it's nintendos fault you know.


TheGreenGiant said:
The commercial bombing (not really but it wasn't the big hit it should have been) of MP when it launched was a disgrace to gaming in general. Hopefully, with the bigger installed base brought about by cheap cubes, MPE will do the sales/ momentum it deserves.
Some might question the wisdom of banking the whole season on a title that underperformed two years ago, though...

If they can't help it and the game really isn't ready-for-primetime then I guess Nintendo can't really be blamed, though I worry that this move might have more to do with their neurotic tendency to worry about Nintendo games cannibalizing each others' sales. So much ground has been lost to Xbox this year, I hope that they aren't holding back anything.


This game has simply taken Namco long enough to develop, seriously. It was announced back at the beginning of 2002!


I'm expecting MPE to sell worse, hype and nostalgia helped sell MP, not everyone's gonna be coming back for seconds


The delay actually makes me think about buying it...I'll be picking up a DS this fall, and won't want to pick up too many GC Titles...far and away, PM:TTYD and MP:E will be more than enough for me, and in no way am I worried about not having enough to play.

Early 2005 is going to be rough, though, moneywise.

February - RE4 (January ain't happenin')
March - Star Fox
April - Mario Tennis
May - DK: Jungle Beat
June - Advance Wars: Under Fire

I'll be picking up the last three for sure, but maybe Nintendo is spreading out their releases, thinking that the bundle/etc. will be able to support them. We'll see how it works out, I guess.


Memles said:
The delay actually makes me think about buying it...
This is exactly how I feel. There are so many games I want this Fall and Star Fox was on the bottom of the priority list. Now I'll definitely be buying this when it comes.

I think this won't hurt Nintendo that much. Let's be honest, Halo 2 will be HUGE and GTA:SA, GT:4, and MGS3 will be even bigger. I'm not sure Nintendo could do much to offset those highly anticipated games. Also, Metroid Prime 2 will have a much bigger impact on GCN sales than Star Fox would have, especially now since they released the bundle.


Hmm, after seeing IGN writing that Star Fox is a "multiplayer focused game with single player mode included", I'm gonna cancel my pre-order and wait until the game comes out and I hear first-hand impressions.

What I played was alright at E3 (the Space combat levels), but if there's not gonna be a lot of those, then I probably won't wanna spend $50.


Well there has to be more than what SFA offered of course, but I hope there's at least 15 space flight levels kind of like SF64.
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