Source 2:
The shorts and book covers:
- Disney announced a new series of 16 animated shorts with an accompanying toy line.
- The shorts star Leia Organa, Padme Amidala, Ahsoka Tano, Sabine Wren, Rey and Jyn Erso. Each character is voiced by their original voice actor from their cartoon (Clone Wars, Rebels) or movie (Episode VII), except for Leia (who is now voiced by Shelby Young). This is also true for supporting characters like Hera, Finn, Anakin, and Maz.
- These are canon stories that fill in extra storylines about each of the characters. Maz narrates each of them.
- One example is ”Beasts of Echo Base", which is "about Leia, Chewbacca, R2-D2 and C-3PO that takes place on Hoth before the events of The Empire Strikes Back".
- Another is ”Tracker Trouble", which "shows that while Han, Chewbacca, Rey and Finn were traveling to Maz Kanata's castle on the Millennium Falcon, they had a major obstacle to deal with thanks to a tracker left by Unkar Plutt".
- These shorts will be available for free on YouTube.
- They are also starting a book line which will first adapt the shorts, and then continue from there.
- Hasbro is releasing a new collection of "Adventure Figures", which are essentially a hybrid of a doll and an action figure. More specifically, they "aim to blend the qualities of traditional dolls (11-inch height, rooted hair, changeable outfits) with old-school action figures (weapon accessories, battle attacks)". Before you get disappointed, I suspect most of you will not like how these look.
- Hasbro is also making a purple lightsaber and Rey's staff.
- There will also be a clothing line eventually.
- As is presumably self evident, the primary target audience here is younger girls, though they're hoping to make the shorts in a way that appeal to a broad range of audiences, ranging from people who have seen nothing of Star Wars, to people who know literally everything about Star Wars.
Source 2:
The shorts and book covers: