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Star Wars Episode VIII Production Thread (Principal Photography Complete)


Do we have an idea yet how they plan on reviving the pool of bad guys and their threat level?
  1. The First Order's ultimate doomsday weapon got destroyed already
  2. Kylo-Ren got defeated in battle
  3. Captain Phasma got Boba Fetted
  4. General Hux was a 30year old wannabe in the first place.
  5. Snoke needed to adjust his plan multiple times reacting to whatever our youngsters were doing at the time.
How do you recover from that story wise if you want a "rebel" underdogs vs. Empire structure and so the end game in EpIX will feel earned and like an uphill battle finally coming to a logical conclusion?
They will probably resort to having EpVIII be a "chase" movie with a structure like ESB and keep the end game nebulous. But EpIX will be a fun watch then if they haven't figured out where to go from there..


First Order got fucked, but the Republic essentially got completely destroyed. Resistance is it. It's two small, screwed factions against each other now. It doesn't need to be a story of rebel underdogs vs. immovable structure going forward.

Kylo completes his training and he's uber pissed at Rey, comes back stronger than ever. Phasma is super pissed at Finn and comes back with a vengeance. Snoke is a big question mark since we didn't learn much about him. Hux can continue to be a wannabe.

I don't really see a problem with "threat level." Everything seems very character motivated and personal going forward, which means the stakes should be easy to establish.


Do we have an idea yet how they plan on reviving the pool of bad guys and their threat level?

1. Whatever fleet the First Order has is surely more powerful than the tiny fleet of the Resistance. The bulk of the Republic's fleet was wiped out because it orbits the capital during peace time, so unless the Republic is reintroduced as an element in the war* and it's not just Resistance vs. First Order, then the FO has the advantage.
2. Kylo Ren will presumably have completed his training or will be further along in any event, and they'll show off how much more powerful he is.
3. Snoke will have some sort of secret plan up his sleeve.
4. There are rumors about some characters in the Resistance being FO informants, so the Resistance could be undermined.
5. Knights of Ren
6. Other new bad guys (Benicio Del Toro?)

*Personally I want this, because it would make the war more interesting than just the Rebellion vs. Empire redux. Each Republic planet has its own self defense force. There's no reason the whole Republic should be destroyed just because the capital planet is gone. Just have the other planets band together and pool their resources to form a new temporary fleet/army. There's no reason the Mon Calamari in particular couldn't do this. But I don't think they'll go that direction, which is disappointing.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
I mean

There's plenty more where Kylo came from
Do we have an idea yet how they plan on reviving the pool of bad guys and their threat level?
  1. The First Order's ultimate doomsday weapon got destroyed already
  2. Kylo-Ren got defeated in battle
  3. Captain Phasma got Boba Fetted
  4. General Hux was a 30year old wannabe in the first place.
  5. Snoke needed to adjust his plan multiple times reacting to whatever our youngsters were doing at the time.
How do you recover from that story wise if you want a "rebel" underdogs vs. Empire structure and so the end game in EpIX will feel earned and like an uphill battle finally coming to a logical conclusion?
They will probably resort to having EpVIII be a "chase" movie with a structure like ESB and keep the end game nebulous. But EpIX will be a fun watch then if they haven't figured out where to go from there..

The First Order still seem to have a pretty decently sized fleet. They've definitely got access to other Star Destroyers, with at least one being bigger than the one we saw in TFA.

I think its likely to be more of an even fight now instead of an underdogs vs Empire scenario.


Do we have an idea yet how they plan on reviving the pool of bad guys and their threat level?
  1. The First Order's ultimate doomsday weapon got destroyed already
  2. Kylo-Ren got defeated in battle
  3. Captain Phasma got Boba Fetted
  4. General Hux was a 30year old wannabe in the first place.
  5. Snoke needed to adjust his plan multiple times reacting to whatever our youngsters were doing at the time.
How do you recover from that story wise if you want a "rebel" underdogs vs. Empire structure and so the end game in EpIX will feel earned and like an uphill battle finally coming to a logical conclusion?
They will probably resort to having EpVIII be a "chase" movie with a structure like ESB and keep the end game nebulous. But EpIX will be a fun watch then if they haven't figured out where to go from there..
- Knights of Ren

- Increase Snoke's threat level, give us some sense of what his motivations are

- Corruption in the Republic

- Benicio Del Toro

I think they need to differentiate this conflict from the Civil War of the OT. Rebels vs. Empire as our ultimate conflict will cheapen what's come before. Maybe a halfway point between the prequels and the OT, with the war against the First Order and some cosmic unraveling of the Force.


I hope we get a better name for the Resistance-First Order Conflict. They're probably just going to end up going with the Second Galactic Civil War, which is lazy and also, frankly, this war so far isn't as interesting in its set up as the SGCW from Legends (even if that ended up getting executed badly).
We're not getting an 8 teaser until Rogue One is out on Bluray. That seems to be obvious now. One films marketing may get in the way of the other and cause confusion (among the general audience). Seems like April/May for the teasers for the next film. Rinse, repeat and you have constant Star Wars hype for a few years. Movie #1 Decemeber, Spring Bluray release, movie #2 teaser in Spring then trailer in the fall followed by the film in December etc.


We're not getting an 8 teaser until Rogue One is out on Bluray. That seems to be obvious now. One films marketing may get in the way of the other and cause confusion (among the general audience). Seems like April/May for the teasers for the next film. Rinse, repeat and you have constant Star Wars hype for a few years. Movie #1 Decemeber, Spring Bluray release, movie #2 teaser in Spring then trailer in the fall followed by the film in December etc.

This is what I'm thinking too. But I'm sure we will see more on set stuff like the announcement video.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Am i safe to read that knowing its fake or does it have even like a 10% chance of being true?
I need wasaaay more explanation on the Knights of Ren and how they were so powerful they were able to wipe out Luke's entire order. I mean they had to be 95% of the muscle in that scenario considering what a joke Rey made of Kylo physically, skill wise AND Force wise in that duel.

I also wonder if they will kill Luke off. If they do he better go out in a blaze of glory. Either way I still want to see him be the one to mete out Kylo Ren's punishment. "Hey sis, yeah I got some bad news for ya regarding your crappy little mass murdering coward of a son."
That photo was from the set of Dancing on the Edge. I've been watching it on Netflix and with Chiwetel rocking the mustache and cape, I couldn't help but think, "Calrissian Jr."
I need wasaaay more explanation on the Knights of Ren and how they were so powerful they were able to wipe out Luke's entire order. I mean they had to be 95% of the muscle in that scenario considering what a joke Rey made of Kylo physically, skill wise AND Force wise in that duel.

I also wonder if they will kill Luke off. If they do he better go out in a blaze of glory. Either way I still want to see him be the one to mete out Kylo Ren's punishment. "Hey sis, yeah I got some bad news for ya regarding your crappy little mass murdering coward of a son."

Presumably most of Luke's order was quite young/early in their training, right? I imagine Kylo was probably his most trained pupil by a large margin, given that he was born shortly after RotJ. Combined with his heritage, Kylo was probably leagues beyond the rest. And Snoke probably had the Knights of Ren around for a while, so they were probably all older/more trained/more physically capable than Luke's new Jedi.

And nah, Rey didn't make a joke of him. He was seriously injured and still managed to dominate Rey until the last second when she took him off-guard and reversed the circumstances. He also wasn't aiming to kill, he saw her as an asset and wanted to recruit her. Rey was straight up out for blood after everything she went through (torture, Han's death, Finn being nearly killed).

Still not sure how I feel about Luke dying. I'd be okay with it, but it has to be done right, and I really don't know what would be right in my mind. In think I'd prefer a peaceful death a la Yoda though. He earned it.
And nah, Rey didn't make a joke of him. He was seriously injured and still managed to dominate Rey until the last second when she took him off-guard and reversed the circumstances. He also wasn't aiming to kill, he saw her as an asset and wanted to recruit her. Rey was straight up out for blood after everything she went through (torture, Han's death, Finn being nearly killed).

This scene changes the more I see it. I watched my BD yesterday (first time since 2 cinema viewings). Rey slaughters Kylo once she has him on the back foot , and it's an open question whether she would have killed him if the ground hadn't opened first. I don't feel this minimises Kylo or elevates Rey over-much; I think the film balances their capabilities and states very intelligently. I agree he wasn't trying to hurt her. But I hadn't realised before how close she came to killing him, nor how wounded he was at the end.

Same goes for Finn in fact. He got opened up like a tauntaun. I worry for him and wonder if he's going to spend the next two films in a carbonite cast.
I mean

There's plenty more where Kylo came from

Honestly, I'm not expecting anything from these guys. If they do show up, they'll probably be shut down quickly and end up a disappointment. I think they're the bounty hunters of the new trilogy, there to look cool for a few scenes and then vanish.
Presumably most of Luke's order was quite young/early in their training, right? I imagine Kylo was probably his most trained pupil by a large margin, given that he was born shortly after RotJ. Combined with his heritage, Kylo was probably leagues beyond the rest. And Snoke probably had the Knights of Ren around for a while, so they were probably all older/more trained/more physically capable than Luke's new Jedi.

And nah, Rey didn't make a joke of him. He was seriously injured and still managed to dominate Rey until the last second when she took him off-guard and reversed the circumstances. He also wasn't aiming to kill, he saw her as an asset and wanted to recruit her. Rey was straight up out for blood after everything she went through (torture, Han's death, Finn being nearly killed).

Still not sure how I feel about Luke dying. I'd be okay with it, but it has to be done right, and I really don't know what would be right in my mind. In think I'd prefer a peaceful death a la Yoda though. He earned it.

Good points all around and yeah, I hope he has a peaceful death too. Would be really neat to see him reunited with Anakin, Obi Wan and Yoda in the Force.

I also wonder if Disney would allow Luke to be killed at this point for Skywalker marketing brand name reasons unless they don't have many plans for older Luke and will milk most of his money through prequel TV shows/animated series.

And even though Kylo was injured Rey was still impressively strong, the part where she overpowers him while grabbing and holding down his saber arm was awesome.
Good points all around and yeah, I hope he has a peaceful death too. Would be really neat to see him reunited with Anakin, Obi Wan and Yoda in the Force.

I also wonder if Disney would allow Luke to be killed at this point for Skywalker marketing brand name reasons unless they don't have many plans for older Luke and will milk most of his money through prequel TV shows/animated series.

And even though Kylo was injured Rey was still impressively strong, the part where she overpowers him while grabbing and holding down his saber arm was awesome.

As central as Luke is, to the universe and to fans, Star Wars is much, much bigger than him. There's not going to be a problem with that, and Disney's going to respect whatever creative decisions Lucasfilm makes anyway. The only way they'll intervene is if Kathy Kennedy starts approving some shockingly stupid shit, like a live-action "Jaxxon v. Jar Jar" film trilogy in place of a fourth saga trilogy.
and even then, they approved Rocket Raccoon so lol

Or they decide not to meet Disney's release schedule, lol.

And oh yeah, Rey's totally bad-ass, and that scene was awesome, that's for sure. :p
Honestly, I'm not expecting anything from these guys. If they do show up, they'll probably be shut down quickly and end up a disappointment. I think they're the bounty hunters of the new trilogy, there to look cool for a few scenes and then vanish.

I think people who are excited about the Knights should probably turn the hype down a few notches. That's not to say they won't be involved, but I think many have this assumption that we're going to see them and be involved in fight scenes and stuff, and that's a sure-fire way to be ultimately disappointed.
Honestly, I'm not expecting anything from these guys. If they do show up, they'll probably be shut down quickly and end up a disappointment. I think they're the bounty hunters of the new trilogy, there to look cool for a few scenes and then vanish.

I don't think the Knight of Ren will move as some singular unit in a triangle formation toward the good guys. One or two will be important, and the rest will be fodder for world building/plot but in the background.


As central as Luke is, to the universe and to fans, Star Wars is much, much bigger than him.:p
I mean... is it?

We had three films leading up to his birth. We had three films about him specifically. We had one film about finding him and bringing him back. It's not a coincidence that the main title is his theme. Yes, the universe is expansive. Yes, there are lots of great characters not named Luke who have nothing to do with Luke. But if we're talking about the main saga, Luke is it.

Killing him at this stage is a cheap shot, and probably an injustice to his character. He's not an Obi Wan, he's not Qui Gon Jinn, he's not even Han Solo. He's Star Wars. Luke doesn't have to be the main character or anything, but he still needs pass the torch. Murdering him is the crudest way to go about doing that.
I mean... is it?

We had three films leading up to his birth. We had three films about him specifically. We had one film about finding him and bringing him back. It's not a coincidence that the main title is his theme. Yes, the universe is expansive. Yes, there are lots of great characters not named Luke who have nothing to do with Luke. But if we're talking about the main saga, Luke is it.

Killing him at this stage is a cheap shot, and probably an injustice to his character. He's not an Obi Wan, he's not Qui Gon Jinn, he's not even Han Solo. He's Star Wars. Luke doesn't have to be the main character or anything, but he still needs pass the torch. Murdering him is the crudest way to go about doing that.

Well, I did say I'd prefer him to die peacefully. If they have him killed, it would have to be extremely carefully done, but I don't think it's impossible to do without fucking everything up.

And Lucasfilm/Disney better hope it's bigger than him. Hamill's not going to be playing the character forever. Eventually Luke will have to die, in some way or another. Granted, it could be off-screen between IX and X, but he's not going to not die, and he's not going to be in every film, that's obvious.


Well, I did say I'd prefer him to die peacefully. If they have him killed, it would have to be extremely carefully done, but I don't think it's impossible to do without fucking everything up.

And Lucasfilm/Disney better hope it's bigger than him. Hamill's not going to be playing the character forever. Eventually Luke will have to die, in some way or another. Granted, it could be off-screen between IX and X, but he's not going to not die, and he's not going to be in every film, that's obvious.
I hear you. I think on a more abstract level, though, this series is always going to be about Luke, even after he's gone. You look at stuff like KOTOR, and even there, a bajillion years before the OT, his presence is felt. It's the struggle between good and evil, the sense of longing, his divine origins, the goofy weirdness and all his OT exploits that Star Wars has been rehashing for forty years. It's always gonna be there, and the only reason I'm saying that is just to stress why it's so fucking important they do right by him. You do not fuck with the living embodiment of Star Wars.

And all that shit aside, I'm pretty confident Rian Johnson will do fine. He gets it. I'm way less worried about VIII than I am about IX, and I'd be less concerned that movie and the people in charge were they not responsible for what is sure to be the last onscreen appearance of Luke Skywalker.
I really hope we don't see the return of twirly lightsaber dancing bullshit. The fight at the end of TFA was pretty much perfect.

I don't get this. Kylo Ren "twirled." It felt heavier, but there's nothing inherently wrong with skilled combatants doing that. The fighting style made total sense in the prequels considering who we saw in combat. I think lightsaber fights should have some flash; it looks cool. I like the heavier combat too, but I'm okay with a mix. I won't mind it at all if the fighting is sorta like that and what we're seeing in that gif isn't necessarily representative of what we're going to see.
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