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//: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty |OT2| GL HF GG

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Day9 bringing out a subscription. Can still watch the daily for free though (which is what i will still do)


I did mention this in the AusGAF thread, but seeming how we are on the topic of Day9...

iiNet is pleased (and maybe a little bit excited) to bring Day[9] TV to its freezone line up.

Australian viewers can now watch Day[9] videos ad-free, lag-free and for iiNet customers, quota-free. No longer will you need to send requests to Day[9] asking him to ship you hard drives of content down-under (Which really does happen).

Competitive online gaming has exploded in popularity over the past few years, with fierce competition across a number of genres making it a legitimate and compelling spectator sport. Cyber sportsfolk work hard to stay at the top of their game, and we reckon there’s no finer specimen than Day[9].



mcrae said:
so is iinet a internet provider, that also streams tv on their website?
iiNet is an Australian ISP. They are hosting the files locally (and you can access them from the net). Anyone can access the files from iiNet's server, which will give a much better performance for Australian users. Plus they are ad free.

Also, when iiNet users access the files from iiNet's server it doesn't count towards monthly download caps.


Birdman02 said:

After a tough losing streak to a diamond, gold and 2 silver players, my next opponent (a gold) left right as the game started. Kind of a shitty way to end my bronze days, but I'm glad they're over!![/QUOTE]
Congrats Bird.


just played a sweet game.

scouted with ings, didnt see any cannons, burrowed roaches into main, formed them up so his probes couldnt escape (lots of buildings nearby) and had 6 mutas waiting near the expansion. my overlord near the expo could see the stalkers protecting the mineral line, so i unburrowed the roaches and his whole army 1a'd into his main, i let my roaches die while killing off his expansions probe line. i saw 3 collossus so made 7-8 corrupters to compliment my now hydra/ling only army. he had a last ditch effort attack which i shut down pretty well.

earlier that game i got 4 lings into his base because he sent his first zealot to attack my in-base extractor. they got a pylon. then i proceeded to pick off a zealot and stalker en-route to his late 4 gate, which i quickly tossed up 3 spines and sacc'd my queen and held.

such a satisfying game.


They should buff gateway build times AFTER you finish warp gate research.

So a Zealot/Stalker/Sentry/DT/HT take ~5 seconds less to build from a Gateway than Warp Gate cooldown for example. Right now Warp Gate cool down is around 5 seconds faster than Gateway build time.

That would give superb macro players a reason to consider getting the Warp Gate research but not actually using Warp Gates.


Zzoram said:
They should buff gateway build times AFTER you finish warp gate research.

So a Zealot/Stalker/Sentry/DT/HT take ~5 seconds less to build from a Gateway than Warp Gate cooldown for example. Right now Warp Gate cool down is around 5 seconds faster than Gateway build time.

That would give superb macro players a reason to consider getting the Warp Gate research but not actually using Warp Gates.

Current Times:
Gateway = X + 5
Warpgate = X


Before Warpgate Research
Gateway = X + 5

After Warpgate Research
Gateway = X
Warpgate = X + 5

Shorten Warpgate transformation time as well.

Sets a clear defenders advantage for pvp and helps in the other matchups as well.


I like all those changes but i dont think blizzard would want to so radically change protoss in a patch like that.

They should have never put warpgates in the game, its a cool and fun thing to have but it makes balance a nightmare.


If you made it so Gateways were faster than Warpgates you'd have to add some sort of mechanic where you couldn't go:

To Warpgate
To Gateway (while WG is cooling down)

Since that would allow for way quicker production, theoretically.

Though I bet you some group of people would praise such a stupidly micro intensive method of increasing production as "bringing complexity back to Starcraft!"


Zzoram said:
. Right now Warp Gate cool down is around 5 seconds faster than Gateway build time.

Warpgate cooldown is exactly 5 seconds faster than the unit build time out of a gateway, but warping in from a warpgate is exactly 5 seconds as well. Wargates don't actually build units faster, they just get there where you want them faster.

ultron87 said:
If you made it so Gateways were faster than Warpgates you'd have to add some sort of mechanic where you couldn't go:

To Warpgate
To Gateway (while WG is cooling down)

Since that would allow for way quicker production, theoretically.

Though I bet you some group of people would praise such a stupidly micro intensive method of increasing production as "bringing complexity back to Starcraft!"

You actually used to be able to do this, then blizzard made the warpgate transformation take a lot longer so that you couldn't accelerate building units this way. And lots of people on TL did praise the guy who figured it out iirc.


I'm pretty sure the WG cooldown is ten seconds faster than the unit build time. And I believe the cooldown starts as soon as you start the warp in. So you do get stuff quite a bit faster.


ultron87 said:
I'm pretty sure the WG cooldown is ten seconds faster than the unit build time. And I believe the cooldown starts as soon as you start the warp in. So you do get stuff quite a bit faster.

Yes. 10 seconds faster, 5 second warp in, therefore 5 second net gain. Game seconds of course.


Laddering has become no fun. Out of my last 20 odd games, about 15 of them have been ZvZ. Why are there so many Zergs around? Eurgh.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
twofold said:
Laddering has become no fun. Out of my last 20 odd games, about 15 of them have been ZvZ. Why are there so many Zergs around? Eurgh.

Maybe it's because you veto the same maps?


Super excited for the changes Blizzard is bringing to Protoss.
Let's hope they make the warp-in time longer than using gateways normally. Would create lots of different dynamics and make Protoss not as boring to play.


Anything to make PvP more interesting.

Man, ret got fucking rolled by some local no names in his group at the Copenhagen Games. The only known player who fell in the group stages. :(

TL slump continues. At least TLO advanced convincingly.


Pankaks said:
Maybe it's because you veto the same maps?

Only got DQ downvoted.

It was especially horrible tonight since I had 8 (edit - on second thoughts, it may have been 7 - either way, it was a lot) ZvZs in a row. One of the guys I played was on his 12th ZvZ in a row, heh. It's messed up.


Everything is moe to me
all the gaf zergs are abandoning me.


more baneling busts for me!


mescalineeyes said:
HotS single player will be shown end of may.
I care!

And I thought it was next week. Read that on TL somewhere. Not sure I like the RPG mechanics they're alluding to, but we'll see.
Haunted said:
I care!

And I thought it was next week. Read that on TL somewhere. Not sure I like the RPG mechanics they're alluding to, but we'll see.

I'm thinking it is going to be similar to WCIII RPG mechanics. But that means they could introduce heros to SCII MP, which would be bad.


Everything is moe to me
zoukka said:
Looking at the IGN games...

CatZ needs to fucking babysit his broodlords goddamn.
CatZ needs to have them taken away from him and put into protective services.
hurrrr, 10 range unit over a gap, fly into marine range!
durr i have to kill the pf at the gold or his income will be insane! whatdayamean he cant mine with my broods there?


Morrow going for Roach/Hydra Burrow against MC's 2 base colossus.

I foresee a lot of Zerg QQ about imba forcefields in roughly 5/6 minutes.


Morrow actually played his midgame so well. Burrowing away as soon as any FFs even go down, only trying to snipe Colossi/Sentries.

But his transition to the lategame came too late... no Infestors, no Hive, no tier 3 tech up at all when MC amassed his usual army compo.
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