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//: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty |OT3| GL HF NO GG

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The Story of the Cheesiest Terran That Could(n't)

A ZvT on Xel'Naga? ezpz yo! Lets start with bunker rushing!


Shit, that didn't work. Maybe I need more marines!


Might as well bring ALL my scvs too! This is some mozzarella level shit yo! No way dumb zerg can stop this!


LOL only 12 roaches


Might as well go kill his main ...


... wait, what? I died? WTF


lol but atleast I have mules and can easily get back into this game


Stage 3: Bargaining




Ghosts don't have stim and are left back if the MMM needs to kite. That's the only weakness they have against zerg really. Then again they aren't all that cost effective unless someone plays Destiny infestors.

Drops are effective in the late game. When the macro becomes overwhelming those drops will do damage no matter the Zergs tech path. This goes for any race really.


Everything is moe to me
Jeff-DSA said:
That's funny, I'm not even playing right now.

Also, to the easy detection tech, I'd trade it for a cloaked detector. Observers are so freaking awesome.
how about something that can detect two whole screens anywhere on the map anytime? >_>


WedgeX said:
I just....how did I win this. There's no way.

I mean, I know the three things that probably won it. But....what the crap.
FYI, you can't spawn on the same side of the map at Shakuras. You both scouted in that direction first.
"Man our *insert complaint about your own race* while you guys *insert how so much better and easier the other races have it here*"

Yup, SC2 OT alright.


Everything is moe to me
TheThunder said:
"Man our *insert complaint about your own race* while you guys *insert how so much better and easier the other races have it here*"

Yup, SC2 OT alright.
would you have it any other way?


Might as well bring ALL my scvs too! This is some mozzarella level shit yo!
That made me laugh.

TheThunder said:
"Man our *insert complaint about your own race* while you guys *insert how so much better and easier the other races have it here*"

Yup, SC2 OT alright.
The grass is always greener on the other side.


Haunted said:
The grass is always greener on the other side.

It is only greener because it's hiding a pile of baneling landmines that I can't even find because fucking infestors fungaled all my observers.



ultron87 said:
It is only greener because it's hiding a pile of baneling landmines that I can't even find because fucking infestors fungaled all my observers.

Good thing they do pretty much no damage to your stalkers, then! :p


Starcraft Tonight:


MLG Anaheim begins at around 5pm PST / 8pm EST / 1am GMT

GSL Finals
Nestea v Losira

Begins at around 12am PST / 3am EST / 8am GMT


MSL Survivor games begin at around 9pm PST / 12am EST / 5am GMT

OSL Tiebreaker (Jangbi, Calm, Baby) begins around same time as MSL games above.


PhoenixDark said:
Tonight's going to be quite the night for SC2. Must admit I'm somewhat bummed we aren't getting
Bomber v NesTea
in the GSL finals

bomber v nestea
would of been terrible,
can't even win vs


Morbid Angel said:
I played my first games of the season.

Both TvT.
Both 6rax+scvs all-ins.

Gotta love the ladder lol :D

I've had just the opposite today. I've played 2 PvTs where the T just let me macro up to 200/200 on 4-5 bases....no drops and no pressure (just bad terrans)!
a176 said:
Starcraft Tonight:


MLG Anaheim begins at around 5pm PST / 8pm EST / 1am GMT

GSL Finals
Nestea v Losira

Begins at around 12am PST / 3am EST / 8am GMT


MSL Survivor games begin at around 9pm PST / 12am EST / 5am GMT

OSL Tiebreaker (Jangbi, Calm, Baby) begins around same time as MSL games above.
MLG is 12am GMT and GSL is 7am GMT


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
It's friday, friday!



Yoshichan said:
I call that excellent decision making.

I destroyed my last mouse and got this amazing one I have right now.
Same goes with my previous keyboard, now I'm rocking mechanical.
I threw my CRT out of my window and brought this ridiculous 24" LCD.
I went from Icemat (which I threw down on the floor, breaking it) and ended up with amazing steelseries mat.
Bought my table, ended up being disappointed, destroyed it, got a new one and I'm very happy with it.
Same with my chair, except I broke it on purpose.


Yoshi, please remember that it's just a game. It's fine to get frustrated but don't destroy your own stuff. I mean, holy crap man! You're not a pro player, caster, or prominent E-sports personality, your life doesn't (or at least shouldn't) revolve entirely around SC2. If things are going bad, take a step back, breathe, and go do something else.

You're just costing yourself money and making yourself look silly. C'mon now.


7am, waking up in the morning
Gotta be fresh, gotta go downstairs
Gotta have my bowl, gotta have cereal
Oh no, my plans to have cereal have been derailed because I forgot that I smashed all of my bowls last night while having a rage-induced episode of uncontrollable violence towards my inanimate objects.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I'm fine (both mentally and economically), I wouldn't worry about.
BigAT said:
Oh no, my plans to have cereal have been derailed because I forgot that I smashed all of my bowls last night while having a rage-induced episode of uncontrollable violence towards my inanimate objects.
I laughed at this bit.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
zoukka said:
It's good that you bring this up in most of your posts.
Of course, when I'm not mentioning this, I get posts like these:
zoukka said:
Sorry but you just sound like a brat breaking all that stuff for no reason :)
Oh, it was from the same person. Carry on.
Awesome Animals said:
Yoshi! You Rage! For Shame! Stop!
Guys, am I doing this right
You need to add more feeling, more depth, you know? Ask Zoukka for more professional details.


I'm just trying to help you man. It's not Starcraft, it's you. If you throw a fit of rage big enough to destroy 100€+ keyboards, then it means you have no control in those moments man.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
All right, thanks bro


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
cdyhybrid said:
It's Friday, Friday
Gotta be stuck at work while my friends go to the water park and I can't watch MLG on Friday :(
Wow, that sucks ._.


cdyhybrid said:
It's Friday, Friday
Gotta be stuck at work while my friends go to the water park and I can't watch MLG on Friday :(
If you have a smartphone you could watch a stream with the justin.tv app.
That's of course if you have some kind of work which doesn't need you to be active at all times, otherwise it's gonna be hard :p


Yoshichan said:
All right, thanks bro

What would you tell your son if you had one that he's going around hulk smashing shit every week if not other week? At least GAF cares enough to try and constantly tell you YOU NEED HELP son. It's not normal OR healthy that you have these kind of rage moments. It starts with keyboards, and can lead to you turning on people, because you can't control it. Proven you can't control it so don't come and say, "that would never happen."

I hope you don't end up like the guy in the SF4 thread who raged one too many times and his heart went to shit, and he had to go to the hospital and found out he now has a heart condition. I believe he said he now has to take medication and if he rages his heart could at any point fuck up.

Getting that upset has effects beyond what you are even considering.

Go seek some anger management or even do yourself the decent thing of googling. If you think it's a joke or you are ashamed to get help for it, then you are fool gambling with your own health. What if you get to a heart condition where you can't rage or you go to the hospital every time/could kill you and then you are stuck never playing SC2 again? You want that?

Man up, get some anger management under your belt. If you respect yourself enough as a person then you should have no problem doing this.

Personally, I don't care if you break shit, but the last thing I want to see is me hopping on GAF SC2 and reading, "Yoshi died from a heart attack." Okay? Get your shit together man.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Jesus, zlatko, THANKS but don't forget that I'm raging almost exclusively in Starcraft. I would never, ever hit a fly, let alone raging/hitting another person. Take the crap I do in here with a bunch of salt because outside SC2, I'm almost the most positive, relaxed guy in the Universe (you may not believe me).

I've pretty much never felt that I'm raging to the point where I'm in pain and if I ever notice any signs of it, OF COURSE I'll be looking more into improving my SC rage.

Also, I couldn't help but to laugh at:
zlatko said:
because you can't control it.

I love you for caring though ♥


Blizzard, I like how you're fixing all this UI problems, but could you please please fix the graphic of the scan? It's so tiny compared to the huge sight it gives.

QQ :(


Yoshichan said:
Jesus, zlatko, THANKS but don't forget that I'm raging almost exclusively in Starcraft. I would never, ever hit a fly, let alone raging/hitting another person. Take the crap I do in here with a bunch of salt because outside SC2, I'm almost the most positive, relaxed guy in the Universe (you may not believe me).

I've pretty much never felt that I'm raging to the point where I'm in pain and if I ever notice any signs of it, OF COURSE I'll be looking more into improving my SC rage.

Also, I couldn't help but to laugh at:


I love you for caring though ♥

Well, if someone you knew every time they drank alcohol would drive drunk or get into bar fights, then what would you suggest? Seems when you have too much SC2 you do damage, so you need to find a solid solution like if you are about to hit that point, quickly turn off the game, and listen to Guile's theme or call someone you know who is willing to listen to you for 5 minutes so you can cool down.

There's always options and you should find one that works for you.

I get pissed off at SF4 here and there, and when I do I load up this:


Also, I found drinking water when I go hard at SC2 or SF4 keeps me less likely to get mad than something with sugar for whatever reason. Usually I had Mt. Dew, and the caffeine may have had some effect to that. A swig of water and a little mellow music brings me back to Earth and I try to remind myself in 2 days I won't even remember this fight/match.

You watching EVO you bum? Poongko the machine! <3
zlatko said:
I get pissed off at SF4 here and there, and when I do I load up this:


Also, I found drinking water when I go hard at SC2 or SF4 keeps me less likely to get mad than something with sugar for whatever reason. Usually I had Mt. Dew, and the caffeine may have had some effect to that. A swig of water and a little mellow music brings me back to Earth and I try to remind myself in 2 days I won't even remember this fight/match.

You watching EVO you bum? Poongko the machine! <3

Unffff Nujabes so good.

My best rage-stopping techniques are to either just close my eyes and count down from 10 (kind of only works if you are cognizant enough to realize "holy fuck I'm about to break something), have something soft like a squeeky dog toy to throw (so you don't actually break something of value), or to get the fuck away from anything you don't want to break.

Also, seriously how good is poongko and how awesome is Tokido looking? EVO is awesome already, makes me actually want to get good at SF.


ShallNoiseUpon said:
Unffff Nujabes so good.

My best rage-stopping techniques are to either just close my eyes and count down from 10 (kind of only works if you are cognizant enough to realize "holy fuck I'm about to break something), have something soft like a squeeky dog toy to throw (so you don't actually break something of value), or to get the fuck away from anything you don't want to break.

Also, seriously how good is poongko and how awesome is Tokido looking? EVO is awesome already, makes me actually want to get good at SF.

I wish I had the living situation/room to get an actual punching bag to hang from the ceiling. That'd be the BEST! Lose to proxy rax? Don't GG, stand up, and go to town on that punching bag. Might even get ripped. :D


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
zlatko said:
call someone you know who is willing to listen to you for 5 minutes so you can cool down.
Yes sir, I do! Ever since the Foxer-incident (Dreamhack, don't know if you know about it), I really managed to fuck myself up to the point where I didn't want to talk to anyone for days. A very sweet friend of mine got me on the right path again, we spoke for like 5 hours or something. Ever since that day, I've pretty much been calling her every time I rage (most recently: placement match, walking into 5 banelings with me 40 marines when I was like 70 food ahead) and it helps me cool off quite a lot! Though, sometimes I find myself in the spot where I just have to break something. No time to call anyone or post anything, just need... to... fucking... hit... something... preferably something rock hard.

Sometimes when I'm really feeling bad, I listen to Queen, I Want To Break Free. Really calms myself down.
zlatko said:
You watching EVO you bum? Poongko the machine! <3
That + MLG + A bunch of Youtube subscription videos bro! Tons of stuff to do &#9829;
Yoshichan said:
Though, sometimes I find myself in the spot where I just have to break something. No time to call anyone or post anything, just need... to... fucking... hit... something... preferably something rock hard.

Sometimes when I'm really feeling bad, I listen to Queen, I Want To Break Free. Really calms myself down.

That + MLG + A bunch of Youtube subscription videos bro! Tons of stuff to do &#9829;

No you don't. Anger is just chemicals in your brain, it will pass. I know some people here like to troll you about your rage, but I really want to see you not have to get a new keyboard or have have anything more serious happen to you.
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