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//: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty |OT2| GL HF GG

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^^Corran :X While a couple people have told me they're enjoying this thread atm, I'm sure a lot more people aren't too interested in this whole debate, so please feel free to skip over this :X

So to Panda, while I think you've misinterpreted a lot of my arguments or taken them out of the context of early game/scouting, you at least didn't pick out one line, so here goes.
Pandaman said:
by the time you have an observer, you've already committed to a techpath that makes zergs day really hard.
Robo? Even Idra (maybe it was Sheth actually) said that he thought robo was the least threatening protoss tech path, IIRC. Also more of a balance whine that relevant to this discussion.

Pandaman said:
it's all well and good to say we can get them at the same time [we really cant], but committing to scouting with any purpose requires us to waive time that would have otherwise been spent on the critical upgrades of whatever path zerg decides to go down. zerg units need upgrades to be viable, the commitment to a zerg techpath is a time commitment due to zergs requirement of a low gas enviroment to match protoss/terran economy.
What upgrades are you forsaking for overlord speed? Why and for how long does zerg stay low-gas/low-tech? Is this before or after robo timings? This whole discussion is rooted in the early-mid game.

Pandaman said:
so sure, a minute or two after you get an obs i can get an ovie that tells me i should or shouldnt have gotten that roach warren minutes ago.
My obs gets there as your spire completes. I went robo. Woe is me. Or I saw the signs earlier. Only lings. Spines. I didn't have complete information at all. But I guessed at muta and went stargate.

Thats what I'm getting at. All races don't get complete/good scouting but make decisions based on what they do AND don't see.
Pandaman said:
bullshit, it's been well established at this point that sentries and a low ground nexus is not proof you wont be 4gated.
If your opponent is doing a 4gate after expansion and after robo and/or hallucination, thats pretty much the weakest possible timing. Specifically what you are responding to is when protoss have their nexus completed and scouting tech up, not some nexus cancel.

Pandaman said:
its not the zergs fault protoss players are lax and dont know how to scout. scouting early roach is as simple as seeing a single zergling as opposed to a speedling at certain timings [depending on if you scouted hatch first, 14/16, 14/14, etc]
Talking post-expansion roach/speedling all-ins here, what does that early scouting information tell me about what the zerg is going to do 6 minutes later?

Pandaman said:
also wrong, protoss can easily afford cannons without being set far behind [or behind at all] 2base vs 2base. Try it sometime, then compare incomes between games you did and didnt set down cannons.
You're (again) presuming something I haven't said.

Where did I mention 2-base vs. 2-base? I said zerg is being greedy. Ie. You have spent money in static defense and zerg is playing passive drone-heavy style. Hes taken a quick third for instance. Those cannons are fairly useless unless the zerg wants to attack into you.

And this is merely an example of how limited information works both ways in but one matchup.

Pandaman said:
Sc2 is a game that places a premium on information, but to design it specifically to be played in its absence is poor game design.
SC2 is a game of limited information. You cannot buy all information at all times. It doesn't mean you don't have enough information to make sound decisions. It means you don't have enough information to make perfect decisions.

Pandaman said:
you're wrong ofcourse, the games economy does not support zerg to half the extent you think it does. there are natural limitations within the system that hobble early extreme growth from a zerg. perfect scouting or not, a zerg cant just get anything they want up until a last moment, once again you have failed to understand how zerg works. time. is. a. commitment. a serious commitment. we cant just scout you and immediately get what we need to counter it. spires take forever to build, lings are useless without speed, roaches hobbled and easily separated without burrow, hydras cannot naturally deal with forcefield/heavy gateway without range, etc. zergs economy would most certainly not explode in all circumstances. there just wouldn't be any autowins/rollover games anymore.
Most of your examples are out of the scope of the period we are talking about. And of course you take your cues throughout the game as to what you're next move should be.
Pandaman said:
the idea that Terran and protoss specifically cannot compete evenly in a macro game with zerg is so absurd as to not merit comment. there's a reason zergs dont win macro games on terrans and protosses doorstep.
Can't compete in a macro game where zergs have enough information to get far ahead in the early game specifically. Absolutely can and do compete in current games where zergs have to be somewhat honest by default because they don't have enough information to otherwise not be.

Also the reason zergs don't win macro games on terran and protosses doorstep is because terrans and protoss don't let them play macro games in those positions through constant pressure. And the 'where do I take my third' dilemma.

So I'm left asking the question, where does zerg get ahead if not in a macro game where they have enough information to not worry about committing unnecessarily? Because zergs do get ahead. Idra would have me believe that its purely off the back of terran and protoss mistakes. You have said that zergs advantage is not economy/macro game, but clearly you don't think zerg has great offensive potential. Where then?

This is to bring it all back, the point of contention most people have with Idras statements. Zerg will be behind or even no matter what mentality.

I feel like you guys would be a lot less heated if we were at least arguing the same stuff. At least I don't think it would be as contentious. And I'll quote myself here:

"What should be argued is what information does zerg get, and what can and should zergs do to 'buy' safety in terms of building units and/or teching before they see the enemies composition. SHOULD zergs be forced to blindly do anything? DOES zerg get behind if they have idle units early? IF so how far?"

^Thats the more interesting argument based on Idras statements made on SOTG.
mescalineeyes said:
The NA server really is a joke. I decided I will play exclusively on it for the next week just to get to masters there since that seems to be the current threshold where you can make claims based on arguments woven out of thin air.
While I would applaud your move to the NA server masters community, be aware I was merely denigrating you based on the content of your post and don't actually dismiss people below masters, it was just convenient for the tone I wanted to convey to you specifically. Just saying so you don't expect to be taken more seriously without actually improving your arguments beyond simply misrepresenting other peoples.


mescalineeyes said:
At least I dont comment on matchups I have no clue about.
I played random until I went to NA as protoss and even then played random on SEA until I signed up for the neogaf tourney.

I don't think it would take me too long to get to masters level zerg.


relies on auto-aim
Pandaman said:

im mostly using zvp as an example because streiks a p, t is a much bigger scouting concern i agree.

This game was a ton more fun than most of my Terran games where I don't go 7 rax, 4 port banshee, or mass Thor. It was also in front of 2 people, sitting on the floor, and using a bad mouse and KB at 2am.
Striek said:
I played random until I went to NA as protoss and even then played random on SEA until I signed up for the neogaf tourney.

I don't think it would take me too long to get to masters level zerg.
I would just fucking love that. But I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemies to switch from P to Z.


mescalineeyes said:
I would just fucking love that. But I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemies to switch from P to Z.
I tried switching at the start of this season. It was actually ZvZ I couldn't grasp. PvP was just starting to be figured out but ZvZ seemed like a crapshoot. I'm actually going to play random on NA ladder from now on I think and if I fall to platinum or diamond I'll have fun working my way back up.



My favorite cat fight on Gaf.

As a mini spoiler for those who don't watch GSL, Nestea did some awesome stuff with Spine crawlers for aggression. I wonder if we'll see this style/build order become popular on ladder soon... it seems situational?


Everything is moe to me
Striek said:
Robo? Even Idra (maybe it was Sheth actually) said that he thought robo was the least threatening protoss tech path, IIRC. Also more of a balance whine that relevant to this discussion.
No, its all about time not tech paths. we're the reactive race, we dont do tech paths. we do risk assessment.

By the time you would have an observer, which is the time we have more or less agreed to be the time at which zerg would have speed, you will have committed to a techpath. be it robo, star or gate. if i see an observer, i wouldnt need to get ovie speed to scout robo, its made obvious by the observer itself. the problem is the time it takes before i can reasonably expect to see an observer opens up alot of options for protoss to diverge or retard its tech off 3gate expand and most importantly, that time period cuts into the time zerg needs to properly respond to some of those tech paths.
What upgrades are you forsaking for overlord speed?
burrow and creep queens.

Why and for how long does zerg stay low-gas/low-tech? Is this before or after robo timings? This whole discussion is rooted in the early-mid game.
we need almost pure mineral income to match a toss chroning his economy. and yes its before, obviously.

My obs gets there as your spire completes. I went robo. Woe is me.
woe is you? attack, collect win.

Or I saw the signs earlier. Only lings. Spines. I didn't have complete information at all. But I guessed at muta and went stargate.

Thats what I'm getting at. All races don't get complete/good scouting but make decisions based on what they do AND don't see.
your argument hinges on you neglecting all of your options, hallucinate is a viable early scout tool that arrives prior to a spires completion and does not diverge your tech path.

If your opponent is doing a 4gate after expansion and after robo and/or hallucination, thats pretty much the weakest possible timing. Specifically what you are responding to is when protoss have their nexus completed and scouting tech up, not some nexus cancel.
you cant just ignore parts of the game like that, zergs have to account for the existence of nexus cancel builds and take risks by droning under the assumption that toss isnt going for it.

the existence of the nexus cancel effects the condition zerg will be in at the point toss finishes his nexus and has fully committed to a standard play. unless you would have zergs always drone fully or always stop droning until a nexus finishes, you cant just act like everything in the zerg camp is standard up to the point the nexus finishes.

Talking post-expansion roach/speedling all-ins here, what does that early scouting information tell me about what the zerg is going to do 6 minutes later?
everything? it tells you zerg didnt go speed first, aka zerg went roaches. if you then later see speed, one would normally wonder why zerg felt like backteching that early on and neglecting lair timings. you dont think its odd that a zerg would restrict its response to dt/star to hatch tech for seemingly no reason? protip: there's probably a reason.

not to mention the ability to scout the allin just requires you to get to the natural mineral line to scout drone counts. name a map where 1 zealot cant clear one watchtower to let one probe have access to a zergs natural. roach/ling allin cuts workers at 25, if you can count drones for a 10 pool you can count them for the roach/ling. and yes, this cut typically occurs before speed.

You're (again) presuming something I haven't said.

Where did I mention 2-base vs. 2-base? I said zerg is being greedy. Ie. You have spent money in static defense and zerg is playing passive drone-heavy style. Hes taken a quick third for instance. Those cannons are fairly useless unless the zerg wants to attack into you.
presuming is not a synonym for being realistic, i dont live in a fairy tale reality where zergs can magically take fast thirds, defend with static defense and have a map presence worth talking about.

the whole point of this discussion is that we disagree that the scouting tools available to each race is equivalent, making arguments that hinge on me agreeing with you is somewhat odd since we wouldn't be having this discussion if i did.

SC2 is a game of limited information. You cannot buy all information at all times. It doesn't mean you don't have enough information to make sound decisions. It means you don't have enough information to make perfect decisions.
so then you have to address idras second point, in the absence of perfect information there must be a build that can defend against all possible scenarios with the information available.

Most of your examples are out of the scope of the period we are talking about.
once again, you're failing to understand the time aspect of zerg. my ability to do X or Y in mid to late game absolutely hinges on what i scout early on and how i structure my economy. zerg does not grow linearly, how our economy is structured based on what we see and react to early on heavily effects the options available to us at later points in the game. there are entire builds that hinge on scouting one or two small things that let you take a fast gold on certain maps to open one obscure hydra window. if i don't have those early game queues, i don't have the time to commit to the build and its gone. its NOT like protoss where i can do a generic jack of all trades safe opening and pick a techpath.

I do love how you refuse to nail down a consistent time period though. overlord speed is an option, but burrow at the same cost, tech placement and research time is 'out of the scope'. after nexus completes but before committing to lair, etc.


Can't compete in a macro game where zergs have enough information to get far ahead in the early game specifically.
prove it.

Also the reason zergs don't win macro games on terran and protosses doorstep is because terrans and protoss don't let them play macro games in those positions through constant pressure. And the 'where do I take my third' dilemma.
this is just nonsensical babel. terrans and protoss dont let them play macro games on their doorstep? what does that even mean? zerg dont win macro games by attack passie terrans and protoss because until the extreme lategame the defensive potential of protoss and terran is astronomically strong, lets play a game where i make a shit ton of tank/marine and you kill me in my natural without broodlords. it'll be a looooooong game.

So I'm left asking the question, where does zerg get ahead if not in a macro game where they have enough information to not worry about committing unnecessarily? Because zergs do get ahead. Idra would have me believe that its purely off the back of terran and protoss mistakes. You have said that zergs advantage is not economy/macro game, but clearly you don't think zerg has great offensive potential. Where then?
zergs get ahead on the back of map control. to kill a zerg you have to move and its when both armies are moving that zerg is at its strongest. zerg wins by strangling off expansions and ambushing armies on open ground. we burrow banelings, fungal armies, neural tanks and collosi, pick off undefended seige units, counter attack undefended bases, etc. and when we get into that multi base high tech position where we hav eyes on everything that happens, we still lose games because contrary to your opinion, we aren't invincible when we have all that information, better players still win against zergs in the lategame. better players would still win against zerg in the early to mid game even with improved zerg scouting.

"What should be argued is what information does zerg get, and what can and should zergs do to 'buy' safety in terms of building units and/or teching before they see the enemies composition. SHOULD zergs be forced to blindly do anything? DOES zerg get behind if they have idle units early? IF so how far?"

^Thats the more interesting argument based on Idras statements made on SOTG.
this IS idras argument, that there isnt a general safe option in a situation where you cant get a good scout that wont leave you behind.


I haven't read this whole discussion so far, but... Let's play what if...

What if overlord speed was researchable at hatch tech, maybe with a slightly longer research time? The gas and delaying 3rd or 2nd queen for that crucial information seems like a fair trade to me.
Seems like the guys from the World tournament got a good chunk of GSL points and are all among the top 64 for that Super Tournament that was just announced. Wonder how many of them make the trip over, hopefully most of them give it a go.


Spl1nter said:
I will learn to stop DTs one day. Everytime I play ZvP with a gaffer the DTs always get me. I wrecked your first army then funneled the rest into your colossus while my BLs were half a mile away.

I have half a reply written to you panda but I have to go now so I'll post it in the morning.


Striek said:
I will learn to stop DTs one day. I wrecked your first army then funneled the rest into your colossus.

I have half a reply written to you panda but I have to go now so I'll post it in the morning.

the way to beat DTs is to have an overseer, and banelings do nice as well


Aylinato said:
the way to beat DTs is to have an overseer, and banelings do nice as well
Oh I had overseers with my army, he just sent like six DTs to my base, killed my fifth as it was going down, killed my fourth, killed my third which had a spore and a couple spines. I'm not arguing my zerg is awesome yet, but it will be eventually (and maybe in 20 years my terran will follow suit).


Striek said:
Oh I had overseers with my army, he just sent like six DTs to my base, killed my fifth as it was going down, killed my fourth, killed my third which had a spore and a couple spines. I'm not arguing my zerg is awesome yet, but it will be eventually (and maybe in 20 years my terran will follow suit).

normally the way to go is have an overseer at each base
alotta people just go for spore + spines which is fine in early/mid but late game 3+ upgraded DT's rip spores so fast that seers on your bases are a must if the toss is going that route.
pieatorium said:
alotta people just go for spore + spines which is fine in early/mid but late game 3+ upgraded DT's rip spores so fast that seers on your bases are a must if the toss is going that route.

yup. I had to find that out the hard way :<


Everything is moe to me
mescalineeyes said:
Well sure, but generally I am a big fan of DTs in the lategame as opposed to opening with them like some coinflipping mouthbreather.
dt expands are a decent way to take a third imo.


pieatorium said:
I think DT openers will become more poular next patch with the archon buffs

no, im going to get HTs only to morph them, DTs are too valuable to me to morph them

my stream had 10 viewers last night! and i wasn't one of them!


Aquavelvaman said:
I think it's a restream of older games.

Ah, alright that's odd to do, but makes more sense then streaming at noon.

I wonder if Gretorp realizes he looks 2/3rd asleep during NASL. His eyes are always barely open like he's high as a kite, which could explain some of the stupid shit he says.


I want a tag give me a tag
zlatko said:
Ah, alright that's odd to do, but makes more sense then streaming at noon.

I wonder if Gretorp realizes he looks 2/3rd asleep during NASL. His eyes are always barely open like he's high as a kite, which could explain some of the stupid shit he says.

dude's asian. racist.



HolyCheck said:
dude's asian. racist.


WTF kinda asian is he? Guy is brown, he looks closer to middle eastern or latino. That's neither here or there----he REALLY looks high all the time and says things someone hocked up on goofballs would.
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