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Starting a Multi-platform Gaming Site...


I'm starting a multi-platform videogame fansite (will initially cover Cube, Xbox, and PS2). It will have a professional design, dedicated staff, industry contacts/sources, etc. If you're interested in discussing a potential position, feel free to reply, PM, or email at sajed3d@gmail.com



McLesterolBeast said:
Doesn't change that it's a complete waste of time and effort.

Not if you've made a successful online videogame publication in the past (ie. Segadreamcast.net) that was on the UGO Networks and brought in $6000/month off advertising revenue. But I do agree that it takes time and dedication. It's called journalism.


Doing site work for free was okay until it got boring. Money would definitely keep a person interested, methinks.


insert blank space here
Some of you are too harsh.
That having been said, good luck (I mean this sincerely not sarcastically) with the website!


I've been trying to do something similar to this and I have to agree with GodsTyro. Dedication and time is what it takes and you'll be a success. It just takes a lot of dedication and time in this day and age when the net has been around for a long time and most sites have their set of regular visitors and deciated fans. It's hard to wiggle your way in there with the big name sites like Gaming-Age and IGN. Not to mention the whole design and programming aspect. I've been using an open source CMS for my site and I'm beginning to think I should program one myself. Most sites that are popular like Gaming-Age have their own custom system that runs their site. But the thing stopping me is that programming gives me one hell of a headache. Not to mention I haven't been able to settle on a design that I feel others will like. I know I'm getting off topic, but GodsTyro is setting out to do something big and I respect him for that. I know how hard it is and so does he from his past experiences. Good luck. *sorry for getting off topic with my little rant*


MrAngryFace said:
starting/running a website from nothing is usually one of the most thankless and defeating things you can do.

And a bicycle, by comparison, provides you with plenty of fresh air and healthy exercise.

Sega took a lot of fansites seriously back in the Dreamcast age, but luckily they managed to get over that.

There's cool parts of working on/for a gaming website, but its a lot of stress you dont really need with results that are usually unsatisfying. I am being honest here.

I stopped online gaming websites partially because I became bored, but mostly because I realized that a good portion of these people dont ever grow up, even when they move on to actual print publications. That scared the shit outta me so I bailed.


MrAngryFace said:
starting/running a website from nothing is usually one of the most thankless and defeating things you can do.

It's especially annoying when people who write for larger sites come to your site and take stories you've found/translated. But, you know, since THEY get paid, they're too good to give you credit for it. Even the free games and whatever fan base you might acquire don't make up for the fact that there are constantly people who try to devalue your work.


MrAngryFace said:
I stopped online gaming websites partially because I became bored, but mostly because I realized that a good portion of these people dont ever grow up, even when they move on to actual print publications.




MrAngryFace said:
Didnt Sega have GA in their bookmarks at one time? GA is big for a fansite, but I think the forum is bigger than the site.
Hehe, yea, by FAR. The only time I ever see anything about gaming-age on other boards and such is when they link to a GA post or something related to the forums. You'll never see that for GA site content or anyone saying you should go to GA for news/reviews/whatever. (aside from the infamous Ninja Gaiden review)


MrAngryFace said:
There's cool parts of working on/for a gaming website, but its a lot of stress you dont really need with results that are usually unsatisfying. I am being honest here.

I stopped online gaming websites partially because I became bored, but mostly because I realized that a good portion of these people dont ever grow up, even when they move on to actual print publications. That scared the shit outta me so I bailed.

I can testify to all of that.

Not if you've made a successful online videogame publication in the past (ie. Segadreamcast.net) that was on the UGO Networks and brought in $6000/month off advertising revenue. But I do agree that it takes time and dedication. It's called journalism.

Things are a little different now. Back in the days of the Dreamcast, it was much easier to earn money through advertising revenue. You'd be lucky to even cover the most basic of costs these days, even on a fan site. I also disagree with your point about journalism, because there isn't much of that in the games industry, but that's another story.

The bicycle sounds like a good idea.

Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
running/working for a fansite web pub. is worth it for the experience, but the excitement wears off really damn quickly.

GA may not be as relevant as it was in years past (honestly, what fan site is nowadays?), but the fact that it's the longest running, multi-platform web site (and/or fan site, i'm not sure if it's both) in existence is pretty important.


eXxy said:
GA may not be as relevant as it was in years past (honestly, what fan site is nowadays?), but the fact that it's the longest running, multi-platform web site (and/or fan site, i'm not sure if it's both) in existence is pretty important.

And it presumably makes enough to pay for your hair-care bills, if nothing else.



Yes, well, it seems like the concensus among a lot of people here is that there is nothing or very little, anyway, is to be gained from constructing a multiplatform gaming site. There may be a couple reasons for this...if it is because the possibility of doing this successfully is seen as an improbability, then you are quite mistaken. I'm no novice when it comes to the techniques of Journalism and I know quite well the process involved in forming contacts and presenting interesting and exclusive content. If the reason for the pessimism is due to the belief that there is little to gain from the effort that is put in, then I say that you are wrong there as well. Yes, it is usually the case that such sites are started on literally no budget and cannot pay its staff members monetarily until a network affiliation of some sort is made. And even when one is established, the pay may not be much. This is true. This sort of work is not for those who want a working salary. It is for those who wish to gain experience (journalistic and otherwise). Often times, it results in creating important contacts in the industry that may help you pursue a job developing games in the future if that is what you seek. Nonetheless, it is a way that talented writers and true gamers can put some of their free time to use and hone their writing skills as well as gain other such benefits. However, I will agree to the extent that most such sites are not successful. That is not my goal. I intend to do everything in my power to create a asthetically pleasing and intellectually stimulating website and in my belief, it will be quite successful thank you. :)


I'm starting a multi-platform videogame fansite (will initially cover Cube, Xbox, and PS2). It will have a professional design, dedicated staff, industry contacts/sources, etc. If you're interested in discussing a potential position, feel free to reply, PM, or email at sajed3d@gmail.com
Uhm, why??

I intend to do everything in my power to create a asthetically pleasing and intellectually stimulating website and in my belief, it will be quite successful thank you. :)
Knock yourself out Bucko, but as eXXy said, the enamour's going to wear off really quick. Face the facts, kid, if you do this site, it's for you; Nobody else is going to care.

Why do you think I closed down my site? Got sick of little shit-head startups like yours saturating the market...

Exerpt from the "we're closed" message:

"In this grossly over-populated rat race full of wannabe fansites, comprised of many imitators and few innovators, it's even harder to stand out. It's kind of like trying to find an onyx jewel (which is black in color for the uneducated) in a steaming pile of dog shit. While it's very unprofessional to give names, all of you fuckheads who happened to get 35 bucks, Macromedia Dreamweaver, a video game console, and decided you're going to rule the fucking universe... You can kiss our asses based on one simple fact...

We were doing this long before you even knew what the Internet was."
GodsTyro said:
I'm starting a multi-platform videogame fansite (will initially cover Cube, Xbox, and PS2). It will have a professional design, dedicated staff, industry contacts/sources, etc. If you're interested in discussing a potential position, feel free to reply, PM, or email at sajed3d@gmail.com


Good luck to you, brother. If it were 1997, and you were serious about it, then it would have been a real possibility. But alas, it is the Oh Four, and times have changed.

Go shoot some hoops instead.


TheDiave said:
Uhm, why??

Knock yourself out Bucko, but as eXXy said, the enamour's going to wear off really quick. Face the facts, kid, if you do this site, it's for you; Nobody else is going to care.

Why do you think I closed down my site? Got sick of little shit-head startups like yours saturating the market...

Exerpt from the "we're closed" message:

"In this grossly over-populated rat race full of wannabe fansites, comprised of many imitators and few innovators, it's even harder to stand out. It's kind of like trying to find an onyx jewel (which is black in color for the uneducated) in a steaming pile of dog shit. While it's very unprofessional to give names, all of you fuckheads who happened to get 35 bucks, Macromedia Dreamweaver, a video game console, and decided you're going to rule the fucking universe... You can kiss our asses based on one simple fact...

We were doing this long before you even knew what the Internet was."

Hey buddy, you're quite hot-headed ya know? lol The reason you failed is because you didn't do it right. I was Editor In Chief of one of the most successful Dreamcast sites when I was 14 years old and throughout the end of high school. I started it because I was a fan and I made contacts in Japan and had breaking news sent in on the system, its launch, etc. Not to mention interviews with developers, 30,000 visitors a day and $3000/month off ad revenue. Sure, it wasn't GameSpot but I put my heart and soul into it and reaped its many benefits and so did the rest of my staff and we damn well enjoyed it. No one left crying when the Dreamcast neared its end days. So take your hate elsewhere. :p


Ferrarisimo said:
Good luck to you, brother. If it were 1997, and you were serious about it, then it would have been a real possibility. But alas, it is the Oh Four, and times have changed.

Go shoot some hoops instead.

lol..is everyone this cynical? No one believes you can put effort into your work and create something decent anymore? Wow..this is mind boggling to me.

Youre talking to people who have done it for years. Exxy has done it for a LONG time, I did it for a fair while, and WarPig I assume has some experience.

See, all this neat forward optimistic thinking hits a wall when you face the politics of the internet and the gaming journalism industry as a whole. Providing exciting content and all that sounds great on paper, but every fucking webmaster has said that shit before making a site, but the simple truth is this.

For every one of you there are 50, and chances are they will all find ways to undermine your website to bolster their own because you are MOSTLY dealing with (exceptions to the rule) children and/or people who are primarly active on the internet for a REASON.

There are a lot of people who spent years trying to get something going and just never could, and some of those stories are pretty sad (DannyQ I REMEMBER!!!!!!!!) so whatever.

We're cynical, we dont know whats going on, people are nice and the playing field is fair. Especially since the internets still so full of money to throw at anyone willing to provide unique content.


I was Editor In Chief of one of the most successful Dreamcast sites when I was 14 years old and throughout the end of high school
Sega-X... Ugh.

Although I suppose it wasn't as bad as SegaNet (the fansite, not the service).


MrAngryFace said:
SegaNet had that jackass on it right? Or was that lagi. There was Lagi then there was...umm what was his name.

It had that jackass Patrick, that jackass Fernando, that jackass Doug, that Smith sonofabitch...wonder whatever happened to those shitheads?

GodsTyro said:
lol..is everyone this cynical? No one believes you can put effort into your work and create something decent anymore? Wow..this is mind boggling to me.

It's not so much cynicism as it is experience talking. I helped launch and run three successful (two of them were, at their time, anyway) gaming- and hardware-related sites between 97 and 98. One of those is still around, but each one involved much, much more effort and money to do than the previous one. I also spent nearly four years at GameSpot afterwards, where I watched the entire non-corporate-startup-gaming-website-climate change almost overnight.

Practice that free throw shot! Don't be like Shaq.


MrAngryFace said:
haha, maybe im thinking of another site. THOSE GUYS WERE JACKASSES TOO

Name me one person ran a fansite who wasn't a jackass.

Except for Dave Z, who rises above to some kind of Buddha-like level of uber-jackasstitude.



Ferrarisimo said:
It's not so much cynicism as it is experience talking. I helped launch and run three successful (two of them were, at their time, anyway) gaming- and hardware-related sites between 97 and 98. One of those is still around, but each one involved much, much more effort and money to do than the previous one. I also spent nearly four years at GameSpot afterwards, where I watched the entire non-corporate-startup-gaming-website-climate change almost overnight.

Practice that free throw shot! Don't be like Shaq.

The only thing thats changed is that more people go to the two corporate gaming websites and quite frankly I see them to very artificial. Thus, I intend to make a nicely designed site with some original content. That is all. Now leave me alone! :p
Wasn't it SegaX or something that had like the king of the jackasses. God what was his name. Him and his crew were bastards. Almost futami level.


WarPig said:
Name me one person ran a fansite who wasn't a jackass.

Except for Dave Z, who rises above to some kind of Buddha-like level of uber-jackasstitude.


None of my staff members were ever "jackasses". I don't see your basis for judging people as such, anyway. Let me name a few. Dennis, Matt L, Mike B.


I don't recall their names, but I think you're thinking of the asshats who came into #ga, before #ga was #gaf, and proceeded to mess with everyone's internet connections. oh boy, was that ever fun.


GodsTyro said:
None of my staff members were ever "jackasses". I don't see your basis for judging people as such, anyway. Let me name a few. Dennis, Matt L, Mike B.

Stop taking me seriously right fucking now and go buy a bicycle.



MrAngryFace said:
yeah, them, they used to crash our channel n crap and LOVED to harass lagi.

I thought it was the Sega-Otaku goons who had the beef with Fernando. Or did pretty much the whole world have beef with Fernando?



MrAngryFace said:
He didnt have many fans, cept GameFan haha. Im kidding. Lagi was ok when he wasnt being a tard, he had a tendency..

Fernando was a basically smart, decent guy who was just way too young and way too sheltered. I mean, shit, even when he washed out of GameFan and the whole thing ended, I don't think he'd turned 20 yet...

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