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//: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty |OT2| GL HF GG

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Neo Member
DisTanT said:
What's up TwoSocks? I'm a junior too!
I've had my account for a while but never got it activated. Who's ready to play some SC2? I know I am!

Hey bro :) We can be juniors together!
twosocks is ready to play some SC2 <3


Neo Member
twosocks said:
Hey bro :) We can be juniors together!
twosocks is ready to play some SC2 <3

haha, juniors for life!

mescalineeyes said:
these new juniors are adorable :D

and also, welcome DisTanT, you TvZ monster <3

Thanks for the welcome. It's good to be here. haha my TvZ still needs some work... :D


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Corran Horn said:
The custom game? Its against others.
But... when my friend joins the game, he automatically joins my team and I can't manually change it to the opposite team.


Pandaman said:
wouldnt mind seeing the replays. :p

they were not good from either side. I havent played zvt at all. I forgot how much it was about holding down the z key.

On a side note, Evilore was in the gaf channel for all of like 30 seconds!


Would be nice if he could change my name to Meeru..oh well no hurry.
Btw panda up for another spar on Sunday evening? How bout u splinter? I demand a rematch from that fail neogaf tourney!!


Pandaman said:
are you doing the 1gas 4gate that hits at the 6minute mark?

anyway, this is my pvz flowchart:

im scouting; is hatch down?
if yes:

if no:
-MANNAH PYLON, scout main.

does he have gas pool already going down when you scout?
if yes: cancel mannah pylon
if no: leave mannah pylon until he starts going gas pool.
proceed to breakdance probe on creep.

okay, so now he's either going to speedling expand or roach rush you.
1gate sentry/forge expand into 6gate can beat both and comes out during droning stages on a delayed expand.
if he roaches, do not be afraid of delaying your nexus as in roaching he has delayed his tech and expand and you only need to get 2 gates worth of saturation up to move in for a strong kill. 6 gate forces tech from zerg so its a great move against less econ builds.

thats the theorycrafting anyway, im not a great toss in the fundamentals so i pylon block myself and get doey eyed for blink alot. lol.
The fuck is a Mannah Pylon?
Hey Panda (or any Zerg, for that matter), have you done any experimenting with mass Nydus worms? After Day[9]'s Funday Monday about it, I decided to try it out for fun. Seemed kind of interesting, and a tad harder to control than I first expected. Wanted to know if any Zerg mains have tried implementing it into their play around here?


FromTheFuture said:
Hey Panda (or any Zerg, for that matter), have you done any experimenting with mass Nydus worms? After Day[9]'s Funday Monday about it, I decided to try it out for fun. Seemed kind of interesting, and a tad harder to control than I first expected. Wanted to know if any Zerg mains have tried implementing it into their play around here?

Only issue with nydus is it costs a ridiculous amount of gas. Using them in the mid game is kind of all-in considering gas cost and amount of units you have. However, I plan to try to utilize them in late game zvp if i can.


Spl1nter said:
Only issue with nydus is it costs a ridiculous amount of gas. Using them in the mid game is kind of all-in considering gas cost and amount of units you have. However, I plan to try to utilize them in late game zvp if i can.

Late game against p is a good idea. You have to abuse death ball mobility to be effective with your units.


The Everyman
Spl1nter said:
Only issue with nydus is it costs a ridiculous amount of gas. Using them in the mid game is kind of all-in considering gas cost and amount of units you have. However, I plan to try to utilize them in late game zvp if i can.
i think 'all-in' is starting to become overused

every kind of play has a risk vs reward factor to it


-COOLIO- said:
i think 'all-in' is starting to become overused

every kind of play has a risk vs reward factor to it

well what do you want me to say. Either the nydus will work or it wont which will result in you winning or losing the game if used in the midgame.


The Everyman
Spl1nter said:
well what do you want me to say. Either the nydus will work or it wont which will result in you winning or losing the game if used in the midgame.
well it could work to some degree, in which case you deal significant damage but don't win. that's usually what happens. it can also be used non-offensively. ie) to protect the gold on scrap station


-COOLIO- said:
well it could work to some degree, in which case you deal significant damage but don't win. that's usually what happens.

and if it doesnt work you are far behind. Any early nydus use requires you strategy to be completely centered around it

-COOLIO- said:
it can also be used non-offensively. ie) to protect the gold on scrap station

I think any zerg should have creep to the mid atleast so that protecting the gold is not that difficult anyway. Its not like units are able to get in and out of a nydus fast anyway.

Ofcourse it can be used to take islands and defend far away expansions but these are all more mid-late game and onward uses.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
-COOLIO- said:
i think 'all-in' is starting to become overused

every kind of play has a risk vs reward factor to it
Thats a very All-in post.

The whole All-in term is being overused since thats like 75% of the tactics on the GSL and they love to say that term so the community follows.



Spl1nter said:
Only issue with nydus is it costs a ridiculous amount of gas. Using them in the mid game is kind of all-in considering gas cost and amount of units you have. However, I plan to try to utilize them in late game zvp if i can.

Sorry to say this, but you are simply wrong.
Nydus is not THAT demanding, cost-wise, if you do not plan on dropping unsuccesful nyduses inside your opponent's bases repeatedly. You can however set up an attacking position near your opponent's 3rd for example, go in for a hit and run, and lose zero units while destroying an exp, and not being counterattacked in any larger map. Hell, if you let a T or a P see a Nydus worm, they will think twice and spend resources on finding the other part, if they are any good.

Once you are in midgame, I assume you have 4 gas up and running. 5-6 if you are starting to estabilish a 3rd or even more. Well, that gas amount is nothing then.

I am starting to rely on upgrades and fancy stuff like overseers, overlord speed, +2/+2, hive +20 zling speed, burrow, Nydus instead of going for hard-counterable mutalisks. Of course that wont always work, but that is not the point of this.


V_Arnold said:
I am starting to rely on upgrades and fancy stuff like overseers, overlord speed, +2/+2, hive +20 zling speed, burrow, Nydus instead of going for hard-counterable mutalisks. Of course that wont always work, but that is not the point of this.

Getting a nydus slows down spire/infestation and baneling speed.I dont know about you but when I put my spire and get baneling speed I only ever just enough gas. Then I start getting +1 meele as well. Getting a nydus during any of this time delays all of this or the future mutas that I am going to make. In zvt, mutas give you the chance to harass all game long, force turrets and allow you to snipe tanks/medivacs etc...

Im not against using nyduses later in the game, they just are really risky when you just got lair up.


mescalineeyes said:
Also, the current mappool really limits the opportunities for nydus play.

Now both of you are looking for excuses. Just remember you have that tool. No need to use it every time, just as, Splinter, there is no need to use spire asap every time, because certain builds can crush zerg before you get your mutalisks. Just remember that if the enemy overextends himself, you WILL be able to punish with a well placed nydus. And no, 3-400/3-400 is not that big of a price when it kills an expansion. Not at all.

Also, maps where you can use: Almost everywhere on Crossfire, LT, Meta, Xel Naga... Shakuras... not seeing much limitations here.


V_Arnold said:
Splinter, there is no need to use spire asap every time, because certain builds can crush zerg before you get your mutalisks.

If I dont get spire first im getting baneling speed to defend against heavy bio pressure. Nydus isnt exactly goin to be the best choice in that case. Im not goin to ever get a nydus before spire/+1 attack/baneling speed/ third fully up.


Everything is moe to me
FromTheFuture said:
Hey Panda (or any Zerg, for that matter), have you done any experimenting with mass Nydus worms? After Day[9]'s Funday Monday about it, I decided to try it out for fun. Seemed kind of interesting, and a tad harder to control than I first expected. Wanted to know if any Zerg mains have tried implementing it into their play around here?
i personally dont, but procarbine has a nydus based zvz build on large maps. vry similar to the one jasonn used against me on crossfire in the open, except pro usually wins. :p
twofold said:
Blizzards MMR confuses me.

Just beat a 2500 Diamond Zerg and my next opponent was a mid Gold Protoss.

So strange.

I'm ranked silver on the US server and play Diamond people exclusively, beating them on a fairly regular basis.
Looks like I'm going to skip Gold and Platinum.


The Everyman
Pandaman said:
im going to try not going 0/6 today. >_>

my precious win buffer was raped. ;_;
i only operate on winning streaks and losing streaks

my win buffer has been ~10 games for the longest time


Spl1nter said:
If I dont get spire first im getting baneling speed to defend against heavy bio pressure. Nydus isnt exactly goin to be the best choice in that case. Im not goin to ever get a nydus before spire/+1 attack/baneling speed/ third fully up.

That is what I am trying to say. Midgame does not equals "before everything else".
If I am saving up for 8 mutas to harass, that plus spire equals 1000/1000.
Do not tell me Nydus takes that cost. It does not.

You can do +1/+1 (200/200, assuming 2 evos), Burrow (100/100), Ovie speed/drop (300/300), Baneling speed (150/150) together - and you are still at 750/750 - there is space for a Nydus, if the need arises. I am not saying anyone should push the upgrades back for the sake of Nydus, obviously.


Oh, and to say my day was aweeesome.

Started the day with a 7-1, which landed me back to platinum (*hell yeah*)
Then I got the 250 Zerg win achievement on ladder, so now I have a queen logo (*hell yeah*).
Then I WON AGAINST DEVIL ON A LONG MACRO GAME! OMG! (*you know the drill already*)

Might post the replay later on, let us just say Devil said that it is the Worst Game Ever - and it was on Crossfire!
devil can only win with shitty abusive strats. have yet to see a proper, solid game out of him.

if his bunker rush fails you've pretty much already won.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
I really don't get the love for this Obs map there is so much information that you miss out on, obviously the ability to play games without recreating is nice.


mescalineeyes said:
I'm ranked silver on the US server and play Diamond people exclusively, beating them on a fairly regular basis.
Looks like I'm going to skip Gold and Platinum.

Strangely enough, this guy actually was Gold. He nearly beat me with his terribleness, too. He tried to 4 warp gate me but his mechanics were so poor that it hit about 2 minutes later than it should do. I thought he'd given up on his attack so I made a round of drones just as hit attack hit.

Good times!
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