They count the pay-per-hour subs in the Asian market the same as a sub in NA. Someone pays for 2 hours of WoW in China they equate it to a 1 month in NA. Last I saw a long time ago NA was barely 1 million of the player base, with all those other micro-subs making up the vast majority.
Please show me a link for this, as its the first I've heard of this. Why would they even do that? As for NA... Well no. Again, I'm not really sure where you get your facts from, but 2008 had 2.8million day1 retail sales for WOTLK, so it doesnt really help your argument.
Yeah wishful thinking, same thing could be said about any other MMO released in WoWs lifetime.
D3 is not an MMO, so its not directly impacting that market. It is indirectly affecting it because Blizzard fans will eat into the new experience, and it offers far more content for PvE players to enjoy over SCII.
You just said...good game will affect numbers? Yet Rift is good enough to pull the quality players from WoW but still not get the numbers? And long term "reprucations" for the end game? What does that even mean? WoW was getting easier even before Rift. End game wow is like .5% of the game.
Movers and shakers on a server. Players who run guilds, or players who play on a competitive level looking for something fresh. End game WoW was .5% of the game at Vanilla, that changed substantially with LFG 5mans and 10man raiding.
You are crazy. Those are made up numbers.
Considering that no announcement of speculation will ever be made by EA or Bioware, of course its made up. Its based on the logical assumption that for TOR to top WoW, it would have to at least emulate its success based on a five year plan. That requires an insane amount of people to be interested in the game within the first year, because you quite literally require the gaming and mainstream press to write "top's WoW's sales" for it generate the word of mouth it needs.
EA have stated that 500k subs are what they need to turn a profit. No company post 2008 has stated, "X product is a WoW beater" because its hubris and plays terribly in the presses. But you can't ignore the fact that EA have been gearing this MMO to take the controlling share of the market, and at least hold it until Titan arrives. For them to do this, they need millions of subs. End of.