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Star Wars Celebration 2017 |OT| A thread forty years in the making. You'll be Omazed.

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Nah, only these.


True because everyones gonna get so wet at The Last Jedi panel.
Showered up. My dad just got in after flying the day so he's showering and then we're heading over to stand in the god forsaken line. All for you miserable fucks.


Nah, it's not like that. I mean, he's very strongly affiliated with Rebel Force Radio (which sucks) and he also directed Fanboys (oooooof), but what Jen seems to be speaking to there isn't so much the quality of his content (which is not high, typically) but the weird double-standard in the fandom itself - women write fan-fiction all the time and it's often immediately dismissed. A guy writes fan-fiction and manages to get a stage at Star Wars Celebration three times in a row, and it's just automatically accepted as 100% valid and worthy of your time.

It's kinda poking at the embedded presence of privilege in the fandom, and how its often not questioned, and usually rewarded. Kyle & his radio drama is a decent object example, is all. It's not a criticism of the man himself, or his writing.

Oh man, I totally disagree with you (about RFR sucking). I certainly won't argue that J&J from RFR don't have a thing or two to learn, but that tumblr page is a joke and you know it. All of those quotes are given without any context, so of course they look bad on paper like that. Some of those quotes were even Jason belittling the sentiment but they're taken as direct quotes from him as if they are his thoughts. Complete garbage. The only time I've had an issue with what they said was when Jason went too far in bashing that reporter who was rude to Kathy Kennedy at the press junket. I agree 100% in him calling her out for her rude behavior, but he went too far, and he apologized for that. The news segment about the man killing his wife over the toy collection is nothing worse than you'd see on any late-night show. Simply people looking to be offended over nothing.

I've been listening to RFR for years and years and while I would like to see them do more to support female fandom in particular, they most certainly did not deserve the witch hunt dogpile that they got a couple weeks ago. Especially when people like Jason Ward, one of those leading the charge, make rape jokes on his podcast. RFR have been champions of Her Universe from the very beginning. You mention them being passive aggressive with their RFR rewind? How so? That's something that they did...IN THE PAST! There it is right there, proof that have in fact supported women and girls in fandom. How can you possibly take issue with that unless you are just looking to be angry about something. Truly mind-boggling.

Anyways, I'm not trying to pull you over to be pro-RFR or anything. I know we're gonna have to agree to disagree, and that's totally fine. But I just wanted to say my piece and let others decide for themselves.
Celebration VI was so simple compared to this lol

Celebration VI I believe had only 35k attendance and didn't sell out. Anaheim had 50k in comparison. This is supposed to be similar to Anaheim or more this time, so year Celebration is getting more and more popular.

I have a feeling I wont be bothering with any more of these if this is as messy as it sounds. V and VI were nice chill conventions in comparison


Oh man, I totally disagree with you (about RFR sucking). I certainly won't argue that J&J from RFR don't have a thing or two to learn, but that tumblr page is a joke and you know it. All of those quotes are given without any context, so of course they look bad on paper like that. Some of those quotes were even Jason belittling the sentiment but they're taken as direct quotes from him as if they are his thoughts. Complete garbage. The only time I've had an issue with what they said was when Jason went too far in bashing that reporter who was rude to Kathy Kennedy at the press junket. I agree 100% in him calling her out for her rude behavior, but he went too far, and he apologized for that. The news segment about the man killing his wife over the toy collection is nothing worse than you'd see on any late-night show. Simply people looking to be offended over nothing.

I've been listening to RFR for years and years and while I would like to see them do more to support female fandom in particular, they most certainly did not deserve the witch hunt dogpile that they got a couple weeks ago. Especially when people like Jason Ward, one of those leading the charge, make rape jokes on his podcast. RFR have been champions of Her Universe from the very beginning. You mention them being passive aggressive with their RFR rewind? How so? That's something that they did...IN THE PAST! There it is right there, proof that have in fact supported women and girls in fandom. How can you possibly take issue with that unless you are just looking to be angry about something. Truly mind-boggling.

Anyways, I'm not trying to pull you over to be pro-RFR or anything. I know we're gonna have to agree to disagree, and that's totally fine. But I just wanted to say my piece and let others decide for themselves.

Its best not to argue with Bobby, its best to mute or ignore him, im sure he is a nice guy in real life but its very difficult to read his posts or discussions without feeling like you have been lectured at or tangentially called a dumb ass for disagreeing with him.


Its best not to argue with Bobby, its best to mute or ignore him, im sure he is a nice guy in real life but its very difficult to read his posts or discussions without feeling like you have been lectured at or tangentially called a dumb ass for disagreeing with him.

Ah, thanks for the warning. I wasn't aware.
Huge lines inside for Vendors/VIPs who get to buy the store merch early too. Look forward to nothing good being left and only available at vendor booths at markups!


Nah, it's not like that. I mean, he's very strongly affiliated with Rebel Force Radio (which sucks) and he also directed Fanboys (oooooof), but what Jen seems to be speaking to there isn't so much the quality of his content (which is not high, typically) but the weird double-standard in the fandom itself - women write fan-fiction all the time and it's often immediately dismissed. A guy writes fan-fiction and manages to get a stage at Star Wars Celebration three times in a row, and it's just automatically accepted as 100% valid and worthy of your time.

It's kinda poking at the embedded presence of privilege in the fandom, and how its often not questioned, and usually rewarded. Kyle & his radio drama is a decent object example, is all. It's not a criticism of the man himself, or his writing.
What a petty, condescending post.


So they're definitely going to finish up the big opening 40th Anniversary panel with the reveal of the trailer for TLJ, aren't they? Why on Earth would the biggest thing we're all anticipating not be shown here? Yeah yeah I know there's TLJ panel on Friday but surely that is to go in detail and meet new cast, probably get a cool behind the scenes reel. But the 40th anniversary panel will be rounded off with TLJ trailer. It will, won't it?

Please.. I assumed it would be, TFA's second trailer rounded off the Celebration opening panel in 2015. I just worked a shit load of hours so I could finish early and get home to watch it. I'll be working when TLJ panel is on.

FML if it's not show til Friday.


So they're definitely going to finish up the big opening 40th Anniversary panel with the reveal of the trailer for TLJ, aren't they? Why on Earth would the biggest thing we're all anticipating not be shown here? Yeah yeah I know there's TLJ panel on Friday but surely that is to go in detail and meet new cast, probably get a cool behind the scenes reel. But the 40th anniversary panel will be rounded off with TLJ trailer. It will, won't it?

Please.. I assumed it would be, TFA's second trailer rounded off the Celebration opening panel in 2015. I just worked a shit load of hours so I could finish early and get home to watch it. I'll be working when TLJ panel is on.

FML if it's not show til Friday.

Wait is this confirmed?

I do think it would be a mistake and slightly undermine the panel to show it tomorrow and not during TLJ panel.


Wait is this confirmed?

I do think it would be a mistake and slightly undermine the panel to show it tomorrow and not during TLJ panel.

No I am asking and pleading for it to be shown tomorrow. I dont see how it would undermine it, it's the perfect cherry on top. TLJ panel will be about talking with Rian, Kathleen, the cast, they'll obviously show the trailer again but probably get a behind the scenes reel too. The opening day, the big opening panel, the big trailer we're all dying to see. It makes sense Lucasfilm. Please!


No I am asking and pleading for it to be shown tomorrow. I dont see how it would undermine it, it's the perfect cherry on top. TLJ panel will be about talking with Rian, Kathleen, the cast, they'll obviously show the trailer again but probably get a behind the scenes reel too. The opening day, the big opening panel, the big trailer we're all dying to see. It makes sense Lucasfilm. Please!

I think because the panel wont be about TLJ to throw it in as a "Heres the last jedi trailer after weve spent an hour and change talking about making the prequels/OT" would be a little out of character, and would also slightly undermine what the panel is about, which is the history of star wars. It would also make TLJ panel weaker, because they arent going to show 2 trailers. Further to this everyone expects it to be at TLJ panel, very few casual people will be aware of, or tune into, the 40th panel because they have no real care about the history of star wars, but many will tune into TLJ to see whats coming up next.

That is just my view, I could be wrong, but I think it would be a mistake, personally.
All of those quotes are given without any context, so of course they look bad on paper like that.

They look bad regardless. What context are you talking about that makes them look good? Besides which, the large majority of those quotes feature links back to the shows themselves, timestamped so you can hear the context on either side of them.

Jason went too far in bashing that reporter who was rude to Kathy Kennedy at the press junket. I agree 100% in him calling her out for her rude behavior,

It wasn't "rude behavior." Swank doesn't understand how press conferences work, and didn't understand that due to the lights, reporters had been instructed to call out where they were so they could be seen, or at least have the interviewee speak in their general direction. That his apology was limited to how he said what he said, and not what he said, was pretty telling.

Especially when people like Jason Ward, one of those leading the charge, make rape jokes on his podcast.

1) Jason isn't "leading the charge," and doesn't have shit to do with the tumblr.
2) Jason has also apologized, did so right up front, and didn't need to have his cards pulled first to do it, and didn't try to erase any/all evidence (with DMCA takedown notices) of it having happened in the first place.
3) Jason doesn't have the years-long history of bullshit to cast doubt on the sincerity of that apology.

RFR have been champions of Her Universe from the very beginning.

And if Ashley Eckstein wasn't Ashley Eckstein, you think they'd have said word one about her clothing line? Nah buddy.

Its best not to argue with Bobby, its best to mute or ignore him, im sure he is a nice guy in real life but its very difficult to read his posts or discussions without feeling like you have been lectured at or tangentially called a dumb ass for disagreeing with him.


What a petty, condescending post.

Sigh...guess I'm not going. Due to a unexpected spending for surgery I won't be able to afford airbnb and either Lyft/Uber. I'm extremely sad cause I got the job as a crew member and I've been so excited to go.

I'm really depressed right now.
Sigh...guess I'm not going. Due to a unexpected spending for surgery I won't be able to afford airbnb and either Lyft/Uber. I'm extremely sad cause I got the job as a crew member and I've been so excited to go.

I'm really depressed right now.

That sucks. But I mean - the money at least went towards something beneficial to your health, and most of the really good shit is going to be streamed.

Plus there's gonna be a bunch of knuckleheads in here, so it'll kinda be

It'll sorta, yunno, be kinda... Kinda li—

—yeah. I know. Shit aint the same. But there's another one of these in two years, so that means planning is gonna be that much easier. Hopefully


Guys, trust me, you don't even wanna post in Bobby's general direction. And he's the worst guy in real life as well, I promise. He might hit you with his condescending lazers that he shoots from all four of his eyes, then your feelings will hurt for 5 more minutes than normal when having a discussion with him online. Over the internet. Where he literally can't touch you.

I saw [BOBBY] at a grocery store in [PORTLAND] yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

All true.
Sigh...guess I'm not going. Due to a unexpected spending for surgery I won't be able to afford airbnb and either Lyft/Uber. I'm extremely sad cause I got the job as a crew member and I've been so excited to go.

I'm really depressed right now.

Yikes, damn dude. I would be crushed as well. At least you're covered on the surgery, that's a big deal.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
People are gonna start having sex in this thread if Celebration doesn't start soon enough.
That's not a bad guess. Or a look at the con-exclusive poster.

edit: Dammit, beat to it by the guy who will never know he beat me to it because he's got me on ignore


Breznican is usually on his stuff so i trust him more than GMA

Midnight would indicate an NDA is up perhaps, so maybe something thats been in the pipeline a while.
I've actually been talking about that with a friend recently. We both agreed a live action tv series is inevitable at some point, but probably not before the end of the new trilogy. Too much to figure out - both cost, quality - it's a lot to balance while you're also trying to build a 'new' empire with these new movies. They won't be in a hurry with that.

But yeah, if we reach that point in some years, how likely is it it'll be Underworld? Would they really go for something so prequel focused as opposed to something new, more closely related to the newer movies (or, hell, the OT, since that apparently never goes out of style). So yeah, we also figured it'll resurface at some point as books, comics, a game, cartoons, whatever, rather than live action.

-- at the same time, I don't think it's going to be Underworld. Probably something new, again aimed at a younger audience, just like Rebels.

What network would be a best fit for a live action Star Wars television series? I have a feeling that there would be collective groans if it were announced that it would be airing on the CW network. What would be the absolute best fit for them? And on a similar note, what would be the most tolerable scenario -- you know, the kind where it's a shame that it's not going to be HBO, but at least it's on a network that's better than CW.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
I actually do hope we get another TLJ teaser poster, mainly because I'm pretty "eh" to posters that are just the logo period.

At least the prequel teaser posters got clever (omitting Ep. 2 because it's crap)


I actually do hope we get another TLJ teaser poster, mainly because I'm pretty "eh" to posters that are just the logo period.

At least the prequel teaser posters got clever (omitting Ep. 2 because it's crap)

I love the frist one but that second poster is...something, looks like a spoof
What network would be a best fit for a live action Star Wars television series

It's basically a question of whether they wanna let Netflix handle distribution, or whether they want it on ABC. Or, depending on what age range they're aiming in, whether it's gonna go on Disney XD.

But it's gonna be a Disney owned outlet.
That sucks. But I mean - the money at least went towards something beneficial to your health, and most of the really good shit is going to be streamed.

Plus there's gonna be a bunch of knuckleheads in here, so it'll kinda be

It'll sorta, yunno, be kinda... Kinda li—

—yeah. I know. Shit aint the same. But there's another one of these in two years, so that means planning is gonna be that much easier. Hopefully

Yikes, damn dude. I would be crushed as well. At least you're covered on the surgery, that's a big deal.
Thanks for the support guys. Fortunately the surgery wasn't for me. But I'm glad that I had enough to help my grandmother out for the surgery. I just feel guilty that I'm kinda upset about it. Guess it was better that I stayed instead of leaving. Oh well, two years of preparation time!

Either way, have fun of all you going! Don't yourselves before the event begins! Score me a t-shirt haha! (JK).
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