Meeru said:
I respect peoples' opinions, but really, if you are going to degrade Blizzard's attempt at patching, at least state why or put your own thought on how the patching should go. I for one believe blizzard is doing an excellent job.
I feel like they keep avoiding the fundamental issues and instead focus on changing small things like bunker build times that will matter little.
Take, for example, scouting. Scouting has been a problem since day one, particularly in ZvT. They could have tried a million and one things to improve this aspect of the game, but they don't.
I also feel they need to look at the risk/reward elements of particular strategies, too. Two rax, for example, is an incredibly simple strategy to execute yet it is disproportionately difficult for a Zerg to defend. The slightest mistake will lead to the Zerg losing whereas, if the Terran makes a mistake, it hardly affects them.
Essentially, Terran has a lot more room for error than the other races. It's very easy make a game ending mistake that will lead to a loss as Protoss or Zerg whereas Terrans have a multitude of tools available to them to play catch up.
Finally, I think Blizzard should be more forthcoming in disclosing their thinking behind the changes, too. The Blizzcon balance talk was fantastic because we got to see what they were thinking and have a look at the reasons behind the changes they were making. Would it be too much trouble for them to say "we've changed <blah> to test <blah>"?
Their silence in regards to the reasons behind their patch choices is maddening.
I'd also love to know their reasoning behind the new maps and why they feel it's better for the ladder to be based around them than the GSL/Iccup maps.
The new maps are awful.