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Star Wars Outlaws launch sales less than half of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor managed in 2023


Gold Member
The key thing about 2024 having so many woke-ish products bombing will be if the employees and companies learn anything.

You cant really fault them that much when these products have been in dev for years, so for it to smack into their faces suddenly in 2023 or 2024 might be too late to do a 180.

But for all the projects out there with ample time to adjust, or anything now just being made in early stages with lots of time and budget to fix the product for 2026-2028 launch, if they still fuck it up it goes to show how insanely stubborn they are where their pink haired home life politics beats out reasonable business strategy and profits to survive another day. I can even understand any 2025 games bombing since it's too late.

But who knows. Maybe they enjoy stuff bombing and brushing up their resume looking for another job. lol
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I do think companies like Ubi, staffed and headed in large part by (far)leftists underestimate how much of an effect on sales being perceived as "woke" can have. All those pictures online of weird/ugly looking Kay did a number on the game's reputation. And it is all so self-inflicted! They hired beautiful and likeable Humberly Gonzales (who actually does a good job as Kay), they should have used better, more faithful model of her, made Kay beautiful like she is, all that negative attention wouldn't exist and people would focus on the actual game instead of whether it is "woke" or not.

And guess what, the game is actually good. Not perfect, there are bugs, AI is not great, story could have been more impactful in some ways, but it is still one of the best Star Wars games in years, and definitely better than any Disney movie sequel. Walking around fully realized Mos Eisley, visiting Jabba, infiltrating and then fighting Star Destroyer, playing syndicates against each other, that shit is fun. And Sabacc. Sabacc is great.
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I don't think a female protag killed the sales, but I think being discount Han Solo along with the game being too similar in visual style to Jedi Survivor did little to set it apart in a market that is rapidly growing tired of SW content.
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I do think companies like Ubi, staffed and headed in large part by (far)leftists underestimate how much of an effect on sales being perceived as "woke" can have. All those pictures online of weird/ugly looking Kay did a number on the game's reputation. And it is all so self-inflicted! They hired beautiful and likeable Humberly Gonzales (who actually does a good job as Kay), they should have used better, more faithful model of her, made Kay beautiful like she is, all that negative attention wouldn't exist and people would focus on the actual game instead of whether it is "woke" or not.

And guess what, the game is actually good. Not perfect, there are bugs, AI is not great, story could have been more impactful in some ways, but it is still one of the best Star Wars games in years, and definitely better than any Disney movie sequel. Walking around fully realized Mos Eisley, visiting Jabba, infiltrating and then fighting Star Destroyer, playing syndicates against each other, that shit is fun. And Sabacc. Sabacc is great.
Good points, the game was getting eviscerated on social media because of how Kay looked during certain parts of the trailer. Not sure how big of an effect it had overall, but it definitely was not positive
If it were Han Solo, which it should have been and not some DEI wish dot com retcon butt chunked face Fem Solo, it would have outsold Jedi Survivor.

Disney has ran this franchise into the ground, and turned the once ravenous fanbase away. That's quite a feat.
The combat and world design is also Ubisoft tier trash.
I mean one-shotting guys in armor with your elbow would be more (albeit only slightly) realistic.
No human white male can one shot troops wearing futuristic military armor.
The things in that universe that can do that is a Force user or a combat droid.
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Gold Member
Good points, the game was getting eviscerated on social media because of how Kay looked during certain parts of the trailer. Not sure how big of an effect it had overall, but it definitely was not positive
Nah, it was those clips of her swatting a Stormtrooper across the back of the head with her BARE HAND and sending them into la-la land that killed the game for me. Whoever designed and approved those types of take-downs and then built A GAME out of them should be banned from the industry. It's like they had a Splinter Cell game with burly Sam Fisher, a taser glove, and a bunch of gang members but then did a pallet swap for a little rebel girl and armored targets but no body realized how dumb it looked.


Nah, it was those clips of her swatting a Stormtrooper across the back of the head with her BARE HAND and sending them into la-la land that killed the game for me. Whoever designed and approved those types of take-downs and then built A GAME out of them should be banned from the industry. It's like they had a Splinter Cell game with burly Sam Fisher, a taser glove, and a bunch of gang members but then did a pallet swap for a little rebel girl and armored targets but no body realized how dumb it looked.
LOL true those clips were ridiculous too. Overall the game just had a lot of negative buzz around social media. Also, when the game was out and available I saw a lot of funny bugs happen when watching some streams/clips of it, and a lot of people were commenting that you paid that extra premium to just be a beta tester :messenger_grinning_squinting:


Nah, it was those clips of her swatting a Stormtrooper across the back of the head with her BARE HAND and sending them into la-la land that killed the game for me.
It is dumb, but there is such a thing as suspension of disbelief and ultimately it is a small detail. Later in the game you actually get an electric baton to take down more advanced enemies. Basic stormtroopers have always been pushoves.


The combat and world design is also Ubisoft tier trash.

No human white male can one shot troops wearing futuristic military armor.
The things in that universe that can do that is a Force user or a combat droid.

Yeah, agreed.

But this girl is a waif. It's comical and absurd watching her do this. I *might* be able to suspend disbelief for some beefcake.

Or Abby ❤️
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ChatGPT 0.1

Meh Kinda GIF by Cultura

Jedi fallen order/survivor:

Happy If You Say So GIF


What happened @ManaByte ?

I thought of making this post so many times the past week but just didn't have the heart to tag him. This game faceplanted Ubisoft way worse than even my pessimistic ass anticipated and I figured it's been punishment enough.

Edit: that said, thanks for filling in during my moment of weakness.
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Weeb Underling
If it was a white male protagonist it would've sold as much as Survivor, maybe more. Bet.
Would you have been swayed by a white male protag? Because there still would've been the ancient game design, the piss poor shooting mechanics, the mediocre writing set in a Star Wars time period thats been run into the ground.

If it were Han Solo, which it should have been and not some DEI wish dot com retcon butt chunked face Fem Solo, it would have outsold Jedi Survivor.
Why did Solo flop, then?


Gold Member
Make a game with a hot chick with a rocking body and moans like a whore. Then maybe I’ll have at least watched a second of gameplay.

To this day, I still have not see one second of gameplay for this game. Only screenshots of the main character and some bulky droid.


The key thing about 2024 having so many woke-ish products bombing will be if the employees and companies learn anything.

You cant really fault them that much when these products have been in dev for years, so for it to smack into their faces suddenly in 2023 or 2024 might be too late to do a 180.

But for all the projects out there with ample time to adjust, or anything now just being made in early stages with lots of time and budget to fix the product for 2026-2028 launch, if they still fuck it up it goes to show how insanely stubborn they are where their pink haired home life politics beats out reasonable business strategy and profits to survive another day. I can even understand any 2025 games bombing since it's too late.

But who knows. Maybe they enjoy stuff bombing and brushing up their resume looking for another job. lol

If the existing companies don't make games that people want to buy eventually they will go under and be replaced with new ones. Admittedly this sounds like the difference between a course correction and a crash. I agree it remains to be seen how well the industry can pivot back, that is if it even wants to, before too much damage is done. If there's a big reset it's all going to take a lot longer and it would suck to lose some big names that could have turned around.

It's hard for me to imagine any flagrantly "woke" games in 2030. I don't know where any money to make it will come from by then. There won't be any cash rich companies left to siphon dry.

Edit: I'm thinking about the guy whose stated goal was to burn the gaming industry to the ground. "Join us or be overtaken". The companies are in a position if they do not pay SBI's protection racket fee (for their uh "counsel"), they will be eviscerated in the media. They might actually have some success causing massive damage we already see it. But I don't really think they can kill the industry. The faster they off the companies willing to play ball, the faster they get replaced with fresh ones that moved on. As long as people are willing to spend money on decent games someone will come out of the woodwork to fill the need. Meanwhile Nintendo is in completely no fucks given mode...as usual.
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Because nobody wanted a nuSolo. It also came after the bad taste from TLJ.

People want the classic iconic.

IMO the biggest reason it flopped, despite some issues with the movie, was TLJ. Nobody bothered to buy a movie ticket because they were sick of star wars. I didn't watch Solo until i could catch it at home. I had no idea whether I liked the movie or not until that point. No one cared.
Well, it helps that Jedi: Survivor is actually a good game. It's probably the only Star Wars IP worth a damn at this point.

Replaying on PC and it looks great and kicks ass even with all the performance issues. Very much looking forward to the third entry.


(1) Star Wars fatigue is REAL

(2) consumers are voting with their wallets and refusing to buy products they used to

DEEP gaming recession is coming


Gold Member
Similar to Concord, this game had laughable first impressions.

Concord was laughed at for being a hero shooter, bad colours and DEI roster.

Outlaws was laughed at for being stealthy, ugly face and hair memes, hokey gameplay quips (like Fake's gif above). And having a female lead in a SW product will rarely be a better choice than a guy (esp. compared to using an established SW male character). When it comes to superhero and sci-fi content, it's hard (not impossible though) to have kick ass female leads carrying a product. It might be made up fiction, but if it's hokey looking people will still grill it.

These two examples failing go beyond aesthetics and roster, but if they chose better eye candy at first blush, it'd be accepted better.

Why would any game want people grilling the characters and gameplay? If youre going to get grilled, pass the eye candy test first, hook them in, and then if you fail on gameplay so be it. Any game studio willing to get grilled on both fronts is begging to fail.
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Would you have been swayed by a white male protag? Because there still would've been the ancient game design, the piss poor shooting mechanics, the mediocre writing set in a Star Wars time period thats been run into the ground.

Why did Solo flop, then?
I finished the game. It could've been a 7 instead of a 6 if the main character was lovable/enjoyable yeah. The story was heavily impacted by the main character which was a fucking dud.


(1) Star Wars fatigue is REAL

(2) consumers are voting with their wallets and refusing to buy products they used to

DEEP gaming recession is coming
Why is it when people refuse to buy a bad product it’s fatigue? It’s just a bad game that doesn’t sell. Being an established IP has never been a garauntee of sales. Look at suicide squad or the newest halo game or gears. Bad games don’t sell.


This game didn’t fail because it had a female protagonist.

It failed because it’s another rote, by the numbers, dull, uninspired Ubisoft slopfest that had a BAD female protagonist.
It’s this (plus Star Wars fatigue).

Absolutely nothing wrong with a female protagonist. They have been in games since the beginning. The issue is whether they are a forced conduit for “the message” whereby the female character is merely a blank slate.

That’s the issue.

There is a lot of room to analyze complicated complex women on a hero’s journey. Maybe the new Ghost can do this. Don’t know.

But until writers actually challenge their female protagonist both with the internal and the external with a lot of growth as a person… each one of these will fall completely flat.


Why is it when people refuse to buy a bad product it’s fatigue? It’s just a bad game that doesn’t sell. Being an established IP has never been a garauntee of sales. Look at suicide squad or the newest halo game or gears. Bad games don’t sell.

Yes and no. 10 years ago this exact same game would have sold much better. The mass market has accumulated a distrust both of slop Ubisoft and slop Star Wars, the X factor Ubi didn't count on. The license was supposed to carry their lame game.
Why did Solo flop, then?

That character isn't Han Solo, just a nobody cosplaying as Han Solo. Add the obnoxious cringe droid to the mix.

The most similar character to Han Solo in recent years was Andor. He clearly was going to be Rogue One's protagonist until they switched it at the last minute for another female NPC.
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