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//: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty |OT2| GL HF GG

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I apologize anyone looking for more Shadow Assault related news from me, Black Ops is taking my time this week and I haven't even touched the map editor lately. :lol

I'll be playing Starcraft for much MUCH longer than Black Ops in the long run though.

EDIT: Also a reminder of my Silver -> Platinum promotion. :D

EDIT2: Also, I totally forgot to post this a long time ago, but this is probably the best 2v2 I've ever played to date.
You need to watch this, but if you're too lazy to download to watch, I basically hold a game for 50 minutes 2v1!! (I apologize for my partners BM, he was a bit mad he lost his base so soon.)
My hands were literally shaking after my opponents gg'd.



Procarbine said:
Yoshi, as always the BEST THING YOU CAN DO is to scout. Always always always send an overlord over the protoss' base from the back side around 28 supply. That's the typical 4 gate timing/turning point for most protoss teching. From here you can react and deal with the build appropriately.

For you, seeing those two cannons in the front with a relatively small number of zealots and no gas units you need to immediately think tech, and prepare accordingly. 2 queens should be able to deal with phoenix easily, I don't know how that didn't work, were they not together? 3 queens is pretty standard for 2 bases, and with 3 you should have no problem keeping 2 together.

What I would've done seeing what you saw: Immediately retreat and drone up/expand. Scout with overlord while sending a second to the back area of the base where the first is entering from. If the space was open and unrevealed, I would lean to nydus, if it is, lean to muta. Then take the scout into account. Seeing a stargate I'd make sure to have that third queen and throw down an evo chamber. Seeing phoenix or void ray I wouldn't do anything too quickly, as wasting drones on a spore colony for 2 phoenix isn't too great of an idea. But if they kept the harassment up pretty consistently I'd toss a couple down to watch the base when I moved out.

A fast, strong nydus play can really do well for you, especially at your level. Never be afraid to take day9's advice: "the best counter is to go fucking kill him." Sometimes you need to go kill your opponent instead of flipping out about the harass.

My typical response to Zealot+Cannons as zerg:
-Drone up
-Lair tech asap, if not finished -> Overseer
-Evolution chamber (but I usually put that down anyway around 20-22)
-From there, he can either try and cheese with Dark Templars, which will be negated by spore crawlers and/or overseer (if he survives the scout anyway), or he comes with chargelots, in which case, spine crawlers, roaches and the choice of Spire/Hydra Den (if you have tank roaches, Hydras are a safe choice, if not, then going for spire is alright)

The problem with not scouting protoss is this: he either masses up for a timing push (4 gate / 8 gate with FE), for you have to mass also, and place spine crawlers too, OR he comes with a deadly tech switch of Colossi, OR he tries to go for Void Ray / DT route / Chargelots with Immortals / Blink Stalkers - all needs different responses. You just cant neglect scouting out which one it will be.


Non-existent Member
Can someone explain to me why you guys play so few games? I'm a gold with almost 300 games... A lot of the people here are high ranked, but have 50> games. Are you that obsessive over being diamond?


Well for me... I'm a win/loss ratio whore, similar to how I'm a kill/death ratio whore in FPSes. If I don't go at least 1:1 I don't feel like I'm enjoying the game. Also, the game is mentally demanding from you more than most games, you get tired from playing easily if you're not prepared. Just straight up for me, fear of losing/paired with someone who will annihilate me.


Non-existent Member
MrMister said:
Well for me... I'm a win/loss ratio whore, similar to how I'm a kill/death ratio whore in FPSes. If I don't go at least 1:1 I don't feel like I'm enjoying the game. Also, the game is mentally demanding from you more than most games, you get tired from playing easily if you're not prepared. Just straight up for me, fear of losing/paired with someone who will annihilate me.
Playing fewer ranked games somehow makes you better? :S I understand the stress portion all too well. RTS games are incredibly stressful. But I don't understand how playing less ranked matches improves your ratio in any way.


ProudClod said:
Playing fewer ranked games somehow makes you better? :S I understand the stress portion all too well. RTS games are incredibly stressful. But I don't understand how playing less ranked matches improves your ratio in any way.

I am above 400+ games now, and I was kinda devastated when my win percentage went below 50%. Stopped playing ladder for a week or two. Now I am back, I practiced a lot, and it is 51,5% again. So yeah, laddering really is important.

A lot of people qualify to plat/diamond, and sit on it. Well, guess what, more practice is better than diamond rank itself.
Can I kindly ask you guys not to spoil GSL in here? I am having a big viewing party tonight with all my friends so I'd rather going not knowing who won ... but I still wanna check this thread every now and then :)

thanks in advance <3


relies on auto-aim
ProudClod said:
Can someone explain to me why you guys play so few games? I'm a gold with almost 300 games... A lot of the people here are high ranked, but have 50> games. Are you that obsessive over being diamond?
StarCraft gets me super stressed about winning (and my win %). I usually don't care about that sort of thing.
I don't like going into a match that I should have won, but lost since I wasn't really prepared or ready.

Maybe I should just lose a ton and get over it :lol


Everything is moe to me
ProudClod said:
Can someone explain to me why you guys play so few games? I'm a gold with almost 300 games... A lot of the people here are high ranked, but have 50> games. Are you that obsessive over being diamond?
stress mostly. i can rarely play more than 4-5 games on the ladder at a time. -.- at that point i start making mistakes, so i stop and take a break.


ProudClod said:
Playing fewer ranked games somehow makes you better? :S I understand the stress portion all too well. RTS games are incredibly stressful. But I don't understand how playing less ranked matches improves your ratio in any way.



16-11 -> 16-17


Fuck why did I even ever play 1v1 in the first place. :(


MrMister said:



16-11 -> 16-17


Fuck why did I even ever play 1v1 in the first place. :(

You may have lost, but you are now a better player!


Everything is moe to me
MrMister said:


save the replays and see what you can learn.

remember, you picked the tough route by going random, but if you pull through it you'll be so much better for it!

you're atleast 1/3rd zerg, so im rooting for ya!


Pandaman said:
save the replays and see what you can learn.

remember, you picked the tough route by going random, but if you pull through it you'll be so much better for it!

you're atleast 1/3rd zerg, so im rooting for ya!
I just won one match, but only because the matchmaking pitted me against a newer player. Out of the 6 I just lost I rolled Zerg, Zerg, Protoss, Zerg, Terran, Protoss, Terran. I won on Terran, fancy that. :p

Also, in the matches I lost. I the notable losses were to mass marine bunker contain, 7 Roach Rush, and the worse IMO mass Muta mixed with mass spine crawler as the Zerg player mass expanded across the map and spread creep everywhere.. my poor mass Stalker kept the Mutas at bay until crawlers caught up, I swore I sniped 6 expos of his too.


Everything is moe to me
MrMister said:
I just won one match, but only because the matchmaking pitted me against a newer player. Out of the 6 I just lost I rolled Zerg, Zerg, Protoss, Zerg, Terran, Protoss, Terran. I won on Terran, fancy that. :p
its going to be tough learning every matchup for every map in plat and diamond. -.-
maybe you should just go one race for ladder?

i do random in casuals all the time, you can have a main and still play the other 2 for funsies. :p


Pandaman said:
its going to be tough learning every matchup for every map in plat and diamond. -.-
maybe you should just go one race for ladder?

i do random in casuals all the time, you can have a main and still play the other 2 for funsies. :p
1 reason I'm random is to get achievements faster as well as to get used to the other races much quicker, plus it offers gameplay variety for me. Still, I'm getting torn to shreds.

I always thought to myself after I was placed in 1v1 silver right after release and few games to get my win/loss ratio up, I knew sometime this day would come, I would buckle down and just play a shit ton of 1v1 out of the blue, and finally part with my beloved w/l ratio, no matter how insignificant the overall game count was. It's still horrible to experience, loss after loss it just burns the very heart of my soul, knowing that even if I've gotten over having a shiny w/l ratio, the pain is still there, the stats whore in me screams in pain. This is why I get so emotional when I play 1v1 and the main reason why I try and stay away from 1v1. Go ahead, look at my profile on Battle.net and you'll see I've played dozens of times more Team, Co-opvAI, and Custom games than I have 1v1. It's just so damn painful to play when the only positive side is when you win, but even 1 win can't make up for the rage and suffering I felt for a 6 loss streak, hell I'm afraid what'll happen in the next few games I play after I post this... may the Khala have mercy on my soul.


Everything is moe to me
if it makes you feel better 15-25 in plat is alot better statswise than 15-11 in silver. >_>

i mean, you call yourself a stats whore, but 15-11 in silver is like visible herpes, you wont get much business.


Damnit we all need a GAF night tonight after I get home from work. (around 11pm PST)
Practice 1v1 with you guys because obviously I need it.

Here's my latest win, rolled Protoss. It was actually a hard-fought win this time and I actually felt like I was in Platinum this game.



Non-existent Member
MrMister said:
Damnit we all need a GAF night tonight after I get home from work. (around 11pm PST)
Practice 1v1 with you guys because obviously I need it.

Here's my latest win, rolled Protoss. It was actually a hard-fought win this time and I actually felt like I was in Platinum this game.

I'm there :)

And sorry if you think that losing is a bad thing somehow. Not only are the ladders going to reset when Battle.Net season 2 starts, but it shouldn't even matter that much if they didn't. If you have fundamentals that need to be worked on, for god's sake, work on them! Sure, having practice matches with friends is helpful -- but it won't teach you to play under pressure. That, and unless you have 10,000 different friends to practice with, you'll never get experience against more than a few play styles -- which will screw you over in ladder too. Like Day9 said, what's so bad about losing 20-30 games if you become the better for it? 20-30 games is nothing in the long run.

And dude, you don't even have 30 games under your belt. Your MMR is still stabilizing. You might love the fact that you're in Plat, but you won't know what league you truly belong until after you play a few hundred games, where the MMR will have enough statistics to make its calculations well. I had a friend that placed in Diamond, and shit talked me so much (I was a silver at the time). He only had like 15 games. He's a silver now. It sucks, yes, but there's no point in holding on to something you don't deserve. If you want to get better at the game, you'll have to do that by playing it.


I became much more careless after going diamond, I don't really feel an obligation to win anymore because I don't really feel I have anywhere to go. And I do feel I am getting better, I'm starting to think "advanced" stuff like different strats for different maps and I'm starting to develop my own style a litte bit.
Game will be "ressurected" every 18 months because of expansions and even after that, there will always be people playing starcraft, so a bunch of losses annoy me, but don't actually bother that much, this is a game that you learn for the long run.
btw, when ladder reset? But I think I'll stay on my 60th-ish place anyway, I don't really feel more than "mid-diamond" at the moment.


if a euro gaf night is happening/will happen tonight then im online, deadman 800.

Tonight so far ive won 4 lost 1, its been awesome. I wish every match was scrapstation vs a terran that never expands or attacks, so you take 4 bases and then 1a with broodlords. 2 of my matches were this :lol


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Wow guys, thanks a bunch for the help! I really, REALLY appreciate it :D

Thanks for making me a much better player


Got into MP today by playing the 5 placement matches.

First up was ZvT, and I won with 6 pool. :D

2-3 in the end, making me a contender in the Bronze League !


Everything is moe to me
i just won a game i really shouldn't have. i was literally cotemplating a ragequit at one point.

went fats hatch vs toss on crosspositions metalopolis, missed blocking the tester walloff by a milimeter, lost my hatch. broke out with roach and my watchtower sees a voidray. -.-

he comes in to attack, i hit enter to start raging, my second queen spawns, i figure what the hell. 2 queens vs two void rays, ill lose but whatever. i pincer him and he completely fails to notice my queens until a void had already lost shields, he retreats and i get my hydra den up. :eek:

scout ling sees he hasn't expanded yet, so i decide to stay in it.

then we had a 20minute hydra/roach/ling/corruptor vs zealot/stalker/void/colossus fight all accross the map ending with me taking a 4th and trading armies after i sniped his third. i rebuilt and won. :eek:
Pandaman said:
i just won a game i really shouldn't have. i was literally cotemplating a ragequit at one point.

went fats hatch vs toss on crosspositions metalopolis, missed blocking the tester walloff by a milimeter, lost my hatch. broke out with roach and my watchtower sees a voidray. -.-

he comes in to attack, i hit enter to start raging, my second queen spawns, i figure what the hell. 2 queens vs two void rays, ill lose but whatever. i pincer him and he completely fails to notice my queens until a void had already lost shields, he retreats and i get my hydra den up. :eek:

scout ling sees he hasn't expanded yet, so i decide to stay in it.

then we had a 20minute hydra/roach/ling/corruptor vs zealot/stalker/void/colossus fight all accross the map ending with me taking a 4th and trading armies after i sniped his third. i rebuilt and won. :eek:

I can tell I've played too much StarCraft 2 by the fact that I can read this and it plays out in my head like a movie :D

good to have you back, man.


Yeah, my partner in 2v2 is finally starting to get allright. I have to bark orders on TS all the time though :lol

Managed to get to top25 silver, with me going marine/tank with either medic, viking or thor support while he did his thing (usually MMM). Last game was awesome on that 2v2 lava map.

Managed to hold our own until I hit a critical amount of tanks and double expanded to the golds in the middle, with him taking a ~10 banshees around the map sniping our opponents expoes while they suicided against my wall of bunker'd marines, planetary fortresses, tanks and thors on their end of the gold ramp.

Also had a hilarious game a bit before that, had a double zerg opponent go mass queen/speedling and nydused into my partners base. Managed to beat it back with a shitton of stimmed marines, although he lost his whole main :lol
Then it was a simple counterattack into their mains while they had pretty much nothing.
I'm in a game and a guy has a medivac on the egde of the map I can't kill. I killed his base and forces, he got my base. I have like 100 marines, he has gone to lunch and I can't kill it.

Fucking bullshit community.


Visualante said:
I'm in a game and a guy has a medivac on the egde of the map I can't kill. I killed his base and forces, he got my base. I have like 100 marines, he has gone to lunch and I can't kill it.

Fucking bullshit community.

That is bullshit.

If anyone is willing to help me practice and get back in the swing of things after a long, long break, please let me know :D


Visualante said:
I'm in a game and a guy has a medivac on the egde of the map I can't kill. I killed his base and forces, he got my base. I have like 100 marines, he has gone to lunch and I can't kill it.

Fucking bullshit community.
I could have sworn that the game ended when the last structure was destroyed, not the last unit...
Slavik81 said:
I could have sworn that the game ended when the last structure was destroyed, not the last unit...
His base, factory and barracks were in the corner of the map. I had only marines and SCVs on the field and couldn't reach them. So basically he fucked off knowing I couldn't attack his units.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Ya its pretty shitty that Terrans can do that. Wish Blizzard had a if all structures have been lifted off for more than X minutes, then forfeit.
Corran Horn said:
Ya its pretty shitty that Terrans can do that. Wish Blizzard had a if all structures have been lifted off for more than X minutes, then forfeit.
This went on for almost half an hour, I had so many marines I thought I could win it whatever he had hidden around the map. I've never felt so cheated in an online game.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Just deleted so many people from my battle.net friend list. So many inactive people that my list was full :lol

Need to maybe recreate a new list of active multiplaying players.
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