Vaporak said:
Example situation has X property, therefore all situations have X property. It's a fallacy, I know it, you know it, don't do it. You position is that Zealot/Stalker is good vs Ling/Bling/Roach, not that it's good at specific times.
zealot/stalker vs ling/roach will only ever happen at specific times. outside of the rare blink plays, protoss tech out of gateway in favour of splash or stronger harass.
when roach/ling gets a massive upgrade advantage, ofcourse it will win, but you're the one being foolish by not acknowledging that those upgrades are neccasarry for roach/ling to take advantage of gateway and the typical lack of gateway tech responses. if you guys got charge/blink and fought ling/roach, it would then be an even fight. typically you dont because colossi are just better and there are some production issues to deal with. burrow forcing detection being a big one, if you need a robo anyway its better to switch into heavier counters like immortal/collossi.
Again, specific situation therefore general conclusions. You only address a situation when the stalker is at the edge of the creep trying to take pot shots at a roach. Does this mean you concede that a stalker can't kite a slow roach when the fight is on the creep, as per my claim?
yes, stalkers shouldnt camp on creep. 'dont camp on creep' does not mean dont harass and whittle down until/if you get to the point where you can just swamp in. if you use your shield ability you will do enourmous damage for cost against a zerg who didnt prepare but otherwise defended properly.
Second, marines without stim can't kite zerglings on creep and I don't know why you would think the truth is stupid.
yeah, thats why hatch first marine harass ends the second the natural pops. except when it doesnt. hatch creep spread is small enough that marines and stalkers can step in and harass while still having time to kite/retreat to the edge versus slow lings. in stalkers case, they can do it to roaches too.
if t/p overstep their bounds, they'll be dead, but player mistakes dont address unit viability. at all.
Kiting means they can attack and then move away such that they take no damage while killing their target. Stalkers can kite Zealots, Roaches can kite Zealots, Stalkers can kite slow roaches off creep. Stalkers and marines can't kite slow zerglings on creep.
this is your own personal definition, not the popular one.
i have no reason to agree with it.
Kiting (to kite) is to move units around to make the enemy chase them and thus not be able to attack as much, or not at all.
Stalkers can be used early game against Roaches because of their higher mobility, longer range, and attack bonus against armored units. While the Stalker should not be considered the hard counter to early Roaches, they can be helpful in keeping an aggressive Zerg player at bay by using proper micro.
hey whatdayaknow.
Why would you lol, we're talking about how zealot/stalker holds up against ling/bling/roach in a fight. Second, you again only cite the case of stalkers taking pot shots at the edge of creep, does that mean you concede the case when the fight is taking place on the creep, which is the claim I made?
to-wit i respond, if you're fighting on creep you are doing it wrong. its your problem for being bad, not the units. zerg cannot spread creep when you're sitting at the edge. you can enforce limited creep spread easily, you have no reason to sit on creep ever unless you're tumour hunting with an obs.
For the record, slow lings on creep have a speed of 5.156 compared to Stalkers speed of 2.95.
for the record, get the fuck out of here if you dont even know the hard numbers you are arguing.
slow lings: 2.95
slow lings on creep: 3.8
creep is not a 175% modifier. i fricken wish.
i dont know where
I asked for evidence, I'm perfectly willing to put the debate on hold while you run some tests and ask around.
you have demonstrated a massive issue of misinformation, which means your experiences are now in doubt. I now win on a purely 'he said, she said' basis.
That all either agree's with my position or only supports your position for one specific timing, not the general case:
-Specific case where the Protoss tries to attack with a larger force, doesn't demonstrate your position that zealot/roach is good against ling/bling/roach in even investments as a 4 gate army vs a 14hatch zerg tries be a larger unit investment than what the zerg has as his army at the time.
destiny cloudfist is a good build.
lifting to the island and doing a destiny cloudfist 30 minutes into the game is not a good build.
its almost as if other things change the balance of the fight as the game goes on. as if these units do not exist in a vacuum where they magically appear in their vanilla state with equal foods.
-Evidence for MY position, you're admitting that after defending a 4 gate roach/ling is a good go to unit mix.
-Again a specifc case where Protoss tries to attack with a much larger army investment than the zerg and most likely doesn't have much creep spread. This is essentially point 1.
-Evidence for my position, saying that the counter to a gateway push is roaches.
the counter to pure vanilla gateway isnt roach/ling, its roach/ling with 100/100 150/100 100/100 100/100 worth of tech behind it. ofcourse when the zerg dumps massive amounts of resources into upgrading his units will become more cost efficient when all you do is spend 50/50 to build yours faster.
once again, if vanilla vs vanilla army roach/ling was viable, why the fuck would we be bothering to tech when we could just turtle into a bigger vanilla army and swamp you in a vanilla fight anywhere on the map? im not talking situations where we're teching to stay even versus a collossus timing, im talking pure 6 gate or 4gate allin where toss has no motivation to do anything but chrono more warpgates and we know it. why would anyone risk tech if thats a fight we could just straight up win?
The second paragraph is a straw man, no where can you quote me saying that slow lings and slow roaches would beat zealot/stalker away from creep in the middle of the map.
thats because your insistence on the presence of creep is the first and biggest strawman. creep is limited. to a very small area. an area that does not typically prevent a toss from harassing. and i drop double tumour in every game i 14 hatch. the only time protoss are forced into fighting on creep hardcore is jungle basin.
Third Paragraph, again a strawman, you can't quote me saying that Zealots and Stalkers are completely nonviable, because I never said it. I don't know how you can possibly think I'm QQing, when I'm the one who said Zealots and Stalkers were good enough in the matchup.
"By no reasonable definition of "good" are zealots and stalkers good per cost or per food when compared to the T1 units of the other races. But they are "good enough" with good sentry usage."
do you need to be reminded of the topic i was discussing with ezrarh, because maybe you were too busy looking for a chance to be contrarian.
Now, In order for my position to be false, and implicity you'res to be true, you must furnish evidence that 1) Zealot/Stalker can fight cost for cost (including food) against Ling/Bling/Roach in general, not at a specific time.
no i dont. the topic of disucssion is starcraft. specifically balance in a melee situation, if you want to masturbate to the map editor, thats your business but you aren't using it as a red herring here in this discussion.
i could make a map editor where its 100 food and cost of ling bane vs 80% zealot and 20% stalkers. in that editor i could suicide all the banes into stalkers and point to the zealots raping the lings. i think we both agree that wouldn't actually mean anything. map editor balance has more to do with the person setting the scenario than the actual units. even if we could mutually agree on two perfectly balanced unit compositions and line them up like redcoats, that still wont mean anything for an actual game. map editor gives us wonderfully stupid things like 1 phoenix kills infinite mutalisk and marauders kiting zealots into forever, after all.
OR 2) That you accept 1 but can demonstrate that a Protoss is always able to invest more in a Zealot/Stalker army in order to over come the cost inefficiency. This is what it MEANS for Zealot/Stalker to be a good vs Ling/Bling/Roach. If you can't supply this, but also maintain your position, then we'll just have to go our separate ways, as nothing will come of this debate.
well im obviously not going this route.
protoss can invst more because of their cost efficiency in real world situations. a zealot might only cost 1 larvae, but stalkers cost at minimum 2 apiece. kiting small sections of armies enforces larvae constraints on droning which protoss and terran do not share. to properly defend against many protoss allins require zergs to cut and match protoss harvester counts, with small advantages garnred through unit control granting the successful player the ability to grow his tech or econ.
or in short, in these type of game situations the better player will win. the zerg for properly managing his larvae and unit control throughout the pressure or the protoss who controls creep and manages his units for the absolute best cost and harasses zergs own ability to manage his econ.
P.S. i think its cute banelings have now made an appearance, as if they've ever been cost effective versus toss. it takes 5 of them to kill a zealot, thats 250/125. thats alot of splash you need to bank on to be efficient.