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Staten Island Grand Jury Does Not Indict in Eric Garner Case

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unbelievably stupid. Pretty much painting a target on your own damn head for 2ch or w/e internet justice bullshit.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Here's what my NYPD friend (I guess former friend?) had to say to me in response to my outrage:

Yep, the NYPD is a detestable organization. Even on camera these pieces of low life scum can get away with murder. What good will police cameras do in NYC if there's video proof that shows the man being illegally choked to death? Man, Ferguson is one thing where at least we had evidence, reports, forensic evidence...But this? This is a whole new level of corruption, documented irrefutably, and somehow the offending party got away with it.
This is one of the many, many of reasons I don't live in that awful state anymore.
Now I just hope the officer has a civil suit thrown at him (which will most likely happen) and he loses as many of his NYPD pennies as possible.

Dude, I'll just say this, before I delete you as a "Facebook friend". Never had I read as much biased opinionated writing as your anti-police posts. If you're going to talk shit, back your statements up. Don't follow the liberal agenda. I'm not a republican by the way. As a police officer, and as an acquaintance of yours, can you say I'm as evil as you make all law enforcement out to be?? I think you cannot. Do not judge all by the actions of some. I've been reading your posts for a while now, and have kept quiet, because I'd rather not get involved, and when you're dealing with someone who's so anti-cop it's did difficult to get a point across, but I can't stay quiet anymore. Yes, Garner's death is a tragedy, & I wish it had never happened, but it doesn't generalize for us all. Get off it already. Just because you've been slighted by the NYPD in the past does not give you a green light to talk all this shit. You don't even know a fraction of how bad minorities have had it, so get off your high horse.
I, for one, welcome cameras, because I think it will show oblivious people like yourself just how hard, and dangerous, our job can really be.
Signed, a proud NYPD officer.

XYZ, look I can still tag you! Good job on deleting me over petty Facebook bullshit. You're a true grown up. You have no idea what anti-police is. I'm not anti-police. I'll speak in generalizations and make blanket statements, but I know that's not what I mean. Furthermore, if you really knew about my stance on police brutality you'd have known I've defended some of these incidents in the past (such as Sean Bell) based on my own research. Yes, research. I wrote detailed thesis' about this stuff and explained justifiable causes and unjustifiable causes. I was a politics major, and the entire point of being one was to be as unbiased as possible. I've approached the system from both sides of the fence. And more recently I actually read and sorted through a lot of the released documentation about Ferguson before jumping to any pre-conceived conclusions and I was inclined to side with Darren Wilson.

Oh, but that doesn't fit the agenda of you making me out to be a blinded cop hater does it? You claim I hate all cops. And I just proved to you I didn't. And yes, because I myself have been screwed around with by cops DOES give me every right to talk shit. Are you kidding me with this tyrannical diatribe? You're actually embodying exactly the kinds of things people are frustrated with day in and day out. 'Don't speak your mind! Don't record us!' And then you push some "minorities have had it worse" line on me...ummm and I have no idea how to respond to that. So because minorities had it worse before means it's okay when these things happen? I don't understand your point. News flash, all New Yorkers had it worse. And my original post wasn't even entirely concerned with minorities. Nowhere did I mention blacks, hispanics, or whites. So why bring it up?

Seriously, man. Good job deleting me instead of getting into an actual conversation. Because your post made no sense.

This isn't the first NYPD friend of mine who's gotten this upset and deleted me without even allowing me to retort. This is their mentality. I always used to say "nope, not my friends.". But they've proved me wrong and made me look like a moron. I still have one NYPD cop friend left, but he deleted his Facebook years ago when he was recruited.
Well, obese isn't automatically an insult when it's factual, but that's not the point I was making.

In order to minimize the role that a police officer choking Eric Garner played in the choking death of Eric Garner, people are harping on the fact that he was a "ticking time bomb" with his lifestyle, namely being morbidly obese. Downplay the officer's actions and jump straight to another form of victim blaming: "he was in terrible health, anything could have done him in, the move wasn't a chokehold and it wouldn't have killed someone who wasn't in bad health!"

Though I should have put some sort of signifier in my post identifying it as sarcasm.

Yea, I heard that bullshit in a FB discussion I was having with a few buddies and it's bullshit. Would he have lived to see another day if the officer didn't choke him out? The answer is yes. He was in no immediate distress until he was put in a chokehold.

Just cause he fat doesn't mean his life is ok to take when he resists in the slightest. I'm not a little dude myself and the notion that people would be cool with me getting murdered just for resisting in the SLIGHTEST is beyond infuriating. I feel like people just trying to use any half assed mental gymnastics to back the cop.

This isn't the first NYPD friend of mine who's gotten this upset and deleted me without even allowing me to retort. This is their mentality. I always used to say "nope, not my friends.". But they've proved me wrong and made me look like a moron. I still have one NYPD cop friend left, but he deleted his Facebook years ago when he was recruited.

My mind sort of shut off after "Don't follow the liberal agenda". Beyond how ridiculous a statement that is to start with, in this particular case the cops and grand jury have been ripped apart from the left, right, and center. This hasn't been a partisan issue to anyone except for the real clowns (And even some of them haven't made it as such). The Thin Blue Line indeed.
What's the point of body cameras on cops then? This is such a clear case of murder that was all caught on tape and yet it's not even going to trial. You can't even pin this on some weak ass shit like shady witnesses or the cops defending themselves. It's just, I can't even process it. Fucking infuriating.

There's still a very good case to be made for body cameras.
It's not going to let justice prevail 100% of the time, but the case for them is still strong,

Without video evidence, the NYPD likely would have claimed the man got very violent when he obviously didn't.
My mind sort of shut off after "Don't follow the liberal agenda". Beyond how ridiculous a statement that is to start with, in this particular case the cops and grand jury have been ripped apart from the left, right, and center. This hasn't been a partisan issue to anyone except for the real clowns (And even some of them haven't made it as such). The Thin Blue Line indeed.

The words "liberal agenda" and "media" have been on loop for the past couple of years, in regards to these unwarranted deaths..it's a huge tell.


AlphaSnake, your friend comes off way better in that exchange. Your response especially started off pretty childish.
Nope, his friend is full of shit. AlphaSnake posts was obviously coming from a place of outrage and anger. I hate when people feel the need to police a person's emotional response to a tragedy they are enduring.
Here's what my NYPD friend (I guess former friend?) had to say to me in response to my outrage:




This isn't the first NYPD friend of mine who's gotten this upset and deleted me without even allowing me to retort. This is their mentality. I always used to say "nope, not my friends.". But they've proved me wrong and made me look like a moron. I still have one NYPD cop friend left, but he deleted his Facebook years ago when he was recruited.

I would have just made the point:

At what point were any of these officers even remotely in danger that they had to choke a man to death?

If that NYPD guy didn't bring politics into it, I might be able to sympathize. But apparently liberal spin means caring about a guy who was choked to death without good reason.

No doubt, he likes his place of work and tries to have pride in his organization. In a lot of ways, the NYPD does great things every day. So I can see why he's worked up about this.
Nope, his friend is full of shit. AlphaSnake posts was obviously coming from a place of outrage and anger. I hate when people feel the need to police a person's emotional response to a tragedy they are enduring.

He IS the police! It's all he knows. At least he lived to tell about it..
Lol. Came off way better after asserting distrust of the police is some sort of liberal agenda?
I think everybody got to the words "liberal agenda" and stopped reading. The guy got mad because Snake was insulting him with his childish Facebook posts, which Snake followed with a childish Facebook post. It's not hard to understand, and it certainly isn't an exchange I would share if I was Snake. It's just embarrassing.
I don't care how much someone resists arrest, anyone that is unarmed and outnumbered cannot be killed by police or any officer of the state. It is unacceptable. This should see a courtroom at the very least...

Right. The dude was swarmed and killed for selling loosies. He made it clear by saying he couldn't breath, and the officer continued to hold on.

I'm sorry, I don't think this is plain old negligence. He had to have heard, and he CHOSE to hold on. He can't say that he doesn't know what happens when a person can't breathe, so he knowingly killed the guy.

Fuck him, he should be in jail for the rest of his life.


Well, obese isn't automatically an insult when it's factual, but that's not the point I was making.

In order to minimize the role that a police officer choking Eric Garner played in the choking death of Eric Garner, people are harping on the fact that he was a "ticking time bomb" with his lifestyle, namely being morbidly obese. Downplay the officer's actions and jump straight to another form of victim blaming: "he was in terrible health, anything could have done him in, the move wasn't a chokehold and it wouldn't have killed someone who wasn't in bad health!"

Though I should have put some sort of signifier in my post identifying it as sarcasm.

For me its simple, he was obese, he had ashtma, but if the officer did not choke him, he would go on having those heatl problemss, alive.

His murder was a direct consequence of the assault he sufered from the officer. period.


AlphaSnake, your friend comes off way better in that exchange. Your response especially started off pretty childish.

Yeah, have to agree. Your reply comes across as looking for an argument, not a discussion. If I were you I'd try to be the bigger man next time.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
I think everybody got to the words "liberal agenda" and stopped reading. The guy got mad because Snake was insulting him with his childish Facebook posts, which Snake followed with a childish Facebook post. It's not hard to understand, and it certainly isn't an exchange I would share if I was Snake. It's just embarrassing.

My first quote was my actual status. It wasn't aimed at the guy. He's just a big baby.

The second quote is his response. HUR HUR MINORITIES HAD IT WORSE.

My third quote was my response where after he deleted me, I felt like poking at him to piss him off again and expose just how petty people like him are to get that upset and not give me a chance to speak.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
I have a friend who is a cop and instead of defending this kind of shit he fucking hates it with a passion. Every incident like this makes his job harder and more dangerous.


I don't care how much someone resists arrest, anyone that is unarmed and outnumbered cannot be killed by police or any officer of the state. It is unacceptable. This should see a courtroom at the very least...

Should at least be manslaughter or negligence. Even if it wasn't malicious intent. Anything. Cops have to be held accountable for their actions and mistakes just like any other person in their job. And we aren't just talking a casual mistake. This is taking someone's life.

Fact is, if this wasn't malicious intent it was still gross negligence. It was a banned technique that was lethal. The outrage is the fact that when the victim is black, so often nothing happens when their life is taken. Even in cases where is wasn't malicious, NOTHING happens. It's the same thing over and over again and it's sickening.


I would have just made the point:

At what point were any of these officers even remotely in danger that they had to choke a man to death?

If that NYPD guy didn't bring politics into it, I might be able to sympathize. But apparently liberal spin means caring about a guy who was choked to death without good reason.

No doubt, he likes his place of work and tries to have pride in his organization. In a lot of ways, the NYPD does great things every day. So I can see why he's worked up about this.

I find it really irritating when NYPD members/officials come out because they feel the need to defend the NYPD. The idea that people are taking a collective shit on the department as a whole may be annoying, but to pretend that they are coming from a place with no merit is insulting. If they are the good ones who don't promote this bullshit then they should keep on doing their duty. They don't have to come out and utter over and over "Not all cops".
My third quote was my response where after he deleted me, I felt like poking at him to piss him off again and expose just how petty people like him are to get that upset and not give me a chance to speak.
Yeah, I got that. You didn't accomplish that though, and come off as petty yourself. Especially since you felt the need to brag about it on GAF. Like I said, it doesn't really make anyone look good, but definitely not you lol.


Should at least be manslaughter or negligence. Even if it wasn't malicious intent. Anything. Cops have to be held accountable for their actions and mistakes just like any other person in their job. And we aren't just talking a casual mistake. This is taking someone's life.

Fact is, if this wasn't malicious intent it was still gross negligence. It was a banned technique that was lethal.

The most insulting thing to me in this case is that it's all over 1 cop with the chokehold. What about the others? Or the EMTs who didn't follow procedure and left him for dead? Nothing? They are all on video too.
I find it really irritating when NYPD members/officials come out because they feel the need to defend the NYPD. The idea that people are taking a collective shit on the department as a whole may be annoying, but to pretend that they are coming from a place with no merit is insulting. If they are the good ones who don't promote this bullshit then they should keep on doing their duty. They don't have to come out and utter over and over "Not all cops".

Better yet, they can take the side of the protesters. Be a united voice for change, instead of getting defensive.

There are those that can get out there and call for real actual justice. They can take an active role in making these changes. If they want to demonstrate that not all officers are bad, they can actually demonstrate with them in peaceful protest.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Yeah, I got that. You didn't accomplish that though, and come off as petty yourself. Especially since you felt the need to brag about it on GAF. Like I said, it doesn't really make anyone look good, but definitely not you lol.



I have a friend who is a cop and instead of defending this kind of shit he fucking hates it with a passion. Every incident like this makes his job harder and more dangerous.

yeah i can''t imagine this stuff makes any cop's jobs/lives easier.

I can imagine black people with gun permits when told to stop by cops actually debate internally his options of not dying... and might even come to the rationale that shooting gives him better chances of survival.

thats a scary thought.


The most insulting thing to me in this case is that it's all over 1 cop with the chokehold. What about the others? Or the EMTs who didn't follow procedure and left him for dead? Nothing? They are all on video too.

Exactly. There is so much negligence on camera, and nothing happens. These people should be fired. They should be charged with negligence and misconduct. They should be open to lawsuits. Even if they weren't malicious (not saying if they were or weren't, just saying even if they weren't)....they should be charged with something. They should be held accountable.

Any other job where you accidentally take a life, or wrong someone because of negligence, you suffer the consequences for your actions. This isn't even a mistake, it's straight up negligence. A doctor that doesn't mean to kill someone, still gets charged if their negligence leads to the death of a patient.

A cop or any of these other people shouldn't get a pass. This is what is so infuriating. People that try to defend this, try to spin it. Those that focus on Garner resisting arrest. Whatever. But you can't argue, the fact is this never should have happened (negligent actions)...and that not even that gets dealt with, fuckin terrible. Not acceptable.

IMO there is no defending this.
Can't believe people still say the "If you can talk you can breathe" baloney. No you fucking can't. You can talk without inhaling, this is literally something you can test by yourself, on the spot, in 5 seconds.


Can't believe people still say the "If you can talk you can breathe" baloney. No you fucking can't. You can talk without inhaling, this is literally something you can test by yourself, on the spot, in 5 seconds.

There were a few former police officers spouting that crap on CNN last night.

The institution has been allowed to operate this way for so long they've come view it as the way it's supposed to operate. "If we decide to arrest someone, for whatever reason, we have the right to treat them as a violent criminal." No you don't.


I like even with video evidence the cop gets off. So all the body cams on police will mean is closer up images of black people dieing at police hands.


Side note but CNN is trash and better than fox news. Truly the WWE of reporting. I recommend we just stop watching it and sharing its YouTube clips


I'm more incredulous at it happening in South Carolina.

True. I just can't help but be cynical about this and think it was done in an attempt to patch the image of the justice system.

Side note but CNN is trash and better than fox news. Truly the WWE of reporting. I recommend we just stop watching it and sharing its YouTube clips

I'd argue CNN has become worse than Fox. At least Fox News knows their base, CNN just seems lost and confused on their direction now.

Well actually I wouldn't know because I haven't watched them in years, but from posts and videos they seem even worse.


The police have increasingly separated themselves from the people they are supposed to protect and serve. They see themselves as defenders but with nothing to defend the people against they end up seeing the people as outsiders and one homogenous group. this creates ingroups/outgroups. Only the people like you are seen as real people, anyone not like you is just a bunch of stereotypes. Black people look different than white cops so they are targeted as the most obvious outsiders.
The people just see themselves being treated unfairly and don't know why, when they are doing nothing wrong (see this EXACT CASE for an example). Constant harassment from the police drives the people to get frustrated...this leads to cops seeing ANY resistance as a confrontation. This in addition to their uniforms becoming increasingly militarized allows individualization to occur. The power inherent in being a cop influences their need to control as well.

Unfortunately this will continue to occur until the police make the steps to become a part of the community again, to talk to the people they police and stop seeing everyone different from them as a homogenous group who are ALL thugs and ALL out to challenge their authority. I do not see this happening any time soon. Which is tragic, I'm sure you'll agree.

We will never know (probably) how the deliberations in the Grand Jury went but we do know a few things about human psychology.

Featheredkitten did a great job of explaining it above but I'll do a quick boil down too. Those jurors went into that room with biases, some that they may not even know of exist. Studies show that unknown racial bias exists in much greater numbers then anyone would care to admit. Just look at resume/hiring studies. So these jurors walk in with their unknown/known biases and are shown a video of a large black man surrounded by police. With just a bit of priming it wouldn't be too difficult to get a no indictment call.

While I do agree there is more going on here than just racism, it's a huge component and influenced every single part of the process from the escalation of violence against Garner to the treatment by the media to the Grand Jury proceedings.

I agree with you guys 100%.


The most insulting thing to me in this case is that it's all over 1 cop with the chokehold. What about the others? Or the EMTs who didn't follow procedure and left him for dead? Nothing? They are all on video too.
Seriously, that 7 minute video on YouTube of them just poking Garner is fucking disgusting. They're just walking around not doing shit to help him.


Should at least be manslaughter or negligence. Even if it wasn't malicious intent. Anything. Cops have to be held accountable for their actions and mistakes just like any other person in their job. And we aren't just talking a casual mistake. This is taking someone's life.

Fact is, if this wasn't malicious intent it was still gross negligence. It was a banned technique that was lethal. The outrage is the fact that when the victim is black, so often nothing happens when their life is taken. Even in cases where is wasn't malicious, NOTHING happens. It's the same thing over and over again and it's sickening.

Its just very hard to prove in a court of law what the police officer did was unlawful. To a normal person a choke hold would not kill them. This would not be even considered deadly force. It tragic that it did cause death. The police officer will get in trouble with the police department. Since what he did was against policy. Like some police department policy is not to PIT cars in chase or not to car chase at all. Nothing illegal about doing it. Sure they will sue and win in court.

I think a major problem is the resisting arrest is such a minor crime. Once you start resisting arrest just about anything a police officer does can kill you. Taser can kill you, pepper spray can kill you.... I think they really need to up the charges for resisting so it worst than most crimes. So people have serious things to consider before fighting with police in the street. Instead fight in the courtroom with a judge. With most police getting cams is should be easy to see if someone resisting arrest. Like it clear in this case he was resisting arrest.

I really haven't seen many people talk about solutions. One solution was cam but in this case we have the video. People are still upset and protesting.

The next step would be to issue tickets for "minor" crimes instead of having the police arrest everyone. Like a traffic stop. In my state you get arrested if you have any pot on you for example. While in other state is legal or just a ticket.

Something else would be a standby tact team that could have equipment and gear to handle someone that is resisting. Like they have in jail. these guys could be just train to take down people safely. This is unlikely given how costly it would be and the time it would take for a tact team to arrive.

The most insulting thing to me in this case is that it's all over 1 cop with the chokehold. What about the others? Or the EMTs who didn't follow procedure and left him for dead? Nothing? They are all on video too.
Yeah i havent seen anyone talk about this stuff. Bet if he got help right away he wouln't have died. I really do not know what the law is for EMT not helping someone. But should be a slam dunk in civil court. Huge payout for the family.
So... my office is closing at 4 because of expected "congestion due to protests". I work around 14th street. Kinda weird, right? Not sure if I should take it as a show of solidarity or of fear-mongering.
I have a friend who is a cop and instead of defending this kind of shit he fucking hates it with a passion. Every incident like this makes his job harder and more dangerous.

This really is the reaction officers should be having, not tripping over themselves shouting "NOT ALL COPS!" from the rooftops. By defending their own and taking offense at silly strawmen like "they're generalizing all of us!!", they're drawing their own attention away from the real problem of those who DO kill recklessly and get away with it. They're off having their own little conversation that has nothing to do with the real issue, because acknowledging the real issue is just way too inconvenient for them.


People still pulling out the "not all cops" bullshit. Even cops themselves. How about keeping your house in order? The cops who stand by and defend these killer cops are just as bad.

The police unions are full of bullshit liars. They circle the wagons while people are screaming for justice.


I love all these random cops and ex-cops are blaming the victim for dying cuz he resisted. Yes, blame the victim for being choked to death with all these other cops who are all over him.
Its just very hard to prove in a court of law what the police officer did was unlawful. To a normal person a choke hold would not kill them. This would not be even considered deadly force. It tragic that it did cause death. The police officer will get in trouble with the police department. Since what he did was against policy. Like some police department policy is not to PIT cars in chase or not to car chase at all. Nothing illegal about doing it. Sure they will sue and win in court.

I think a major problem is the resisting arrest is such a minor crime. Once you start resisting arrest just about anything a police officer does can kill you. Taser can kill you, pepper spray can kill you.... I think they really need to up the charges for resisting so it worst than most crimes. So people have serious things to consider before fighting with police in the street. Instead fight in the courtroom with a judge. With most police getting cams is should be easy to see if someone resisting arrest. Like it clear in this case he was resisting arrest.

I really haven't seen many people talk about solutions. One solution was cam but in this case we have the video. People are still upset and protesting.

The next step would be to issue tickets for "minor" crimes instead of having the police arrest everyone. Like a traffic stop. In my state you get arrested if you have any pot on you for example. While in other state is legal or just a ticket.

Something else would be a standby tact team that could have equipment and gear to handle someone that is resisting. Like they have in jail. these guys could be just train to take down people safely. This is unlikely given how costly it would be and the time it would take for a tact team to arrive.

Yeah i havent seen anyone talk about this stuff. Bet if he got help right away he wouln't have died. I really do not know what the law is for EMT not helping someone. But should be a slam dunk in civil court. Huge payout for the family.

I do not want to live in your world. People have the right to talk back and request to not be touched. At any time, any police officer can name anything you do as resisting arrest and you want that to be a higher crime? I'm sorry but hell the fuck no.

Did we forget what the job of a cop is suppose to do? They aren't suppose to detain and use power to collect unarmed, non threatening citizens. They are to protect, to serve us, apply force when needed if the subject is DANGEROUS or lethal.

Where in your right mind do you believe that resisting should be a higher charge and also, alluding that the solution should be fighting it in the court room? What court room? The ones that even a situation like this where death happened and it won't see the light of day to a judge? And the countless others in which cops continue to get a free pass?

The solution is for cops to be held accountable point blank period. That IS the only solution. We, the people, don't have a get out of jail free card (especially when black) but they do. There should never have been an us against them. But that's what it is now.

Body cams don't give faith to shit if even this one that was recorded was also thrown aside.


The Grand Jury got it right with the Michael Brown case but horribly wrong in this case, murder is out, but the cop should have gotten indicted on criminally negligent homicide and manslaughter especially since he used a banned maneuver. Fucking ridiculous.
The Grand Jury got it right with the Michael Brown case but horribly wrong in this case, murder is out, but the cop should have gotten indicted on criminally negligent homicide and manslaughter especially since he used a banned maneuver. Fucking ridiculous.

... no. The grand jury got it wrong. There was plenty evidence for probable cause.
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