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//: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty |OT2| GL HF GG

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ChronicleX said:
1 - It has no effect. Stim still exists, still costs the same, still does the same thing. Now you have to make a choice instead of having all the cakes at once.
2 - Wah blizzard nerfed my overpowered TvZ thing and now I have to plan my builds and counter what the zerg is doing? ZOMG!
3 - See Prior.
Can't you go and get banned again?
Spl1nter said:
Thank you for showing us your lack of reading comprehension, understanding of match ups and ability to troll. I present to everyone the same old chroniclex
So how does 30 seconds to stim magically ruin Terran? Short answer - it doesn't. Yep same old me, pointing out the QQing Terrans and laughing at them. The biggest "Nerf" Terran got this patch is removal of the Viking Flower.


ChronicleX said:
So how does 30 seconds to stim magically ruin Terran? Short answer - it doesn't. Yep same old me, pointing out the QQing Terrans and laughing at them. The biggest "Nerf" Terran got this patch is removal of the Viking Flower.

I never said it ruined terran. I said it makes it more difficult for macro terran, which it does. In fact I provided the exact reason that it is more difficult now for terran. However your response is simply more trolling. Your same old stuff.
Spl1nter said:
I never said it ruined terran. I said it makes it more difficult for macro terran, which it does. In fact I provided the exact reason that it is more difficult now for terran. However your response is simply more trolling. Your same old stuff.

that's what you get when herp-derp 1base davey balances your game :|


scogoth said:
There are only two ranks that matters in gaf, how often you show up for gaf night and your star battle rank.

I don't care about rank but I'm still trying to figure out the game. So how do I join Gaf nights? If they're NA only I won't be able to turn up :(. Where's my EU brothers at?


Detox said:
I don't care about rank but I'm still trying to figure out the game. So how do I join Gaf nights? If they're NA only I won't be able to turn up :(. Where's my EU brothers at?

That's a shame, bnet sucks... not sure what the status of gaf night eu is. I think there might be some eu sc2 tournaments being organized but sure by whom.


I want a tag give me a tag
Detox said:
I don't care about rank but I'm still trying to figure out the game. So how do I join Gaf nights? If they're NA only I won't be able to turn up :(. Where's my EU brothers at?

NA only unfortuntly, there are a few EU gaffers who play, they should organise something more frequent


claviertekky said:
What's the list of NA nightly GAFers?

there are a lot of us. Simply join the NeoGAF channel. Trying to strike up a conversation. We are all friendly, unless its a lurker. Also I recommend joining the NeoGAF unofficial mumble server. The server info can be found by searching GAF or asking in the channel


scogoth said:
That's a shame, bnet sucks... not sure what the status of gaf night eu is. I think there might be some eu sc2 tournaments being organized but sure by whom.

:( I would try to organise something but I don't have a clue what I'm doing half the time in Bnet. EU SC2 GAF step your game up and represent.
Spl1nter said:
I never said it ruined terran. I said it makes it more difficult for macro terran, which it does. In fact I provided the exact reason that it is more difficult now for terran. However your response is simply more trolling. Your same old stuff.

No it doesn't. It prevents Macro Terran from being an agressive 2base terran at the same time, you know the entire reason the change happened so Terrans actually have to plan shit instead of going "It's K, I'll have stim by the time they get here / I get there". QQ more.
Yep same old tears from you, hence same old me laughing at you. Keep crying and I'll keep laughing.


ChronicleX said:
No it doesn't. It prevents Macro Terran from being an agressive 2base terran at the same time, you know the entire reason the change happened so Terrans actually have to plan shit instead of going "It's K, I'll have stim by the time they get here / I get there". QQ more.
Yep same old tears from you, hence same old me laughing at you. Keep crying and I'll keep laughing.


I was going to provide reasonable responses to show how poor your arguments are but I can now see there is no use when someone is this deep into there trolling and will not stop.

Thank you for clearly being the biggest troll on these forums. You really damn yourself every single time.
Spl1nter said:

Thank you for clearly being the biggest troll on these forums.
Do I need to go quote your tears again? 30 seconds later on Stim doesn't effect Terran matchups, it just delays anything with stim by 30 seconds. Considering how good stim is, cost and it's low tier placement 140 seconds was always too low. Stim is still in the game, same cost, same placement, same effect. An army with stim is no better or worse.

The only thing trolling this topic is your tears.


ChronicleX said:
Do I need to go quote your tears again? 30 seconds later on Stim doesn't effect Terran matchups, it just delays anything with stim by 30 seconds. Considering how good stim is, cost and it's low tier placement 140 seconds was always too low.

The only thing trolling this topic is your tears.

Please go on and continue to delight us with your pitiful knowledge of the game. Im not the one who continues to alienate himself from the thread with his responses.
Spl1nter said:
Please go on and continue to delight us with your pitiful knowledge of the game. Im not the one who continues to alienate himself from the thread with his responses.
Actually you are. You have yet to provide a valid reason why 30 second delay on stim is "so fucking retarded". All you have done is cry about it because of your "pitiful knowledge of the game".


ChronicleX said:
Actually you are. You have yet to provide a valid reason why 30 second delay on stim is "so fucking retarded". All you have done is cry about it because of your "pitiful knowledge of the game".

1. The change has a negative effect on a macro terran against zerg. There are two ways to play out of a fast expand as terran, bio or factory harrass. Stim comes later because of the fast expand which delays any harrass terran can put on zerg which is important in the matchup. Most terrans push out just a few seconds before stim finishes to reach the zerg base when stim finishes.

An extremely valid reason. One that can be seen in most tvz's were the terran focuses on bio off an early expand.

I dont think you understand how much of a difference 30 seconds makes in your timings.


how does chroniclex not realize that all the immature mentioning of QQing and crying and laughing is exactly what trolling consists of
Spl1nter said:
I dont think you understand how much of a difference 30 seconds makes in your timings.
When was the last time you stimmed a Hellion? You can still harass, you just can't harass with a potential game ending army AND have a good econ at the same time. Secondly.
Spl1nter said:
The change has a negative effect on a macro terran against zerg. There are two ways to play out of a fast expand as terran, bio or factory harrass. Stim comes later because of the fast expand which delays any harrass terran can put on zerg which is important in the matchup. Most terrans push out just a few seconds before stim finishes to reach the zerg base when stim finishes.
Response -
ChronicleX said:
No it doesn't. It prevents Macro Terran from being an agressive 2base terran at the same time, you know the entire reason the change happened so Terrans actually have to plan shit instead of going "It's K, I'll have stim by the time they get here / I get there".
Anyone got any good recommendations for some fun cooperative custom games? Me and my friend have been having a some fun doing stuff like Left2Die and similar games like that, but it's hard to find the good ones among all the bad stuff.


ChronicleX said:
When was the last time you stimmed a Hellion? You can still harass, you just can't harass with a potential game ending army AND have a good econ at the same time.

Its harassment. Its not supposed to be a game ending army. Any 2 base game ending army is going to be quite different than a force used for harassment. All you are trying to do is force the zerg to make units. Stim enables your units to have mobility which is crucial in harassment. Having that timing come 30 seconds later means you are unable to stop the production of drones for that much longer. The time that Terran harass hits from early expand is quite precise and being 30 seconds later actually makes a major difference.

I dont even know why you mention hellions. Yes they are another unit that can be used for harassment. To get a number of hellions requires quite the investment which takes away from any bio you would have.


Spl1nter, just...do not.
No point in arguing with ChronicleX. Most of us who does not ignore him already with the ignore option ignores him otherwise, by simply skipping through his posts.
Spl1nter said:
Your statement goes against itself. Its harassment. Its not supposed to be a game ending army. All you are trying to do is force the zerg to make units. Stim enables your units to have mobility which is crucial in harassment. Having that timing come 30 seconds later means you are unable to stop the production of drones for that much longer with a strong harass.
So that same army without stim won't force zerg to make units? That same army cannot attack at all without stim? If it's not a game ending army, it doesn't need stim.*rolleyes*
I dont even know why you mention hellions. Yes they are another unit that can be used for harassment. So WTF
It's a harass option Terran has that stim change does not effect the timings of? So WTF indeed.
Spl1nter said:
To get a number of hellions requires quite the investment which takes away from any bio you would have.
Oh no! Terran has to make a tactical decision instead of doing everything at once!


ChronicleX said:
So that same army without stim won't force zerg to make units? That same army cannot attack at all without stim? *rolleyes*
It's a harass option Terran has that stim change does not effect the timings of? So WTF indeed.

Dude like really, its like you are not even reading my posts. Stim allows you to have mobility which is important for harassment, it allows you to poke in and then retreat. Its the exact reason hellions are useful for harassment.

Also if I choose to use hellions for harassment then I am committing to more of a cost for a mech army. It changes how I transition from my harass into my midgame play.

Oh no! Terran has to make a tactical decision instead of doing everything at once!

And you continue to troll after everything which completely negates this statement.
Spl1nter said:
dude like really, its like you are not even reading my posts. stim allows you to have mobility which is important for harassment, it allows you to poke in and then retreat. Its the exact reason hellions are useful for harassment.

Also if I choose to use hellions for harassment then I am committing to more of a cost for a mech army. It changes how I transition from my harass into my midgame play.
So use Hellions. It's tactical. You want to harass go the harass route, you want to go for a strong push go the bio route. The change is there to prevent you doing both IE Harassing with bio.

I am reading your posts, least you can do is read mine instead of dismissing them straight away due to your bias.
Spl1nter said:
And you continue to troll after everything which completely negates this statement.
Like I was saying, Bias. If 1 race can harass for free then it's gonna get nerfed little by little. That's what happened with reapers and now they are situational to the point of redundancy.


ChronicleX said:
So use Hellions. It's tactical. You want to harass go the harass route, you want to go for a strong push go the bio route. The change is there to prevent you doing both IE Harassing with bio.

The change was there to effect stim timing pushes from 1 base. It had nothing to with bio harass which isn't that strong to begin with. Also using hellions is tactical wtf is that even supposed to mean. Bio pushes are not exactly harassing for free.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
First 15 NASL invites have been announced:

Spl1nter said:
The change was there to effect stim timing pushes from 1 base. It had nothing to with bio harass which isn't that strong to begin with. Also using hellions is tactical wtf is that even supposed to mean. Bio pushes are not exactly harassing for free.
If you can go in, do damage without risk then its free harass. The bio units have a use, they are the core of your army, they play a major role later. You can still harass without stim, you just have to be more careful.

As for the bold do I really need to explain this? Its RTS 101. Its a choice, a decision to commit to something. If 1 thing is significantly better than everything else then there is no choice and you do it every damn game (example - PvP you 4gate - THAT IS THE LAW). That is why stim now comes 30 seconds later and the reason 5rax reaper got nerfed out of the game.


ChronicleX said:
If you can go in, do damage without risk then its free harass. The bio units have a use, they are the core of your army, they play a major role later. You can still harass without stim, you just have to be more careful

Moving out without stim all you are trying to do i hit some odd timing that they dont expect. Its extremely risky. With stim you enable yourself to retreat. Its because the units are part of your core army that it is risky. Toss has a similar mechanic in how they can 3gate expand and retreat because of forcefields. Zerg simply has speedlings.
Spl1nter said:
Moving out without stim all you are trying to do i hit some odd timing that they dont expect. Its extremely risky. With stim you enable yourself to retreat. Its because the units are part of your core army that it is risky.
Exactly. It's not free, there is a risk attached as your "Oh shit" button comes later. It's tactical. Secondly being over dependant on stim makes you bad at army positioning in the long run. Not depending on it will make you much better at TvZ.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?

Guess who's going to see MC vs Jinro live 12 April :D :D :D :D:D:D::D



Over the past couple of days, major American video game site IGN (owned by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation, one of the largest in the world) has made known their intention to become heavily involved in competitive StarCraft 2.

Information has recently come to light to suggest that this will be a new professional StarCraft 2 league in North America, sponsored by IGN and boasting a prize pool between $150,000 and $200,000. This information comes from the mouth of an IGN employee and a credible source who wishes to remain anonymous at this time.


Ikuu said:
First 15 NASL invites have been announced:


Good start. The only one I'm dubious about is Haypro - I haven't seen anything impressive from the guy at all.

Some more news on the NA scene. Sk gaming is reporting a rumour that IGN will be running a league with a $150k-200k prize pool. Full details here - http://www.sk-gaming.com/content/32611-IGNs_StarCraft_2_Proleague

Pretty crazy if it ends up being true.

Edit - http://www.ign.com/proleague



Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
They should just fire everyone involved with the NASL and hire the people behind the TSL, they talk about how they want to create a connection to the players all sort of nonsense and then when announcing players they do nothing interesting.
Trickster said:
Incredibly awesome if it's true. Time for Europe to step it up now :p
Europe doesn't need to step it up when they can just dominate all of the US leagues ;)


autobzooty said:
Anyone got any good recommendations for some fun cooperative custom games? Me and my friend have been having a some fun doing stuff like Left2Die and similar games like that, but it's hard to find the good ones among all the bad stuff.

Phantom mode, not supposed to play as a group but its fun when you do.
Star battle, a gaf fav
Nuclear Arcade, one of mrmister's new maps for team battles
Shadow Assault 1/2/3, mrmister's epic co-op trilogy

New custom game interface should help to bring the good games to the top unlike the silly popularity system before.


Ikuu said:
They should just fire everyone involved with the NASL and hire the people behind the TSL, they talk about how they want to create a connection to the players all sort of nonsense and then when announcing players they do nothing interesting.

Europe doesn't need to step it up when they can just dominate all of the US leagues ;)

Well it would be a big advantage for european players to actually have a league in their part of the world though, instead of having to go to USA or Korea in order to participate in the really big events.


So many new tournaments and leagues announced.

The SC2 foreigner scene is already about a bazillion times bigger and more interesting than BW's ever was.

I like the NASL choices. Catz has the weakest results out of the first 15 by far. And Fenix is in a slump. Darkforce and Cruncher have recent tournament victories to show, so they're ok in my book.
I wonder if any of them NASL entries are so that certain players get an easier first round. Wouldn't be surprised if the matchup's get fixed in such a way so IdrA ends up vs Cruncher or something along time lines.


Trickster said:
Well it would be a big advantage for european players to actually have a league in their part of the world though, instead of having to go to USA or Korea in order to participate in the really big events.

Dreamhack is putting on a ton of tournaments and there's IEM too. There's also the EPS that's running in a lot of countries - http://www.esl.eu/eps/. I'm sure we'll see more and more in the future.

I'm curious to see how these companies are going to make money out of sc2. This was all tried before in the past (MTV broadcast the finals of the CPL World Tour back in 2005 - Fatal1ty walked away with the grand prize of $150k for winning the final) and it failed pretty miserably.

TheThunder said:

Curncher and DarkForce huh ?

Pretty weird choice.

Darkforce is an awesome Zerg. Don't hate.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Supposedly the IGN League is going to be a team league, and Boxer is going to be at the Dreamhack event also.


Milabrega said:
So who else is a member of Team Random?

Btw does anyone still use the sc2 irc? It was on quakenet which blocks mibbit so I only popped in during big tourney events (and i didn't have the game at the time) or did it die when chat channels went live?
I'm considering switch to random. Or race picking, idk :\
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