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//: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty |OT2| GL HF GG

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I'm still experimenting with 14 hatch (against terran). Initially I'd run into problems if I was pressured hard, but getting a couple early Roaches provides a very nice safety net. Roach/Baneling/Muta is very potent. I lose the most games when I don't get Banelings, which allow my Roaches to focus on tanks/Thors/etc.

14 hatch against Toss doesn't work, at least not for me. Even if I have a drone defending my hatch against the two pylon/photon cannon build, Zealot pressure fucks me. I've been having success with heavy Roach builds against Toss instead


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Played my first ladder matches since mid-August, went 1-3 which wasn't that surprising. The games I did lose, I should have won. Not sure if that makes me feel any better though, baneling busting people is still as fun as ever though :D


Can anyone tell me what the effective TvZ strats are for Terran players nowadays? I keep playing loads of Terran players who ask me what works against me but it's hard to answer at the moment since I seem to be on a crazy winning streak against Terrans.



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twofold said:
Can anyone tell me what the effective TvZ strats are for Terran players nowadays? I keep playing loads of Terran players who ask me what works against me but it's hard to answer at the moment since I seem to be on a crazy winning streak against Terrans.


do you early expand? if so double rax marine pressure!


twofold said:
Can anyone tell me what the effective TvZ strats are for Terran players nowadays? I keep playing loads of Terran players who ask me what works against me but it's hard to answer at the moment since I seem to be on a crazy winning streak against Terrans.


Scout pressure scout pressure pressure scout pressure pressure pressure leave game because it wasn't enough


HolyCheck said:
do you early expand? if so double rax marine pressure!

The guy was pretty annoyed because that was what he did. I went my usual 15 hatch 14 pool, he went two rax into bunker harass into expand and I beat it pretty easily.

Side note - just played a Protoss who went Phoenix/DT. This combo is incredibly annoying to play against. Overseers die in seconds to the Phoenix, DTs clean up everything else.


Edit - Replay here, if anyone wants to see it - http://www.mediafire.com/?geabw8dt9z79yjd

I think, next time round, I'm just going to deny a third and spread creep to all possible places he can expand while turtling up myself using spore colonys in addition to Overseers for detection. I'd never seen this style of play before and I found it super frustrating to play. There's no reason why I shouldn't have won that game except for my own failings. Bah.
twofold said:
The guy was pretty annoyed because that was what he did. I went my usual 15 hatch 14 pool, he went two rax into bunker harass into expand and I beat it pretty easily.

Side note - just played a Protoss who went Phoenix/DT. This combo is incredibly annoying to play against. Overseers die in seconds to the Phoenix, DTs clean up everything else.

corret me if I am wrong, but aren't spore crawlers detectors?


twofold said:
Side note - just played a Protoss who went Phoenix/DT. This combo is incredibly annoying to play against. Overseers die in seconds to the Phoenix, DTs clean up everything else.

That is so gas heavy. Going to watch the replay because it sounds so crazy.


relies on auto-aim
Won said:
Scout pressure scout pressure pressure scout pressure pressure pressure leave game because it wasn't enough
Can't just pressure because Zerg will produce and kill you.

Need to harass or you will lose (unless you do an all in 1 base timing push and Z doesn't scout).

Blue flame, drops, banshees, combination. Deny the third. Even then 2 base vs 2 base Z isn't that far behind.


mescalineeyes said:
corret me if I am wrong, but aren't spore crawlers detectors?

Honestly mate, it should have been an easy win, but I totally got confused because I'd never seen that combo before and my brain shut down and forgot that spore crawlers were detectors.

I completely threw that game away and it seems to have put me on tilt because I just lost a ZvZ I should have won easily. Arghh!

Spl1nter said:
That is so gas heavy. Going to watch the replay because it sounds so crazy.

Yeah, he opened 15 (I believe) Nexus on Jungle Basin and turtled with cannons. Quick and easy gas for him there.
twofold said:
Honestly mate, it should have been an easy win, but I totally got confused because I'd never seen that combo before and my brain shut down and forgot that spore crawlers were detectors.

aww shucks, it happens.

hey I just lost to a cannon rush, so...


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
GRATS to all the new platinum players :D :D


Hazaro said:
I'm platnium!
Congrats! you just get there or what? It must feel good climbing up the ladder. Which is something I started to do today. I took a long break from CSII due to school but next semester is a lot lighter and I am actually taking the time to read up on strats so I am playing way better than I was before.

btw does anybody have any good strat sites other than liquipedia that talk about how to counter stuff?


relies on auto-aim
(._.) said:
Congrats! you just get there or what? It must feel good climbing up the ladder. Which is something I started to do today. I took a long break from CSII due to school but next semester is a lot lighter and I am actually taking the time to read up on strats so I am playing way better than I was before.

btw does anybody have any good strat sites other than liquipedia that talk about how to counter stuff?
Making more stuff is the best counter. Next is unit composition. Position is also very important (Where you engage and where your units are in your composition).

Don't get too worked over unit counters.

*I was 1-0 on launch, then went 4-0 (to make it 5-0) four weeks later real late. Been in plat ever since! :lol
I only 1v1 if I'm feeling up to par, which hasn't been much at all lately. SO STRESSFUL.


Corran Horn said:
I think I devised a strat for 4v4 and Im random into Terran. Banshees Banshees and Banshees :lol

Took out 3 bases

banshees r annoying in 4v4s (except if I went void rays =P

BTW just got the executor avatar!!!!!!!!

250 wins! onwards to artanis! MY LIFE FOR AIUR!!!

::EDIT:: in one match I went HTs and chargelots(in a 2v2 random) the other team had a dude named sissi and had a bad attitude, so i told him to be quiet(in less polite way) and that I will kick his butt, he was terran and him and his ally let me and my ally expand like crazy(i had 10 HT i think[maybe 8]) and when his MMM ball was attacking my ally n I charge in with mass battlecruisers and chargelots-sentries-HTs, and I destroy all his medivacs and storm right under them onto his army

also, his ally went mass void rays, and I stormed those to death as well(they were trying to kill the BCs cause if they didn't it was GG)

anyway he rage quit calling me a nub

(and no it was not a high lvl team I faced lol)


Just had a few games of 3v3 with a friend and his friend. Happily I was consistently the top 2, unhappily at least one of them was bottom every time.

The last game at least gave me some confidence about my build. A platinum player had massed up mutas like crazy, helped finish off friends at the time. But look at the graph (orange compared to teal)


At least I took out their mutalisk army. :D


relies on auto-aim
So I played a ladder 2v2 and got Zerg as random (I'm a T player). Friend gets T (He's a Z player) against two Protoss.

I just macro and pump units like a boss the whole game, slowly teching and making sure I have enough larva to pump units. We repelled their major offensive (mostly me and 40 +1 roaches), then I spread everything out over the entire map, creeped the middle to their front, got 5 bases with gas running (yet only had 40 drones). Tad scary throwing all my units at a mass of 2-2 stalkers with some collosi, a ton of lots, and 7 HT. Luckily 2 thors and a lot of mards helps clean up all the armored units left over. Got some mutas, engaged, traded, finished up with some ultra + hydra.

Buddy stayed on 2 base the whole game and had like 25 SCV's :lol (He's a 1600 diamond Z).

*Looks like the good P was 800 diamond, other guys profile is 1300 Plat (they were a team).
**Zerg still imba, just mass crap tons of units from nowhere and have infinite workers. Creep and overlords for whole map vision. So easy! :lol


spamming larva then producing an army in 1 minute is annoying :/
blizzard to need to limit the larva to 20 or something so they can't spam 60 fucking roach in a seconds.
Usually if I lose a couple games in a row I decide to take a break. Tonight I lost a couple horrible games in a row, so embarrassing I had to play more

First one Lost Temple where I broke through a photon cannon blockade, killed the main, then had the toss stuck off his small natural only to be a dumbass and not scout the map where he expanded again and killed me.

Second time against terran on blistering sands where I broke his rocks, killed his SCVs, then let him come back and kill me with Thors off two fucking bases while I had the gold.

I then proceeded to lose four more games of near equal frustrating bullshit. A proxy pylon Zealot rush, Banshees after I killed all his SCVs with Banelings, bio ball after I attacked stupidly with my banelings, etc etc etc.

Moral of the story: don't play SC2 at 3am or 4am. I want to break something right now :lol


relies on auto-aim
You are going up against super good players in the early mornings or random drunk people.
Don't sweat it :lol


mescalineeyes said:
noooooooooooo :/

btw. why do some toss players not wall-in? I am talking high platinum. Do they want to feed me points or is there some game-plan behind this?

With proper building placement you might believe a wall-in is unnecessary. As toss I like to build a simcity around my nexus. Besides, a wall in as toss can only get you so far without needing a sentry.
Ashhong said:
With proper building placement you might believe a wall-in is unnecessary. As toss I like to build a simcity around my nexus. Besides, a wall in as toss can only get you so far without needing a sentry.

but I think we can both agree the whole thing is pretty asinine if you don't wall off your probes and I just waltz in there with 30 lings.


Man, just read that NEXGenius considers switching races. Dark times for Protoss. :(

mescalineeyes said:
btw. why do some toss players not wall-in? I am talking high platinum. Do they want to feed me points or is there some game-plan behind this?

I know that sometimes I just forget to do so. It happens. :lol


He isn't considering anything, just being an attention seeking whiny baby. When was the last time someone actually switched after such a declaration?


I want a tag give me a tag
syllogism said:
He isn't considering anything, just being an attention seeking whiny baby. When was the last time someone actually switched after such a declaration?

Morrow? lol

last big name to say it was Fruit Dealer.. and zerg got buffed right after


SlayersBoxer said it too about terran (lol)


Another giantbomb video from korea, this time its a tour of the ogs/liquid house.

Edit: They pan the camera over the list of a teamers and b teamers. Nada on B team :O Huk and ret on a team.

A League: MC, Zenio, Carmel, TheWind, TOP, EE (ensnare?), Layla, Inca, Hyperdub, HuK, Ret
B League: V, luvsic, Rajum, Cezanne, HerO, Bally teamWant, jinro, HayprO, Nada

This was before the gsl2 finals + qualifiers for s3 though.

Edit2: Jinro has said on the forums that the a/b team status isnt as huge and important as people think. Its more just to get people training with people around their own skill and it can be very fluid with regards to people moving up and down each week.


HolyCheck said:
Morrow? lol

last big name to say it was Fruit Dealer.. and zerg got buffed right after
Yes high profile players have switched races, but not due to balance complaints and definitely not after whining about it publicly


playing PvP on scrap station is incredibly fun. Scrap station is probably my fav 1v1 map in SCII even if a lot of people don't like it.


ggs today mescalineeyes
i like your new dynamic gameplay with using roaches :D.
i barley kept up in the last game, i was so desperate since i run of minerals i had to pull my scv to all in.:lol
that was freaking intense.
good night :D
Q8D3vil said:
ggs today mescalineeyes
i like your new dynamic gameplay with using roaches :D.
i barley kept up in the last game, i was so desperate since i run of minerals i had to pull my scv to all in.:lol
that was freaking intense.
good night :D

always a pleasure, man :) can't wait for us two to be diamond :lol


How did the race switch turn out for Morrow btw? I haven't seen/heard anything from him in a while. He was one of the most successful players right after release, crazy.

Yoshichan said:
I'm glad the first Platinum game I join, I'm greeted with such fine hospitality!


He probably wanted to type glhfgg.

A common typo.


Haunted said:
How did the race switch turn out for Morrow btw? I haven't seen/heard anything from him in a while. He was one of the most successful players right after release, crazy.

He isn't number 1 on the EU ladder, so I guess not so good. Sucks that there is nothing major going on in Europe. Haven't seen much from Dimaga either. :(


Dont worry, dimaga and whitera will go deep in dreamhack next week. I imagine one of them will win it.

They are currently 2 and 3 on europe ladder.
Won said:
He isn't number 1 on the EU ladder, so I guess not so good. Sucks that there is nothing major going on in Europe. Haven't seen much from Dimaga either. :(

Morrow played in a European cup earlier today--either teh Zodac or Go4sc2 tournament. He made it to the semi-finals, I believe. But yeah he isn't yet up to his earlier Terran level.

There's plenty going on in Europe as far as SC2 is concerned. Showmatches, tourneys, players staying in Korea... DeMuslim is an excellent Terran (best in EU prolly) and he beat one of EU's best Ps (Socke) in a professionally casted showmatch the other day. Then there's Ret who is a very promising Zerg (in Korea so won't be at Dreamhack).


Haunted said:
How did the race switch turn out for Morrow btw? I haven't seen/heard anything from him in a while. He was one of the most successful players right after release, crazy.


He probably wanted to type glhfgg.

A common typo.

It's a new slang that stands for

on the spot
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