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//: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty |OT2| GL HF GG

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Zzoram said:
Best podcast on the internet.
Oh man the explanation for iNontrol, idra and Tyler's names were HILARIOUS. I was listening to the podcast on the bus and I wanted to laugh so bad and just ended up smiling like a retard the whole time :lol


LakeEarth said:
FYI, next week's Funday Monday is the 4 minute expansion. Every 4 minutes, expand. If you lose your expansion, you have to wait 4 minutes to put down a new one. The idea is if the game goes 20 minutes, you should have 5 bases.

I really need to play, I think I played less than 10 games in October. I probably watched more daily's than that.
Sounds cool, glad he isn't doing another crazy teamgame one. I liked the first couple where it was restrictiction that gave games that were entertaining and educational, rather than him looking for bgh style craziness. This sounds like it one of those again. Plus the dude finally has a weekend off, seems like he was kind of wearing himself out with all the live casting and themed dailies with big prep time.


TheExodu5 said:
Leaving a Zerg to his own thing until he gets mutas is basically an invitation for him to take the game.
Leaving any race on their own is an invitation for them to take the game since as the game goes on, offense gets easier and defense gets harder.


Slavik81 said:
Leaving any race on their own is an invitation for them to take the game since as the game goes on, offense gets easier and defense gets harder.
Doesn't really apply to Zerg, since they can muster up 100 supply worth of army in less than a minute late game.

The reason I specify Zerg is that harassing them actually greatly affects their economy. If you don't harass or have a good timing push coming, a good Zerg will just make drones and greatly surpass you in economy.
today a bum threw chewing gum in my hair. I let it all out on StarCraft.


good day was good :lol


I've been having such a difficult time defending medivac drops as Protoss. I've lost two games today from drops that completely annihilated my base, despite being ahead in army size and economy.

Any general tips? I spread out my pylons fairly well, although I could definitely get better at keeping an eye on the mini-map.
It just seems so impossibly difficult when stimmed marauders can take out 3-4 structures before my army even gets in position. =/


relies on auto-aim
Chaser said:
I've been having such a difficult time defending medivac drops as Protoss. I've lost two games today from drops that completely annihilated my base, despite being ahead in army size and economy.

Any general tips? I spread out my pylons fairly well, although I could definitely get better at keeping an eye on the mini-map.
It just seems so impossibly difficult when stimmed marauders can take out 3-4 structures before my army even gets in position. =/
Watch your mini map, spread out your pylons outside your base into drop paths, have a cannon or HT waiting if you are really worried (or are in a good position).


why did they move the thread to the online section ?!
why not move OT for games like halo and blazblue here too.
this sucks :(

Is there a ladder reset coming?
my friend told me that they are going to reset the ladder when they add the new league.


Gah, my 2v2 random partner had massed so many mutas (seriously around 16-18). So I tell him to go harass and what does he do?

Ctrl+A to one of their expansions. Ctrl+A to Terran's main after they take that out and all of them die to mass marines.

Then the protoss was smart and was using DTs as scouts so I could never get a third expansion up and we lost to the mass marines. :/ I'm terrible.
MrMister said:
Prepare for backlash from the matchmaking system unless you're in Diamond :lol

I'm 1500 Gold, but my loss/win stats were positive before.

... and I just checked, everyone I beat was Gold as well, but has played way more games than me.


AcridMeat said:
Gah, my 2v2 random partner had massed so many mutas (seriously around 16-18). So I tell him to go harass and what does he do?

Ctrl+A to one of their expansions. Ctrl+A to Terran's main after they take that out and all of them die to mass marines.

Then the protoss was smart and was using DTs as scouts so I could never get a third expansion up and we lost to the mass marines. :/ I'm terrible.

that sucks, but you're correct that you're terrible for not getting a expo up due to some DTs, after the first worker died you should brought detection


so what does everybody think of archons against muta armies ?

mass stalker seems to be quite week and not that cost effective

with phoenix you are screwed when zerg does a tech switch
farnham said:
so what does everybody think of archons against muta armies ?

mass stalker seems to be quite week and not that cost effective

with phoenix you are screwed when zerg does a tech switch

archons seem to be the way to go.


farnham said:
so what does everybody think of archons against muta armies ?

mass stalker seems to be quite week and not that cost effective

with phoenix you are screwed when zerg does a tech switch
Why play so defensive? Where's the aggression? Where's your ideas for tech switching? Where is your initial phoenix queen pick up harass?


Revengeance said:
Is there a ladder reset coming?
Yes. They're going to announce it before they start the new season, stop the bonus pool for a bit and give you a chance to use up any points you've been accumulating. Your season 1 standing will be saved but everyone is going to replaced in a league/division again. The internal MMR is going to be preserved though, and you will only need to play one placement match to be replaced in a league after season 2 starts. Most of this was discussed in a blizzcon panel. Search for 'blizzcon secrets of the masters' on youtube if you want to watch it yourself.
I think I'm going to switch to grid Hotkeys. I've just started playing anyways so I'm not too invested in the standard sceme, plus I've always just been used to having everything on the left side of the keyboard for work/other games.


mescalineeyes said:
archons seem to be the way to go.

Archons are great versus Mutas if you can actually get them to engage you, but otherwise they just get circles flown around them since they are slow and have no range.

Blink Stalkers are generally pretty good (and get way better if you take an armor upgrade).


I've gotten my macro down pretty well now (1v1 gold rank 1 now). I've been watching tons of Foxer videos... can you guys pass along any tips to improve micro? I basically do 0 micro, I just group my forces and attack move... what are the fundamentals?

Especially interested in improving marine micro (im terran).



Whatever happened to Alumnus? Haven't seen him around in a while.

YakiSOBA said:
I've gotten my macro down pretty well now (1v1 gold rank 1 now). I've been watching tons of Foxer videos... can you guys pass along any tips to improve micro? I basically do 0 micro, I just group my forces and attack move... what are the fundamentals?

Especially interested in improving marine micro (im terran).


The main maneuver I see used with marines is moving file firing. Move, stop + fire, move, stop + fire, etc... You need to time the stop so that it happens just as the marines would be firing.

In small scale battles, you also want to pull back low health marines in behind the high health marines...this applies to other ranged units as well (most often used with Stalkers and Roaches).


TheExodu5 said:
Whatever happened to Alumnus? Haven't seen him around in a while.

The main maneuver I see used with marines is moving file firing. Move, stop + fire, move, stop + fire, etc... You need to time the stop so that it happens just as the marines would be firing.

In small scale battles, you also want to pull back low health marines in behind the high health marines...this applies to other ranged units as well (most often used with Stalkers and Roaches).

So if i have marines grouped, it's click to move, 's' to stop, see fire animation, right click to move again, 's' to fire..etc etc repeated?

whats the difference between stop->move, and hold->move?


YakiSOBA said:
So if i have marines grouped, it's click to move, 's' to stop, see fire animation, right click to move again, 's' to fire..etc etc repeated?

whats the difference between stop->move, and hold->move?

In the situation you're talking about they are pretty much identical.

I use attack move instead of stop for when I'm doing ranged kiting. I guess it is slightly less efficient since you have to do A + click instead of just hitting S every time, but with Stalkers the micro is way easier anyway so it doesn't matter much. /shrug


TheRagnCajun said:
I think I'm going to switch to grid Hotkeys. I've just started playing anyways so I'm not too invested in the standard sceme, plus I've always just been used to having everything on the left side of the keyboard for work/other games.
Grid is great, it just sucks that T is attack, I have this tendency to accidentally hit R instead.


I was using grid, but had to revert back to standard due to Zerg issues. It's q to select larva, and q to build drones. Therefore, if I'm spamming q, I'll accidentally build drones...this is mostly an issue at the start of the game when I'm trying to get drones/overlords up as fast as possible...I'd sometimes accidentally make a drone on 9.

As for T for attack move? I think it's in a better place than A. You can easily click 1 - T, 2 - T, 3 - T...easier than 1 - A, in fact, since you can use 2 fingers for it.


mcrae said:
that sucks, but you're correct that you're terrible for not getting a expo up due to some DTs, after the first worker died you should brought detection

Indeed. What happened was I failed at one expansion, so I went for another, it happened again there so I brought my army over to the first one(with ravens) and then I was flanked by mass marines. My army composition had a few not fully upgraded Thors, a good amount of marauders/marines/medivacs/a few vikings. However they clearly went for just massing marines with all upgrades. I was was not fully upgraded with my ground army, I think I had one attack and shield upgrade to go.

So I was behind in macro and a couple of upgrades. I need to work on transitioning. :/


Well, it's taken me a while but I can beat the Hard AI now with Zerg. Is the AI any kind of metric for how well you fare vs human opponents? or am I just going to have to suck it up and take a ton of losses against other players to get used to real vs. Worth playing against Very Hard or just jump in to real matches?


Mako_Drug said:
Well, it's taken me a while but I can beat the Hard AI now with Zerg. Is the AI any kind of metric for how well you fare vs human opponents? or am I just going to have to suck it up and take a ton of losses against other players to get used to real vs. Worth playing against Very Hard or just jump in to real matches?

Very hard Terran AI is the perfect opportunity for you to learn how to deal with his huge pushes, but nothing else. He always builds a huge bio ball, so you are kinda forced to be VERY good or have banelings ready (which is the proper counter, ofc).

Althoug I played that months ago, now after Zerg buffs, I wonder if it will be a lot more easier now.


Mako_Drug said:
Well, it's taken me a while but I can beat the Hard AI now with Zerg. Is the AI any kind of metric for how well you fare vs human opponents? or am I just going to have to suck it up and take a ton of losses against other players to get used to real vs. Worth playing against Very Hard or just jump in to real matches?

The AI is good for getting the basic mechanics down and for learning how to survive fairly normal timed pressure.

I'd suggest just jumping into online. Skip the "Practice League" matches (they are on a slower game speed and block your base with rocks and teach you nothing) and just play your five placement matches. You'll probably end up in Bronze, but there's nothing wrong with that.

After that it'll just be time to A) Learn how to survive cheese (as it is fairly prevalent in Bronze) and B) Start improving your macro. Once you do that you'll be on your way to silver and beyond in no time.

Biggest possible tip to improving your game, build lots of workers. Once you get a good economy going the amount that you can will be astounding.
V_Arnold said:
Very hard Terran AI is the perfect opportunity for you to learn how to deal with his huge pushes

Yup. The very hard AI always has an early-ish push. This can be quite tricky to withstand. However, once you're done with that, it's easy to out-macro the opponent (they expand quite slowly).

Random tips: ALWAYS be making workers (even past the point where you have 3 per patch--for you can transfer extras to expansion). Also, make sure structures are ALWAYS producing army units (if you can't afford that, you have too many buildings).


perryfarrell said:
Yup. The very hard AI always has an early-ish push. This can be quite tricky to withstand. However, once you're done with that, it's easy to out-macro the opponent (they expand quite slowly).
Yeah, I've tried to do fast expand builds against the very hard AI, but I never have enough units to survive the first push ~7 minutes in. I'm still a scrub though, I'm sure if I got better at micro I could pull it off.


Had an awesome streak today. 209-200 now, and I am getting better and better at handling ZVZ.

Key is early agression so you get to dictate what to do.


Today i lost 2 and won 1 :)

First was a zvz where i got an early lead by killing some of his roaches, but when he continued to mass them i continued massing zerglings. Turns out thats not so good.

Second was against a protoss who 4 warpgated, which i held, then there was no more attacks for a while, so i expanded and started to try and play a normal game. Then his huge delayed attack came and i couldnt hold it.

Last was another protoss who was only attacking with zealots and thats all i could see of his base, so i just guessed he was going mass void ray and got myself lots of hydras. He gg'd the second he saw them :lol


Does the Insane AI cheat? Even through the early parts of the game where I had nearly perfect timings, he still beat me in terms of both the economy and army sizes.


I just recently deleted all Starcraft off of my Macbook. Will I have to do anything special to play it again when I re-install it?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
So much happened since last time, eh :D?


That's right! People on here kept saying I'm crap, will always be crap, can never avoid being crap! And with that, I stayed a 1v1 Bronze player :lol So I started 2v2 and got silver league, and the reaction over here? "You still suck" ._.

A one month ban later came to its positive effect as I slowly started playing lots and lots of hours a day again. And swoooosh, two days later and I've jumped from bronze to gold :D And the only thing stopping me now is actually finding time to play, since the gold players I've played's mostly been ez-mode so platinum here I come :D!

Oh and me and my buddy went from Bronze to Diamond in 2v2 which should be a feats of strength (and a test of sanity). But then again, I remember people saying Diamond 2v2 is Bronze 1v1 but I'm at least happy to show that I've made progress :D

Yes, I'm still using the exact same keyboard for a month straight now.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Yoshichan said:
A one month ban later came to its positive effect as I slowly started playing lots and lots of hours a day again. And swoooosh, two days later and I've jumped from bronze to gold :D And the only thing stopping me now is actually finding time to play, since the gold players I've played's mostly been ez-mode so platinum here I come :D!
funny how when when people stop posting/reading GAF they begin actually... you know, playing games. :lol


relies on auto-aim
gj yoshi!

I still haven't played 1v1 ladder after my placement.
Flawless 5-0 in plat baby! :lol

I've done some 2v2, my 1600 Diamond 1v1 friend makes our matches harder than I'd like, but beating a diamond 1v1 pair (1,200 800) felt good.
Probably am 8-1 in the past week. Need to man up and ladder, but I'm too annoyed about stats. Maybe I'll play some custom 1v1's.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Hazaro said:
gj yoshi!
Thank you :) Couldn't have done it without your (and some other people here) tips and support :D Some of you are assholes, but that's one of the reasons I'm in this thread!

Edit: I have this huge problem right now though. Every time I play a 1v1 my hands gets ice cold. It's the weirdest problem ever and I've never experienced it before. It began when I started taking 1v1 serious (when I got banned) and it's been going on since then.

My hands can be extremely warm when it suddenly turns ice cold just a minute or two after the game's started. I even get shivers down my spine sometimes when I wait for Battle net to match me up against someone.

I know, sickest problem ever, but does anyone know what this means and what I should do to stop this?
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