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Star Wars Episode VIII Production Thread (Principal Photography Complete)


As you well know, plenty of people are very vehemently against the idea of Rey being Luke's daughter. I guess you could be pedantic and say that I can't assume at least some of them want her to be a random at all costs regardless of how it's handled, but it sure seemed that way.

Don't ask for citations. There have been numerous discussions on this across several threads. Nobody had time for that.

I thinks it's less that people are adamant Rey not be a Skywalker at all costs, and more that some of us just aren't taking it as a foregone conclusion that Rey is a Skywalker. The movie is deliberately vague about her history which inherently means nothing about her history is a foregone conclusion, and that there are multiple possibilities since the movie wasn't willing to commit to anything.
I thinks it's less that people are adamant Rey not be a Skywalker at all costs, and more that some of us just aren't taking it as a foregone conclusion that Rey is a Skywalker. The movie is deliberately vague about her history which inherently means nothing about her history is a foregone conclusion, and that there are multiple possibilities since the movie wasn't willing to commit to anything.

I'm definitely open to the general possibility she's not a Skywalker, at least in a traditional sense. I think most people consider it to be at least plausible, even if they find it highly unlikely. I'd definitely say though the overwhelming majority of people leaning against her being a Skywalker are adamant that she not be one at all costs though. At least, among those I've seen/interacted with.


I'm definitely open to the general possibility she's not a Skywalker, at least in a traditional sense. I think most people consider it to be at least plausible, even if they find it highly unlikely. I'd definitely say though the overwhelming majority of people leaning against her being a Skywalker are adamant that she not be one at all costs though. At least, among those I've seen/interacted with.

Not on this board at least. Almost all the conversation about her lineage seems to start with "So Rey is obviously a Skywalker and..." with a reply from someone else of "Well, the movie leaves it open. In fact there's as much evidence she's not (mainly because the film simply lacks any evidence), so if she's not maybe [insert alternate theory here]."


I'm talking about this thread, specifically. The one we're in. The one that had just recently been discussing the possibility the Skywalker line could end with this movie when you directly addressed that line of discussion.

So far as I can tell, nobody in this thread, or at the point at which you jumped into the discussion, had been arguing for ending the Skywalker line "for the sake of doing it."
Pedantic it is then. Good for you. Nevertheless the people in this topic calling for the end of the Skywalkers haven't exactly provided a ton of compelling reasoning. Mostly boiled down to the usual "galaxy small", the vague notion that it's "limiting" without explaining why, and "the Skywalkers have fucked up the galaxy so bad that they should just crawl into a hole now".

I don't hate the Kenobi theory, for the record, as I've already stated. Luke makes more sense though, and they've certainly set things up in such a way that it requires very little confirmation bias to run with (unlike basically all other theories).


I'm definitely open to the general possibility she's not a Skywalker, at least in a traditional sense. I think most people consider it to be at least plausible, even if they find it highly unlikely. I'd definitely say though the overwhelming majority of people leaning against her being a Skywalker are adamant that she not be one at all costs though. At least, among those I've seen/interacted with.

May be, but certainly not in the GAF threads. Some are opposed to it, but most of the discussion has centered around the fact that the film does not preclude or confirm it. A few exchanges aside there hasn't even been much heated discussion about it here.


Not on this board at least. Almost all the conversation about her lineage seems to start with "So Rey is obviously a Skywalker and..." with a reply from someone else of "Well, the movie leaves it open. In fact there's as much evidence she's not (mainly because the film simply lacks any evidence), so if she's not maybe [insert alternate theory here]."
Yes the film leaves it open, absolutely. But the bolded is patently false. There is solid (but admittedly not insurmountable) evidence that points to her being a Skywalker. There is no solid evidence against.

I agree with whiterabbit, even with regard to gaf. Fine Bobby, maybe not if we limit the scope to the last couple pages of this topic, but expand it to all the spoiler threads, and there definitely is plenty of "not a Skywalker at all costs" sentiment.
I will say I honestly can't speak to GAFs leanings, as this the thread comprises the majority of my time in Star Wars threads here (I was exclusively Gaming side until recently). This topic does seem a little more balanced though.
Pedantic it is then. Good for you.

This bullshit.

Knock it off.

May be, but certainly not in the GAF threads. Some are opposed to it, but most of the discussion has centered around the fact that the film does not preclude or confirm it. A few exchanges aside there hasn't even been much heated discussion about it here.

Yeah, even if you do look at the larger discussion outside of this thread (which is also not featuring anyone being adamant or even aggressive about pursuing the Kenobi theory) it seems, in my experience, that people seem to be, at best "Well, it's probably gonna be Luke's kid, but since they leave it open... if it isn't... then how about..." and away we go.


Yes all the other options are rubbish in comparison.

A Kenobi? No.

A Solo? Wouldn't make any sense.

A nobody? Nah.

Why? We don't know Finn's parentage either. Does he need to be Lando's son for that to be satisfying? For all we know, she's Del Toro's daughter, or Laura Dern's daughter, or someone else altogether who still hasn't been announced. And if those characters resonate even half as well as most of the new cast has, why would that be unsatisfying?
Rey Palpatine would be another good/somewhat surprising lineage

It's actually the best of the connective tissue methods. Makes the most sense and creates a very interesting situation for Luke if he knows who she is. He has to contemplate training the offspring of the man that destroyed his family and created Darth Vader...against his blood related nephew.

It would completely sell that look Luke gives Rey at the end of 7 too.


I really hope they don't do this, although early in the writing stages a Calrissian kid was part of the mix. I think that character ended up being Poe.

I can't imagine they'd bother. Finn apparently not even being described as a black man in the script indicates that that wasn't even a consideration. And even then, he didn't seem to have a shred of hope of ever finding out who his parents were. Considering all their recruits were kidnapped kids from all over the galaxy, I can't imagine the First Order kept much meaningful data on the specifics of these kids' previous lives.


When the character names were first announced, and JJ said they were intentionally withholding Rey and Finn's last names, everyone assumed it's because they were the children of someone we know. Which in Rey's case, might be true. But in Finn's case it's because he had no last name at all -- or first name, for that matter. He's just Finn because that's all that Poe called him.

Neat twist.
I can't imagine they'd bother.

They'd already bothered once, though. It's more a question of whether we've got creators on board that care a lot about revisiting abandoned ideas (as Lucas frequently did, and Abrams did from a visual/design standpoint) or whether they're going to leave cut ideas on that floor.

But yeah, at one of the story breaking stages, when Poe was still a black guy, I believe they were considering making him Lando's kid.
She died on Hosnian Prime, right?

Presumably. Either that or maybe she'd retired from Republic work and returned to Chandrila.

Looks like they're set to start filming some stuff in Dubrovnik for Episode VIII shortly. Rumour is that Del Toro will be shooting a few scenes.




Wonder if he's on a ship or planet.

There's something in the visual dictionary for TFA about there being rumours of a huge Star Destroyer that doesn't feature in the film. I'd assume Snoke would use the First Order's flagship.

Obviously that might all go out the window with Johnson's plans anyway.


There's something in the visual dictionary for TFA about there being rumours of a huge Star Destroyer that doesn't feature in the film. I'd assume Snoke would use the First Order's flagship.

Obviously that might all go out the window with Johnson's plans anyway.

I kind of hope he's on a planet that has some sort of ancient dark connection to the force. We don't need another military type of set, IMO, especially considering his age. Wonder where Sidious always was. Let's bring in some original mythology and mystery with Snoke.
I kind of hope he's on a planet that has some sort of ancient dark connection to the force. We don't need another military type of set, IMO, especially considering his age. Wonder where Sidious always was. Let's bring in some original mythology and mystery with Snoke.
Palpatine rarely left Coruscant after becoming Emperor. Moraband would fit that criteria. Seeing that in a live action film would be cool. Having somewhere other than a super weapon or star destroyer as a base would make a nice change.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Appearently Lucasfilm uses Kamikaze drones to take out drones to want to get a view on the set of Star Wars.

Reminds of this satirical from 2 months ago

LONDON (The News Desk) — Star Wars director J.J. Abrams awkwardly waited for George Lucas to leave the set of the eighth instalment of the franchise today after the series creator made a surprise visit to the film’s London set.

“Have you been to the Moroccan place down the street? It’s a really great lunch place. You should go there right now,” Abrams told Lucas, who arrived on set around noon on Wednesday without warning.

“Which scene are you guys filming right now? Will there be lightsabers in this one?” Lucas asked Abrams and Rian Johnson, who will take over directorial duties for the eighth film.

“Oh, we’re not even filming yet. This is more of a dry run,” said Johnson.

“It isn’t a big deal, really. How are your grandkids?”

Twenty minutes into Lucas’s visit, the crew decided to wrap for the day.

“It doesn’t look like he’s going to leave anytime soon, so we thought it would be good to wrap up and start planning for tomorrow,” said producer Kathleen Kennedy.


Aftershock LA
Because her story so far makes it seem like her family is a big mystery that will be revealed later. If it turns out that her family are a bunch of no-names, it would be really anticlimactic.

And her name is REY....Gli-funka!


George and Kathleen have said that Star Wars is the story of the skywalkers. So everything is connected to that small family, they're the most important people in the whole galaxy and mostly everyone else is a nobody.

"Her name is Rey...Kenob...son! You know, the Kenobsons from Ord Mantell? I think they're accountants...

I don't particularly care who Rey's parents are. Rey is awesome. I want to know if Finn is Force Sensitive. That's the most pressing issue for me. Abram's comments I read a few months back about how the Force, to him, was about how anybody, if the need and desire was strong enough, could tap into it speaks just as much about Finn as it does Rey. I think we're going to see more Force Sensitives in this new trilogy period, with Rey being the primary protagonist and focal point. I think both characters were tapping into the Force throughout the movie, with Rey actually being aware that that's what she was doing, and Finn having no clue.

If Rey is a Skwalker, great. If she's a Kenobi...Great? If she's a random. Great. Just keep building on her already likable and endearing personality, and I'll be happy. She's very charming, as is Finn and Poe. Who the parents are just isn't as big of a deal to me after seeing what she can do with the Force. Don't waste entire acts on going backwards, when I want to see the story go forward. A quick mention of her parents (or confirmation of Luke being her father) during a single scene, is fine. But I don't want all of Act 1 or 2 being Rey having Force visions of her past.

Also, I mentioned this before, but why does there have to be a twist to her lineage at all? Star Wars has gone to the surprise parentage well already. I think the "twist," if any, will be how absolutely ordinary or expected it's all going to be.

The reason why Empire works as a twist the way it does is because nobody was expecting Vader to be Luke's father. We were outright told in A New Hope that Vader betrayed and murdered Anakin Skywalker (well, we weren't told his name at the time). That event was something that happened a long time ago, and wasn't relevant to Luke's journey beyond him wanting to be like his father. So the reveal that, "Nope, Obi-Wan is a lying liar who lies, I'm your dad!" was a gut punch.

Expecting Rey to be a Skywalker negates the twist. We "know" it's coming. Expecting Rey to be a Kenobi negates the twist. We "know" it's coming. Expecting Rey to be a "nobody" negates the twist. We "know" it's coming. We've basically hedged our bets to the point that a "surprise" reveal isn't all that surprising. Her parents could be anybody, and because of that, it really loses all interest for me.

I almost think her "Me too...big secret," line was a glib tongue in cheek comment to BB8. Rey doesn't seem to remember who she is in every scene afterwards. Why would she be keeping her parents secret from herself? She just knows, deep down inside (and possibly Force influenced), that she's waiting for her family. She dreams about the island that Luke is on. His Lightsaber calls out to her. Her family isn't who she's expecting, and if she does remember them, it will be because it's time for her to unlock whatever memories have been suppressed of her time pre-Jakku. I don't think it's going to be a huge revelation in the same sense of "I am your Father." Just a layer of her past being shown to her.

People expecting some never thought of "twist" are really going to be disappointed.

EDIT: I think the problem with so many of the other theories is that they would require a lot more complexity to convey in a single movie. Ultimately, there are a few questions about Rey's history that needs to be answered, and since it's Star Wars, the answer will more than likely be incredibly simple:

1) Who are Rey's Parents?
2) Why was she left on Jakku?
3) Who left her on Jakku? (if not her parents.)

The answer to those questions need to be simple. No overly complex plots revolving around Clones or Reincarnation, or even secret love children of characters who died 30+ years ago.

Luke being Rey's father could be answered simply:

1) Luke and Mara Jade are Rey's parents (they met post Return of the Jedi. She died due to number 2 below)
2) She was sent to Jakku after Kylo Ren killed her mother and the other Jedi Luke was training (Luke may have been under the impression that Rey was killed along with her mother). She was left with Unkar Plott because he's unassuming, and probably wouldn't draw any attention to the girl or himself.
3) Possibly 18 year old Kylo Ren, in a moment of "weakness" (as he'd see it). Perhaps he couldn't do what his grandfather did, and kill a child, in particular his cousin.

All 3 of those answers are pretty straight forward and simple, and don't require any kind of retconning of TFA or the previous trilogies.

Luke not being Rey's father:

1) Her parents have some import to Luke, Leia, or Han. That would require some explanation as to who they are, and why their relationship to Luke, Leia, or Han was important. The reason why they must be important to either Luke, Leia, or Han (or maybe even the Republic) is important because of number 2 below.
2) Her parents left her on Jakku because? This would require a lot more explanation. Was she displaying signs of Force Sensitivity? If she was, would she not have been sent to Luke's New Jedi Order instead of left on Jakku? If her parents aren't important, then there wouldn't be much need to send Rey away. She'd just be their Force Sensitive daughter on some backwater planet, with nobody really giving a shit about her. She has to be connected to the Jedi Academy in some way. Probably a student.
3) If her parents left her on Jakku, then this question was already answered above, but if her parents aren't important, there really wouldn't be much need to leave her on Jakku.

I just think that her being a random, and her being a Kenobi would require a lot more screen time and set up than what we've seen so far, and what Episode 8 will cover. It'd need its own anthology movie to fill in the gaps (which, I guess is something Lucasfilm could totally do, but the movies should be able to stand on their own as well, and not require you to watch 10 other movies to get; an aside, my niece hadn't seen the OT or PT, but she loved TFA. It wasn't required that she watch those to get the new one).

Her being Luke's daughter wouldn't require nearly as much set up, as I outlined above. There are enough flags in TFA that her being his daughter wouldn't bog down Episode 8 with exposition. She may have questions about her mother, which Luke could answer. Maybe she doesn't like what she hears, or maybe what she hears alters her trajectory as a Jedi, leading to conflict. Maybe her relationship with her father isn't as rosy as anyone was expecting (Luke included). There could be some tension there. Their first meeting at the cliff seemed bittersweet. Either way, Luke has some explaining to do. Rey is important no matter what. Why she is so important is the real question, and that question won't be answered with some crazy over the top theory. It's probably going to be laughably simple, which is why many people are going to be disappointed.


I wish it was Naboo just for the reactions.
Or maybe it's some new feudalistic-style planet. I was kinda afraid that the feelings towards the PT would get Disney become afraid of using anything but some backwater planets as major places. I felt like the few seconds of the Hosnian Prime scene was a symptom of this.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Or maybe it's some new feudalistic-style planet. I was kinda afraid that the feelings towards the PT would get Disney become afraid of using anything but some backwater planets as major places. I felt like the few seconds of the Hosnian Prime scene was a symptom of this.

I think they've done the post-prequel palette cleanse, they can scale things up a bit now. I know they've set the First Order up as the SW version of ISIS but eventually they will have to show us the more civilised planets, they can't schlep around the Outer Rim forever. I want to see some cool SW cities without being bogged down in political talk.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
After all this talk about Rey, I realize that I also desperately wanna know what the hell they'll do with my boy Finn
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