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//: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty |OT3| GL HF NO GG

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Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
jasonng said:
You jelly.


Q8D3vil said:
i stopped meching since the last patch thanks to joke prism.
i switched back to bio but its extremely hard so i decided to try the mass banshee into bc's.

I'll send you my hellion opener if you send me your banshees into BCs haha


343i Lead Esports Producer
Hazaro said:
Feels good right?
So good :)

Yea man.

Except now I just lost a 40 minute match against a Zerg. He fucked with up with the flying thing that spits broodlings. holy shit. I had two Starports and I should have popped out some fucking Vikings to shoot those things down. That would have saved my ass.


Tashi0106 said:
Yea man.

Except now I just lost a 40 minute match against a Zerg. He fucked with up with the flying thing that spits broodlings. holy shit. I had two Starports and I should have popped out some fucking Vikings to shoot those things down. That would have saved my ass.

So what kind of sources are you using to help you out? Let us know if you want some links to solid things to watch or read to help guide you towards learning good fundamentals faster.

Oh and one of my best pieces of advice is to learn 1 build order and just try to get it perfect even if it takes 200+ games on ladder to make it that crisp. Yoshi was saying 2 rax is that build for Terran.

Any other Terrrans in here have a solid build that they would recommend to teach macro and starting off with the game? Any video sources of it put into motion? Any other videos they would recommend new Terrans to watch?


oGsMC said:
When we arrived in France, we met one Scammer and one pickpocket. The one scammer looked us and because we looked asian, he said that he would buy the tickets for us, and told us that it’d be 14 euro for one person and then pretended like he was buying it with his card and asked for money -.- after he took it out of his hands we found out that one ticket costs 1 euro 70 cents. And so we told him that since we didn’t ask him to buy it for us he should just leave, he just left.

We heard the train coming so we ran to the train and got on it but as soon as I did I felt that my wallet wasn’t there anymore. So I thought I lost it so I got off and looked for it, and a French guy pointed at someone and told me he took my wallet so I chased that person.

I ran after him like I was filming an action movie and he just go on the railway stupidly. And so I got on the railway and in disbelief I tapped him on the back. He looked at me and he was completely surprised. I think he was a noob pickpocket. And then he looked at me as if asking me what’s wrong, so I told him “My wallet”.

Then he was trying to get off the train so I grabbed him and I told him “You wanna fight me?”. And then I told him in Korean “You wanna fight me?” and grabbed his hand behind him, and then he says “Sorry” and he gave me my wallet. I was going to punch him in the face then I remembered that I was a foreigner.

And so since I felt that a lot of people were looking at me, I checked my wallet and then said “He fucking thief”. There was someone who recognized me and that person told me if I would like to go to the police but I said it was okay because I got my wallet back so I let him go. He ran away really fast at the next stop.

I’ve been in foreign countries a lot but this was the first time something like this has happened to me. I hope all of you become aware of pickpockets and scammers when you travel.

Oh, and when I got off the train and looked for the hotel, A french person kindly and cheerfully guided me. No matter where you go, I think there are bad people and good people.

President BossToss is tough on crime.


Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
lol I played it at blizzcon last year for the first time (wow was the only game without lines) I figured i would install it for the lulz since its free.

Had to use my alternate alias for my name tho ;;
Corran Horn said:
Im altering the gaf cycle.

Change will occur, you are all now free.


bububububut Street Fighter! Protoss OP! New Terran player!

Also ponies and this:



343i Lead Esports Producer
zlatko said:
So what kind of sources are you using to help you out? Let us know if you want some links to solid things to watch or read to help guide you towards learning good fundamentals faster.

Oh and one of my best pieces of advice is to learn 1 build order and just try to get it perfect even if it takes 200+ games on ladder to make it that crisp. Yoshi was saying 2 rax is that build for Terran.

Any other Terrrans in here have a solid build that they would recommend to teach macro and starting off with the game? Any video sources of it put into motion? Any other videos they would recommend new Terrans to watch?
I don't know, when I first bought the game I checked out build orders online but got lost in the terminology. Now that I know more I'm finding those build order videos to be a little useless because they only tell you what to do in the very beginning. In the past 2 days I feel like I've made a breakthrough with my build order and my game on the whole.

What I've been doing is this:

3 SCV's
Supply depot (send as scout when done)
2 or 3 SCV
2 or 3 SCV
2 or 3 SCV or supply depot
Build marines marines marines
Turn base into command center
Supply depot whenever I remember lol
Engineering bay
Tech lab or reactor depending on how I feel
Upgrade infantry weapons
When the upgrade is complete I move a bunch of marines

I try to get more and more mules and then another refinery. Soon after I'll expand and decide what type of vehicles I want.

Thanks for lookin out Zlatko :)


relies on auto-aim
Tashi0106 said:
I don't know, when I first bought the game I checked out build orders online but got lost in the terminology. Now that I know more I'm finding those build order videos to be a little useless because they only tell you what to do in the very beginning. In the past 2 days I feel like I've made a breakthrough with my build order and my game on the whole.

What I've been doing is this:

3 SCV's
Supply depot (send as scout when done)
2 or 3 SCV
2 or 3 SCV
2 or 3 SCV or supply depot
Build marines marines marines
Turn base into command center
Supply depot whenever I remember lol
Engineering bay
Tech lab or reactor depending on how I feel
Upgrade infantry weapons
When the upgrade is complete I move a bunch of marines

I try to get more and more mules and then another refinery. Soon after I'll expand and decide what type of vehicles I want.

Thanks for lookin out Zlatko :)
start supply depot at 10/11
rax at 12 or 13, gas at 14
oribtal command @ rax finish, marine
----- From here -----
1 rax reactor, 1 tech lab -> expand
1 rax reactor, 2 tech lab -> expand
1 rax reactor, 2 tech lab -> timing attack with stim and combat shield and slow -> expand behind attack
1 rax -> factory at 100 gas -> take second gas -> add barracks and use gas for tech -> expand

vs Zerg: Make tanks and marines
vs Protoss: Make MMM + ghost later
vs Terran: Whatever maaaaan

There's a ton of stuff, but just getting down a 2/3 rax expand is good. It is really hard to distill any part of the game.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Hey guys, chobopeon here. I wrote the article. Originally, this article stated that MarineKing was definitely coming to MLG Providence. The article has been updated. This is NOT confirmed (as Milkis has said), we do not know his plans as of this moment. My sincere apologies for this misstep, it is my fault for posting something I'd heard without confirming it with through the proper channels. I feel like an asshole for this if it helps! Stupid mistake. I'll be doing my best to avoiding silly stuff like this in the future. I'm sorry for those of you who are disappointed. Direct your anger and hate at me, not MLG - this one is my fuck up entirely.


Also looks like ST is making a LoL team :D


AdventureRacing said:
I prefer pretty much all the horde races but i've barely ever played horde because all my friends played alliance.

they aren't your friends then. friends don't let friends do stupid stuff, except when drunk because then it's funnier.


Tashi0106 said:

I just won an epic 50 minute TvT match. Holy shit. It was fucking nuts. I still can't believe I won it. This guy built up a massive ground army and expanded to 3 or 4 different bases. Mine was pretty big too but I pushed like 30 guys twice. I got destroyed. I realized then I should go air. I started building up invisible planes. All of my bases though, were spread out all around the top of the map. At the very top I had 4 starports building me invisible planes. Every few minutes when I had about 8 or so, I sent them in through the back of his base. I ran across his expansions first, went invisible and just started destroying his supply depots. Wrecking them hard. Then I went for his SCV's. Then he would wise up and send his army after me with the radar finding my invisible planes. When he killed them, I had some more waiting to be built. I kept doing the same thing, destroying supply depots and SCVs. I eventually sent a ground force of basically just marines with upgraded guns across the middle. He did the same thing and we met in the middle. He killed all of my guys and pushed up the front of my main base. I had bunkers and Siege mode tanks setup and I guess I held his shit off. I think he ran away. Anywho, he had Thors, tanks and marines and I had marines and marauders and just a few tanks here and there.

He starts pushing his Thors and marines to my top base and is having a pretty easy time wrecking my expansion. I have about 8 planes built and I go invisible and manage to take down his Thors. His medivac marines take down my planes and start wrecking my starports. At this point, his army is probably 15 guys large. I think because I wrecked his supply depots and SCVs, he had a hard time creating backup. I sent my marines to his, wrecked them easily and then pushed right into this base which was basically defenseless. He calls GG and I fucking won.

So awesome.

So you are finally playing eh?!
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