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//: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty |OT2| GL HF GG

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hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
(._.) said:
Damn, looks like that night was a lot of fun. I really need to jump in more on here. I've been on a bit of a slump lately while playing this game. Been watching more than playing. Not going through a losing streak or anything. Just slightly nervous to ladder since I can't play all the time and I want to make every game count. Anybody else ever feel nervous when its time to ladder?

I used to.

Now I just play a quick game against the very hard AI to warm up, turn on my SCII playlist (GG baby!) and just ladder until I'm satisfied or too frustrated to continue.

A couple of good tips from TL wiki: http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft2/Dealing_with_anxiety

Taking away the anxiety itself

Calm yourself down before, during, or after a game.

* Have a cup of tea.

* Have a beer.
This may hinder strategic thinking, but calming your nerves has a higher priority.

* Stay away from (too much) caffeine and sweets.
Caffeine makes the stress response worse, as do the artifical coloring agents in many sweets.

Do something else for a while.

* Take a warm bath or shower. (HuK)

* Meditate. This takes a lot of practice and isn't for everyone.
There are plenty of online resources to get you started, from audio files that put you into a meditative state, to breathing exercises and mindfulness courses.

* Play different games for a while.
Play team games, custom games, or UMS maps.
Play something other than StarCraft. Day[9] suggests Minesweeper to increase your mouse speed and accuracy.

Set the right mood.

* Listen to non-vocal music.
The melody takes care of your nerves. Vocals would take your focus away from the game. Even if they are in a language you don't understand, your brain recognizes it as language and attempts to decipher it.
Video game soundtracks are one possible source of non-vocal music.

* Turn off the game sound.
You won't hear the dreaded countdown beeps, or any other sounds that make you nervous.
With proper focus on the game you won't need the "our drones are under attack" sounds anyway.

Learn to control the anxiety.

* This is an advanced technique, and requires learning how to meditate first. It is usually used to manage chronic pain, but also works for anxiety.
First, explore the physical sensation of the anxiety. Figure out which muscle groups are involved in your trembling.
Then, alternatively try to intensify the trembling and then weakening it.
Eventually you will have full control over your anxiety.

[edit] Taking away the cause of the anxiety

Change the attitude with which you approach a gaming session so you no longer become anxious.

If you fear losing a game:

* Realize that every loss means you will meet easier opponents.
Any points lost will therefore be easier to win back.
In this way losing may actually benefit your ranking.

* It's normal to lose. Even the pros lose 40-45% of the time.

* Losing does not mean you are worse than the other player, nor does winning mean you are better.

* Every game is a win/win situation: either you defeat your opponent, or you learn to be a better player.

* It's not the loss that causes frustration, but handling the loss poorly.
Congratulate your opponent and leave the computer for a while.
When you get angry, do push-ups to exhaustion.
After several consecutive losses, watch your replays and take notes, or try a new tactic.
Save your losing replays with a brief description and compare your plays if you lose to the same strategy again.

* Learn to not play to win.
Play to improve your scouting, macro, micro, and multitasking.
Play to have fun!

If you fear for your stats or ranking:

* Log on and surrender 30 games in a row.
Your stats will be too bad to worry about.

* Spend a few bucks on a second account that nobody knows about.
Your stats will be invisible, in a sense.

* Play on the Public Test Region when it's up.
Your stats will only last for the few days that the PTR is up.

* Try to think of laddering simply as practice.
It is not a tournament; there is no money on the line.

If you fear your opponent:

* Play as if they are just the AI.
* Play as if they are someone you are trying to impress with your play.
* Scout a lot, so you can be confident they won't do something unexpected.

If you are insecure about your play:

* Practice your build order and game plan to death.
If you have to think about every little action you won't be confident and won't able to keep up with the speed of the game. Instead, make everything come naturally.
* Practice against every common strategy.
Your nerves are likely caused by not always knowing what to do; change that.

In short:

* Keep playing; after a few hundred games you won't be anxious anymore about playing the next.
This is an example of overcoming your fears by putting yourself in situations that cause them.
This can be hard at first. Try to press the [Find match] button immediately after a game so you don't have the time to talk yourself out of it.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Whose Character code do i need to add to get in on those nights? :O


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Mr Cola said:
Whose Character code do i need to add to get in on those nights? :O

MrMister is usually running things.


I go home for the New Year and I won't be able to play SC2 for 12 days. My skills will atrophy! = (

In other news, I just don't get it. I CANNOT find reasons to click more than 45-50 APM, especially in a macro game (I recently finished with my highest ever APM, 55, in a non-stop rally click-fest to a fast expanding Zerg's base). I just beat some 1800 Diamond dude whose APM was 165, and mine was, like, 40. What the HELL is he clicking on?!
Indeed, happy holidays, StarGAF! May the eggnog not affect your APM, and may all the presents and loved ones not distract you from the really important things in life ;)

gl hf mc ;)


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Well that was an interesting game, guy goes straight to Void Rays as I push with some Roaches, he holds it off, mass Queens and just take the entire map while he's sitting in his base. Had like 10 Queens just camping his ramp :lol



What is the basic 2rax FE build order for terran?

Is it only recommended when you scout and don't see signs of early aggression (ie: 2gate or 4gate, etc)


Everything is moe to me
YakiSOBA said:

What is the basic 2rax FE build order for terran?

Is it only recommended when you scout and don't see signs of early aggression (ie: 2gate or 4gate, etc)
ask val, he's the expert.

do it against zerg all the time, for cost marines counter zergs only light/bio hardcounters.


MrMister said:
Hey guys just letting you know I won't be on SCII for a few days, Christmas + Work = barely any free time :(

Traitor! We came back to sc because of you. How could you desert us like that!?


mescalineeyes said:
great impromptu gaf night with devil and I believe v_arnold :)
ggs today, almost lost the game because you destroyed my hellions before the last battle.
just watched the replay and i realized i could've pushed to your main when i destroyed your third, i'm way too passive and you have super insane macro when you are under pressure :lol.


should have gone banshee instead, but they worked :lol


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
I'm going to be trapped in Gold forever, should just roll Terran/Protoss and be Diamond in a week :(


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
The annoying part is that I know exactly what I'm doing wrong or need to work on, yet I continue to fuck up.

If there any EU Protoss in here (Gold/Platinum) that could give me a hand practicing ZvP I'd appreciate it, my Battle.net is Ikuu.746


Everything is moe to me
Ikuu said:
The annoying part is that I know exactly what I'm doing wrong or need to work on, yet I continue to fuck up.

If there any EU Protoss in here (Gold/Platinum) that could give me a hand practicing ZvP I'd appreciate it, my Battle.net is Ikuu.746
where are you having your problems? we play alot of ZvP's in na. :p


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
I tend to be too passive, I don't put enough pressure on my opponent and tend to just sit back and try to macro up. I need to scout so much more, and learn what the scouting is telling me. I tend to go Roach/Hydra but that's out of my lack of knowledge of the match-up more than anything.

Guess I'll go and watch those Machine ZvP videos and see if they help.

On a more positive note I haven't lost a ZvZ in like 10 matches.


Everything is moe to me
being a passive macro zerg isnt so bad!

some tips:
--try to always have an early third queen.
--when scouting, click on his nexus and check his chrono. good way to spy a 4 warpgate.

--get friendly with 14pool/14hatch, as you'll need to know the build for small maps and if you scout forge. do not expand until you see a gateway or forge expand on 2 player maps. on 4 player maps, only hatch first if he's not at close spawns and bring down two drones to guard your hatch/scout pylons/block tester walloffs.

--if you do a 9ovie/10drone scout and he's taking his second gas when you get there, assume dt, sentry expand or stargate.
-put a zergling at his ramp and count sentries to eliminate that possibility.
-if he does sentry expand, immediately take your third and lair. dont matter if its 6 minutes into the game, take it.
-if he doesn't appear to be doing a sentry expand, lair up at around 6:30ish

--if you scout, see normal gas, used chrono, normal gate/core/gate, put a zergling at his ramp and drone. get a roach warren. count stalkers and sentries to keep a feel for his gas, but otherwise delay your lair. if he has low stalkersentry count, start lair by 7:30, otherwise grab an evo and lair just before taking your third.
-if he does a passive expand, assume he's 6gating. take lair, third, get roach speed/burrow, delay hydra and scout everything. drone production takes second fiddle to scouting and defense in this situation.

--hydra/roach is great and can even handle initial colossus pushes, but get a spire with your hydra den. get roach speed and burrow before hydra range. get overlord speed. get atleast 2 overseers. once you have 1 forward overseer and overlord speed, there's really no excuse to not have eyes on everything he does and every expand on the map.
-get your third around 10-11:00
-pop out a few corruptors.

-- if niether of you are still not really committing to anything, start doing zergling counter attacks whenever he gets frisky. harass his third. if you have a smallish group of only 20ish lings, attempt run arounds. put him on the backfoot with low cost low micro pokes.

--get two evo wih your infesor pit.
--get hive
--get broodlords
--win game.

wont even attempt to timeline that since you'll be trading bows/reacting to tech paths and a whole lot of other crazy stuff during the time you should be thinking about hive.


Everything is moe to me
jasonng said:
The hell panda, you never gave me these tips when I play.
i just havent ever seen you ask for help in a text like fashion!
plus nobody wants to hear me rambling away on mumble all the time.


Everything is moe to me
I've seen you 1v1 like once!

and your a zerg, so ofcourse you'll be smanging 'e' everytime you see a terran, which while playing terran, is alot of the time!


jasonng said:
Well you've seen me play, you clearly know I need improvement.



You really think I know what I'm doing?[/QUOTE]
Looking at this, I like to think that the Mule caused the DTs to run away in fear.
Pandaman said:
4 base terran vs 2 base zerg.... how can that even happen?

first of all, Devil picked the wrong race. He is born to be a zerg player and over-produces command centers like it's his job.

second of all, he killed 2 of my expansions.

also, I should've built more roaches sooner. god-damn husky drilled banelings into my mind as if it was THE LAW!


mescalineeyes said:
first of all, Devil picked the wrong race. He is born to be a zerg player and over-produces command centers like it's his job.

second of all, he killed 2 of my expansions.

also, I should've built more roaches sooner. god-damn husky drilled banelings into my mind as if it was THE LAW!
yeah, you should've produced more roaches, less baneling.
i noticed from the replay that when you spam apm at the beginning you don't see the minimap, otherwise you would've seen the bunker in the beginning.


Everything is moe to me
so what do all you beautiful zergies think about gas timings on 14hatch and 14pool/14hatch.
ive been trying to delay it more and more, but my old friend sentry/zealot allin has started to show up again. >_> protoss who scout scare the bejeebus out of me.


Pandaman said:
so what do all you beautiful zergies think about gas timings on 14hatch and 14pool/14hatch.
ive been trying to delay it more and more, but my old friend sentry/zealot allin has started to show up again. >_> protoss who scout scare the bejeebus out of me.

Crawlers definitely help more against Sentry/Zealot than Zerglings. But you would need Roaches to properly deal with larger amounts of Zealots, so my rule is this: I start extractor when I have enough to survive and put down a Roach Warren. Then, I make 5-6 roaches when my Queen finished the last larvae injection (the one after warren has been built), and for that, I usually will have 125-150 gas ready.


Ret/Huk/Haypro didn't make it to the final 32 in that playxp tournament. Huk lost to RyungPrime, Ret to Zenio and Haypro to Thewind

e: oh haypro had to forfeit since the next round of the tournament would have collided with another tournament he has to play
Pandaman said:
so what do all you beautiful zergies think about gas timings on 14hatch and 14pool/14hatch.
ive been trying to delay it more and more, but my old friend sentry/zealot allin has started to show up again. >_> protoss who scout scare the bejeebus out of me.

here's me dealing with some significant toss pressure doing a 15 hatch delayed gas build:

also, here's that amazing new Roach build I've been playing in ZvZ and it works like a charm every time. Here I am slapping our very own V_Arnold around a bit <3
there's some overlord related imperfections to be ironed out but other than that, this is a fairly good showcase for how powerful this build is:

(if anyone wants to cast these go ahead ;))


Everything is moe to me
mescalineeyes said:
here's me dealing with some significant toss pressure doing a 15 hatch delayed gas build:

so what you're saying is, i have to talk the toss into suiciding sets of 4 zealots every minute or so past the 6 minute mark.


at your level, stuf like delaying gas to squeeze out extra drones doesn't matter asmuch as having solid macro fundamentals down, i wouldnt worry about stuff like that yet if i was in your shoes. that said, your apm is still higher than mine, what do you click!


Pandaman said:
so what do all you beautiful zergies think about gas timings on 14hatch and 14pool/14hatch.
ive been trying to delay it more and more, but my old friend sentry/zealot allin has started to show up again. >_> protoss who scout scare the bejeebus out of me.

You know what gas timings I like. I had it at 21 but im going to change that to 18/19 now. It gives me a bit more flexibility to get out roaches, speedlings, lair all slightly faster. Its just a bit more safe plus I always seems to forget anyway. Plus I need that timing for a roach burrow/speed all-in I plan to perfect for zvp
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