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//: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty |OT2| GL HF GG

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fanboi said:
This is so true... :(

If you look at the big picture though, I am amazed how fast people have found out the economical peak of one-basing, and the max army output of that (which is basically 4gate, OR 3-gate+robo, or 2-3gate+stargate, or 4-gate with non-max producing, and teching up).

This is not so clear in Zerg and T's case.


Everything is moe to me
V_Arnold said:
If you look at the big picture though, I am amazed how fast people have found out the economical peak of one-basing, and the max army output of that (which is basically 4gate, OR 3-gate+robo, or 2-3gate+stargate, or 4-gate with non-max producing, and teching up).

This is not so clear in Zerg and T's case.
its clear in zergs case, its just that the economic peek exceeds the larvae output of 1 hatch 1 queen and that if an additional hatchery is neccasary to 'allin', you might aswell put it in your expand just incase you need to mine from it.

zerg has roach allins and the infamous kyrix ling/bane allins, they just aren't very common.

ling/bane is econ allin and very potent versus terran.


Pandaman said:
its clear in zergs case, its just that the economic peek exceeds the larvae output of 1 hatch 1 queen and that if an additional hatchery is neccasary to 'allin', you might aswell put it in your expand just incase you need to mine from it.

zerg has roach allins and the infamous kyrix ling/bane allins, they just aren't very common.

ling/bane is econ allin and very potent versus terran.

Actually, "not so clear" was not the best choice of words from my part, yes. The difference between 2-hatchery one basing and exp 2hatch build is that I have lost many times due to protoss units just dancing around the spines, hiding behind minerals, as opposed to have to come in with a chokepoint in one base vs 4gate situations. That is why I hate Xel Naga vs those kinds of protosses T_T


Everything is moe to me
V_Arnold said:
Actually, "not so clear" was not the best choice of words from my part, yes. The difference between 2-hatchery one basing and exp 2hatch build is that I have lost many times due to protoss units just dancing around the spines, hiding behind minerals, as opposed to have to come in with a chokepoint in one base vs 4gate situations. That is why I hate Xel Naga vs those kinds of protosses T_T
speedling expans bro, that never happens when you can clog them at the spines and kill the pylon and scout for an expo and have hundreds left over.


I finished the game on casual without failing even once.
So now I started MP. I'm a total noob, not only in SC2 but in rts as a genre. Still in the practice matches.
I know and play only as Terran. Here's my question.

Is it just me or going marine only is the absolute way to play as Terran? At first I followed some build advise from several sites. I lost every time.
Now I play 2vs2. Here's what I do.
3 barracks asap 2 reactors the third for stim and then change to reactor. All producing marines all the time.
In the mean time medivacs,that detector ship and engineering bay.
Why should anyone bother with factory units?
When I have 30 marines or so I go for the gold expansion.
I win every time.I destroy every army in my way.The other day a protoss player brought a huge fleet. No sweat.

Now I know that every match I had is between noobs. I wonder how someone could counter it though...


Everything is moe to me
V_Arnold said:
You might be right.
i feel speedling expands can defeat any 4gate unless something unfortunate happens, like toss's push is 1 second later than you queuing up 8 drones or something like that.


protonion said:
I finished the game on casual without failing even once.
So now I started MP. I'm a total noob, not only in SC2 but in rts as a genre. Still in the practice matches.
I know and play only as Terran. Here's my question.

Is it just me or going marine only is the absolute way to play as Terran? At first I followed some build advise from several sites. I lost every time.
Now I play 2vs2. Here's what I do.
3 barracks asap 2 reactors the third for stim and then change to reactor. All producing marines all the time.
In the mean time medivacs,that detector ship and engineering bay.
Why should anyone bother with factory units?
When I have 30 marines or so I go for the gold expansion.
I win every time.I destroy every army in my way.The other day a protoss player brought a huge fleet. No sweat.

Now I know that every match I had is between noobs. I wonder how someone could counter it though...

If you control them right Marines probably are the best unit for cost in the game. But there are certain units that absolutely wipe the floor with them: Sieged Tanks, Banelings, Templar with psi-storm, Colossi.

And there are plenty of other army compositions that mass Marines won't work well against either. If you went up against a Toss player who used force fields and guardian shield correctly your marines wouldn't do nearly as well.

You're probably just out macroing the other noobs that you're playing. If you are producing way more units than them you'll win no matter what the opponent's army composition is.

Edit: Also, stop playing the Practice matches. They're at a slower speed and teach you nothing about how the actual game works. You're better off practicing some build orders against the CPU and then just jumping into your placement matches.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Really liking Ling, Infestor, Ultra in ZvT, nice not having to bother microing Mutas around the place :p Game against some 2700 Diamond (not sure how he got that high to be honest) http://replayfu.com/r/VsBjSs though to be honest I had some horrible control (throwing away units), bad macro, terrible injects and forgetting upgrades.
Ikuu said:
Really liking Ling, Infestor, Ultra in ZvT, nice not having to bother microing Mutas around the place :p Game against some 2700 Diamond (not sure how he got that high to be honest) http://replayfu.com/r/VsBjSs though to be honest I had some horrible control (throwing away units), bad macro, terrible injects and forgetting upgrades.

does he not know how to build marauders?
(didnt watch the replay)


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
He went mainly Marine, Tank with some Marauders and Medivacs. Don't think going Marauders would have helped that much in this game, 3/3 Lings would have ripped him to pieces.

Huk is destroying people on the EU ladder at the moment and I'd put him as the favourite for Assembly.



The 10th weekly GAF night has finally arrived! As a special treat for reaching double digits a new shiny image above, and since you've all mostly been clamoring for it, we will have an impromptu mini 8-man Bo3 tournament! Hope to see you all tonight!

Information Guru said:
The Weekly NeoGAF Starcraft II Nights
-Wednesdays starting @ 6pm PDT (9pm EST)
-Game types:
<Custom Maps>

Streams and Misc. Info
-MrMister's Stream: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/mrmister-live
-Corran Horn's Stream: http://www.justin.tv/corran666
-Hazard's Stream: http://www.teamliquid.net/video/streams/Ner0
-Cheeto's Stream: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/sc2-gaf-night
-Mumble Info: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=399065



I want a tag give me a tag
Oh man :lol

I had my alarm set for 11am to get up for the tourney qualies, thank god for that post mrmr now I can sleep in!


HolyCheck said:
Oh man :lol

I had my alarm set for 11am to get up for the tourney qualies, thank god for that post mrmr now I can sleep in!
I don't get what you mean...

For clarification, tonight is GAF night with a little special mini-tourney and tomorrow is the OPEN tourney qualifiers.


I want a tag give me a tag
MrMister said:
I don't get what you mean...

For clarification, tonight is GAF night with a little special mini-tourney and tomorrow is the OPEN tourney qualifiers.

It's already 3am on thursday for me :p


GAF night, eh? I'll see how this works, being in an apartment now.

What's Bo3? I'm intrigued by the impromtu-ness of it.


WedgeX said:
What's Bo3? I'm intrigued by the impromtu-ness of it.
Best of 3 games. The 8 players will be filled by whoever wants to participate tonight. By doing some simple math, all in all there will be 21 matches of this mini-GAF night tournament tonight.



This thread is about macro/worker efficiency and is pretty important, everyone should read it.

Heres one bit of information that blew my mind so far (ive not finished the article): Once you have more than 22 workers on 1 base its actually better to long distance mine your natural with the 23rd, 24th.. etc workers than keep them in your main. You actually get more minerals.


Everything is moe to me
Deadman said:

This thread is about macro/worker efficiency and is pretty important, everyone should read it.

Heres one bit of information that blew my mind so far (ive not finished the article): Once you have more than 22 workers on 1 base its actually better to long distance mine your natural with the 23rd, 24th.. etc workers than keep them in your main. You actually get more minerals.
"I cannot help but find a major contradiction in Blizzard’s conceptual outline of how the zerg race is supposed to be played in SC2 with what the game’s economical system actually allows for. Zerg are supposed to keep outexpanding, outmacroing and outproducing their opponents.

Based on these data, the only way to secure a macro lead in SC2 seems to be by rushing to 3 fully saturated bases as quickly as humanly possible. The entire objective for zerg in SC2 seems to have been reduced to recklessly rushing to a macro lead as quickly, stupidly and foolishly as possible before the game caps the chance for any macro lead to develop."


Pandaman said:
announcing panda's zerg coaching:
-will coach any gaf zerg
-low price of committing to watching one season of magical girl lyrical nanoha.

ill learn you good.

Your price is high, sir.

EDIT: But I may just take you up on it . . . T_T


someone pass me all the mumble info i need for tonight, i'm gonna make an appearance methinks and practice before my qualifier tomorrow :)



Interview with blizz designers. An interesting read, here is a taster:

Alot of Koreans are benching their Zerg players in the Global StarCraft Team League (GSTL) right now in favor of Protoss and Terran. Do you think the new maps will help balance Zerg? Are there plans to balance Zerg anytime soon?

Dustin: We get a lot of feedback all the time about race balance. We've had private discussions with a number of pros who tell us the balance is almost perfect 50/50 across all three races. At the same time, we're not seeing a lot of strong Zerg players like we did in some of the earlier seasons. So, we're not entirely sure at this point whether there's a balance problem with Zerg or we're just not seeing the strong players choosing that race.



Everything is moe to me
oh blizzard, one day you'll realize that second option somewhat invalidates the opinions of your mystery yesmen players.


Blizzard, for fuck's sake, if YOU cant decide if lack of Z pro players is because IT SUCKS or because it is NOT INTERESTING ENOUGH, it does not matter: you gotta spice Z up with a few changes or with a new unit. (Hah, before HoS? Dream on... :( )

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
See! The game is balanced! All is done now! :p

MrMr you changed your GAF Night logo. Now I need to change shit again! lol
Thats after I even put the logo on my header for my stream!

Btw if someone wants to make a better looking one, its welcome, I have no fonts on my PC besides the standard ugly ones lol. It just needs to be 640px × 125px. Everyone was making fun of my FF13 love :(


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
While it's disheartening to see them saying that, in the next paragraph they say:

Now, we are planning on some fixes for Terran (read: nerfs) in the near future which may have a pretty significant impact on the relationship with Zerg. But I haven't had a chance to really study those maps enough to really know if it's going to "fix" Zerg. I'd have to agree that they're broken first before I would know, but I guess I don't know what the impact of the new maps are going to be yet. We'll just have to wait and see. From what I've gathered, and what I've seen, they are going with more macro heavy maps which will obviously tend to favor Zerg strategies. In the beta we found with macro heavy maps that Zerg was just way overpowered and unstoppable. But that was the beta, what, six months ago?

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
YakiSOBA said:
Thanks MrMister! So I join that server that's in the link and there'll be a SC2 channel somewhere I presume? Can't wait!
Ya there are a few SC2 channels, mostly people are in Group 1 for stuff like GAF nights


That econ/macro thread on TL is quite the read. Long distance mining being more efficient than super saturating is an unexpected conclusion, but this graph was especially eye popping:


Just got out of a ZvZ with a random player who GGed me as his final attack was happening. Yeah, I was gonna lose but it still feels bad man :(
Keikaku said:
Just got out of a ZvZ with a random player who GGed me as his final attack was happening. Yeah, I was gonna lose but it still feels bad man :(
I got that in like the third game I played after qualifying matches. "GG GET GOOD GET GOOD" Feels bad man :(

Edit: Idra just 7 pooled and then did extractor trick on his enemy's natural :eek:
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