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Star Fox Zero & Guard - Review Thread



That looks exactly like my laptop

And that's an accurate representation of how hard it is to clean the keyboard
Except it is, GFII is still an arcade shooter, so it's not for all. But it's a more polished shooter than the first star fox. Anyway I'm curious, why in your opinion GF2 isn't fun?
Firstly, I dislike the fuel mechanic. It hamstrings your future progress too much based on how you performed in earlier levels. Secondly, the shooting gameplay isn't particularly interesting. The only strategy is to hold the fire button and to press the missle button liberally. Additionally, the level design in the outside portions is far too lax with the allowed horizontal movement given that the field of view only represents a fraction of that at a time.

And finally, I consider the lack of bosses to be a very serious detriment.


He's a reviews editor, which is absolutely nothing to do with journalism whatsoever.

If he is the one writing the bs article I just read and if he is the one playing and writing the review for the game then yes he is acting as a journalist. A crappy one at that IMO

Whether or not you agree with the lack of a score, he definitely played and reviewed it.

Nah he made an article bashing the game and telling us how it is so crap that he isn't going to bother with a review. He could have used the space to write an actual review. Score or not I feel he did a crap job and I think I've read some other shit he has done in the past.

Soul Lab

It's disheartening to see people treating this as some sort of throwaway half assed game when it's absolutely fantastic. It's classic Starfox and it pushes the envelope with the controls and makes perfect use of the gamepad.

this! Can't wait to play it tomorrow. I missed the Star Fox Crew so much. :_(


So they basically pulled the plug after super mario maker, damn this company is icecold.
Not after, before.
They seem to have shifted almost all ressources about the time when Aonuma announced the Zelda U delay.
Remember the Animal Crossing Plaza? They said there would be something for when the service ended, that something also shifted to NX apparently and threw a cheap spin-off meanwhile.


Is this game really only 3-5 hours long? Or is that some sort of typo or exaggeration on the account of posters and journalists?
I am excited to pick it up. I want a classic feeling starfox game and the controls sound challenging to master. It's not like wiiu games ever drop in price, might as well buy it at launch..

But seriously you can't win sometimes. Either starfox is too different and it gets middling reviews, or its too the same and gets middling reviews.

I'm just excited to play it and see for myself.


Seems like the Star Fox game we should have gotten on the GameCube, but not necessarily 2016.

Not liking that they got rid of the branching path system, that defines Star Fox and what made it so replay able.

Is this game really only 3-5 hours long? Or is that some sort of typo or exaggeration on the account of posters and journalists?

The first two Star Fox games are designed to be played from start to end credits in one sitting without needing to save. The thing is, each play through would be different because of branching paths (you could only ever play 1/3rd of the levels in any single play through of Star Fox 64, for example).


The problem with Gies's "review" (he actually says it's not a review) is that it's the ONLY one on the site. They had a month to find someone who could finish a 3 hour game and give it a proper review and they didn't even bother.


He was tasked with evaluating the game. He played what he felt was enough to pass a judgement (which, given the game is apparently only a few hours long, was almost certainly enough) and passed that judgement.

And to those saying "gosh that's not journalism!", you're goddamn right it's not. It's video game media. Worlds apart and I honestly thought the entire industry was beyond the puffery of trying to be recognized as such.
That's not even a controversial opinion.

I think gies is pretty bad. he's not insightful, he's a boring personality and he often comes off as pretentious.

but there are way too many gamergaters and screechy YouTube stars for me to agree with you on this.

he thinks this game is bad. a lot of people think it's bad. and it's rather silly that we expect reviewers to complete games they think are bad. this isn't a shitty 90 minute movie.
Is this game really only 3-5 hours long? Or is that some sort of typo or exaggeration on the account of posters and journalists?

It's that long for a single run through but there are branching paths and new levels to find in replays.

It's just like starfox and starfox 64 were in that regard. Doesn't really make sense to just pay attention to how long it takes to get the credits. That's not the point.
Not after, before.
They seem to have shifted almost all ressources about the time when Aonuma announced the Zelda U delay.
Remember the Animal Crossing Plaza? They said there would be something for when the service ended, that something also shifted to NX apparently and threw a cheap spin-off meanwhile.

Let's hope NX will get some great 1st party games during launch period and beyond. But fully supporting wiiu for just 3 years is a bit harsh. Zelda U should release a month before the nx port.
I think gies is pretty bad. he's not insightful, he's a boring personality and he often comes off as pretentious.

but there are way too many gamergaters and screechy YouTube stars for me to agree with you on this.

he thinks this game is bad. a lot of people think it's bad. and it's rather silly that we expect reviewers to complete games they think are bad. this isn't a shitty 90 minute movie.
They are paid to do half-ass work??? Oh, sounds about right, carry on...
I am excited to pick it up. I want a classic feeling starfox game and the controls sound challenging to master. It's not like wiiu games ever drop in price, might as well buy it at launch..

But seriously you can't win sometimes. Either starfox is too different and it gets middling reviews, or its too the same and gets middling reviews.

I'm just excited to play it and see for myself.

Yeah, I have a feeling if it was not the controls they would have made something else an issue.
I am not that bothered with scores. Andre's review has made me think that I may adjust to the controls.

Aaron D.

Wow I agree this is bullshit. It is totally unprofessional that he did that and it is even more unprofessional and a dick move that he actually made an article about it.

What a pos journalist. It is his job, it is childish and I truly doubt the game is so bad as he says from the reviews. He is basically doing some stunt to call the game a piece of crap and that is not only unprofessional, but disrespectful and not cool at all.

Don't like it don't play it, don't review it, this stunt is bullshit.

LOL, he can do whatever he wants.

I think it's a brilliant statement, if not a review.

Reminds me of Spinal Tap's Shark Sandwich review.



Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
I think gies is pretty bad. he's not insightful, he's a boring personality and he often comes off as pretentious.

but there are way too many gamergaters and screechy YouTube stars for me to agree with you on this.

he thinks this game is bad. a lot of people think it's bad. and it's rather silly that we expect reviewers to complete games they think are bad. this isn't a shitty 90 minute movie.

I wasn't actually commenting on the review itself, someone else called him unprofessional and I was elaborating on that. And tbf I also said 'working in the games industry', and I don't think morons with a YouTube channel spewing hate qualifies.
And to those saying "gosh that's not journalism!", you're goddamn right it's not. It's video game media. Worlds apart and I honestly thought the entire industry was beyond the puffery of trying to be recognized as such.

This is the best way to see it. We can acknowledge that it's bullshit and ignore it. Oh, but how I wish it could be ignored. Well put.

It's sad though. Really sad. I wish we could take videogame journalism with a more respectable mindset but the folks contributing to why we can't and the folks that hire them are a proverbial fallen tree in the road.


The Birthday Skeleton
Not after, before.
They seem to have shifted almost all ressources about the time when Aonuma announced the Zelda U delay.
Remember the Animal Crossing Plaza? They said there would be something for when the service ended, that something also shifted to NX apparently and threw a cheap spin-off meanwhile.

Exactly. Practically even Star Fox Zero was born as tentative for a quick win. It was not that quick in the end. We'll see about the win part.
I wasn't actually commenting on the review itself, someone else called him unprofessional and I was elaborating on that. And tbf I also said 'working in the games industry', and I don't think morons with a YouTube channel spewing hate qualifies.

there are gamergaters working for major sites. :V
*flashback to 2006*...

Miyamoto: StarFox isn't popular, so I don't make games for it very often.

Fans: We want a traditional StarFox game!

Miyamoto: What's that? Touch controls?

Fans: Uh

Metacritic: This game isn't great

Miyamoto: See, like I said.

*skip to present day*

Miyamoto: StarFox isn't popular, so I don't make games for it very often.

Fans: We want a traditional StarFox game!

Miyamoto: What's that? Motion controls?

Fans: Uh

Metacritic: This game isn't great

Miyamoto: See, like I said.

(And to further twist the irony knife, Command actually has a higher GR / MC aggregate score than Zero...)


To step out of a state of being hyperbolic, I can't say that I'm surprised, though disappointed, about the polarizing reviews. The game's dual-screen setup / mostly forced use of motion controls were huge red flags in my eyes. The delayed development cycle and subsequent rumors about the motion controls not testing well pretty much laid the groundwork for these scattered scores.

I guess Star Fox might get another shot at a proper revival...in 2026...if he's lucky.

They do want another 64. A game like 64 without garbage gimmicks, without on foot sections that play like ass, without forced touch screen controls, and with traditional arcade game play.

Zero could've been that but of course decided forcing the game pad was a great idea.

Exactly this, though I'd say Zero being another modernized adaptation of SNES SF / SF64 in terms of settings and presentation wasn't really helping matters either (lol "Zero is not a sequel, but it's not a remake either"). Especially given that SF64 got the 3DS remake five years ago...

Zero should had largely been the traditional gameplay/control scheme with new content and with a proper budget to boot; and not the other way around (old content, different gameplay/control scheme, low budget). If Miyamoto and co. really wanted to do the gyro controls and/or dual-screen for StarFox, they should had been simplified extra layers to the classic experience or been preserved for a spinoff a la SF Guard. Rewriting the core gameplay to support them for the first new game for the series in years, even though frequent gameplay retools that moved away from the standard formula put Star Fox on ice in the first place, I think was a terrible idea.

I know what you mean, but to be fair, other than maybe Yoshi's New Island, are there any other modern Nintendo games quite so similar to their predecessors?

Doesn't the NSMB sequels get a ton of flak for being stale rehashes of the first NSMB, at least presentation wise? The Super Mario 3D Land/World series gets the same complaint too, albeit to a lesser extent.

Game reviews don't work like your 8th grade math test.

Four Point Scale.


Whatever you think of his non-review, I think Arthur was pretty spot-on calling it a launch game. I really have to wonder what went wrong with this project. The companies that made Super Mario 3D World and Bayonetta 2 join forces to create... this. What happened?


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
Yikes, I was getting myself hyped for this on Friday before these reviews hit. This doesn't look worth $75 plus tax with these poor reviews. The Metacritic will likely drop into the 60s by the time all is said and done

I'm only interested in QUALITY these days. I'll save my money for Paper Mario: Color Splash.
Exactly. Practically even Star Fox Zero was born as tentative for a quick win. It was not that quick in the end. We'll see about the win part.

Star Fox Zero was born from Miyamoto's amateurism and Nintendo being clueless with their IP.
Back at E3 2014, when Star Fox prototype was shown, Miyamoto wanted to complete the game under a year and they were looking for a partner.
They wanted the game to be a smaller scale one and had no vision behind it. Miyamoto wanted to shoehorn his dual screen gimmick into a game which didn't needed one in the first place.

When Zelda was delayed, they understood SF0 was the last game, so they try to flesh it a bit more as they knew it wouldn't cut it out by being a 1 hour long gimmick game.

Star Fox has been sabotaged for long before Miyamoto made this. :p

Not really in fact. Sure they were flawed, but they had a vision. Command had at least tried something with the handheld format. Assault was good despite the hate and tried to make the formula more diverse but lacked the proper direction. Adventure was refreshing and at least did great things.
Nah he made an article bashing the game and telling us how it is so crap that he isn't going to bother with a review. He could have used the space to write an actual review. Score or not I feel he did a crap job and I think I've read some other shit he has done in the past.

The alternative is that he says "okay I finished it, here's your score. it gets a 1, fuck this"

Is that really that much better?

He hated it, he wrote about his experience.

Trying to find confirmation for his biases and then realizing he won't get that. You never see these cliched ,,you gotta make up your OWN mind" revelations whenever a game gets good reviews. I sure wonder why...

I find that and the "it's not perfect, but what is???" cliche to be used pretty often in these scenarios

I know what you mean, but to be fair, other than maybe Yoshi's New Island, are there any other modern Nintendo games quite so similar to their predecessors?

same franchise, but I'm playing Wooly World right now. I love it, but it's not doing ANYTHING new or interesting that isn't art related as far as I can tell

into world 5 so maybe something changes...


you know..i could care less what reviews say about this game. its ninty bringing back star fox ala n64 style and i love it. ninty games are great examples of gameplay over graphics but in this case graphics are not needed.


Junior Member
Is this game really only 3-5 hours long? Or is that some sort of typo or exaggeration on the account of posters and journalists?

it probably takes that long for a single playthrough. which is a single pathway and usually like 30 percent of the abailable game. the game is buit on multiple playthroughs to experience it all just like 64. it took me 40 plus hours to complete starfox 64 and im expecting more time for this one as it seems to have more content


Do people even care how they view games critically??? I always thought they were more for entertainment value. Hell, I'm surprised they even reviewed this game, they seem lazy in that regard.

People do care about their opinions on games. And they are not out to review every single game that comes out, so not lazy, just more focused on specific titles.


Zero should had largely been the traditional gameplay/control scheme with new content and with a proper budget to boot; a

Not that I wouldn't be fine with this, but a few of the reviews say the format/genre itself is dated, so an even more dated control scheme wasn't going to help the game in critics eyes, not to mention some saw the controls as a boon. W101 is the best game on the wii u and its sitting at a 70 something, these scores mean nothing, play the game yourself, or don't.


Yes most game sequels, even the ones from other companies have to have similarities with their predecessors. But IMO I think Nintendo abuses of that a bit too much sometimes. It was cool the first times but not anymore, because sometimes, I cannot tell if they are doing it on purpose or they are simply running out of ideas, especially with the latest Mario games such as Mario Tennis Ultra Smash, Mario Party 10, Mario and Luigi Paper Jam on 3DS, NSMBU and so on : /

I don't know if I can reasonably agree with sports or party type games since those as you say are typically iterative. I don't expect many changes between the Mario Party games for example, though it'd be nice if the Tennis games on console offered the RPG functionality of some of their handheld cousins. I don't think Paper Jam or NSMBU offer recycled environs though. Can you give me an example from those? At the least, I would say there is nothing on the level of SF0 or YNI where the levels themselves are often remarkably similar in appearance or design.

same franchise, but I'm playing Wooly World right now. I love it, but it's not doing ANYTHING new or interesting that isn't art related as far as I can tell

into world 5 so maybe something changes...

I see what you mean, but FWIW the Special levels and IIRC the end of the main game gets more creative. Still, despite offering platforming levels with a Yoshi aesthetic and design, I don't think YWW is like YNI to the extent that the latter game actively feels like a remake of the original Yoshi's Island, down to very similar specific levels (if I'm remembering right).


Mediocre as expected. this and last year has been horrible for my WiiU.

NX can't come soon enough.


Same. No Wii U game hasn't interest me enough to buy it on the last 7/8 months since Super Mario Maker released. That means, I have been playing nothing but Splatoon, Maker and Mario Kart 8 occasionally but everyday is more difficult to find people online on MK8 so I don't play it that much anymore :( Those games are a blast to play of course but it's time to play something else! NX definitely can't come soon enough.
I mean, I know Starfox games are meant to be highly replayable, but holy shit 2-3 hours?...

Again previous entries were 45 minutes roughly. That's if you go through one course and call it quits. If you enjoy it, there's a lot to see and do.
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