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//: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty |OT2| GL HF GG

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Yoshichan said:
Thank you :) Couldn't have done it without your (and some other people here) tips and support :D Some of you are assholes, but that's one of the reasons I'm in this thread!

Edit: I have this huge problem right now though. Every time I play a 1v1 my hands gets ice cold. It's the weirdest problem ever and I've never experienced it before. It began when I started taking 1v1 serious (when I got banned) and it's been going on since then.

My hands can be extremely warm when it suddenly turns ice cold just a minute or two after the game's started. I even get shivers down my spine sometimes when I wait for Battle net to match me up against someone.

I know, sickest problem ever, but does anyone know what this means and what I should do to stop this?

have you tried spamming APM in the beginning of the match? does that help your hands warm up?

other than that, this could have a lot of causes, but I think it's psychosomatic as SC2 IS a very stressful game. Drink lots and warm up your hands while you drone/SCV/probe up :)


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
mescalineeyes said:
have you tried spamming APM in the beginning of the match? does that help your hands warm up?

other than that, this could have a lot of causes, but I think it's psychosomatic as SC2 IS a very stressful game. Drink lots and warm up your hands while you drone/SCV/probe up :)
Yeah as a Zerg player, I keep spamming 1, S, D and V for my APM. But it doesn't really help for some reason :( It's probably stress, without me even realizing it...
Yoshichan said:
Yeah as a Zerg player, I keep spamming 1, S, D and V for my APM. But it doesn't really help for some reason :( It's probably stress, without me even realizing it...

Don't worry, Yoshichan, SC2 is a very stressful game!

Also, yay fellow Zerg player :)


Non-existent Member
Finally got promoted to Gold today. Started out as a shitty bronze player, and slowly grinded my way to gold. Took a lot of fucking work, but it was worth it. Jumped straight to number 2 1600 gold. I've been beating Plats too, so hopefully I get promoted even higher! 165 wins to 134. Sticking it to battle.net. No matter how hard it tries to put me at 1.0, I always prevail. Fuck yeah.


With WCIII : TFT I could only play one or two 1v1 games a night, as my heart started pounding through my chest then.

1v1 in RTS games is the most stressful online type of game I ever played.


Most pros have some hand warming ritual before playing at tournaments. Cold hands are slow hands.

Yes, the most intense and stressful experience in gaming is found in 1v1 starcraft.
pieatorium said:
seems like most of us in here are zergies

I'm playing Terran. Just won a TvT match last night using nukes lol.

My opponent must have not seen the red dot under his battlecruiser fleet. This sort of thing probably doesn't work beyond bronze league but its fun while it lasts. I have heard a bit about being able to hide the red dot though, by rotating the view perspective and targeting behind a building or mineral patch. I suppose good players wouldn't bother even looking for the dot, and just move all their units to another space just to be safe.


What the hell, my game keeps freezing on the login screen. I tried restarting my comp, launched the repair tool, now what? :(

Oh, and the Battle.net forums are down.


relies on auto-aim
TheRagnCajun said:
I'm playing Terran. Just won a TvT match last night using nukes lol.

My opponent must have not seen the red dot under his battlecruiser fleet. This sort of thing probably doesn't work beyond bronze league but its fun while it lasts. I have heard a bit about being able to hide the red dot though, by rotating the view perspective and targeting behind a building or mineral patch. I suppose good players wouldn't bother even looking for the dot, and just move all their units to another space just to be safe.
There's a few cute terrain tricks, but stuff like hiding the dot behind a nexus they patched out (or so I remember).

You can still do it on spots like the lava flow doodads on the lava maps, won't be seen there.


Non-existent Member
Nyx said:
With WCIII : TFT I could only play one or two 1v1 games a night, as my heart started pounding through my chest then.

1v1 in RTS games is the most stressful online type of game I ever played.

I found TFT more stressful than SC2. Mostly because the games were a lot slower and felt like more of an investment. I felt like absolute shit when I lost, and I'd be too nervous to play again if I won.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Today, I seem to suck more than usual... I've got a quick question. So I scout this protoss player and notice that he's chrono boosting zealots out of his gateways. No gas, no nothing. Just mass zealots.

"Perfect", I say to myself as I create my roach warren and start spamming roach. By the time I have 9 roaches out, I head over to his base and I'm prepared to start the kiting. Then I see this:


I am extremely frustrated that I lost to this guy, I'm normally much better than this. But for some reason I was completely stuck at this point. What do I do? Cannons hurts so much and I couldn't snipe either the cannons or the pylons without sacrificing too many roaches (allowing him to counter attack easily, I think).

I ended up backing away, expanding and getting a lair so that I could start my mutalisk harassment. But before I even got close to finishing my spire, he had two phoenix up. My counter to that were barely two queens that died pretty much instantly, even with a transfusion. By the time my spire was up (maybe I should've canceled it and gone for hydralisks?), he had (I kid you not) 10 phoenix up. I gave up.

What the heck happened to me and why didn't my roaches just win the battle in the beginning of the fight? What do I do in that situation?


Your few roaches aren't going to win against someone turtling that hard.

You did the right thing by expanding when you saw that they were turtling.

Canceling the Spire when you saw them with Phoenixes would've been the better move. Hydras would've worked out far better for you since they'd deal with the phoenixes and a Protoss with a Stargate (and presumably on 1 base?) isn't getting Colossi out anytime soon.
pulling back to expand was a good choice, baneling busting might be an option. I probably would have tried to nydus the back o his base if there wasn't detection pylons. I usually drop 3 sporecrawlers around each hatch as soon as I see more than 1 phoenix if toss is going for them (just 1 usuually means its hallucinated). They will still get their Initial harrass in but once the crawlers pop your drones and queen are pretty safe, long enough for you to get a hydra den and hydras or if your spire is already building long enough to get a few corruptors.
Yoshichan said:
Today, I seem to suck more than usual... I've got a quick question. So I scout this protoss player and notice that he's chrono boosting zealots out of his gateways. No gas, no nothing. Just mass zealots.

"Perfect", I say to myself as I create my roach warren and start spamming roach. By the time I have 9 roaches out, I head over to his base and I'm prepared to start the kiting. Then I see this:


I am extremely frustrated that I lost to this guy, I'm normally much better than this. But for some reason I was completely stuck at this point. What do I do? Cannons hurts so much and I couldn't snipe either the cannons or the pylons without sacrificing too many roaches (allowing him to counter attack easily, I think).

I ended up backing away, expanding and getting a lair so that I could start my mutalisk harassment. But before I even got close to finishing my spire, he had two phoenix up. My counter to that were barely two queens that died pretty much instantly, even with a transfusion. By the time my spire was up (maybe I should've canceled it and gone for hydralisks?), he had (I kid you not) 10 phoenix up. I gave up.

What the heck happened to me and why didn't my roaches just win the battle in the beginning of the fight? What do I do in that situation?[/QUOTE]

That's the worst way to lose. A turtle comes out with weird tech that ends up killing you. :(

Getting Mutas when he had cannons up might not have been the best idea. You probably should've just expanded and make a lot of drones. Maybe some Spore crawlers to keep the phoenix away. I highly doubt he had any ground army that you couldn't take.


Yoshichan said:
Thank you :) Couldn't have done it without your (and some other people here) tips and support :D Some of you are assholes, but that's one of the reasons I'm in this thread!

Edit: I have this huge problem right now though. Every time I play a 1v1 my hands gets ice cold. It's the weirdest problem ever and I've never experienced it before. It began when I started taking 1v1 serious (when I got banned) and it's been going on since then.

My hands can be extremely warm when it suddenly turns ice cold just a minute or two after the game's started. I even get shivers down my spine sometimes when I wait for Battle net to match me up against someone.

I know, sickest problem ever, but does anyone know what this means and what I should do to stop this?

The ice cold hands are a symptom of adrenaline coursing through your body.

Best way to deal with it is to find out what makes you feel warm. For me, wearing thick socks and putting the heating up raises my body temperature to the point that the adrenaline rush doesn't make much of a difference.

Day9 had a great tip, too. Before playing a game, don't try to pump yourself up, do the complete opposite. Calm yourself down and relax. The adrenaline rush won't be as strong, then.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
God, I've missed this place. Thanks for the tip guys!

Also, I'm one of the few who actually likes ZvZ and most of the times I've got huge map control and micro on them. However when I see my opponent go for infestor in mid/late game, I kind of give up for some reason. My zerglings/banelings gets slaughtered obviously, unless I micro them extremely well. Mutalisks are okay I think, since I can easily see them if I harass and see them on my minimap.

What about hydralisks? Are they any good against them? With +1 range that is.

I just want a quick "Oh shit, panic mode!"-button against Infestors (without having to go through the whole Ultralisk-bullcrap) :lol
Yoshichan said:
God, I've missed this place. Thanks for the tip guys!

Also, I'm one of the few who actually likes ZvZ and most of the times I've got huge map control and micro on them. However when I see my opponent go for infestor in mid/late game, I kind of give up for some reason. My zerglings/banelings gets slaughtered obviously, unless I micro them extremely well. Mutalisks are okay I think, since I can easily see them if I harass and see them on my minimap.

What about hydralisks? Are they any good against them? With +1 range that is.

I just want a quick "Oh shit, panic mode!"-button against Infestors (without having to go through the whole Ultralisk-bullcrap) :lol
generally I think the best counter to infestors is get your own infestors :p

They severely crush everything in the zerg arsenal with the right backup (usually roach or roach/hydra) other than ultras and broodlords. Burrowed roaches sniping them can be good if you catch your opponent without an overseer. Generally I stay away from mutas if there are infestors out as a couple of well placed fungals can take out a huge investment in army and change the game so quick.
Aylinato said:
Why don't Zerg use infestors
to mind control units more?
generally its more of a case of why dont the other races make stuff worth mind contorlling more :p.
Thors, BC's and siege tanks are about the only targets that its more useful to NP than fungal from Terrans and you do actually see thors get NPed reasonably often and I definately research it when i see thors building.
For protoss its basically Immortals and Collosus and good luck getting into range of a collo or even a carrier if one ever does get built one day.


I want someone to mind control an scv or probe and use it to create their opponents own units to fight them, i think id lose my mind if i saw a pro do that.


We had an aweeesome GAF night. Its been long, too long.
ZVZ, ZVZ, ZVZ to ZVZ, then some ZVZ, then a 200+ apm diamond terran came, and we took turns by unsuccesfully trying to destroy him. Was great.

Get on more, Euro-Gaf, because the strongest Zergs are brewing in this cauldron!
(And now sleep, so I wake up in time for the GSL finals, Bruce Willis vs Ghosts)


so i played a lil bit of terran today. and man tvp im fine with but tvz is hard.

in one game i macrod to 200 but lost in the end. my reproduction wasnt that bad either and i killed two of his bases with two medivacs full of marines but it wasnt enough. ultras are so strong and i dont know what i should make to counter.

in the second game he used banes and mutas. i often killed off his banes by slipping in some tanks on their attack path but man if a baneling hits it kills like 10 marines at once.

guess ill stick with protoss


Non-existent Member
Yoshichan said:
Today, I seem to suck more than usual... I've got a quick question. So I scout this protoss player and notice that he's chrono boosting zealots out of his gateways. No gas, no nothing. Just mass zealots.

"Perfect", I say to myself as I create my roach warren and start spamming roach. By the time I have 9 roaches out, I head over to his base and I'm prepared to start the kiting. Then I see this:

I am extremely frustrated that I lost to this guy, I'm normally much better than this. But for some reason I was completely stuck at this point. What do I do? Cannons hurts so much and I couldn't snipe either the cannons or the pylons without sacrificing too many roaches (allowing him to counter attack easily, I think).

I ended up backing away, expanding and getting a lair so that I could start my mutalisk harassment. But before I even got close to finishing my spire, he had two phoenix up. My counter to that were barely two queens that died pretty much instantly, even with a transfusion. By the time my spire was up (maybe I should've canceled it and gone for hydralisks?), he had (I kid you not) 10 phoenix up. I gave up.

What the heck happened to me and why didn't my roaches just win the battle in the beginning of the fight? What do I do in that situation?

Like the posters above me said, you did the right thing to back off and expand. If he turtles, you can out-macro him any day of the week. Against protoss, the absolute best thing you can do is tech to fully upgraded hydras (of course this doesn't apply every game). Hydras decimate ANY gateway unit instantly. Their range makes them just about the only ground unit that can take care of collosi. They easily take care of void rays, phoenixes, carriers (who the fuck goes carriers nowadays anyway?). I can't think of a single protoss unit that they're /not/ good against. Just make sure to get an observer at every Hatchery, and even dark templars are a joke. Hard macro and mass hydralisks is almost an instant win against protoss. The only times I've lost with strong macro and mass hydras is when I made really stupid decisions or was out microed. For example, I would take out an expo with 40-50 hydras, not realizing that he has ABSOLUTELY NO UNITS left, and back off. So I have 50 hydras doing nothing for a while, and he masses collosi, stalkers and sentries in his main. Eventually I'm like "oh wait. I should attack." Hydras get slaughtered at the ramp by some clever micro, and he goes to take out all my expos one by one. Game over.

Anyways, point being is: Hydralisks are AMAZIIIIIING against Protoss, great against zerg, and should only be used as per situation against Terrans.


Non-existent Member
mescalineeyes said:
you need to learn how to spread them better. :lol

no but stim and running away helps.

Burrowed speed banelings. Unburrow right as the mass marines walk over them. Yummy.

Silver Terran lookin for practice partners. Dizzy 297

My Battle.net is Phantai. I'm a gold Zerg player. I'd love to get some Terran practice. Battle.net only wants to match me against protoss and zerg.


relies on auto-aim
ProudClod said:
Burrowed speed banelings. Unburrow right as the mass marines walk over them. Yummy.

My Battle.net is Phantai. I'm a gold Zerg player. I'd love to get some Terran practice. Battle.net only wants to match me against protoss and zerg.
I'll regret this, but you can auto cast unburrow or explode.
so when stuff gets in rage they will auto unburrow.
Imba as fuck.

We will see raven timing pushes all over again :[

*Can't add with names anymore, b.net and sc2ranks don't show them.


ProudClod said:
Like the posters above me said, you did the right thing to back off and expand. If he turtles, you can out-macro him any day of the week. Against protoss, the absolute best thing you can do is tech to fully upgraded hydras (of course this doesn't apply every game). Hydras decimate ANY gateway unit instantly. Their range makes them just about the only ground unit that can take care of collosi. They easily take care of void rays, phoenixes, carriers (who the fuck goes carriers nowadays anyway?). I can't think of a single protoss unit that they're /not/ good against. Just make sure to get an observer at every Hatchery, and even dark templars are a joke. Hard macro and mass hydralisks is almost an instant win against protoss. The only times I've lost with strong macro and mass hydras is when I made really stupid decisions or was out microed. For example, I would take out an expo with 40-50 hydras, not realizing that he has ABSOLUTELY NO UNITS left, and back off. So I have 50 hydras doing nothing for a while, and he masses collosi, stalkers and sentries in his main. Eventually I'm like "oh wait. I should attack." Hydras get slaughtered at the ramp by some clever micro, and he goes to take out all my expos one by one. Game over.

Anyways, point being is: Hydralisks are AMAZIIIIIING against Protoss, great against zerg, and should only be used as per situation against Terrans.

If the Protoss is going Colossi, you definitely want a mix of roaches and hydras. Actually, in general, you're going to want a mix. Hydras alone don't do very well since they die so fast.


Non-existent Member
TheExodu5 said:
If the Protoss is going Colossi, you definitely want a mix of roaches and hydras. Actually, in general, you're going to want a mix. Hydras alone don't do very well since they die so fast.

Hydras are incredibly vulnerable, yes, but they also have the highest DPS of any unit you can build as a Zerg. If you macro hard enough to get 50 upgraded hydras, there is little that can stop you. I agree that, when your hydra counts are low (under 20), you absolutely need support units. Speedlings that run ahead and act as cannon fodder while your hydras use their range is quite effective. Roaches that serve as meatshields are great too... But if you can get a ridiculous amount of hydras, it won't matter. That late in the game, if I can mass up a unit that has a ridiculous DPS against ANYTHING that comes in its way, I'd rather use the supply and larvae on it. Maybe I'm wrong in my methods, but I've yet to be schooled otherwise. Specifically talking of collosi, I have much more luck targeting them with a pure hydra force, thanks to the range. If I involve roaches, they block my hydras off from getting a good enough range, slow them down from targeting the collosi, and only really interfere. Maybe I have terrible micro :p

I'll regret this, but you can auto cast unburrow or explode.
so when stuff gets in rage they will auto unburrow.
Imba as fuck.

The problem with that is, while it's convenient, and you don't have to pay attention, it rarely works against a force that has stim. They need to unborrow at precisely the moment the force walks ontop of them, not before (which is what they end up doing). Banelings are only good when the marines can't stim away.


^why not just use explode without unburrowing? Do they deal less damage that way?

ProudClod said:
Hydras are incredibly vulnerable, yes, but they also have the highest DPS of any unit you can build as a Zerg. If you macro hard enough to get 50 upgraded hydras, there is little that can stop you. I agree that, when your hydra counts are low (under 20), you absolutely need support units. Speedlings that run ahead and act as cannon fodder while your hydras use their range is quite effective. Roaches that serve as meatshields are great too... But if you can get a ridiculous amount of hydras, it won't matter. That late in the game, if I can mass up a unit that has a ridiculous DPS against ANYTHING that comes in its way, I'd rather use the supply and larvae on it. Maybe I'm wrong in my methods, but I've yet to be schooled otherwise. Specifically talking of collosi, I have much more luck targeting them with a pure hydra force, thanks to the range. If I involve roaches, they block my hydras off from getting a good enough range, slow them down from targeting the collosi, and only really interfere. Maybe I have terrible micro :p

That's a pretty huge if. Not going to happen all that often...under mid-game pressure, you're going to need a lot of extra units. Roaches are never bad either. They're a good unit to have at the close range so you easily get units from range 4-6 firing all at once. It's much easier to get roaches at range 4 than it is hydras.
Do not think you can autocast explode but you can autocast unburrow.
It's sort of a trade off:
Autocast unburrow: less micro but possibly less effective.
Manually explode while burrowed: a bit more micro but possibly more effective.
I believe exploding deals same amount of damage regardless if you explode them burrowed or unburrowed... pretty sure

also add me if you want some more practice partners :/
OmnipotentO #549
Platinum Zerg 1163Points
irl friends don't log on as much anymore so I'm definitely looking to add some awesome Gaf dudes


Non-existent Member
OmnipotentO said:
Do not think you can autocast explode but you can autocast unburrow.
It's sort of a trade off:
Autocast unburrow: less micro but possibly less effective.
Manually explode while burrowed: a bit more micro but possibly more effective.
I believe exploding deals same amount of damage regardless if you explode them burrowed or unburrowed... pretty sure

also add me if you want some more practice partners :/
OmnipotentO #549
Platinum Zerg 1163Points
irl friends don't log on as much anymore so I'm definitely looking to add some awesome Gaf dudes

Wow, didn't even know you could explode them while burrowed and still deal the same amount of damage. Me=stoopid.


I am away from home now, but when I come back, my project against terran will be one gate expand into 6 gates + templars + cannons.

Will I die a lot?
The reasoning is: my one gate + expand is working, but I'm actually losing while getting colossi, exactly how Day9 described, so fuck it, if I have 6 gates, I can deal with "timing pushes" and when the MMM blob becomes too big to manage, I'll have templars and a lot of gates to make just adding them to my already big gate army. With the forge, I can detect (even if imperfectly) banshees and by the time he has a lot of banshee, I'll be able to feedback them (hopefully).

And if he comes mech, I'll go fuck it the templars, have more gates with chargelots and just murder him. Mass chargelots > mass Thors.

Reasoning is good? Theorycrafting too much away from home? I think I'll try against the insane AI before doing it on the ladder.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Yoshichan said:
What the heck happened to me and why didn't my roaches just win the battle in the beginning of the fight? What do I do in that situation?
unbreakable choke? BANELING BUST! :D

all those zealots there would melt away to a few banelings.

or nydus behind the wall off.


Yoshichan said:
Today, I seem to suck more than usual... I've got a quick question. So I scout this protoss player and notice that he's chrono boosting zealots out of his gateways. No gas, no nothing. Just mass zealots.

"Perfect", I say to myself as I create my roach warren and start spamming roach. By the time I have 9 roaches out, I head over to his base and I'm prepared to start the kiting. Then I see this:


I am extremely frustrated that I lost to this guy, I'm normally much better than this. But for some reason I was completely stuck at this point. What do I do? Cannons hurts so much and I couldn't snipe either the cannons or the pylons without sacrificing too many roaches (allowing him to counter attack easily, I think).

I ended up backing away, expanding and getting a lair so that I could start my mutalisk harassment. But before I even got close to finishing my spire, he had two phoenix up. My counter to that were barely two queens that died pretty much instantly, even with a transfusion. By the time my spire was up (maybe I should've canceled it and gone for hydralisks?), he had (I kid you not) 10 phoenix up. I gave up.

What the heck happened to me and why didn't my roaches just win the battle in the beginning of the fight? What do I do in that situation?

When you see cannons like that, just expand and drone up as much as you can. By the time he decides to push out, you'll be able to mass produce an army in an instant.

If he is turtling, then it's likely he's teching fast. Either go for 3 fast queens, or a fast lair...I usually go queens. It can be annoying to fight against phoenixes, as you'll be contained in your base, but you'll still be far ahead, economically. Just use creep for vision and get hydras up and you're good to go. If you want to start getting upgrades, one spore per hatch will keep the phoenixes away.


Forever Platinum
Yoshi, as always the BEST THING YOU CAN DO is to scout. Always always always send an overlord over the protoss' base from the back side around 28 supply. That's the typical 4 gate timing/turning point for most protoss teching. From here you can react and deal with the build appropriately.

For you, seeing those two cannons in the front with a relatively small number of zealots and no gas units you need to immediately think tech, and prepare accordingly. 2 queens should be able to deal with phoenix easily, I don't know how that didn't work, were they not together? 3 queens is pretty standard for 2 bases, and with 3 you should have no problem keeping 2 together.

What I would've done seeing what you saw: Immediately retreat and drone up/expand. Scout with overlord while sending a second to the back area of the base where the first is entering from. If the space was open and unrevealed, I would lean to nydus, if it is, lean to muta. Then take the scout into account. Seeing a stargate I'd make sure to have that third queen and throw down an evo chamber. Seeing phoenix or void ray I wouldn't do anything too quickly, as wasting drones on a spore colony for 2 phoenix isn't too great of an idea. But if they kept the harassment up pretty consistently I'd toss a couple down to watch the base when I moved out.

A fast, strong nydus play can really do well for you, especially at your level. Never be afraid to take day9's advice: "the best counter is to go fucking kill him." Sometimes you need to go kill your opponent instead of flipping out about the harass.
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