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//: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty |OT2| GL HF GG

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Apparantly naniwa leaked some changes that blizz are considering. Im assuming he knows because they have been talking to pros, if this is even true.

[14:34] <dignitas\nani> For your information, according to our stats, here are the matchup win
percentages at the highest level of EU ladder with skill of players factored in:
[14:30] <dignitas\nani> PvT – 41%
[14:30] <dignitas\nani> PvZ – 45%
[14:30] <dignitas\nani> TvZ – 53%
[14:34] <dignitas\nani> This next list are some issues we’re looking at, but aren’t sure if they should make it into the patch:
[14:34] <dignitas\nani> 1. Bunker
[14:34] <dignitas\nani> a. Build time increased from 35 to 40
[14:35] <dignitas\nani> 2. Baneling
[14:35] <dignitas\nani> a. Morph time decreased 20 to 10 – probably wont do this one
[14:35] <dignitas\nani> 3. Ghost emp
[14:35] <dignitas\nani> a. Making it an upgrade - Again, probably won’t make this change, but we’re getting quite a few reports from pro players that the early emp push is too strong
[14:38] <dignitas\nani>Infestor
[14:38] <dignitas\nani> a. +20 or +30 health
[14:37] <dignitas\nani> c. Fungal is a movement speed slow instead of stun 50~70% speed penalty
[14:38] <dignitas\nani> b. Fungal does +50% more damage vs. armored
[14:38] <dignitas\nani> Corruptor
[14:38] <dignitas\nani> a. Change +6 massive damage to +4 arm
[14:40] <dignitas\nani> 3. Stimpack
[14:40]I<dignitas\nani> a. Research time increased from 140 to 170


Yeah after posting i went to check because i was sure that would be a nerf for corruptor vs colossus and it is. Im going to try and have faith that blizzard isnt that stupid, but evidence so far suggests otherwise.


Everything is moe to me
Deadman said:
Yeah after posting i went to check because i was sure that would be a nerf for corruptor vs colossus and it is. Im going to try and have faith that blizzard isnt that stupid, but evidence so far suggests otherwise.
the fungal is a real kick in the teeth. like 16 extra damage will make up for anything. oh boy, it scratches marauders, if only i was protoss and terran made marauders versus me!

oh well.

is anyone else taking part in mrbitters $1 buyin tourney?


There were similar "leaked notes" on b.net forums, with the source being Slush. It had the corruptor and stim changes, but the fungal tweaks were different

*Fungal Growth: Now lasts 4 seconds down from 8. It still does the same damage tho so this basicly means it'll do double the DPS as it used to, but last half as long. In other words, you'll benefit alot more from having several infestors where energy won't be the limitation. Fungal growth will also do additional damage to armored. I don't quite remember how much but I think i recall +20%.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Trying to figure out how I get those options on my stream for the Choose your Resolution. I see post from JT devs saying that it slowly rolling out but then I see new JT people streaming sc2 with the option :(

Also on the JT announce that Day9 is streaming on justin, one of the new features they listed is stream delays for tournys, yet I dont see that option anywhere or it mentioned anywhere else. Anyone see/know?

Also if those changes were true, <3 blizz lol


Deadly said:
A big whoopin 30 more seconds for Stimpack? That's pretty big right?
Stim is already the longest unit upgrade in the game (I think, couldn't easily find one that is longer. Not including later +X/+X upgrades obviously). An additional 30 seconds added on would be significant and would make it by far the longest upgrade.

Is there really a huge outcry against EMP? Seems quite odd to me.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
I would rather have Concussion Shell upgrade delayed some, or at least cost more.


Real ID Friend, if you want to add me as Real ID Friend quote this post to see Email Address.


BigAT said:
Stim is already the longest unit upgrade in the game (I think, couldn't easily find one that is longer. Not including later +X/+X upgrades obviously). An additional 30 seconds added on would be significant and would make it by far the longest upgrade.

Is there really a huge outcry against EMP? Seems quite odd to me.

Ive never heard of an outcry against EMP, i thought that was a bit wierd too.

Pandaman said:
id rather have more accessible ovie speed or overseers.

Especially on massive maps like the new gsl maps, their size makes overlord scouting impossible because aa units are almost always out in time.


BigAT said:
Stim is already the longest unit upgrade in the game (I think, couldn't easily find one that is longer. Not including later +X/+X upgrades obviously). An additional 30 seconds added on would be significant and would make it by far the longest upgrade.

Is there really a huge outcry against EMP? Seems quite odd to me.

Extended Thermal Lance is also 140 seconds, dono if there's any tech upgrades that are longer than 140 seconds though.


Vaporak said:
Extended Thermal Lance is also 140 seconds, dono if there's any tech upgrades that are longer than 140 seconds though.
I should have clarified and said that Stim is tied for the longest upgrade in the game. Zealot Charge is also 140 seconds, although both that and Thermal Lance can and almost certainly will be chronoboosted.


HolyCheck said:
FXO open tomorrow, about 40 hours from now!

Is now live, btw. Wolf and Unstable casting.

oGsHero playing his first round game against Lowely (European Zerg never heard of him before).


[14:30] <dignitas\nani> PvT – 41%
[14:30] <dignitas\nani> PvZ – 45%
[14:30] <dignitas\nani> TvZ – 53%
wait, whaaat? I thought Zerg were QQing about Toss lately.


stim timing is insignificant. just a bit longer than the build time of a marine. so you just wait one more production cycle for the timing attack.


TheThunder said:
Where's Artosis ? this guy just said that Meta close spawns is not imbalanced so I'm not sure he knows what starcraft is.

Edit: http://www.teamliquid.net/video/streams/Khaldor

more games with the German caster

Haunted about to be salty

Artosis couldn't make it, so they asked Wolf to replace him. He's a good caster, applied for the GomTV Code A job as well. The close spawn not being imbalanced is the Day9 standard line of "don't cry imba but adapt your play instead". etc. etc.

oGsHero outplayed Lowely pretty hard just now. Better mechanics, better upgrades, better micro, better gamesense. Wasn't even a contest, Mass Blink Stalker +3 crushed through everything.


Fuck yeah, Moonglade playing next. Against oGsSupernova.

Gettin' ready.


edit: lots of no shows in the first round. Two of the three German players. :(


Moonglade playing one of the best ZvT Lost Temple close positions I've ever seen.

Miraculously holding off one Marine/Medivac/Thor/Tank push after another with amazing creep spread and muta control. Can't believe Moonglade is still in that game.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Haunted said:
Moonglade playing one of the best ZvT Lost Temple close positions I've ever seen.

Miraculously holding off one Marine/Medivac/Thor/Tank push after another with amazing creep spread and muta control. Can't believe Moonglade is still in that game.
Its crazy


Ho-lee fuck

Hazaro said:
Sack main
Rebuild and split map
Now Terran can't push close positions!
:lol :lol

Taking the two bases on the left was just genius.

Moonglade starves out the Terran in a 42 minute game on Lost Temple, having had 58 mutalisks at one point, softening him up with 9 broodlords, then finishing the remainders off with 80 Zerglings streaming in.

Fuck yeah, Moonglade. Please please make it through the first two rounds of Code A.


Although on the matter of the organisation...

They have an amazing field of 64 players, from all three servers, 11 Koreans from oGs, fOU, Prime and IM, just a fantastic lineup for an online tournament, imo.

And then 16 no-shows in the first round. So many that some of the no-shows even got free wins in the loser's brackets. :lol That's just too much. And they're all from the European server because it was 4AM when the tourney started and some of them apparently fell asleep. :lol

TheThunder said:
Glad that GOM dodged a bullet not choosing this guy to cast code A.

You must be talking about the other guy, surely.


TheThunder said:
Haunted, you hate on the amazing German caster thereof your opinion is invalid.
I'm the only one here who actually understands the guy and my opinion is invalid?


I wish we still had the laughing smiley, I'm always afraid my facetiousness doesn't come across in writing.
Haunted said:
I'm the only one here who actually understands the guy and my opinion is invalid?


I wish we still had the laughing smiley, I'm always afraid my facetiousness doesn't come across in writing.
It's not about understanding what he says but knowing what he means...

I'm just giving your boyfriend a hard time to tease ya :p


incontrol, naniwa, Sjow all thrown into the loser's bracket already. Filthy, HasuObs and Axslav as well. A couple of the Koreans, too. Painuser already completely out, same with LittleBoy.

Such a good lineup, honestly.

incontrol playing now. your time to shine, Geoff!


Hopefully Glades match vs the winner of the gaf open will be as entertaining as that third map vs SuperNova.


Meeru said:
Dude long time no see..how come I don't see u on hon. Change because valenti takes too long to pronounce and meeru is an island
Trying to keep my mind clear for DOTA 2 dude! :p

Eh, tbh, I lost interest in HoN a while back, and after I take a break from a game like that it's hard for me to get good at it again. Same case for SC2. Although lately I've really had the itch to get back into SC2. I would at least like to get into the new Masters division or whatever it's called.


Paz said:
Fun games today, it was interesting to see your custom maps mister :)
Thanks, I have 7 on my account, search any of their names when creating a custom game to play them again!

  • (2) Broken Land
  • (4) Voyage
  • (4) Khala Divide
  • (4) Cross Sector
  • (4) Trash Station
  • (X) Shadow Assault
  • (X) Shadow Assault 2: Retaliation


fuck yea! diamond 2v2. awesome

ooooooh yea now 3v3 diamond!

i should have done these early game rushes sooner. used to always try to play real games.


mescalineeyes said:
so tell me this, how do you think any sort of attack with gateway unit would fare if hydras were a t1 unit? do you want Protoss to turtle until they get colossi out?

About as well as t1 zerg attacks fare against protoss atm?
Deadman said:
About as well as t1 zerg attacks fare against protoss atm?

and then what, make hydra range a lair upgrade?

I mean I am all for buffing zerg, but hydras seem too strong early -- yet too weak once you hit lair. there needs to be a middle ground.
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