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Star Trek: Beyond - Review Thread

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Neo Member
I'm one of the few here who likes ITD a lot. It's incredibly fun, even if it is very silly in places.

I stand with you on that hill. It's fun for what it is and i think people are holding that movie to way higher of a standard than it needs to be. I think people are too harsh on it.
Moviebob reviewed it. When a known hater of the first two reboot films starts off his review with "this movie is so fucking good", you know there's been a massive increase in quality. First the Ghostbusters review and now this, I imagine Bob must be very happy to be able to do positive reviews more often. I mean, nobody likes watching bad films. Unless they're hilariously bad, and that's best done with friends.
Moviebob reviewed it. When a known hater of the first two reboot films starts off his review with "this movie is so fucking good", you know there's been a massive increase in quality. First the Ghostbusters review and now this, I imagine Bob must be very happy to be able to do positive reviews more often. I mean, nobody likes watching bad films. Unless they're hilariously bad, and that's best done with friends.

I generally didn't like the first two Abrams Trek movies for most of the reasons that Movie Bob listed. I actually can't wait to see Star Trek Beyond.


Well I saw the film and while somewhat different from the first two I didn't think it was that big of a change. The villain felt one dimensional and it still lacks adventure/exploration.

This is why I am concerned about the TV show, I fear that due to the success of the films they will make it too similar to the movies.


Unconfirmed Member
My thoughts: great start into the movie, reaaaally mediocre action sequences in the middle and really nice ending to the movie.

But the action sequences..shaky, boring, way to long just really meh. The character moments in the beginning and end of the movie save it and make it the best of the three movies so far for me.


this is neogaf . gif?

I don't get the hate for into darkness, saw it before seeing this and that movie has a level of gravitas that this movie doesn't even come close to having. I felt I was watching a random episode with some cliche villain and plan. The level of quality in the directing took a shot as well, nothing even comes close to the awesome space jump scene in ID.

I loved the start of the movie because it felt like Star Trek. Great character building, I thought it was going to go deep into the issues Kirk and Spock were going through but it gets left behind of a cliche action plot. Then it becomes Star Trek again for 5 minutes at the end.

Worst of the three for me, not bad, these movies are still entertaining but this felt the most throwaway of the trilogy.
I don't get the hate for into darkness, saw it before seeing this and that movie has a level of gravitas that this movie doesn't even come close to having.

Agreed. I thought this was good and I see what you're saying about it, but I was a lot more into Darkness than this. This was a very fun romp with some really beautiful and great scenes, but nothing really had me hooked and on edge as much as Khan, and the conflict with Kirk was great. Most people rail on it for being a Wrath of Khan remake but after actually seeing Wrath of Khan (after I'd seen Darkness) I was just like wuuuut

I also thought the
villain standoff in this was way worse. In the second one you had this awesome hand to hand combat with really thrilling music and this one was just... they float around after the maguffin basically lol
. Just not as exciting to me. But very good overall.


I liked Trek '09 more as a movie but honestly, Beyond felt it had found a confidence in itself. A voice.

It felt to me like a true Star Trek to stand along the rich history the series has because ultimately with this voice, the characters all had a verve about them that put them up to the ultimate Trek litmus test - I can honestly say I'd want to watch this crew even if the actual story wasn't very good (which thankfully it was passable here)

So many times through the generations of series', a shows strength isn't with its good episodes - its whether I'd watch even the bad ones. The cast acquitted themselves nicely here


I don't get the hate for into darkness, saw it before seeing this and that movie has a level of gravitas that this movie doesn't even come close to having. I felt I was watching a random episode with some cliche villain and plan. The level of quality in the directing took a shot as well, nothing even comes close to the awesome space jump scene in ID.

I loved the start of the movie because it felt like Star Trek. Great character building, I thought it was going to go deep into the issues Kirk and Spock were going through but it gets left behind of a cliche action plot. Then it becomes Star Trek again for 5 minutes at the end.

Worst of the three for me, not bad, these movies are still entertaining but this felt the most throwaway of the trilogy.

Agreed. I thought this was good and I see what you're saying about it, but I was a lot more into Darkness than this. This was a very fun romp with some really beautiful and great scenes, but nothing really had me hooked and on edge as much as Khan, and the conflict with Kirk was great. Most people rail on it for being a Wrath of Khan remake but after actually seeing Wrath of Khan (after I'd seen Darkness) I was just like wuuuut

I also thought the
villain standoff in this was way worse. In the second one you had this awesome hand to hand combat with really thrilling music and this one was just... they float around after the maguffin basically lol
. Just not as exciting to me. But very good overall.
I'm glad you guys liked Into Darkness, that one was good, Beyond is a bit more fun though.
I liked Trek '09 more as a movie but honestly, Beyond felt it had found a confidence in itself. A voice.

It felt to me like a true Star Trek to stand along the rich history the series has because ultimately with this voice, the characters all had a verve about them that put them up to the ultimate Trek litmus test - I can honestly say I'd want to watch this crew even if the actual story wasn't very good (which thankfully it was passable here)

So many times through the generations of series', a shows strength isn't with its good episodes - its whether I'd watch even the bad ones. The cast acquitted themselves nicely here

I definitely prefer Star Trek: Beyond over Trek '09. This film just felt right. It finally felt like a proper Star Trek film. A lot of reviews said that it evoked the same feeling as a TOS TV episode, that's crazy, but I think it stands side-by-side with those original six films.
Saw this last night. Easily on par with the 09 reboot if you liked that one (which I certainly did), definitely better than Into Darkness (such a waste of BC's talent). Some of the dialogue was a little clunky, though no more so than typical Trek cheesiness. The villain swerve reveal at the end and the fizzling final combat was kinda dumb, but nothing movie breaking. Besides that the action was solid (if at times a little sloppily edited), good humor, and moreso than anything some nice setups and payoffs, a very deliberately made movie as opposed to the meandering Into Darkness, makes some of the character beats stand out more. Yelchin will be sorely missed, though I disagree with the decision to not recast him. It's brought back my confidence in this Abrams Trek future, so I'm definitely looking forward to the next one.


Thought it was amazing. As good as 2009 and Into Darkness. They can make a whole movie about The doctor and Spock. I'd watch that.


Since this thread kind of just turned into people ranking their favorite Star Trek movies, I might as well add mine. I only really like 6 of them enough to rank them. This list is basically the Star Trek movies that if I am introducing someone new to it, these are the ones that i feel are required viewing and the rest are optional (thought not in this order).

1. The Wrath of Khan
2. The Voyage Home
3. Beyond
4. The Undiscovered Country
5. 2009
6. The Search for Spock

(Search for Spock isn't very good, but I find its badness more entertaining than frustrating and also it is extremely important to the plots of IV and VI)


I was quite scared after the first leaked trailer and expected a mediocre-bad movie but I was gladly surprised by how much I enjoyed the movie in the end.

If I have to nitpick something I would say that I expected
a whole new Enterprise design by the end of the movie, but it seemed like a carbon copy of the original one?
If I have to nitpick something I would say that I expected
a whole new Enterprise design by the end of the movie, but it seemed like a carbon copy of the original one?

It's actually different in a variety of ways. The viewer just doesnt get a long enough look to pick them out because the overall aesthetic is still very similar.

The biggest changes are probably to the nacelles. The nacelles themselves are modified to be closer to TOS than before, most significantly the lack of the hood but also many other details. They're set wider apart now, too. The struts holding them on are very different in size, shape and location and attach at the front.

The secondary hull is shaped different as well, thinner and sharper in the back with a straighter neck going to the saucer.

The bridge module itself looks to be inspired by TMP refit Enterprise.


It's actually different in a variety of ways. The viewer just doesnt get a long enough look to pick them out because the overall aesthetic is still very similar.

The biggest changes are probably to the nacelles. The nacelles themselves are modified to be closer to TOS than before, most significantly the lack of the hood but also many other details. They're set wider apart now, too. The struts holding them on are very different in size, shape and location and attach at the front.

The secondary hull is shaped different as well, thinner and sharper in the back with a straighter neck going to the saucer.

The bridge module itself looks to be inspired by TMP refit Enterprise.

Eh! Thanks for the heads up, couldn't quite figure out anything myself, much appreciated!!


sparkle this bitch
I've actually been making my way through the original Star Trek films for the first time, probably going to create a thread for it.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
Finally saw this yesterday. It was fun, I enjoyed it.

I think my biggest nitpick is that they seem to take a lot awful lot of liberties with the divergent affect of the Narada event. I coulda kinda almost give the massive increase in size of the Enterpise a pass, but the Yorktown
Tomorrowland, anyone?
, although goddamn pretty, is just too incredible to exist in the same timeframe. I almost just want to enjoy them as non-Trek sci fi, but then I enjoy the nerdy stuff like Edison saying he fought the Xindi.

Anyway, I'm generally happy just to let that stuff was over me, and enjoy the spectacle.
I don't remember actually, but Wheaton ends with this line:

Actually, now that I think about it, it wasn't on the bridge. It looked like it was more in engineering. It was the same room that
Uhura was in when she discovered Krall was Edison
, which wasn't the bridge

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Finally watched it for the first time on the weekend, probably in the nick of time too because I doubt it will be on the big screen for much longer.

I thought it was great, maybe not as good as the first two(I liked ITD, sue me) but still an excellent movie and lots of fun. I'm a bit dismayed by the BO numbers, hopefully international numbers pull through after the China opening and the upcoming openings in other countries. It was sad to see Anton during the movie knowing it's his last Star Trek :(


Finally saw this. Took almost two months for it to arrive here.

What can I say? I liked it. Loved the interactions between Bones and Spock, the action sequences and the new character. It is a shame this didn't get more money, it really deserved it.

Overall, my ranking is: 2009 > Beyond > Into Darkness.


I absolutely loved this movie. More than Into Darkness. Maybe more than 2009 movie, which had too many "movie science" things that I couldn't completely forgive.
You know the weirdest thing about Insurrection?

There was an episode where Native Americans were straight up forcefully relocated and Picard followed that command (though conflicted) while chewing Wesley put for defying him. Yet, he is happy to save the ehitest bunch of people due to a chick he wants to bone.
In the TNG episode it was Federation citizens being forced to move due to interstellar treaty in an attempt to keep peace. In Insurrection it was non-Federation citizens having their planet stolen due to greed.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
In the TNG episode it was Federation citizens being forced to move due to interstellar treaty in an attempt to keep peace. In Insurrection it was non-Federation citizens having their planet stolen due to greed.

it wasn't even greed, the goal was to save species from a disease as well as other breakthroughs

it's one of those "if you try to dissect the Luddite tribe's argument, they actually fall apart"


In the TNG episode it was Federation citizens being forced to move due to interstellar treaty in an attempt to keep peace. In Insurrection it was non-Federation citizens having their planet stolen due to greed.
But it wasn't their planet. They could have done more with the morality instead of black or white. True missed opportunity.


We really liked this. And to think I almost skipped it because of the awful terrible trailers.

Super good. Loved the Franklin tie in. I was just sad every time Anton was on screen.
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