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Star Wars Battlefront |OT2| I am altering the OT. Pray I don't alter it any further.


Played for the first time with Mocha Nova in a couple months, and post overwatch. Of what I played of Bespin I find it already more enjoyable than outer rim. I probably won't play this nearly as much as something like overwatch, but the game is still fun when playing it casually.


I would argue a huge cone of death while you're invincible is also unbalanced especially with the layout of some maps (hoth and sullust especially). This game has always had balancing issues and new content can come out slightly busted occasionally.

Calling people out and bellittling them for using equipment you don't like just makes you sound childish, especially with the way you've been posting lately. You just need a break from the game and try to just have fun playing it. This community of people still enjoy the game obviously and is hate to see you burn out and quit it over something small like this.

The uplinks on Sullust and Hoth are protected from the walkers cone of death. People just don't pay attention and walk right into it.

I'm more frustrated with constantly being on the losing team. I have not had a win in awhile due to the game putting me with people that seemingly have never played a goddamn video game before. There needs to be a way to reset stats.


Anyone know what the criteria is to survive Dengar's Explosive Rush? Two games since yesterday I was tagged by Dengar with a mine, but it didn't detonate. Both times I played the rest of the game until I died with the blinking mine stuck to my body.

Just wondering if it is a bug or a way to survive the attack.
I don't understand why DICE doesn't take the COD approach and automatically match players up by the DLC they own, instead of the asinine separate playlist approach where you end up in modes you'd rather not be in.

I don't like WA, yet I'm forced to play it because that's the only way to play on these maps that I paid for. Does no one in DICE LA have a functioning brain?
1. It's DICE Sweden.

2. See here. http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=208035030

I'm more frustrated with constantly being on the losing team. I have not had a win in awhile due to the game putting me with people that seemingly have never played a goddamn video game before. There needs to be a way to reset stats.
Come on man, this is Battlefront not Battlefield or COD, as long as you go positive and play the objective it's good. I know, I get frustrated too when I get stuck on a losing streak. When that happens I play something else for a day and come back. The team shuffle they added on map change has noticeably helped me.

I get frustrated with Explosive Shot, Disruption, Bacta Bomb, etc too. But I still manage to maintain my 2.3KDR and my 70% win ratio with my basic loadout of the E-11/EE-4, Scout, Jumppack, Personal Shield, and Thermal Detonator. If I get angry I just stop playing and come back later. Berserker doesn't help much when they get shot in the back because they can't see me on the map with Scout. Bacta Bomb overshield doesn't do much with the headshot machine that is the E-11.
The uplinks on Sullust and Hoth are protected from the walkers cone of death. People just don't pay attention and walk right into it.

I'm more frustrated with constantly being on the losing team. I have not had a win in awhile due to the game putting me with people that seemingly have never played a goddamn video game before. There needs to be a way to reset stats.

Losing streaks do ruin the experience but you just need to take a step back and come back refreshed. This is the kind of thing souls players deal with and just bashing your head on losing matches over and over will drive you mad.


Everyone can disagree on stuff, don't sweat it. Patriot/Palpable called people who used scan pulse a long time ago scrubs. I used it along with smoke, so by his definition I was a scrub. I still added him and we have since played a lot of games together and dominated must of them. I stopped using scan pulse a long time ago and I also hate explosive shot with a passion (I also hate vehicles, pulse cannon, and bacta bomb), but the point is people can hate or like whatever they want and still coexist together and have fun.

I forgot what point I was making as I was typing. The heck with all of you.


Is the DLC supposed to be open to everyone? Thru the PSN store it was marked as not available but using an online code from Amazon I was able to purchase the DLC and have played a few rounds of Bespin since yesterday.

It looks really good but for some reason after 3 games most people have left and I have to matchmake again.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Hotdamn, just came out of like what? A 30-35 minute intense match of Supremacy? Hadn't had that happen in a long while.

Everyone - and I mean everyone - played the middle objective on Hoth like deranged maniacs.
I don't understand why DICE doesn't take the COD approach and automatically match players up by the DLC they own, instead of the asinine separate playlist approach where you end up in modes you'd rather not be in.

I don't like WA, yet I'm forced to play it because that's the only way to play on these maps that I paid for. Does no one in DICE LA have a functioning brain?

The issue is, the DLC Maps are all over the place when it comes to player counts.

Outer Rim? 16 Players. Bespin? 32. It really doesnt work.
Someone over at the official forums had a rather interesting idea.
When a new DLC drops, make the maps of the DLC before that available for everyone.
So when Bespin released, make the Outer Rim maps available to all. Keep all the heroes, modes and weapons season pass only.
As a season pass owner I wouldn't mind that at all.

obviously EA wouldn't allow that so soon, but I like the idea


Just got the Lando "Play five hours on Bespin" diorama, and I've only played the Carbonite map once! It was great though. :)

Really looking forward to the Death Star DLC.


It's a great DLC but honestly I am done until they fix the playlist. I can only really play for 30 - 45 mins at a time and I end up just playing the same map over and over again.

I haven't even played a game of sabotage yet! Every time I select sabotage to play it always puts me right at the end of the game. I understand why they have playlists for the DLC but it need looking at before I will play again.

Shame because the content is great.


Is there only one map in the DLC? I only played on this big one yet. And one match of Fighter Squadron which was sobering... I hoped they would change something of the formula, but Air Combat is still one sided as it always was.


There are five maps:

Bespin Airspace
Carbonite Chamber
Administrator's Palace
Bioniip Labs (sp?)
Cloud City

I think I've played Carbonite Chamber once, the Labs twice and the Palace about five times and the other four and a half hours has been Cloud City. It's a nice map I just wish I wasn't on it all the time.
I could just play Sabotage on Administrator's Palace and Walker Assault/Supremacy/Turning Point on Cloud City all day and I'd be happy. Not really fond of the Labs and CFC.


Someone over at the official forums had a rather interesting idea.
When a new DLC drops, make the maps of the DLC before that available for everyone.
So when Bespin released, make the Outer Rim maps available to all. Keep all the heroes, modes and weapons season pass only.
As a season pass owner I wouldn't mind that at all.

obviously EA wouldn't allow that so soon, but I like the idea

Didn't they do something like that with BF4? Weren't some DLC packs available for free a few months after they were released?

Speaking of DLC, I just got an email from Playstation with a 30% discount code for the Season Pass. Applied the code and it totaled 34€. If anyone was holding out on buying the Pass like myself, now is the time.


Man, I fucking hate Blast. Why do they always feel a need to include such a noobish mode into the rotation? Objectives for life.

Yoooo you can't hate on blast. Some people just wanna shootbang for a bit after narrowly saving the team from losing twice in a row in Sabatoge.
I just got an e-mail with a voucher code for 30% off the Season Pass on the Playstation Store, making it £27.99. Keep an eye out if you still don't have it.


Can't say there isn't a mode I dislike. Sabotage on Administrator's Palace is a grindhouse though. Personally, I think 2 rounds of Fighter Squadron back to back with the 400 kill increase is a bit much.

Walker Assualt is a tough win for the Rebels but I like it. It feels like a hard fight and make for some intense matches. Turning Point so far has been Rebels capturing the first 2 points quickly then a 6-8 minute battle over the final point.

Drop Zone is a surprise hit, so much fun with 16v16.

Oh, and I already saw a Shock Trooper.


It seems the bigger modes are skewed more in the favour of the Empire on Bespin, but I suppose that's fitting with the movie. ;)
Captured the center point on Cloud City Supremacy with 1 second left on the clock and won. Intense match, holy shit.

I bet the people on the Empire team were pissed off at that. They were winning the entire round, keeping us at our last control point.


Captured the center point on Cloud City Supremacy with 1 second left on the clock and won. Intense match, holy shit.

I bet the people on the Empire team were pissed off at that. They were winning the entire round, keeping us at our last control point.

Yeah baby. Those are the matches I live for on this game.

How'd you do it?


I saw Wing Guards (?) and Shock Troopers Tuesday night lol. Most games now I see at least one or two Shock Troopers. Although I guess it makes sense as the most dedicated folks are going to be the ones on right now since it requires the Season Pass at the moment, and also school is out etc. If I was a kid with nothing else to do I'd probably be 70 already as well.


So sony have given me a code for the season pass so 30% off the already discounted price.

£27.99... worth it?

Yeah, definitely. If you're already playing the game passively as is, the new content is pretty fun so far and we've got more coming, including the free stuff down the line.
Yeah baby. Those are the matches I live for on this game.

How'd you do it?
Someone managed to find our hero pick up (for some reason the losing team never has a hero in Supremacy I've noticed) and we piled in 10 people and pinned down the doors.

I'm about 1000 points away from 65, though I don't want the Wing Guard. I'll wait for the Cyborg to be added (you can tell it's there because the Rebels have a one new item permanently there).



As long as it's a fairly minor tweak I 100% approve of reducing the AT-AT health on Bespin, that shit was ridiculous. I played for four hours with a friend last night in a bunch of WA, and we actually managed to take it down for the first time I've ever seen through a ridiculously concerted effort of a great team, a million Y-Wings, tons of Disruptor Rifles/Orbital Strikes, and the Imperial team was total garbage.

I'd say reducing it's health by maybe ~15% seems fair?


Someone managed to find our hero pick up (for some reason the losing team never has a hero in Supremacy I've noticed) and we piled in 10 people and pinned down the doors.

I'm about 1000 points away from 65, though I don't want the Wing Guard. I'll wait for the Cyborg to be added (you can tell it's there because the Rebels have a one new item permanently there).
When is Cyborg supposed to be up?
Good stuff, except for Dengar. :(
I made up my mind: Sabotage is legit.

As long as it's a fairly minor tweak I 100% approve of reducing the AT-AT health on Bespin, that shit was ridiculous. I played for four hours with a friend last night in a bunch of WA, and we actually managed to take it down for the first time I've ever seen through a ridiculously concerted effort of a great team, a million Y-Wings, tons of Disruptor Rifles/Orbital Strikes, and the Imperial team was total garbage.

I'd say reducing it's health by maybe ~15% seems fair?

I think it's the simple fact that people have to get used to the map and that everybody is using starcards that aren't very useful for WA to get the Hutt contracts out of the way.
I think we'll see more and more Rebel wins over the weekend, so I hope they don't reduce the health too much.


I made up my mind: Sabotage is legit.

I think it's the simple fact that people have to get used to the map and that everybody is using starcards that aren't very useful for WA to get the Hutt contracts out of the way.
I think we'll see more and more Rebel wins over the weekend, so I hope they don't reduce the health too much.

I think that's partially it, but I've played with a bunch of really solid teams on Bespin WA where you could tell most everyone was actually playing the objective and trying to take it down, and I only saw it just barely happen once with most games not even getting the AT-AT under 50%. I think a minor health decrease is warranted, but I agree it shouldn't be too much. I'd rather have them drop it say 10% then do a bit more if needed in a second update than have them do it too much and just make it easy-mode and have to balance the other way.

Also getting increasingly annoyed at all of these Sabotage contracts. I also can't get to play as Lando to save my fucking life, I've been stuck on 12/15 Lando kills since like 9am Tuesday morning lol. Are Lando/Dengaar selectable in vanilla HvV now? I may need to wind up just doing that.


Also thank god they're changing the weighting on Sabotage maps, all but two of my Sabotage games have been on the Adminstrator's Palace, and all but one of them has ended in a stalemate where the Rebels can never detonate the B bomb that's in the outside/lone building because it's too close to the Imperial spawn (along with Partner spawning). It's really goddamn annoying, and no one ever seems to realize as the Rebels to prioritize that one first.

Edit: Yeah, I'm now officially backing out of Sabotage on the Administrator's Palace, the B generator is fucking impossible to take if the Imperials are even remotely competent. They spawn way closer than the Rebels do, and it's an incredibly easy area to 100% lockdown with Disruption (which is increasingly more and more a significant problem in objective modes I'm noticing), dioxis grenades and shock grenades. Even if I'm on the Rebel side and going to town kills-wise it's just outright not fun. I've only gotten to be Dengaar once and it was on WA, the Imperials never get to the 2nd phase on AP and I've only gotten the CFC map twice lol. I would probably be less annoyed at all of this if it wasn't for this contracts bullshit which I'm already really not a fan of.


realy like this DLC, plays completely different to anything else in the game. Maps are stunning to look at and you feel part of cloud City. not realy tried any of the new weapons yet, not a fan of the new pod car but the map for fighter squadron is stunning.

Bodes well for future DLC


I...selected Sabotage on Bespin and it just loaded me into Walker Assault on Hoth with no lobby screen or warning. Okaaaaaay

I have yet to pilot the Falcon. And I haven't been able to hop into the Slave 1 since the day this game released.

The trick to getting Hero Vehicles on FS as far as I can tell is to just start immediately grabbing any powerups; it seems like the Hero tokens won't spawn until some powerups on the field have already been picked up, so if I was trying to get in a Hero vehicle at the start I just ignore everything else and grab powerups and it seemed to usually show up fairly quickly and I could nab it.
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