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Star Wars Episode VIII Production Thread (Principal Photography Complete)


He's not so much a "stickler for the rules" as he is a fuckin' liar.

The rule Anakin broke was a fucking stupid rule that he didn't see fit to mention (nor Yoda) at any point during Luke's training, too.

I'm betting the man in self-exile on a desert planet who has already fallen in love once might consider indulging in a romantic fling especially considering he's got nothing to do but watch Anakin's whiny kid get taller and reflect on what idiots their entire order was.

"I was ONCE a jedi knight, the same as your father."


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Nah, I'm with you.

I'm going further in that I don't want there to be any Skywalkers after this. The line should end with Luke. Rey can be adopted by him or something maybe. She can have his name. But their line should end with Episode 9.

They've just kinda sorta fucked everything up pretty consistently for the last 100 years. Maybe it's time to take a seat on the bench for the rest of eternity.

Yeah, this has been the dream for me too.

The discarding of the Jedi and putting the name 'Skywalker' to be, at most, a title rather than an essential bloodline that's the only one that can get things done, will really hammer home an important "anyone can be a hero" message.


I don't think shelving the Skywalker bloodline is necessary to introduce new Force users that are powerful and can be heroic. Star Wars films have been replete with Force users that were ultra skilled and powerful and were not, in fact, Skywalkers - Maul, Qui Gon, Obi Wan, Sidious, Windu, Yoda, Snoke, etc - and those are just from the movies. I actually don't think there has been a single Star Wars film in which a Skywalker was the most powerful character in the film.


I'm totally in the minority and this is pretty much impossible considering the iconography, but I just want the Jedi to be done by the end of this trilogy.

Just pull a "Jedi is an idea" thing.
Star Wars discarding its binary morality system would be fucking bold. No more Light Side, no more Dark Side, only the Force.

In a way, they've (meaning Lucas, mostly) been building towards that for some time. VII took it a few steps even further with Kylo Ren and Finn, both characters stuck in a traditionally one-note archetype and desperately trying to either escape or fit into their given role. Finn succeeds in breaking free, but Kylo fails. He can't be Darth Vader. He can't be a Star Wars villain.

So what if Rey can't be a Jedi?

They won't do it, but it's cool to think about it.
That's what I'm saying.

The likeliest scenario for me in terms of Obi Wan is that Obiwan had a brother/sister/any other relative who was totally clueless about his/her force capability or those damn midichlorians skipped a generation.

Hence, Rey could be a niece?

Otherwise, Rey better come from a new person is what I prefer.

EDIT: Oh and Ben and Rey are 10 years apart actually

Ben is 10 years her senior right?


Some of you on the previous page are making too much of the Kylo/Finn staredown moment on Jakku.

It doesn't have to indicate he sensed force sensitivity. Hell, it doesn't have to indicate he even sensed anything AT ALL. He could very easily have just noticed out of the corner of his eye a trooper standing there holding his dick (so to speak) while everyone else was getting shit done.

As for getting rid of the Skywalkers down the road; nah. I mean, if they do it and it's well done I won't be irrationally pissed. But I'm fine with Skywalkers. I'm not ashamed to say I'm on team Rey Skywalker (with secondary rooting interest for team Rey Kenobi).
Grandpa Obi-Wan makes literally no sense.

At the core of Anakin's fall was Anakin falling in love, abandoning a major teaching of the Order, and a shit-ton of stuff that was directly caused by all that.

So, what, immediately after almost killing someone he considers to be his brother, after he directly contributed to the death of almost every Jedi and the subjugation of the galaxy, a stickler for the rules and a traditionalist says "awww, fuck it", and commits the exact same "sin" that started it all? What?

Plus, ok, his kid is just chillin' in space somewhere and is never mentioned... just cuz? Like never a "hey Luke, there's this force sensitive spawn of mine out there all alone" or some shit like that? And what, Luke just stumbles into them/their daughter years later? Or did Ghost Obi-Wan pop and be all like "You know how we told you that you and your sister were the lost hopes? Well, LOL I LIED. I had this chick on da side and we got a whole 'nother lineage up in this shit, who could have helped you out, but lul, dat shit dangerous yo! Thanks for making things all safe 'n shit."

The entire idea shits on Obi-Wan as a character and creates super stupid plot holes. BUT THEY'RE BOTH BRITISH AND USE JEDI MIND-TRICKS

It wasn't so much love that caused the fall, it was attachment and the fear of loss that came with it. This is where the Jedi completely failed Anakin.


It wasn't so much love that caused the fall, it was attachment and the fear of loss that came with it. This is where the Jedi completely failed Anakin.

Yep. It's been stated time and again in these topics, but if Windu and Yoda hadn't been such blatant assholes, essentially telling Anakin to fuck off, he probably would never have fallen.
I could go for either Kenobi or Skywalker, but I have a slight preference for Skywalker just to prove Luke got some in the last 30 years.


Rey Kenobi takes the name Rey Skywalker when he passes.

Best of both worlds.
I can see Luke one day bumping into Obi Wan's long lost daughter, then bumping into her if you know what I mean. I feel like that is something he would do.


Junior Member
Luke either falling in love with daughter of Obi-Wan which would then mean that Rey would be Kenobi and Skywalker bloodline which is why she's so f'ning strong.

This would also be neat to have Rey explore some of the deeper levels of both the light side of the force as well as the dark side. Still, I want to see someone bring down a Star destroyer in either the next two movies; Truly next-level Yoda shit.


Nah, I'm with you.

I'm going further in that I don't want there to be any Skywalkers after this. The line should end with Luke. Rey can be adopted by him or something maybe. She can have his name. But their line should end with Episode 9.

They've just kinda sorta fucked everything up pretty consistently for the last 100 years. Maybe it's time to take a seat on the bench for the rest of eternity.

I'm on board with this. They already seem to have moved past the Sith, and I'm been on team #Reyisnoone from the beginning. Just move on.


Rey Van.



I was trying to think of way to turn that into her being Dutch but I suck. Or Reyban with the "Deal with it" meme but again, I suck.

There should be a scene of Rey putting on her shades, looking at the camera, and saying, "I make this look good."
Luke boned Obi-wan's daughter. Let the truth in. Rey is the granddaughter of the two best Jedi ever.

Just because I want to see people breakdown even more about that Mary Sue crap.
I've faith that Episode VIII's full title won't be "The First Order Strikes Back."

Such a bad title.

I think it'll be something out of left field that none of us are really expecting.

Shelving the Skywalker lineage during this set of films would be really interesting. Kennedy's comments about the main saga films being based around the Skywalker family makes me doubt it'll happen for a while though.


Luke either falling in love with daughter of Obi-Wan which would then mean that Rey would be Kenobi and Skywalker bloodline which is why she's so f'ning strong.

This would also be neat to have Rey explore some of the deeper levels of both the light side of the force as well as the dark side. Still, I want to see someone bring down a Star destroyer in either the next two movies; Truly next-level Yoda shit.

Do we really want to see more "threw the senate at him" stuff though?
What if rey isn't luke's daughter but was created by him in the same way that it implies Anakin was? That would be stupid as hell but it's like poetry, it rhymes.
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