I REALLY like how assists count as kills now (makes me feel way better about myself!), but does anyone know if they count as actual kills towards your overall stats, Challenges, team kill count in Blast etc?
Edit: Walker Assault on Bespin feels disgustingly weighted towards the Imperials. We got a TON of Y-Wings, but it seems way too hard to do a good amount of damage to the Walker with the way the map is laidout without immediately getting taken down, or alternatively the AT-AT has way too much health. First impressions of course so take it with a grain of salt, but I was with a pretty solid team with a lot of Y-Wings and we got it down to like...half? With the way both the uplinks on the last phase are practically next to each other I don't know if the intention is the Rebels do a lot of damage in the last phase, but lines of sight on the AT-AT on the last phase + map layout seemed to be working against us. Hm.