Sen is such a boss.Corran Horn said:
Gama Bears has the best name and mascot too.
Sen is such a boss.Corran Horn said:
[]iCCupDiamond 16 points 8 hours ago
Yep. I have heard rumors the games are bordering on 8 weeks at this point, but since I don't watch NASL anymore I cannot verify. I have seen signs of 4+ weeks however, that I can verify.
Corran Horn said:iccup diamond on nasl game delay
w t f
People actually got paid very promptly after season 1, which is something few tournaments can brag about867-5309 said:Well if they delay the games long enough, maybe by the time the finals roll around they will have enough money to actually pay the winner.
don't worry, no one is interested in a guy modeling.Yoshichan said:I just had the craziest day of my life.
I'm a fucking PHOTO MODEL, bitches.
EDIT: and no don't PM me oh you horny beasts imma show you all of dat ass (pyjamas shots in the street, with foxer-style glasses) soon.
Yoshichan said:I just had the craziest day of my life.
I'm a fucking PHOTO MODEL, bitches.
EDIT: and no don't PM me oh you horny beasts imma show you all of dat ass (pyjamas shots in the street, with foxer-style glasses) soon.
EviLore said:Sorry brah, at best you're only the second hottest gaffer.
Abuse your gaf owner powers now!EviLore said:Sorry brah, at best you're only the second hottest gaffer.
EviLore said:Sorry brah, at best you're only the second hottest gaffer.
fanboi said:Nah, you are still hotter:
EviLore said:How did this meme come about? :lol
Yoshichan said:THANK YOU EviLore, I just spent 12 straight minutes trying to take a picture of myself doing something awesome. But then I remembered my assistant and photographers had already gone to bed!
I'll be back in a couple of hours though >:/
zlatko said:It's no contest. You can ride Yoshi to work and save money on no need for gas or car insurance. Plus, pet dinosaur = the golden ticket to ladies.
Pretty much everything happened at the same time (company got bankrupt, I got dumped, no money) so affording anything at that point was impossible. I'm staying at my ol'home with sweet ma' and dadfanboi said:Are you now able to pay your bills via internetbank? Or do you still need help?
Pet insurance man! I swear, I need to remind everyone that dinosaurs are pets too!zlatko said:It's no contest. You can ride Yoshi to work and save money on no need for gas or car insurance. Plus, pet dinosaur = the golden ticket to ladies.
Yoshichan said:Pretty much everything happened at the same time (company got bankrupt, I got dumped, no money) so affording anything at that point was impossible. I'm staying at my ol' home right now
Pet insurance man! I swear, I need to remind everyone that dinosaurs are pets too!
edit: but yeah taking pics of myself increases my ego so much. God damn, I'm so good looking sometimes. Especially since I'm dressed like a bum when I take pictures, it's my styleeeeee~
fanboi said:You live in Uppsala right?
When I get down there which prolly be soon, I will force you to meet me or I will find you and cuddle you up.-
zlatko said:Bring a keyboard so you can see his anger-fu.
Shiiiii' son, you need to drive less to the east and more to the west! I'm in Örebro. I could always meet you in dat Stockholm though! I warn you though, I'm super cuddly!fanboi said:You live in Uppsala right?
When I get down there which prolly be soon, I will force you to meet me or I will find you and cuddle you up.-
For documentary-purposes, I might do this, myes!zlatko said:Bring a keyboard so you can see his anger-fu.
Yoshichan said:Shiiiii' son, you need to drive less to the east and more to the west! I'm in Örebro. I could always meet you in dat Stockholm though! I warn you though, I'm super cuddly!
For documentary-purposes, I might do this, myes!
What's stopping you from meeting her?! Don't tell me bandy is the only thing you two had together?fanboi said:I know a girl in Örebro... to bad I stopped playing bandy, would have gone there this weekend if so...
Yoshichan said:What's stopping you from meeting her?! Don't tell me bandy is the only thing you two had together?
Yoshichan said:Forever alone is never an option in my town, big boy! If she's still free then there's always a chance and I truly do hope that she made it clear that she only wanted you two to be friends!
edit: There's always more ladies though, especially considering how good looking you are!
Bwahaha, I know that feeling man.fanboi said:Just to be clear here and save my ass (since my GF sometimes read my posts...) I'm a very happy family man and wouldn't change thing.
also my posts is jokes... but I do know a girl down there!
Hah! This is more hobby than anything right now, it's amateurism in the lowest level and there's 0 cash involved. But you know what? I'm fucking bored and I like getting attention out in the streets so screw it, I'm gonna do it until I feel like stopping!AdventureRacing said:Hope you enjoy it yoshi, i found it kinda boring and didn't last long (and it was only to tide me over while studying).
I tried the replicant just once against very easy AI. I replicated myself as a marine (is anyone surprised by my choice?) and got a 3, 3, +10 marine. Needless to say, this marine managed to kill every unit he had including the SCVs.Pandaman said:baneling burrow move is sooooo broken.
like shredder and replicant level of broken.
Oh Corran, you're not different!Corran Horn said:yall are weird.
Pandaman said:played the hots mod.
baneling burrow move is sooooo broken.
like shredder and replicant level of broken.
I thought this was going to be a picture of timedog.EviLore said:Sorry brah, at best you're only the second hottest gaffer.
If that's what it takes to make this thread more lively, I'll take it!HolyCheck said:evilore you made this thread weird.
Yoshichan said:If that's what it takes to make this thread more lively, I'll take it!
Modeling and Sweden should be part of the SCIIGAF-cycle! I'm tired of Ponies <-> Imba toss <-> charts anyway!
HolyCheck said:Everyones just giddy about the new GSL season starting tonight I hope!
55 minutes to go, I'm keen! Can't wait to see their new intros and things theyre always a big part of the first night.
fanboi said:Keen playing?
HolyCheck said:Oh you.
Whatever you do, never ever mention dragons to Swedish ladies. The more accurate word that you should be using is dinosaur. You'll thank me someday!AdventureRacing said:I'm surprised there is a market for green dragons wearing nothing but shoes. At least now i know how to pick up the Swedish ladies.
Goddammit. I really should sleep.HolyCheck said:Everyones just giddy about the new GSL season starting tonight I hope!
55 minutes to go, I'm keen! Can't wait to see their new intros and things theyre always a big part of the first night.