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Star Fox Zero & Guard - Review Thread


Old school shoot em up style game getting bad reviews for being an old school shoot em up. This is why we can't even get arcade style racers either.

Damn shame.

EDIT: It's not fair to say that actually as it's getting mixed reviews. That's not too bad then.
Not that I wouldn't be fine with this, but a few of the reviews say the format/genre itself is dated, so an even more dated control scheme wasn't going to help the game in critics eyes.

Hence why I said that's what Zero largely should had been. I'm not asking for a direct rip of SF64 or the SNES StarFox's gameplay. Obviously you will need to make some tweaks to the controls and add new features and mechanics to keep the gameplay fresh.

The problem with Zero is that its required dual-screen control and gyro controls are complete game changers. And judging the reviewer impressions, whether those changes are or aren't for the better doesn't have any real / unanimous consensus, which isn't a promising outlook for anyone expecting the classic SF experience that has been advertised with this game.

It doesn't help that the other major changes to the formula made by Zero actually makes the experience inferior compared to its predecessors (no competitive multiplayer or even a branching level system for starters...), so it's not like Zero is giving contemporary reviewers a great adaptation of the classic experience in the first place.

El Odio

I mean, I know Starfox games are meant to be highly replayable, but holy shit 2-3 hours?...
Is the implication here being that that's too long or too short? You can do a run through of 64 in under an hour easily and the SNES one in probably just a bit over that.


Is this game really only 3-5 hours long? Or is that some sort of typo or exaggeration on the account of posters and journalists?

Well, Shiggy said the game was a "cinematic experience" since you could finish the game in the same time you would spend watching a movie, and unless Shiggy is a big fan of the LOTR trilogy or Satantango, the game should be 3 hours max.
About the reception I anticipated. In my opinion, the game is really suffering from its lack of online multiplayer, and not just for the obvious reason that its absence is considered, in and of itself, a huge detriment that likely knocked off a whole point from everyone's score right out of the gate.

Splatoon's gyro controls got similar criticisms from reviewers and players back when it was released -- until people started really competing online and stick players started getting bodied by gyro users. Today, the vast majority of competitive Splatoon players (yes, they exist) use the same motion controls that some reviewers called "broken" or "unplayable" upon release.

Every other day, there's a thread on the Splatoon reddit about making the switch because the poster feels they've peaked with analog but still want to compete. There are hold outs, of course, but the consensus among Splatoon players is clear: analog + gyro beats analog by itself clean, every time. People can not like gyro controls all they want, but broken they are not.

Going back to the reviews, I'm disappointed by just how much of a retread this game seems to be. I secretly hoped that there was more to the game, that the campaign extended beyond Venom, with more stages and narrative. I still think it looks like a fun game because of its unique control scheme, but everything else has me feeling pretty tepid. I'm going to buy it, but maybe on day ten as opposed to day one :p

Edit: so what's the over-under on Star Fox going back into retirement after this game's reception? Lol. My hope is that the game will get a second chance on NX as a re-release with online multiplayer or, at the very least, a dual analog control option and a budget price.
This is one game for which Nintendo should perhaps have dropped a demo. That way any hearsay about controls would have been put to bed.
Reviews are about what I figured. Not everyone is a fan of Star Fox type of games and the control scheme was always going to be divisive. I'm going to gauge that I will personally enjoy it and I can't wait to play it.

I dunno, i just read the Giant Bomb review and it said that.

I'd be more forgiving if it wasn't full price.

Isn't this typical for Star Fox games? Also, they provided a second game packed in for free to increase the value proposition. With Prime/GCU, which every gamer should have one or the other, it's $48 with Star Fox Guard.
Miyamoto's desire to create an "innovative" experience is what shot this game in the foot. I'm sure it's still a good game, but it could've been a great game if it wasn't tied down by making use of the gamepad when it didn't need to. I love gyroscope aiming, but there's no reason to make it required. All people wanted was the same thing as Starfox 64 but flashy as hell with some modern conveniences. Why muddy that up with "new ways to play"? So often Nintendo gets bogged down not wanting to create a similar but newer game, when that's all people really want.



Journalis: A person who writes for newspapers or magazines or prepares news to be broadcast on radio or television.

And that would totally include the internet nowadays.

So what am I not getting?

LOL, he can do whatever he wants.

Of course he can do what he wants, that doesn't mean doing what he wants is the right behavior for everything.

The alternative is that he says "okay I finished it, here's your score. it gets a 1, fuck this"

Is that really that much better?

He hated it, he wrote about his experience.
The alternative could have been not to do a review and not do a whole article about why he is not doing the review instead of doing the damn review. At least to me that is bs because he could have still done his job a wrote a review about how bad the game was or done nothing at all or passed it over someone else who might have agreed with him or not.

He decided to make an article about why he is not writting a review for the game. He might have hit legitimate points about his issues with the game, but it just reads as crap to me. Buzzfeedd levels of crap.


Death Prophet
Of course, a billion times over. I guess I was just hoping for improvement in that regard compared to a game from the 1990's.

At least the game itself seems like it's what the fans have been asking for!
Eh, I was fully expecting the length. If anything I feel like games have gotten shorter over time. The length is the least of my worries for this game.


Was Mega Man 2 not worth $50 back in the day?

Completely different landscape today.

We have hundreds of games releasing every year. Our cup flow'th over. And that's not even talking about things like F2P games where people invest thousands of hours in and still aren't bored.

El Odio

Reviews are about what I figured. Not everyone is a fan of Star Fox type of games and the control scheme was always going to be divisive. I'm going to gauge that I will personally enjoy it and I can't wait to play it.

Isn't this typical for Star Fox games? Also, they provided a second game packed in for free to increase the value proposition. With Prime/GCU, which every gamer should have one or the other, it's $48 with Star Fox Guard.
Guard is $10 extra though if you go digital I think you get it for $5.
Any reviewer or poster complaining about playthrough time just shows me that they don't understand the genre and their opinion becomes moot. That metric is meaningless in a genre made to be replayed and mastered, not just getting from point a to point b once.
Miyamoto's desire to create an "innovative" experience is what shot this game in the foot.
Agreed, I think Miyamoto just needs to step back from producing games for awhile that aren't Pikmin. Sticker Star was a mess and this game has control issues.

Any reviewer or poster complaining about playthrough time just shows me that they don't understand the genre and their opinion becomes moot. That metric is meaningless in a genre made to be replayed and mastered, not just getting from point a to point b once.
Well said and I agree!
Completely different landscape today.

We have hundreds of games releasing every year. Our cup flow'th over. And that's not even talking about things like F2P games where people invest thousands of hours in and still aren't bored.

Indeed. And you should only buy a game if you enjoy its type. Don't buy Star Fox Zero if you play one course one time and consider it done.


Any reviewer or poster complaining about playthrough time just shows me that they don't understand the genre and their opinion becomes moot. That metric is meaningless in a genre made to be replayed and mastered, not just getting from point a to point b once.

No, their opinion is not moot, it's just not an opinion that you share. Their opinion is their opinion. I can guarantee you that reviewers that "don't get it" actually do get it, they just don't find it enjoyable.

Just follow reviewers and individuals whose taste aligns with yours.
Why are you doing in a review thread then?

Do not get me wrong.
I mean reviews (or the scores, to be more clear) have no impact on my opinion or my excitement for a game.

I read them to get more in depth information about a game.
And it is fun to read people talk about them here :)


I don't know why people are shocked with the length? SF64 was not long, but it took a while to master and 100% it. This game sounds like it has even more content, difficulty, and replayability than that, so it's actually a welcome increase in content. I bet you could easily get 20-30 hours out of it if you want. Combined with guard and the multiplayer stuff, this whole package is probably a good 30 hours for someone looking to complete all of the content.
No, their opinion is not moot, it's just not an opinion that you share. Their opinion is their opinion. I can guarantee you that reviewers that "don't get it" actually do get it, they just don't find it enjoyable.

Just follow reviewers and individuals whose taste aligns with yours.

No, you're 100 % right. It doesn't mean their opinion isn't valid or that their playstyle isn't valid. I could have added "in my opinion their opinion doesn't matter," but really we should know we're all sharing opinions here so it's a given.


The playtime complain is really weird .... specialy because most reviews that has it does not give a good idea of how many alternate paths the game has

Red Devil

I mean, I know Starfox games are meant to be highly replayable, but holy shit 2-3 hours?...

Huh? The longest route in Star Fox 64 would probably take less than 1 hour...

Old school shoot em up style game getting bad reviews for being an old school shoot em up. This is why we can't even get arcade style racers either.

Damn shame.

EDIT: It's not fair to say that actually as it's getting mixed reviews. That's not too bad then.

I guess it's to be expected, in the end where do on rail shooters stand in the current landscape of video games?

But whatever haters gonna hate, I can't wait to play it.
I don't know why people are shocked with the length? SF64 was not long, but it took a while to master and 100% it. This game sounds like it has even more content, difficulty, and replayability than that, so it's actually a welcome increase in content. I bet you could easily get 20-30 hours out of it if you want.
I could complete Sonic Generations in 3 hours if I wanted.
Which is why I do not get it as a complaint.

Not to get too off-topic, but what reasonable basis is there for disliking Color Splash? I mean, unless you are in the anti-Sticker Star crew. ;)
I didn't like Sticker Star. I tried to but the game is a mess. I am also a fan of PM, PM2, and SPM. So it was a misstep.
Honestly though from what little I seen, Color Splash looks more polished but I still have doubts.
Accomplishing different missions and playing the levels in different ways, and taking different paths through the game each time was like the major thing that made SF64 so fun and replayable.

I can't believe they messed that up.


] even a branching level system for starters..
While I would love offtv play, I'd rather they go further like they have with Zero, I can already play SF64 on my Wii U, I don't need another. Is this true, I thought it even had a separate mode for this? Multiplayer was cool, but like Splatoon, I can understand why they cut it due to the gameplay mechanics. Instead we get co-op, which for me is a fair trade, since my co-op partner wouldn't have fun playing multiplayer against me.
Any reviewer or poster complaining about playthrough time just shows me that they don't understand the genre and their opinion becomes moot. That metric is meaningless in a genre made to be replayed and mastered, not just getting from point a to point b once.

Or maybe they expected/wanted Nintendo to fill the game with content ? It's not because the genre had short games that today, they all need to be.
Sin and Punishment was longer. Heck, Kid Icarus Uprising was far longer too.

And you have to understand length is just one of the many flaws of the game. People wouldn't complain if it was 3 amazing ecstatic hours. Take Vanquish for exemple. It was this short. Sure some complained, but the game was still highly praised.
Do not get me wrong.
I mean reviews (or the scores, to be more clear) have no impact on my opinion or my excitement for a game.

I read them to get more in depth information about a game.
And it is fun to read people talk about them here :)
That doesn't make sense.

If a game gets rave reviews prior to release, why wouldn't that increase your excitement?


I don't know why people are shocked with the length? SF64 was not long, but it took a while to master and 100% it. This game sounds like it has even more content, difficulty, and replayability than that, so it's actually a welcome increase in content. I bet you could easily get 20-30 hours out of it if you want. Combined with guard and the multiplayer stuff, this whole package is probably a good 30 hours for someone looking to complete all of the content.

Because a lot of games back in the 90s were only a couple of hours long. That's not the case anymore.


I've got the game. It feels like I'm playing a weird amalgamation of Splatoon and Kid Icarus Uprising. So basically, the control scheme is really good and allows for more precision and technique than a traditional scheme, but it really does require getting used to.

The game itself is great, epic-feeling Star Fox. The visuals are surprisingly good considering the Wii U is drawing two screens. I'm not sure if the second perspective is worth the hit in visuals, since I'm using it rarely, but I'm only a few levels in. Some of the game does feel very gimmicky, but I don't have a problem with it, it's always at the very least entertaining and video-gamey. The sound is really good. Great music, and the sound effects in particular are superb. I do wish the game had channelled more of the SNES game than the N64 one, but 64 is the one everyone remembers, so hey. The Nintendo/PG polish is present. It's smooth, colourful and responsive, if initially awkward.

Even at this early stage, I'm happy with my purchase.


It isn't full price. It's $50.

FWIW, per Nintendo's official site:

Retail Versions

The retail version of the Star Fox Zero game comes with the Star Fox Guard game at a suggested retail price of US$59.99 / CDN$74.99.

Digital Versions

Digital versions of the Star Fox Zero game and the Star Fox Guard game can be purchased individually through Nintendo.com or Nintendo eShop. Star Fox Zero can be purchased for US$49.99 / CDN$64.99. Star Fox Guard can be purchased for US$14.99 / CDN$19.99.
I dunno, i just read the Giant Bomb review and it said that.

I'd be more forgiving if it wasn't full price.

Gotcha. Yeah, I think it's a game that's gonna be hard to justify for me dropping full price for--people like me and I presume you as well, who aren't as into Score Attack and replaying for different paths and levels, are probably better off getting it off GameFly for a free trial or something. I do plan to pick up Guard though, getting it for $10-15 from a GAFer and I feel like that'll be more up my alley potentially.


I don't know why people are shocked with the length? SF64 was not long, but it took a while to master and 100% it. This game sounds like it has even more content, difficulty, and replayability than that, so it's actually a welcome increase in content. I bet you could easily get 20-30 hours out of it if you want. Combined with guard and the multiplayer stuff, this whole package is probably a good 30 hours for someone looking to complete all of the content.

It arguably has less content, or at least it felt that way to me. Levels just feel really really short, and I even went back to SF64 to see.

All in all, I beat all of the alternate paths in roughly 6 hours.
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