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//: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty |OT2| GL HF GG

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mr. puppy

patch time:



Archons are now a massive unit.

Pylon power radius has been decreased from 7.5 to 6.5.

Cybernetics Core

Research Warp Gate time increased from 140 to 180.


Sentry train time decreased from 42 to 37.

Stalker train time decreased from 42 to 37.

Zealot train time decreased from 38 to 33.

Warp Gate unit train times remain unchanged.



Cost changed from 150/150 to 200/100.

Salvage resource return reduced from 100% to 75%.


Spore Crawler

Root time decreased from 12 to 6.

Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug where Ghosts could not quickly EMP the same location.

Fixed a bug where players were still able to stack flying units on top of each other.



And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Pylon power radius has been decreased from 7.5 to 6.5.
Wow. This completely destroys some of the cheese I've seen (and done myself for the lawls).

Research Warp Gate time increased from 140 to 180.
Holy Warp Gate Batman. Is this the 4gate nerf they were talking about? How many seconds is this when chrono boost all the way?

And how much slower will a normal gate be when making a zealot compared to when making it in a warp gate? I don't think 4gate will be the best efficiency now in PvP.

Salvage resource return reduced from 100% to 75%.
Fuck my life. Yes, increase their build time AND don't let us get our minerals back. Now let's see how many people will be wanting to use bunkers as an offensive tool. Hey Blizzard, here's the answer - NO ONE.

Root time decreased from 12 to 6.
This is huge. No more stim pushes when they're lifting from main to their natural.

Is that it, nothing more in this patch? What happened to my reaper buff? To my colossi nerf?
mr. puppy said:
patch time:
So Archons now unslowable? much needed change imo

The pylon range change I guess is to adress the high ground warpins with minimal ramp access that doa was talking about last night?

Proxy gating and some quick early crono'd gateway pressures could become more popular, which I think is a good thing.

Ghost cost change is pretty good too IMO, gas cost was the limiting factor for early ghost builds and ghosts are awesome so hopefully we will be seeing more of them.

Finally bunkers aren't free.

spore crawler buff heh, I guess this is cool.


Patch notes are so weird, and I hate how they state the warp-in times, as usual. Those three units now build at "Warpgate speed" from the start, so the Warpgate offers no "net" production benefit to them. It does, however, do so, so much to making PvP quite a bit better than it was, as does the general Warp Gate research duration.

Pylon radius is so weird. Cuts down on weird pylon placement for warps and cannons, but not really anything else.

Corran Horn said:
Archons can also destroy FFs <3

But the Rock'em Sock'em Collosi that is all late-game PvP already destroys the FFs.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
pieatorium said:
Proxy gating and some quick early crono'd gateway pressures could become more popular, which I think is a good thing.
Ugh, two proxy gates chrono boosting out zealots will slaughter zergs up to diamond. I'm not liking this change :/ Terran will have to build ourselves in against not only zerg now but protoss :lol


Yoshichan said:
Ugh, two proxy gates chrono boosting out zealots will slaughter zergs up to diamond. I'm not liking this change :/ Terran will have to build ourselves in against not only zerg now but protoss :lol

this slaughtered me pre-patch, lol
Yoshichan said:
Ugh, two proxy gates chrono boosting out zealots will slaughter zergs up to diamond. I'm not liking this change :/ Terran will have to build ourselves in against not only zerg now but protoss :lol
It wasn't nerfed a great deal anyway, 15s for the fourth zealot using crono iirc. people overstated how much it was nerfed as a build imo and roach range buff has happened since then making kiting zealots even easier and it's fairly standard to get roaches early against P (roach rushes are fairly common at lower leagues too).


About what I expected. I think the changes will make early game PvT very nice (holding conc-rushes etc.), but make PvZ waaay harder because zergs will be able to drone far more heavily. I can't remember the last time a 4wg just outright slaughtered a decent zerg player, usually its just enough to kill a greedy zerg. Idra will now be lol'ing with the advantage he can get in the matchup.

Edit: Why buff the ghost? Terran units are sooooo gas-cheap compared to protoss' or zergs and Terran gets a mineral advantage from MULEs, it makes zero sense.


That will make Archons way better against Marauders since they can't be slowed.

I hope this doesn't just mean PvP becomes 2-gate or race to Colossi.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Striek said:
Edit: Why buff the ghost? Terran units are sooooo gas-cheap compared to protoss' or zergs and Terran gets a mineral advantage from MULEs, it makes zero sense.
Buff'em so people actually use'em. Not only Boxer.


Spl1nter said:
Never knew terran had to wall of against toss because of that in the earlier patches
I don't think it will be as much of an issue now as it was then. It was mostly as a result of the map pool being what it was. I always walled off on Steppes, for example, and it saved me from 2-gate zealot rushes on multiple occasions. I might do it still on a couple of the maps, Xel Naga mostly, just to avoid proxy gate pressure.


ultron87 said:
That will make Archons way better against Marauders since they can't be slowed.
Its a good change, it'll allow archons to maybe get a hit or two in but they'll still be easily kited by stimmed MMM (which will be kiting the chargelots anyway).

As for PvP, 2gate (non-proxy) builds like AdelScotts already put you in a good position against normal 4gate timings on small maps. With faster zealots and slower warpgates I can't imagine how you deal with that without opening 2gate yourself on all but Tal'Darim. Proxying 2gates though has always been deadly if you don't scout it so no real difference there.


The root time only affects SPORE crawlers, not SPINE crawlers. It's pretty useless except for maybe rooting in time to reveal a nuking ghost and kill it in time, and reposition badly placed spores easier if you're suffering from phoenix/banshee/dt attacks.


Yoshichan said:
Fuck my life. Yes, increase their build time AND don't let us get our minerals back. Now let's see how many people will be wanting to use bunkers as an offensive tool. Hey Blizzard, here's the answer - NO ONE.

Thats the idea. Its a defensive building.

Time to 2 gate my way to masters! Yee haw!


Zzoram said:
The root time only affects SPORE crawlers, not SPINE crawlers. It's pretty useless except for maybe rooting in time to reveal a nuking ghost and kill it in time, and reposition badly placed spores easier if you're suffering from phoenix/banshee/dt attacks.


scogoth said:
Thats the idea. Its a defensive building.

That's bullshit. It's one of the few ways a Terran can apply pressure to Zerg. Without the ability to apply early pressure to a hatchery first build, Zerg economy explodes and overwhelms Terran.

2rax marines without the bunker makes the early pressure almost useless, meaning that Zerg never have to worry about going 15hatch before pool since Terran can't punish them.

Even costing 25 minerals more, Terran will continue to bunker rush or else they'll start every game vs Zerg behind.


Zzoram said:
That's bullshit. It's one of the few ways a Terran can apply pressure to Zerg. Without the ability to apply early pressure to a hatchery first build, Zerg economy explodes and overwhelms Terran.

2rax marines without the bunker makes the early pressure almost useless, meaning that Zerg never have to worry about going 15hatch before pool since Terran can't punish them.

Having to actually lose 25 minerals on the bunker is in no way going to ruin Terran's ability to pressure zerg.


ultron87 said:
Having to actually lose 25 minerals on the bunker is in no way going to ruin Terran's ability to pressure zerg.

I know, I was referring to the statement that bunkers should only be defensive.

Terran will still bunker rush and pay that 25 minerals because it gives them the chance to kill some drones.


Zzoram said:
That's bullshit. It's one of the few ways a Terran can apply pressure to Zerg. Without the ability to apply early pressure to a hatchery first build, Zerg economy explodes and overwhelms Terran.

2rax marines without the bunker makes the early pressure almost useless, meaning that Zerg never have to worry about going 15hatch before pool since Terran can't punish them.

qq more. 7rax, blue flame, banshees, you're right Terran has no hope of killing drones. Its not like protoss and zerg need power or creep to build their defensive structures.


Increase bunker salvage time so that terrans have to be smarter with them. 25 minerals is a hilariously small 'fine' per bunker. I would be happy with 100% salvage rate as long as its actually possible to kill them before they're salvaged. But its almost impossible for a zerg or protoss to do that early game. You cannot kill one before its salvaged as long as the terran salvages right away (15 lings vs. a bunker salvage - salvage wins).


scogoth said:
qq more. 7rax, blue flame, banshees, you're right Terran has no hope of killing drones. Its not like protoss and zerg need power or creep to build their defensive structures.
7rax? What the hell is that?


lol, sorry. I interpreted that as building a barracks at 7 supply and was contemplating how awful a build that would be.


BigAT said:
lol, sorry. I interpreted that as building a barracks at 7 supply and was contemplating how awful a build that would be.

hmmmmmm maybe that would work proxied with SVC all in? Proxy supply depot just for the bm


The Everyman
Striek said:
About what I expected. I think the changes will make early game PvT very nice (holding conc-rushes etc.), but make PvZ waaay harder because zergs will be able to drone far more heavily. I can't remember the last time a 4wg just outright slaughtered a decent zerg player, usually its just enough to kill a greedy zerg. Idra will now be lol'ing with the advantage he can get in the matchup.

Edit: Why buff the ghost? Terran units are sooooo gas-cheap compared to protoss' or zergs and Terran gets a mineral advantage from MULEs, it makes zero sense.


Q8D3vil said:
they did that in the previous patch.

That's the joke.

I like the changes. Warpgate nerf was needed. Now we might actually see some 2-3 pre-warpgate action instead of the ever popular 4gate or 3gate expand.

Archons are awesome. They deserve all the buffs in the world.

And I can't even remember the last time I saw a banshee when I played zerg... now they'll disappear completely from diamond level I guess lol.
Tried out the Spanishiwa build a bit tonight. First against Terran: he started out with some bunker rushing, and I wound up over committing with lings to beat it. He expanded afterward and went mass Thor/hellion. I went mass Roach/Infestor and lost. I basically let him do whatever as I got the build down, bleh.

Tried it against Zerg twice and won both times.

Finally got a toss opponent and beat him pretty handily with the build, despite him delaying my natural for awhile. Crushed his first big push with ling/bling, then moved to ling/bling/infestor to crush his second push (Stalker/Col). He didn't seem that good; didn't have many Sentries. Had a huge economy off three base, transitioned to Ultras and crushed him.


cdyhybrid said:
Destiny CatZ and Drewbie are doing 3v3 placements on stream :O

thx for posting! been wanting to watch some pros team games/fuck around on stream for a while now

they are about to add day9 to the skype call too


Good to see Spanishiwa spread the sanity among zergs. He does very basic things, that every zerg should always do. Hide the army, stay active with lings and counter when possible. I think zerg from all races suffers the most if they stick with one build and don't add variation. You become open to all kinds of nasty abusement from the opponent.


-COOLIO- said:
Its like fact man.
Corran Horn said:
Im guessing he means terran bio.
Big part of it, but not just.

Marine/marauder, obviously ridiculously gas cheap, especially compared to zealot/stalker/sentry and ling/bling/roach/hydra.
Vikings - for no apparent reason 25 gas cheaper than corruptors and phoenixes. Can anyone explain why?
Ghosts - Now 50 gas cheaper than infestors or high templar.

Basically tanks are the only heavily used gas expensive terran unit, but its more than made up that they're often paired with pure marine so you still don't need very much gas overall. Even if terran has an all-mech army its super rare for them to have more gas spent than a same-sized protoss army. Terrans usually get their third and fourth gas reallly late and its so common to see them with a huge stockpile while protoss and zergs are limited by it.

Bonus, Banshees - Flying DTs that only cost 100 gas (less than a DT). You so crazy Terran.
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